path: root/release/=announce-0.0
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'release/=announce-0.0')
1 files changed, 67 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/release/=announce-0.0 b/release/=announce-0.0
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e9182c0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/release/=announce-0.0
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+I am pleased to announce version 0.0 of the GNU Hurd, available via
+anonymous FTP from [] in the file
+/pub/gnu/hurd-0.0.tar.gz (about XXX MB compressed).
+This file contains complete source code for the following:
+Hurd servers: auth, crash, devio, devport, exec, ext2fs, fifo, fwd,
+ifsock, init, magic, new-fifo, nfs, null, pfinet, pflocal, proc,
+symlink, term, ufs.
+Hurd libraries: diskfs, fshelp, ihash, iohelp, netfs, pager, pipe,
+ports, ps, shouldbeinlibc, store, threads, trivfs.
+Hurd utilities, etc: boot, shd, ps, settrans, showtrans, sync, su,
+mount, fsysopts, storeinfo, login, w, uptime, hurdids, loginpr, sush,
+vmstat, portinfo, devprobe, reboot, halt, fsck, fsck.ufs, mkfs.ufs,
+clri.ufs, stati.ufs, getty, rc.
+In addition, we have prepared a binary distribution of a complete
+version 0.0 GNU system corresponding to this Hurd release. This
+release runs only on PC-AT compatible systems with i[345]86
+The GNU Hurd, plus MACH, is a kernel, not an operating system. The
+GNU operating system, like the Unix operating system, consists of many
+components, including kernel, libraries, compilers, assembler, shell,
+parser generators, utilities, window system, editors, text formatters,
+and so on. The GNU project set out a decade ago to develop this
+system, and we've been writing various components of it ever since.
+This release uses the `UK22' version of the Mach kernel, as
+distributed by the University of Utah. It is too difficult to prepare
+a detailed list of supported devices at this point. Common disk
+controllers and ethernet cards are surely supported.
+This release does not contain the X Window System.
+This release may be found by anonymous FTP from
+[18.159.42] in the directory /pub/gnu/gnu-0.0/.
+In that directory, you should find the following files:
+SOURCES contains a complete list describing the sources for the
+binaries found in the image. INSTALL-binary contains complete
+installation instructions for this release. gnu-0.0.tar.gz hold the
+image of complete system.
+grub-boot.image is an image of a floppy disk that you will need to
+complete part of the installation instructions.
+The following free software packages are found in this release:
+autoconf, automake, bash, bc, binutils, bison, cpio, cvs, diffutils,
+doschk, e2fsprogs, ed, emacs, fileutils, findutils, flex, from, gawk,
+gcal, gcc, gdb, gdbm, gettext, glibc, gmp, gperf, grep, grub, gzip,
+hello, hurd, indent, inetutils, less, mach, make, m4, miscfiles,
+ncurses, nvi, patch, ptx, rcs, readline, recode, sed, serverboot,
+sharutils, shellutils, tar, termcap, termutils, texinfo, textutils,
+time, wdiff.