path: root/libdde-linux26/contrib/include/pcmcia/ss.h
diff options
authorSamuel Thibault <>2013-07-27 22:15:01 +0000
committerSamuel Thibault <>2013-07-27 22:15:01 +0000
commit7996a3d79d55b7f879dfd62e202bbfe2963718d3 (patch)
tree8d9f6759fec4099b9be503c11c7ed174f7204980 /libdde-linux26/contrib/include/pcmcia/ss.h
parent4fbe7358c7747a9165f776eb19addbb9baf7def2 (diff)
really properly move files
Diffstat (limited to 'libdde-linux26/contrib/include/pcmcia/ss.h')
1 files changed, 294 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libdde-linux26/contrib/include/pcmcia/ss.h b/libdde-linux26/contrib/include/pcmcia/ss.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9b4ac938
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libdde-linux26/contrib/include/pcmcia/ss.h
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+ * ss.h
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * The initial developer of the original code is David A. Hinds
+ * <>. Portions created by David A. Hinds
+ * are Copyright (C) 1999 David A. Hinds. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * (C) 1999 David A. Hinds
+ */
+#ifndef _LINUX_SS_H
+#define _LINUX_SS_H
+#include <linux/device.h>
+#include <linux/sched.h> /* task_struct, completion */
+#include <linux/mutex.h>
+#include <pcmcia/cs_types.h>
+#include <pcmcia/cs.h>
+#include <linux/pci.h>
+/* Definitions for card status flags for GetStatus */
+#define SS_WRPROT 0x0001
+#define SS_CARDLOCK 0x0002
+#define SS_EJECTION 0x0004
+#define SS_INSERTION 0x0008
+#define SS_BATDEAD 0x0010
+#define SS_BATWARN 0x0020
+#define SS_READY 0x0040
+#define SS_DETECT 0x0080
+#define SS_POWERON 0x0100
+#define SS_GPI 0x0200
+#define SS_STSCHG 0x0400
+#define SS_CARDBUS 0x0800
+#define SS_3VCARD 0x1000
+#define SS_XVCARD 0x2000
+#define SS_PENDING 0x4000
+#define SS_ZVCARD 0x8000
+/* InquireSocket capabilities */
+#define SS_CAP_PAGE_REGS 0x0001
+#define SS_CAP_VIRTUAL_BUS 0x0002
+#define SS_CAP_MEM_ALIGN 0x0004
+#define SS_CAP_STATIC_MAP 0x0008
+#define SS_CAP_PCCARD 0x4000
+#define SS_CAP_CARDBUS 0x8000
+/* for GetSocket, SetSocket */
+typedef struct socket_state_t {
+ u_int flags;
+ u_int csc_mask;
+ u_char Vcc, Vpp;
+ u_char io_irq;
+} socket_state_t;
+extern socket_state_t dead_socket;
+/* Socket configuration flags */
+#define SS_PWR_AUTO 0x0010
+#define SS_IOCARD 0x0020
+#define SS_RESET 0x0040
+#define SS_DMA_MODE 0x0080
+#define SS_SPKR_ENA 0x0100
+#define SS_OUTPUT_ENA 0x0200
+/* Flags for I/O port and memory windows */
+#define MAP_ACTIVE 0x01
+#define MAP_16BIT 0x02
+#define MAP_AUTOSZ 0x04
+#define MAP_0WS 0x08
+#define MAP_WRPROT 0x10
+#define MAP_ATTRIB 0x20
+#define MAP_USE_WAIT 0x40
+#define MAP_PREFETCH 0x80
+/* Use this just for bridge windows */
+#define MAP_IOSPACE 0x20
+/* power hook operations */
+#define HOOK_POWER_PRE 0x01
+#define HOOK_POWER_POST 0x02
+typedef struct pccard_io_map {
+ u_char map;
+ u_char flags;
+ u_short speed;
+ u_int start, stop;
+} pccard_io_map;
+typedef struct pccard_mem_map {
+ u_char map;
+ u_char flags;
+ u_short speed;
+ u_long static_start;
+ u_int card_start;
+ struct resource *res;
+} pccard_mem_map;
+typedef struct io_window_t {
+ u_int InUse, Config;
+ struct resource *res;
+} io_window_t;
+#define WINDOW_MAGIC 0xB35C
+typedef struct window_t {
+ u_short magic;
+ u_short index;
+ struct pcmcia_device *handle;
+ struct pcmcia_socket *sock;
+ pccard_mem_map ctl;
+} window_t;
+/* Maximum number of IO windows per socket */
+#define MAX_IO_WIN 2
+/* Maximum number of memory windows per socket */
+#define MAX_WIN 4
+ * Socket operations.
+ */
+struct pcmcia_socket;
+struct pccard_resource_ops;
+struct config_t;
+struct pcmcia_callback;
+struct user_info_t;
+struct pccard_operations {
+ int (*init)(struct pcmcia_socket *s);
+ int (*suspend)(struct pcmcia_socket *s);
+ int (*get_status)(struct pcmcia_socket *s, u_int *value);
+ int (*set_socket)(struct pcmcia_socket *s, socket_state_t *state);
+ int (*set_io_map)(struct pcmcia_socket *s, struct pccard_io_map *io);
+ int (*set_mem_map)(struct pcmcia_socket *s, struct pccard_mem_map *mem);
+struct pcmcia_socket {
+ struct module *owner;
+ spinlock_t lock;
+ socket_state_t socket;
+ u_int state;
+ u_short functions;
+ u_short lock_count;
+ pccard_mem_map cis_mem;
+ void __iomem *cis_virt;
+ struct {
+ u_int AssignedIRQ;
+ u_int Config;
+ } irq;
+ io_window_t io[MAX_IO_WIN];
+ window_t win[MAX_WIN];
+ struct list_head cis_cache;
+ size_t fake_cis_len;
+ u8 *fake_cis;
+ struct list_head socket_list;
+ struct completion socket_released;
+ /* deprecated */
+ unsigned int sock; /* socket number */
+ /* socket capabilities */
+ u_int features;
+ u_int irq_mask;
+ u_int map_size;
+ u_int io_offset;
+ u_char pci_irq;
+ struct pci_dev * cb_dev;
+ /* socket setup is done so resources should be able to be allocated.
+ * Only if set to 1, calls to find_{io,mem}_region are handled, and
+ * insertio events are actually managed by the PCMCIA layer.*/
+ u8 resource_setup_done:1;
+ /* It's old if resource setup is done using adjust_resource_info() */
+ u8 resource_setup_old:1;
+ u8 resource_setup_new:1;
+ u8 reserved:5;
+ /* socket operations */
+ struct pccard_operations * ops;
+ struct pccard_resource_ops * resource_ops;
+ void * resource_data;
+ /* Zoom video behaviour is so chip specific its not worth adding
+ this to _ops */
+ void (*zoom_video)(struct pcmcia_socket *,
+ int);
+ /* so is power hook */
+ int (*power_hook)(struct pcmcia_socket *sock, int operation);
+ /* allows tuning the CB bridge before loading driver for the CB card */
+ void (*tune_bridge)(struct pcmcia_socket *sock, struct pci_bus *bus);
+ /* state thread */
+ struct task_struct *thread;
+ struct completion thread_done;
+ unsigned int thread_events;
+ /* protects socket h/w state */
+ struct mutex skt_mutex;
+ /* protects thread_events */
+ spinlock_t thread_lock;
+ /* pcmcia (16-bit) */
+ struct pcmcia_callback *callback;
+#if defined(CONFIG_PCMCIA) || defined(CONFIG_PCMCIA_MODULE)
+ /* The following elements refer to 16-bit PCMCIA devices inserted
+ * into the socket */
+ struct list_head devices_list;
+ /* the number of devices, used only internally and subject to
+ * incorrectness and change */
+ u8 device_count;
+ /* 16-bit state: */
+ struct {
+ /* PCMCIA card is present in socket */
+ u8 present:1;
+ /* "master" ioctl is used */
+ u8 busy:1;
+ /* pcmcia module is being unloaded */
+ u8 dead:1;
+ /* a multifunction-device add event is pending */
+ u8 device_add_pending:1;
+ /* the pending event adds a mfc (1) or pfc (0) */
+ u8 mfc_pfc:1;
+ u8 reserved:3;
+ } pcmcia_state;
+ /* for adding further pseudo-multifunction devices */
+ struct work_struct device_add;
+ struct user_info_t *user;
+ wait_queue_head_t queue;
+#endif /* CONFIG_PCMCIA */
+ /* cardbus (32-bit) */
+ struct resource * cb_cis_res;
+ void __iomem *cb_cis_virt;
+#endif /* CONFIG_CARDBUS */
+ /* socket device */
+ struct device dev;
+ /* data internal to the socket driver */
+ void *driver_data;
+/* socket drivers must define the resource operations type they use. There
+ * are three options:
+ * - pccard_static_ops iomem and ioport areas are assigned statically
+ * - pccard_iodyn_ops iomem areas is assigned statically, ioport
+ * areas dynamically
+ * - pccard_nonstatic_ops iomem and ioport areas are assigned dynamically.
+ * If this option is selected, use
+ * "select PCCARD_NONSTATIC" in Kconfig.
+ */
+extern struct pccard_resource_ops pccard_static_ops;
+extern struct pccard_resource_ops pccard_iodyn_ops;
+extern struct pccard_resource_ops pccard_nonstatic_ops;
+/* socket drivers are expected to use these callbacks in their .drv struct */
+extern int pcmcia_socket_dev_suspend(struct device *dev, pm_message_t state);
+extern int pcmcia_socket_dev_resume(struct device *dev);
+/* socket drivers use this callback in their IRQ handler */
+extern void pcmcia_parse_events(struct pcmcia_socket *socket,
+ unsigned int events);
+/* to register and unregister a socket */
+extern int pcmcia_register_socket(struct pcmcia_socket *socket);
+extern void pcmcia_unregister_socket(struct pcmcia_socket *socket);
+#endif /* _LINUX_SS_H */