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diff --git a/release/INSTALL-binary b/release/INSTALL-binary
index c42c8655..610a2937 100644
--- a/release/INSTALL-binary
+++ b/release/INSTALL-binary
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ however: Making it prettier and easier is one of our more important
Fetch the file `grub-boot.image' from the FTP site. It should be
@@ -33,78 +34,23 @@ to be BSD FFS format. The boot loader we use (GRUB) does not yet
understand how to boot from a Linux ext2fs filesystem, though this is
expected to change very soon.
-Make the disk partition with newfs or mkfs on your favorite BSD
-system. Then unpack the binaries with tar onto that partition. It is
-strongly suggested that you dedicate a new disk to the Hurd. If you
-have BSD, but you don't understand how to set up disks, it will
-probably be easier to use NetBSD boot floppies.
+Ideally, you should make a new disk, labelling it with the BSD
+`disklabel' command. Make sure you leave cylinder 0 unused; the A
+partition should start at cylinder 1.
-If you do not have a system running BSD, the NetBSD 2-floppy install
-set contains enough tools to make a new filesystem using newfs and
-copy to it from nfs. You can fetch these floppies from
-in the directory /pub/NetBSD/arch/i386/floppies. The NetBSD install
-script will start automatically when you boot from the floppies, and
-we suggest you use it in order to partition and set up your disk.
+Make the A partition large enough to hold the entire Hurd binary
+image, and then some, and make a B partition for swap. Use newfs to
+make a filesystem on the A partition, mount it, and extract the entire
+Hurd image into it.
-We plan to have our own boot floppies soon.
+If you do not have a system running BSD, you can fetch the NetBSD
+install floppies and do this step using them. (You do not need to
+install NetBSD itself.) See the instruction subroutine labelled
+`Installing from NetBSD boot floppies' and follow them.
+We plan to have our own boot floppies soon, which will make this all a
+fair bit easier.
-Here are detailed instructions for this step, assuming you are using
-NetBSD boot floppies, and you have the Hurd binary snapshot unpacked
-somewhere accessible via nfs. It is assumed here that your machine's
-network address is MY-ADDR and that the nfs server's address is
-SERVER-ADDR. The nfs mountpoint on the server is presumed to be
-SERVER-DIR. (MY-ADDR and SERVER-ADDR should be IP addresses in dot
-notation, not hostnames.) Your server and your new machine need to be
-on the same network.
-If you installing this way, you probably want to do STEP II first,
-because your nfs server probably has more convenient editors than the
-NetBSd boot floppies. The boot floppies have only ed.
-I.A. Fetch the netbsd boot floppies.
-I.B. Boot the `kernel' floppy, and switch to the `filesystem' floppy
- when instructed.
-I.C. Proceed through the NetBSD automated installation script.
- When you are asked if you want to view the boot messages again,
- say yes. Then answer the disk geometry questions correctly,
- copying from what was printed at boot time.
-I.D. Tell the script that you want to use cylinders, not sectors,
- in specifying sizes.
-I.E. VERY IMPORTANT: Make the size of your `NetBSD' portion one
- cylinder less than the total amount listed. If the script
- tells you that you have 3045 cylinders, then say you want the
- NetBSD portion to be 3044 cylinders long.
-I.F. VERY IMPORTANT: Tell the script that your `NetBSD' portion
- should start at cylinder 1. Not 0. 1.
-I.G. Then allocate however much disk you want to your root partition
- and to your swap partition. The root partition must be big
- enough to hold the entire Hurd binary snapshot; it is strongly
- recommended that you make it a fair bit bigger than that. It is
- quite satisfactory to use only one filesystem partition in the
- Hurd.
-I.H. If you specify partitions beyond the root partition and swap,
- the script will ask you for a `mount point'. Type anything you
- like, it won't matter.
-I.I. Affirm to the over-eagerly questioning script that you really do
- want to smash your disk. NetBSD will proceed to create
- filesystems on all the partitions you specified in I.G-H.
-I.J. When the script says "populating ..." hit ^C. You are now done
- with the script.
-I.K. cd to /mnt. For each mount point that was gratuitously created
- in step I.H, say `umount NAME'. Then say `rm -rf * .*'. Make
- sure you are really in /mnt. This will delete whatever NetBSD
- has put on your new partition.
-I.L. Initialize the network with `ifconfig DEV MY-ADDR'. DEV was
- printed by the kernel when it booted; type `more /kern/msgbuf'
- if you want to see those messages again. (Sometimes ifconfig
- says that something is "offline". Ignore it.)
-I.M. Mount the NFS server partition with the conveniente command
- `mount SERVER-ADDR:SERVER-DIR /mnt2'.
-I.N. Copy the Hurd onto your disk with the command
- (cd /mnt2; tar cf - .) | (cd mnt; tar xfpv -)
-I.O. Don't shutdown NetBSD yet. If you haven't done STEP II yet,
- then do it now; otherwise go on to STEP III.
@@ -139,6 +85,7 @@ Mach should load, and then the Hurd should start, saying something like:
When GNU boots the first time, you might see some confusing messages,
@@ -169,6 +116,7 @@ NOTE: Do NOT RUN BSD FSCK on a Hurd FFS!
If you want to be able to boot this disk without using the floppy each
@@ -185,6 +133,7 @@ change the one on the floppy by mounting the filesystem it contains
and editing the file there.)
Now you have a Hurd system. But in order to make it fully usable, do
@@ -384,3 +333,88 @@ You can always reenable it later, if you like, by typing the command
Core dumps are not yet supported.
+Subroutine: Installing from NetBSD boot floppies
+If you do not have a system running BSD, the NetBSD 2-floppy install
+set contains enough tools to make a new filesystem using newfs and
+copy to it from nfs. You can fetch these floppies from
+in the directory /pub/NetBSD/arch/i386/floppies. The NetBSD install
+script will start automatically when you boot from the floppies, and
+we suggest you use it in order to partition and set up your disk.
+Here are detailed instructions for this step, assuming you are using
+NetBSD boot floppies, and you have the Hurd binary snapshot unpacked
+somewhere accessible via nfs. It is assumed here that your machine's
+network address is MY-ADDR and that the nfs server's address is
+SERVER-ADDR. The nfs mountpoint on the server is presumed to be
+SERVER-DIR. (MY-ADDR and SERVER-ADDR should be IP addresses in dot
+notation, not hostnames.) Your server and your new machine need to be
+on the same network.
+If you installing this way, you probably want to do STEP II first,
+because your nfs server probably has more convenient editors than the
+NetBSD boot floppies. The boot floppies have only ed.
+A. Fetch the netbsd boot floppies from
+ Put the
+ images onto floppy disks using the instructions found on the FTP
+ site.
+B. Boot the `kernel' floppy, and switch to the `filesystem' floppy
+ when instructed.
+C. Proceed through the NetBSD automated installation script.
+ When you are asked if you want to view the boot messages again,
+ say yes. Then answer the disk geometry questions correctly,
+ copying from what was printed at boot time.
+D. Tell the script that you want to use cylinders, not sectors,
+ in specifying sizes.
+E. VERY IMPORTANT: Make the size of your `NetBSD' portion one
+ cylinder less than the total amount listed. If the script
+ tells you that you have 3045 cylinders, then say you want the
+ NetBSD portion to be 3044 cylinders long.
+F. VERY IMPORTANT: Tell the script that your `NetBSD' portion
+ should start at cylinder 1. Not 0. 1.
+G. Then allocate however much disk you want to your root partition
+ and to your swap partition. The root partition must be big
+ enough to hold the entire Hurd binary snapshot; it is strongly
+ recommended that you make it a fair bit bigger than that. It is
+ quite satisfactory to use only one filesystem partition in the
+ Hurd.
+H. If you specify partitions beyond the root partition and swap,
+ the script will ask you for a `mount point'. Type anything you
+ like, it won't matter.
+I. Affirm to the over-eagerly questioning script that you really do
+ want to smash your disk. NetBSD will proceed to create
+ filesystems on all the partitions you specified in I.G-H.
+J. When the script says "populating ..." hit ^C. You are now done
+ with the script.
+K. cd to /mnt. For each mount point that was gratuitously created
+ in step I.H, say `umount NAME'. Then say `rm -rf * .*'. Make
+ sure you are really in /mnt. This will delete whatever NetBSD
+ has put on your new partition.
+L. Initialize the network with `ifconfig DEV MY-ADDR'. DEV was
+ printed by the kernel when it booted; type `more /kern/msgbuf'
+ if you want to see those messages again. (Sometimes ifconfig
+ says that something is "offline". Ignore it.)
+M. Mount the NFS server partition with the conveniente command
+ `mount SERVER-ADDR:SERVER-DIR /mnt2'.
+N. Copy the Hurd onto your disk with the command
+ (cd /mnt2; tar cf - .) | (cd mnt; tar xfpv -)
+O. If you haven't done STEP II yet, then do it now; otherwise go on
+ to STEP III.