path: root/debian/control
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2012-09-23Remove iopl compatibility device, break xorg depending on itSamuel Thibault
2012-06-10control: Break old hurd package versions, to provide smooth network driver tr...Samuel Thibault
2012-06-10Disable kernel network driversSamuel Thibault
2012-02-25control: Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.3 (no changes).Samuel Thibault
2012-02-19Don't use cdbs, it makes use enable ssp, which we don't want for gnumachSamuel Thibault
2012-02-19debian/rules: Enable parallel build.Samuel Thibault
2012-02-19Set Multi-Arch: foreign for gnumach-common.Samuel Thibault
2011-11-06debian/control: Remove article in synopsis.Samuel Thibault
2011-10-11debian/control: Do not make gnumach-dbg depend on gnumach.Samuel Thibault
2011-10-10New upstream snapshot, make gnumach-image-* packages depend on gnumach-commonSamuel Thibault
2011-08-30Do not make -dbg package depend on the non-dbg packages.Samuel Thibault
2011-07-02debian/control: build udebs on hurd-i386 only.Samuel Thibault
2011-04-10Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.2 (no change needed)Samuel Thibault
2011-03-07Fix gnumach package versions and dependenciesSamuel Thibault
2011-03-06Fix kernel versionSamuel Thibault
2011-02-27Make gnumach-common replace gnumachSamuel Thibault
2011-02-26gnumach-image-{xen-,}486-dbg packages are not really neededSamuel Thibault
2011-02-26Rename gnumach packages into gnumach-image-1.3.99-{xen-,}486{,-dbg}Samuel Thibault
2010-11-21debian/control: Fix upstream URLSamuel Thibault
2010-11-14Move User/Kernel limit to 2GiBSamuel Thibault
2010-08-22debian/control: Use Package-Type instead of XC-Package-Type.Samuel Thibault
2010-08-01Build gnumach-udeb on hurd-i386 only.Samuel Thibault
2010-08-01Make gnumach-common arch:allSamuel Thibault
2010-07-31Add gnumach Xen packagesSamuel Thibault
2010-07-31Remove Neal and Jeff from UploadersSamuel Thibault
2010-07-31Now using Standards-Version 3.9.1Samuel Thibault
2010-07-31Update Vcs fields to point to the new git repositoriesGuillem Jover
2010-06-28Use any-i386 in binary package Architecture fieldsGuillem Jover
2010-03-24Now using Standards-Version 3.8.4 (no changes needed)Guillem Jover
2010-01-07Add ${misc:Depends}.Samuel Thibault
2010-01-07debian/control: Remove duplicate priority and section fields.Samuel Thibault
2009-12-23debian/control (gnumach-udeb): Add nic-wireless-modules tooSamuel Thibault
2009-12-23debian/control (gnumach-udeb): Add XC- prefix to Package-Type. Add Provides:Samuel Thibault
2009-11-28Remove Marcus Brinkmann from UploadersGuillem Jover
2009-11-14Switch to source format '3.0 (quilt)'Guillem Jover
2009-08-22Now using Standards-Version 3.8.3.Samuel Thibault
2009-07-07Now using Standards-Version 3.8.2Guillem Jover
2009-07-07Change source and gnumach section to kernelGuillem Jover
2009-06-08Change gnumach-dbg section to debugGuillem Jover
2009-02-20Remove XC- prefix from Package-Type fieldGuillem Jover
2009-02-09Switch to debhelper compatibility level 7Guillem Jover
2008-07-08Add Build-Depends on autoconf and automakeGuillem Jover
2008-06-21Change source and binary packages from Section base to adminGuillem Jover
2008-06-21Now using Standards-Version 3.8.0Guillem Jover
2008-04-26Add Vcs-Browser and Vcs-Svn fieldsGuillem Jover
2008-04-26Add Homepage fieldGuillem Jover
2007-08-08Use binary:Version instead of the deprecated Source-Version substvar.Guillem Jover
2006-08-31Make gnumach-dbg Depend on the exact same version gnumach version,Guillem Jover
2006-08-27Now using Standards-Version 3.6.2 (no changes needed).Guillem Jover
2006-08-27Conflict with hurd <= 20060825-1, due to an interface change in theGuillem Jover