path: root/serverboot/ext2_file_io.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'serverboot/ext2_file_io.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 983 deletions
diff --git a/serverboot/ext2_file_io.c b/serverboot/ext2_file_io.c
deleted file mode 100644
index cb915c4a..00000000
--- a/serverboot/ext2_file_io.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,983 +0,0 @@
- * Mach Operating System
- * Copyright (c) 1991,1990 Carnegie Mellon University
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
- * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright
- * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the
- * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions
- * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation.
- *
- *
- * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to
- *
- * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU
- * School of Computer Science
- * Carnegie Mellon University
- * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890
- *
- * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon
- * the rights to redistribute these changes.
- */
- * Stand-alone file reading package.
- */
-#include <device/device_types.h>
-#include <device/device.h>
-#include <mach/mach_traps.h>
-#include <mach/mach_interface.h>
-#include "file_io.h"
-#include "ffs_compat.h"
-void ext2_close_file(); /* forward */
- * Free file buffers, but don't close file.
- */
-static void
- register struct file *fp;
- register int level;
- /*
- * Free the indirect blocks
- */
- for (level = 0; level < NIADDR; level++) {
- if (fp->f_blk[level] != 0) {
- (void) vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(),
- fp->f_blk[level],
- fp->f_blksize[level]);
- fp->f_blk[level] = 0;
- }
- fp->f_blkno[level] = -1;
- }
- /*
- * Free the data block
- */
- if (fp->f_buf != 0) {
- (void) vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(),
- fp->f_buf,
- fp->f_buf_size);
- fp->f_buf = 0;
- }
- fp->f_buf_blkno = -1;
- * Read a new inode into a file structure.
- */
-static int
-read_inode(inumber, fp)
- ino_t inumber;
- register struct file *fp;
- vm_offset_t buf;
- mach_msg_type_number_t buf_size;
- register
- struct ext2_super_block *fs;
- daddr_t disk_block;
- kern_return_t rc;
- fs = fp->f_fs;
- disk_block = ino2blk(fs, fp->f_gd, inumber);
- rc = device_read(fp->f_dev,
- 0,
- (recnum_t) fsbtodb(fp->f_fs, disk_block),
- (int) EXT2_BLOCK_SIZE(fs),
- (char **)&buf,
- &buf_size);
- if (rc != KERN_SUCCESS)
- return (rc);
- {
- register struct ext2_inode *dp;
- dp = (struct ext2_inode *)buf;
- dp += itoo(fs, inumber);
- fp->i_ic = *dp;
- fp->f_size = dp->i_size;
- }
- (void) vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(), buf, buf_size);
- /*
- * Clear out the old buffers
- */
- free_file_buffers(fp);
- return (0);
- * Given an offset in a file, find the disk block number that
- * contains that block.
- */
-static int
-block_map(fp, file_block, disk_block_p)
- struct file *fp;
- daddr_t file_block;
- daddr_t *disk_block_p; /* out */
- int level;
- int idx;
- daddr_t ind_block_num;
- kern_return_t rc;
- vm_offset_t olddata[NIADDR+1];
- vm_size_t oldsize[NIADDR+1];
- /*
- * Index structure of an inode:
- *
- * i_db[0..NDADDR-1] hold block numbers for blocks
- * 0..NDADDR-1
- *
- * i_ib[0] index block 0 is the single indirect
- * block
- * holds block numbers for blocks
- *
- * i_ib[1] index block 1 is the double indirect
- * block
- * holds block numbers for INDEX blocks
- * for blocks
- * NDADDR + NINDIR(fs) ..
- * NDADDR + NINDIR(fs) + NINDIR(fs)**2 - 1
- *
- * i_ib[2] index block 2 is the triple indirect
- * block
- * holds block numbers for double-indirect
- * blocks for blocks
- * NDADDR + NINDIR(fs) + NINDIR(fs)**2 ..
- * NDADDR + NINDIR(fs) + NINDIR(fs)**2
- * + NINDIR(fs)**3 - 1
- */
- mutex_lock(&fp->f_lock);
- if (file_block < NDADDR) {
- /* Direct block. */
- *disk_block_p = fp->i_ic.i_block[file_block];
- mutex_unlock(&fp->f_lock);
- return (0);
- }
- file_block -= NDADDR;
- /*
- * nindir[0] = NINDIR
- * nindir[1] = NINDIR**2
- * nindir[2] = NINDIR**3
- * etc
- */
- for (level = 0; level < NIADDR; level++) {
- if (file_block < fp->f_nindir[level])
- break;
- file_block -= fp->f_nindir[level];
- }
- if (level == NIADDR) {
- /* Block number too high */
- mutex_unlock(&fp->f_lock);
- return (FS_NOT_IN_FILE);
- }
- ind_block_num = fp->i_ic.i_block[level + NDADDR];
- /*
- * Initialize array of blocks to free.
- */
- for (idx = 0; idx < NIADDR; idx++)
- oldsize[idx] = 0;
- for (; level >= 0; level--) {
- vm_offset_t data;
- mach_msg_type_number_t size;
- if (ind_block_num == 0)
- break;
- if (fp->f_blkno[level] == ind_block_num) {
- /*
- * Cache hit. Just pick up the data.
- */
- data = fp->f_blk[level];
- }
- else {
- /*
- * Drop our lock while doing the read.
- * (The f_dev and f_fs fields don`t change.)
- */
- mutex_unlock(&fp->f_lock);
- rc = device_read(fp->f_dev,
- 0,
- (recnum_t) fsbtodb(fp->f_fs, ind_block_num),
- EXT2_BLOCK_SIZE(fp->f_fs),
- (char **)&data,
- &size);
- if (rc != KERN_SUCCESS)
- return (rc);
- /*
- * See if we can cache the data. Need a write lock to
- * do this. While we hold the write lock, we can`t do
- * *anything* which might block for memory. Otherwise
- * a non-privileged thread might deadlock with the
- * privileged threads. We can`t block while taking the
- * write lock. Otherwise a non-privileged thread
- * blocked in the vm_deallocate (while holding a read
- * lock) will block a privileged thread. For the same
- * reason, we can`t take a read lock and then use
- * lock_read_to_write.
- */
- mutex_lock(&fp->f_lock);
- olddata[level] = fp->f_blk[level];
- oldsize[level] = fp->f_blksize[level];
- fp->f_blkno[level] = ind_block_num;
- fp->f_blk[level] = data;
- fp->f_blksize[level] = size;
- /*
- * Return to holding a read lock, and
- * dispose of old data.
- */
- }
- if (level > 0) {
- idx = file_block / fp->f_nindir[level-1];
- file_block %= fp->f_nindir[level-1];
- }
- else
- idx = file_block;
- ind_block_num = ((daddr_t *)data)[idx];
- }
- mutex_unlock(&fp->f_lock);
- /*
- * After unlocking the file, free any blocks that
- * we need to free.
- */
- for (idx = 0; idx < NIADDR; idx++)
- if (oldsize[idx] != 0)
- (void) vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(),
- olddata[idx],
- oldsize[idx]);
- *disk_block_p = ind_block_num;
- return (0);
- * Read a portion of a file into an internal buffer. Return
- * the location in the buffer and the amount in the buffer.
- */
-static int
-buf_read_file(fp, offset, buf_p, size_p)
- register struct file *fp;
- vm_offset_t offset;
- vm_offset_t *buf_p; /* out */
- vm_size_t *size_p; /* out */
- register
- struct ext2_super_block *fs;
- vm_offset_t off;
- register daddr_t file_block;
- daddr_t disk_block;
- int rc;
- vm_offset_t block_size;
- if (offset >= fp->i_ic.i_size)
- return (FS_NOT_IN_FILE);
- fs = fp->f_fs;
- off = blkoff(fs, offset);
- file_block = lblkno(fs, offset);
- block_size = blksize(fs, fp, file_block);
- if (file_block != fp->f_buf_blkno) {
- rc = block_map(fp, file_block, &disk_block);
- if (rc != 0)
- return (rc);
- if (fp->f_buf)
- (void)vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(),
- fp->f_buf,
- fp->f_buf_size);
- if (disk_block == 0) {
- (void)vm_allocate(mach_task_self(),
- &fp->f_buf,
- block_size,
- TRUE);
- fp->f_buf_size = block_size;
- }
- else {
- rc = device_read(fp->f_dev,
- 0,
- (recnum_t) fsbtodb(fs, disk_block),
- (int) block_size,
- (char **) &fp->f_buf,
- (mach_msg_type_number_t *)&fp->f_buf_size);
- }
- if (rc)
- return (rc);
- fp->f_buf_blkno = file_block;
- }
- /*
- * Return address of byte in buffer corresponding to
- * offset, and size of remainder of buffer after that
- * byte.
- */
- *buf_p = fp->f_buf + off;
- *size_p = block_size - off;
- /*
- * But truncate buffer at end of file.
- */
- if (*size_p > fp->i_ic.i_size - offset)
- *size_p = fp->i_ic.i_size - offset;
- return (0);
- * Search a directory for a name and return its
- * i_number.
- */
-static int
-search_directory(name, fp, inumber_p)
- char * name;
- register struct file *fp;
- ino_t *inumber_p; /* out */
- vm_offset_t buf;
- vm_size_t buf_size;
- vm_offset_t offset;
- struct ext2_dir_entry_2 *dp;
- int length;
- kern_return_t rc;
- char tmp_name[256];
- length = strlen(name);
- offset = 0;
- while (offset < fp->i_ic.i_size) {
- rc = buf_read_file(fp, offset, &buf, &buf_size);
- if (rc != KERN_SUCCESS)
- return (rc);
- dp = (struct ext2_dir_entry_2 *)buf;
- if (dp->inode != 0) {
- strncpy (tmp_name, dp->name, dp->name_len);
- tmp_name[dp->name_len] = '\0';
- if (dp->name_len == length &&
- !strcmp(name, tmp_name))
- {
- /* found entry */
- *inumber_p = dp->inode;
- return (0);
- }
- }
- offset += dp->rec_len;
- }
- return (FS_NO_ENTRY);
-static int
-read_fs(dev, fsp, gdp, gd_size_p)
- mach_port_t dev;
- struct ext2_super_block **fsp;
- struct ext2_group_desc **gdp;
- vm_size_t *gd_size_p;
- register
- struct ext2_super_block *fs;
- vm_offset_t buf;
- vm_offset_t buf2;
- mach_msg_type_number_t buf_size;
- mach_msg_type_number_t buf2_size;
- int error;
- int gd_count;
- int gd_blocks;
- int gd_size;
- int gd_location;
- int gd_sector;
- /*
- * Read the super block
- */
- error = device_read(dev, 0, (recnum_t) SBLOCK, SBSIZE,
- (char **) &buf, &buf_size);
- if (error)
- return (error);
- /*
- * Check the superblock
- */
- fs = (struct ext2_super_block *)buf;
- if (fs->s_magic != EXT2_SUPER_MAGIC) {
- (void) vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(), buf, buf_size);
- return (FS_INVALID_FS);
- }
- *fsp = fs;
- /*
- * Compute the groups informations
- */
- gd_count = (fs->s_blocks_count - fs->s_first_data_block +
- fs->s_blocks_per_group - 1) / fs->s_blocks_per_group;
- gd_blocks = (gd_count + EXT2_DESC_PER_BLOCK(fs) - 1) /
- gd_size = gd_blocks * EXT2_BLOCK_SIZE(fs);
- gd_location = fs->s_first_data_block + 1;
- gd_sector = (gd_location * EXT2_BLOCK_SIZE(fs)) / DEV_BSIZE;
- /*
- * Read the groups descriptors
- */
- error = device_read(dev, 0, (recnum_t) gd_sector, gd_size,
- (char **) &buf2, &buf2_size);
- if (error) {
- (void) vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(), buf, buf_size);
- return error;
- }
- *gdp = (struct ext2_group_desc *) buf2;
- *gd_size_p = gd_size;
- return 0;
-static int
- register struct file *fp;
- register struct ext2_super_block *fs;
- int error;
- error = read_fs(fp->f_dev, &fp->f_fs, &fp->f_gd, &fp->f_gd_size);
- if (error)
- return (error);
- fs = fp->f_fs;
- /*
- * Calculate indirect block levels.
- */
- {
- register int mult;
- register int level;
- mult = 1;
- for (level = 0; level < NIADDR; level++) {
- mult *= NINDIR(fs);
- fp->f_nindir[level] = mult;
- }
- }
- return (0);
-static void
- register struct file *fp;
- if (file_is_structured(fp)) {
- (void) vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(),
- (vm_offset_t) fp->f_fs,
- (void) vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(),
- (vm_offset_t) fp->f_gd,
- fp->f_gd_size);
- fp->f_fs = 0;
- }
- * Open a file.
- */
-ext2_open_file(master_device_port, path, fp)
- mach_port_t master_device_port;
- char * path;
- struct file *fp;
-#define RETURN(code) { rc = (code); goto exit; }
- register char *cp, *component;
- register int c; /* char */
- register int rc;
- ino_t inumber, parent_inumber;
- int nlinks = 0;
- char namebuf[MAXPATHLEN+1];
- if (path == 0 || *path == '\0') {
- return FS_NO_ENTRY;
- }
- /*
- * Copy name into buffer to allow modifying it.
- */
- strcpy(namebuf, path);
- /*
- * Look for '/dev/xxx' at start of path, for
- * root device.
- */
- if (!strprefix(namebuf, "/dev/")) {
- printf("no device name\n");
- return FS_NO_ENTRY;
- }
- cp = namebuf + 5; /* device */
- component = cp;
- while ((c = *cp) != '\0' && c != '/') {
- cp++;
- }
- *cp = '\0';
- bzero (fp, sizeof (struct file));
- rc = device_open(master_device_port,
- component,
- &fp->f_dev);
- if (rc)
- return rc;
- if (c == 0) {
- fp->f_fs = 0;
- goto out_ok;
- }
- *cp = c;
- rc = mount_fs(fp);
- if (rc)
- return rc;
- inumber = (ino_t) ROOTINO;
- if ((rc = read_inode(inumber, fp)) != 0) {
- printf("can't read root inode\n");
- goto exit;
- }
- while (*cp) {
- /*
- * Check that current node is a directory.
- */
- if ((fp->i_ic.i_mode & IFMT) != IFDIR)
- /*
- * Remove extra separators
- */
- while (*cp == '/')
- cp++;
- /*
- * Get next component of path name.
- */
- component = cp;
- {
- register int len = 0;
- while ((c = *cp) != '\0' && c != '/') {
- if (len++ > MAXNAMLEN)
- if (c & 0200)
- cp++;
- }
- *cp = 0;
- }
- /*
- * Look up component in current directory.
- * Save directory inumber in case we find a
- * symbolic link.
- */
- parent_inumber = inumber;
- rc = search_directory(component, fp, &inumber);
- if (rc) {
- printf("%s: not found\n", path);
- goto exit;
- }
- *cp = c;
- /*
- * Open next component.
- */
- if ((rc = read_inode(inumber, fp)) != 0)
- goto exit;
- /*
- * Check for symbolic link.
- */
- if ((fp->i_ic.i_mode & IFMT) == IFLNK) {
- int link_len = fp->i_ic.i_size;
- int len;
- len = strlen(cp) + 1;
- if (link_len + len >= MAXPATHLEN - 1)
- if (++nlinks > MAXSYMLINKS)
- memmove(&namebuf[link_len], cp, len);
- if (fp->i_ic.i_blocks == 0) {
- bcopy(fp->i_ic.i_block, namebuf, (unsigned) link_len);
- }
- else
-#endif /* IC_FASTLINK */
- {
- /*
- * Read file for symbolic link
- */
- vm_offset_t buf;
- mach_msg_type_number_t buf_size;
- daddr_t disk_block;
- register struct ext2_super_block *fs = fp->f_fs;
- (void) block_map(fp, (daddr_t)0, &disk_block);
- rc = device_read(fp->f_dev,
- 0,
- (recnum_t) fsbtodb(fs, disk_block),
- (int) blksize(fs, fp, 0),
- (char **) &buf,
- &buf_size);
- if (rc)
- goto exit;
- bcopy((char *)buf, namebuf, (unsigned)link_len);
- (void) vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(), buf, buf_size);
- }
- /*
- * If relative pathname, restart at parent directory.
- * If absolute pathname, restart at root.
- * If pathname begins '/dev/<device>/',
- * restart at root of that device.
- */
- cp = namebuf;
- if (*cp != '/') {
- inumber = parent_inumber;
- }
- else if (!strprefix(cp, "/dev/")) {
- inumber = (ino_t)ROOTINO;
- }
- else {
- cp += 5;
- component = cp;
- while ((c = *cp) != '\0' && c != '/') {
- cp++;
- }
- *cp = '\0';
- /*
- * Unmount current file system and free buffers.
- */
- ext2_close_file(fp);
- /*
- * Open new root device.
- */
- rc = device_open(master_device_port,
- component,
- &fp->f_dev);
- if (rc)
- return (rc);
- if (c == 0) {
- fp->f_fs = 0;
- goto out_ok;
- }
- *cp = c;
- rc = mount_fs(fp);
- if (rc)
- return (rc);
- inumber = (ino_t)ROOTINO;
- }
- if ((rc = read_inode(inumber, fp)) != 0)
- goto exit;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Found terminal component.
- */
- out_ok:
- mutex_init(&fp->f_lock);
- return 0;
- /*
- * At error exit, close file to free storage.
- */
- exit:
- ext2_close_file(fp);
- return rc;
- * Close file - free all storage used.
- */
- register struct file *fp;
- register int i;
- /*
- * Free the disk super-block.
- */
- unmount_fs(fp);
- /*
- * Free the inode and data buffers.
- */
- free_file_buffers(fp);
-ext2_file_is_directory(struct file *fp)
- return (fp->i_ic.i_mode & IFMT) == IFDIR;
-ext2_file_is_regular(struct file *fp)
- return (fp->i_ic.i_mode & IFMT) == IFREG;
- * Copy a portion of a file into kernel memory.
- * Cross block boundaries when necessary.
- */
-ext2_read_file(fp, offset, start, size, resid)
- register struct file *fp;
- vm_offset_t offset;
- vm_offset_t start;
- vm_size_t size;
- vm_size_t *resid; /* out */
- int rc;
- register vm_size_t csize;
- vm_offset_t buf;
- vm_size_t buf_size;
- while (size != 0) {
- rc = buf_read_file(fp, offset, &buf, &buf_size);
- if (rc)
- return (rc);
- csize = size;
- if (csize > buf_size)
- csize = buf_size;
- if (csize == 0)
- break;
- bcopy((char *)buf, (char *)start, csize);
- offset += csize;
- start += csize;
- size -= csize;
- }
- if (resid)
- *resid = size;
- return (0);
-/* simple utility: only works for 2^n */
-static int
- register unsigned int n;
- register int i = 0;
- while ((n & 1) == 0) {
- i++;
- n >>= 1;
- }
- return i;
- * Make an empty file_direct for a device.
- */
-ext2_open_file_direct(dev, fdp, is_structured)
- mach_port_t dev;
- register struct file_direct *fdp;
- boolean_t is_structured;
- struct ext2_super_block *fs;
- struct ext2_group_desc *gd;
- vm_size_t gd_size;
- int rc;
- if (!is_structured) {
- fdp->fd_dev = dev;
- fdp->fd_blocks = (daddr_t *) 0;
- fdp->fd_bsize = vm_page_size;
- fdp->fd_bshift = log2(vm_page_size);
- fdp->fd_fsbtodb = 0; /* later */
- fdp->fd_size = 0; /* later */
- return 0;
- }
- rc = read_fs(dev, &fs, &gd, &gd_size);
- if (rc)
- return rc;
- fdp->fd_dev = dev;
- fdp->fd_blocks = (daddr_t *) 0;
- fdp->fd_size = 0;
- fdp->fd_bsize = EXT2_BLOCK_SIZE(fs);
- fdp->fd_bshift = log2(fdp->fd_bsize);
- fdp->fd_fsbtodb = log2(fdp->fd_bsize / DEV_BSIZE);
- (void) vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(),
- (vm_offset_t) fs,
- (void) vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(),
- (vm_offset_t) gd,
- gd_size);
- return 0;
- * Add blocks from a file to a file_direct.
- */
-ext2_add_file_direct(fdp, fp)
- register struct file_direct *fdp;
- register struct file *fp;
- register struct ext2_super_block *fs;
- long num_blocks, i;
- vm_offset_t buffer;
- vm_size_t size;
- int rc;
- /* the file must be on the same device */
- if (fdp->fd_dev != fp->f_dev)
- return FS_INVALID_FS;
- if (!file_is_structured(fp)) {
- int result[DEV_GET_SIZE_COUNT];
- natural_t count;
- rc = device_get_status( fdp->fd_dev, DEV_GET_SIZE,
- result, &count);
- if (rc)
- return rc;
- fdp->fd_size = result[DEV_GET_SIZE_DEVICE_SIZE] >> fdp->fd_bshift;
- fdp->fd_fsbtodb = log2(fdp->fd_bsize/result[DEV_GET_SIZE_RECORD_SIZE]);
- return 0;
- }
- /* it must hold a file system */
- fs = fp->f_fs;
- if (fdp->fd_bsize != fs->fs_bsize ||
- fdp->fd_fsbtodb != fs->fs_fsbtodb)
- if (fdp->fd_bsize != EXT2_BLOCK_SIZE(fs))
- return FS_INVALID_FS;
- /* calculate number of blocks in the file, ignoring fragments */
- num_blocks = lblkno(fs, fp->i_ic.i_size);
- /* allocate memory for a bigger array */
- size = (num_blocks + fdp->fd_size) * sizeof(daddr_t);
- rc = vm_allocate(mach_task_self(), &buffer, size, TRUE);
- if (rc != KERN_SUCCESS)
- return rc;
- /* lookup new block addresses */
- for (i = 0; i < num_blocks; i++) {
- daddr_t disk_block;
- rc = block_map(fp, (daddr_t) i, &disk_block);
- if (rc != 0) {
- (void) vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(), buffer, size);
- return rc;
- }
- ((daddr_t *) buffer)[fdp->fd_size + i] = disk_block;
- }
- /* copy old addresses and install the new array */
- if (fdp->fd_blocks != 0) {
- bcopy((char *) fdp->fd_blocks, (char *) buffer,
- fdp->fd_size * sizeof(daddr_t));
- (void) vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(),
- (vm_offset_t) fdp->fd_blocks,
- (vm_size_t) (fdp->fd_size * sizeof(daddr_t)));
- }
- fdp->fd_blocks = (daddr_t *) buffer;
- fdp->fd_size += num_blocks;
- /* deallocate cached blocks */
- free_file_buffers(fp);
- return 0;
- struct file_direct *fdp;
- if (fdp->fd_blocks)
- (void) vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(),
- (vm_offset_t) fdp->fd_blocks,
- (vm_size_t) (fdp->fd_size * sizeof(daddr_t)));
- fdp->fd_blocks = 0; /* sanity */
- /* xxx should lose a ref to fdp->fd_dev here (and elsewhere) xxx */