path: root/proc_proxy
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'proc_proxy')
1 files changed, 383 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/proc_proxy/ourdevice.defs b/proc_proxy/ourdevice.defs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ba9a2d80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proc_proxy/ourdevice.defs
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+# 1 "device.defs"
+# 1 "<built-in>"
+# 1 "<command-line>"
+# 1 "device.defs"
+# 1 "/usr/include/device/device.defs" 1 3 4
+# 39 "/usr/include/device/device.defs" 3 4
+ device 2800;
+# 1 "/usr/include/mach/std_types.defs" 1 3 4
+# 33 "/usr/include/mach/std_types.defs" 3 4
+type char = MACH_MSG_TYPE_CHAR;
+type short = MACH_MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_16;
+type int = MACH_MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32;
+type int32 = MACH_MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32;
+type int64 = MACH_MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_64;
+type boolean_t = MACH_MSG_TYPE_BOOLEAN;
+type unsigned = MACH_MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32;
+type unsigned32 = MACH_MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32;
+type unsigned64 = MACH_MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_64;
+# 1 "/usr/include/mach/machine/machine_types.defs" 1 3 4
+# 50 "/usr/include/mach/machine/machine_types.defs" 3 4
+type natural_t = unsigned32;
+# 59 "/usr/include/mach/machine/machine_types.defs" 3 4
+type integer_t = int32;
+# 45 "/usr/include/mach/std_types.defs" 2 3 4
+type kern_return_t = int;
+type pointer_t = ^array[] of MACH_MSG_TYPE_BYTE
+ ctype: vm_offset_t;
+type mach_port_t = MACH_MSG_TYPE_COPY_SEND;
+type mach_port_array_t = array[] of mach_port_t;
+type mach_port_name_t = MACH_MSG_TYPE_PORT_NAME
+ ctype: mach_port_t;
+type mach_port_name_array_t = array[] of mach_port_name_t
+ ctype: mach_port_array_t;
+type mach_port_right_t = natural_t;
+type mach_port_type_t = natural_t;
+type mach_port_type_array_t = array[] of mach_port_type_t;
+type mach_port_urefs_t = natural_t;
+type mach_port_delta_t = integer_t;
+type mach_port_seqno_t = natural_t;
+type mach_port_mscount_t = unsigned;
+type mach_port_msgcount_t = unsigned;
+type mach_port_rights_t = unsigned;
+type mach_msg_id_t = integer_t;
+type mach_msg_type_name_t = unsigned;
+type mach_msg_type_number_t = natural_t;
+type mach_port_move_receive_t = MACH_MSG_TYPE_MOVE_RECEIVE
+ ctype: mach_port_t;
+type mach_port_copy_send_t = MACH_MSG_TYPE_COPY_SEND
+ ctype: mach_port_t;
+type mach_port_make_send_t = MACH_MSG_TYPE_MAKE_SEND
+ ctype: mach_port_t;
+type mach_port_move_send_t = MACH_MSG_TYPE_MOVE_SEND
+ ctype: mach_port_t;
+type mach_port_make_send_once_t = MACH_MSG_TYPE_MAKE_SEND_ONCE
+ ctype: mach_port_t;
+type mach_port_move_send_once_t = MACH_MSG_TYPE_MOVE_SEND_ONCE
+ ctype: mach_port_t;
+type mach_port_receive_t = MACH_MSG_TYPE_PORT_RECEIVE
+ ctype: mach_port_t;
+type mach_port_send_t = MACH_MSG_TYPE_PORT_SEND
+ ctype: mach_port_t;
+type mach_port_send_once_t = MACH_MSG_TYPE_PORT_SEND_ONCE
+ ctype: mach_port_t;
+type mach_port_poly_t = polymorphic
+ ctype: mach_port_t;
+import <mach/std_types.h>;
+# 46 "/usr/include/device/device.defs" 2 3 4
+# 1 "/usr/include/mach/mach_types.defs" 1 3 4
+# 61 "/usr/include/mach/mach_types.defs" 3 4
+type mach_port_status_t = struct[9] of integer_t;
+type old_mach_port_status_t = struct[8] of integer_t;
+type task_t = mach_port_t
+ ctype: mach_port_t
+ ;
+# 85 "/usr/include/mach/mach_types.defs" 3 4
+type thread_t = mach_port_t
+ ctype: mach_port_t
+ ;
+type thread_state_t = array[*:1024] of natural_t;
+type task_array_t = ^array[] of task_t;
+type thread_array_t = ^array[] of thread_t;
+type vm_task_t = mach_port_t
+ ctype: mach_port_t
+ ;
+type ipc_space_t = mach_port_t
+ ctype: mach_port_t
+ ;
+type vm_address_t = natural_t;
+type vm_offset_t = natural_t;
+type vm_size_t = natural_t;
+type vm_prot_t = int;
+type vm_inherit_t = int;
+type vm_statistics_data_t = struct[13] of integer_t;
+type vm_machine_attribute_t = int;
+type vm_machine_attribute_val_t = int;
+type thread_info_t = array[*:1024] of natural_t;
+type thread_basic_info_data_t = struct[11] of integer_t;
+type thread_sched_info_data_t = struct[7] of integer_t;
+type task_info_t = array[*:1024] of natural_t;
+type task_basic_info_data_t = struct[8] of integer_t;
+type task_events_info = struct[7] of natural_t;
+type task_thread_times_info_data_t = struct[4] of integer_t;
+type memory_object_t = mach_port_t
+ ctype: mach_port_t
+ ;
+type memory_object_control_t = mach_port_t
+ ctype: mach_port_t
+ ;
+type memory_object_name_t = mach_port_t
+ ctype: mach_port_t
+ ;
+type memory_object_copy_strategy_t = int;
+type memory_object_return_t = int;
+type machine_info_data_t = struct[5] of integer_t;
+type machine_slot_data_t = struct[8] of integer_t;
+type host_t = mach_port_t
+ ctype: mach_port_t
+ ;
+type host_priv_t = mach_port_t
+ ctype: mach_port_t
+ ;
+type host_info_t = array[*:1024] of natural_t;
+type host_basic_info_data_t = struct[5] of integer_t;
+type host_sched_info_data_t = struct[2] of integer_t;
+type host_load_info_data_t = struct[6] of integer_t;
+type processor_t = mach_port_t
+ ctype: mach_port_t
+ ;
+type processor_array_t = ^array[] of processor_t;
+type processor_info_t = array[*:1024] of natural_t;
+type processor_basic_info_data_t = struct[5] of integer_t;
+type processor_set_t = mach_port_t
+ ctype: mach_port_t
+ ;
+type processor_set_array_t = ^array[] of processor_set_t;
+type processor_set_name_t = mach_port_t
+ ctype: mach_port_t
+ ;
+type processor_set_name_array_t = ^array[] of processor_set_name_t;
+type processor_set_info_t = array[*:1024] of natural_t;
+type processor_set_basic_info_data_t = struct[5] of integer_t;
+type processor_set_sched_info_data_t = struct[2] of integer_t;
+type kernel_version_t = (MACH_MSG_TYPE_STRING, 512*8);
+type kernel_boot_info_t = (MACH_MSG_TYPE_STRING, 4096*8);
+type time_value_t = struct[2] of integer_t;
+type emulation_vector_t = ^array[] of vm_offset_t;
+type xxx_emulation_vector_t = array[*:1024] of vm_offset_t
+ ctype: emulation_vector_t;
+type rpc_signature_info_t = array[*:1024] of int;
+# 250 "/usr/include/mach/mach_types.defs" 3 4
+import <mach/mach_types.h>;
+# 47 "/usr/include/device/device.defs" 2 3 4
+# 1 "/usr/include/device/device_types.defs" 1 3 4
+# 42 "/usr/include/device/device_types.defs" 3 4
+type recnum_t = unsigned32;
+type dev_mode_t = unsigned32;
+type dev_flavor_t = unsigned32;
+type dev_name_t = (MACH_MSG_TYPE_STRING_C, 8*128);
+type dev_status_t = array[*:1024] of int;
+type io_buf_ptr_t = ^array[] of MACH_MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_8;
+type io_buf_ptr_inband_t= array[*:128] of char;
+type filter_t = short;
+type filter_array_t = array[*:128] of filter_t;
+type device_t = mach_port_t
+ ctype: mach_port_t
+ ;
+import <device/device_types.h>;
+import <device/net_status.h>;
+# 48 "/usr/include/device/device.defs" 2 3 4
+serverprefix ds_;
+type reply_port_t = MACH_MSG_TYPE_MAKE_SEND_ONCE | polymorphic
+ ctype: mach_port_t;
+routine device_open(
+ master_port : mach_port_t;
+ sreplyport reply_port : reply_port_t;
+ mode : dev_mode_t;
+ name : dev_name_t;
+ out device : mach_port_send_t
+ );
+routine device_close(
+ device : device_t
+ );
+routine device_write(
+ device : device_t;
+ sreplyport reply_port : reply_port_t;
+ in mode : dev_mode_t;
+ in recnum : recnum_t;
+ in data : io_buf_ptr_t;
+ out bytes_written : int
+ );
+routine device_write_inband(
+ device : device_t;
+ sreplyport reply_port : reply_port_t;
+ in mode : dev_mode_t;
+ in recnum : recnum_t;
+ in data : io_buf_ptr_inband_t;
+ out bytes_written : int
+ );
+routine device_read(
+ device : device_t;
+ sreplyport reply_port : reply_port_t;
+ in mode : dev_mode_t;
+ in recnum : recnum_t;
+ in bytes_wanted : int;
+ out data : io_buf_ptr_t
+ );
+routine device_read_inband(
+ device : device_t;
+ sreplyport reply_port : reply_port_t;
+ in mode : dev_mode_t;
+ in recnum : recnum_t;
+ in bytes_wanted : int;
+ out data : io_buf_ptr_inband_t
+ );
+routine xxx_device_set_status(
+ device : device_t;
+ in flavor : dev_flavor_t;
+ in status : dev_status_t, IsLong
+ );
+routine xxx_device_get_status(
+ device : device_t;
+ in flavor : dev_flavor_t;
+ out status : dev_status_t, IsLong
+ );
+routine xxx_device_set_filter(
+ device : device_t;
+ in receive_port : mach_port_send_t;
+ in priority : int;
+ in filter : filter_array_t, IsLong
+ );
+routine device_map(
+ device : device_t;
+ in prot : vm_prot_t;
+ in offset : vm_offset_t;
+ in size : vm_size_t;
+ out pager : memory_object_t;
+ in unmap : int
+ );
+routine device_set_status(
+ device : device_t;
+ in flavor : dev_flavor_t;
+ in status : dev_status_t
+ );
+routine device_get_status(
+ device : device_t;
+ in flavor : dev_flavor_t;
+ out status : dev_status_t, CountInOut
+ );
+routine device_set_filter(
+ device : device_t;
+ in receive_port : mach_port_send_t;
+ in priority : int;
+ in filter : filter_array_t
+ );
+# 1 "device.defs" 2