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diff --git a/open_issues/code_analysis.mdwn b/open_issues/code_analysis.mdwn
index 21e09089..ab90a6b6 100644
--- a/open_issues/code_analysis.mdwn
+++ b/open_issues/code_analysis.mdwn
@@ -16,6 +16,11 @@ desc="Wikipedia article"]]). This topic overlaps with [[performance
analysis|performance]], [[formal_verification]], as well as general
+# Suggestions
* [[GCC]]'s warnings. Yes, really.
* [Static Source Code Analysis Tools for C](
@@ -63,3 +68,8 @@ analysis|performance]], [[formal_verification]], as well as general
* <>
* <>
+# Bounty
+There is a [[!FF_project 276]][[!tag bounty]] on some of these tasks.
diff --git a/open_issues/ext2fs_page_cache_swapping_leak.mdwn b/open_issues/ext2fs_page_cache_swapping_leak.mdwn
index 0ace5cd3..607c3af4 100644
--- a/open_issues/ext2fs_page_cache_swapping_leak.mdwn
+++ b/open_issues/ext2fs_page_cache_swapping_leak.mdwn
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ License|/fdl]]."]]"""]]
[[!tag open_issue_hurd]]
+There is a [[!FF_project 272]][[!tag bounty]] on this task.
IRC, OFTC, #debian-hurd, 2011-03-24
<youpi> I still believe we have an ext2fs page cache swapping leak, however
@@ -21,3 +23,129 @@ IRC, OFTC, #debian-hurd, 2011-03-24
<pinotree> so the swap tends to accumulate unuseful stuff, i see
<youpi> yes
<youpi> the disk content, basicallyt :)
+IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2011-04-18
+ <antrik> damn, a cp -a simply gobbles down swap space...
+ <braunr> really ?
+ <braunr> that's weird
+ <braunr> why would a copy use so much anonymous memory ?
+ <braunr> unless the external pager is so busy that the kernel falls back to
+ its default pager
+ <youpi> that's what I suggested some time ago
+ <braunr> maybe this case should be traced in the kernel
+ <braunr> a simple message in the kernel buffer to warn that this condition
+ happened may help
+ <youpi> I'm seeing swap space being kept used on buildds for no real reason
+ except possibly backing ext2fs pages
+ <youpi> that could help, yes
+ <antrik> youpi: I think it was actually slpz who suggested that...
+ <youpi> I think we're generally missing feedback from memory behavior
+ <antrik> youpi: do you think andrei's kernel instrumentation work might be
+ helpful with analyzing such things?
+ <youpi> antrik: I think I suggested it too, but never mind
+ <youpi> antrik: no, because it's not a trace of events that you want
+ <youpi> some specific events would be useful
+ <youpi> but then we don't really need a whole framework for that
+ <antrik> apt-get upgrade eats swap too
+ <youpi> the upgrade itself, or the computation of the ugprade?
+ <youpi> apt is a memory eater nowadays
+ <antrik> installing the packages
+ <antrik> seems to have stabilized though after a while...
+ <antrik> so perhaps it's not a leak in this case
+ <youpi> ideally we should have a way to know what was put in the swap
+ <braunr> how would you represent what's in the swap ?
+ <antrik> the apt-get process has 46M of virtual memory above the 128 M
+ baseline
+ <braunr> mostly libraries i guess
+ <braunr> are trheads stacks 8 MiB like on Linux ?
+ <youpi> braunr: at least knowing how much of each process is in the swap
+ <youpi> braunr: 2MiB
+ <braunr> ok
+ <youpi> vminfo could also report which parts of the address space are in
+ the swap
+ <antrik> youpi: would be nice to have some simple utility reporting how
+ much of a process' address space is anonymous
+ <antrik> (in fact, I wonder why it's not reported by standard tools such as
+ ps or top... this shouldn't be too difficult I would think?)
+ <antrik> it would be much more useful information than the total virt size,
+ which includes rather meaningless disk and device mappings...
+ <youpi> agreed
+ <braunr> well
+ <braunr> there are tools like pmap for this
+ <braunr> unfortunately, it's difficult in mach to know what backs a
+ non-anonymous mapping
+ <braunr> pagers should be able to name their mappings
+ <youpi> that'd be helpful for debugging yes
+ <braunr> there is almost no overhead in doing that, and it would be very
+ useful
+ <youpi> and could lead to /proc/pid/maps
+ <braunr> yes
+ <braunr> isn't there a maps already ?
+ <youpi> nope
+ <braunr> ok
+ <youpi> (probably not very useful without the names)
+ <braunr> ithought i remembered maps without names, and guessed it might
+ have been on the hurd for that reason
+ <braunr> but i'm not sure
+ <youpi> there's the vminfo command, yes
+ <braunr> 14:06 < youpi> braunr: at least knowing how much of each process
+ is in the swap
+ <braunr> wouldn't it be clearer to do it the other way around ?
+ <braunr> like a swapinfo tool indicating what it contains ?
+ <youpi> sure, but it's a lot more difficult
+ <braunr> really ?
+ <braunr> why ?
+ <youpi> because you have to traverse all the mappings
+ <youpi> etc
+ <youpi> (in all processes, I mean)
+ <youpi> and you have to name what is waht
+ <braunr> there are other ways
+ <braunr> the swap is a central structure
+ <youpi> while simply introducing the swap % in vminfo
+ <youpi> for a given process you know what is what
+ <braunr> right
+ <youpi> and doing that introduction is probably very simple
+ <braunr> that's a good point
+ <braunr> top-down is effectively easier than bottom-up resolution in Mach
+ VM
+ <antrik> hm... the memory use caused by cp doesn't seem to be reflected in
+ the virtual size of any particular process
+ <antrik> ghost memory
+ <braunr> what's cp vmsize at the time of the problem ?
+ <antrik> it's at 134 M right now... so considering the 128 M baseline,
+ nothing worth speaking of
+ <braunr> right
+ <braunr> maybe a copy map during I/O
+ <braunr> but I don't know Mach copy maps in detail, as they have been
+ eliminated from UVM
+ <antrik> BTW, the memory eatup happens even before swap comes into
+ play... swapping seems to be a result of the problem, not the cause
+ <braunr> what do you mean ?
+ <braunr> I thought swapping was the issue
+ <braunr> you mean RAM is full before swapping ?
+ <antrik> well, I don't know what the actual problem is... I just don't
+ understand why the memory use increases without any particular process
+ seeing an increase in size
+ <antrik> the "free" size in vmstat decreses
+ <antrik> once it's eatun up, swap space use increases
+ <braunr> well it doesn't change much of it
+ <braunr> the anonymous memory pager will use RAM before resorting to the
+ external default-pager
+ <antrik> I would suspect normal block caching... but then, shouldn't this
+ show up in the memory info of the ext2 process?
+ <braunr> although, again, I'm not sure of the behaviour of the anonymous
+ memory pager
+ <braunr> antrik: I don't know how block caching behaves
+ <antrik> BTW, is it a know problem that doing ^C on a "cp -a" seems to hang
+ the whole system?...
+ <antrik> (the whole hurd instance that is... the other instance is not
+ affected)
+ <youpi> not that I know of
+ <braunr> seems like a deadlock in the anonymous memory handling
+ <youpi> (and I've never seen that)
+ <antrik> happens both in my main system (using ancient hurd/libc) and in my
+ subhurd (recently upgraded to current stuff)
+ <antrik> this make testing this stuff quite a lot harder... [sigh]
+ <antrik> any suggestions how to debug this hang?
+ <braunr> antrik: no :/
diff --git a/open_issues/fork_mach_port_mod_refs_ekern_urefs_owerflow.mdwn b/open_issues/fork_mach_port_mod_refs_ekern_urefs_owerflow.mdwn
index ab3ba98b..39003ae4 100644
--- a/open_issues/fork_mach_port_mod_refs_ekern_urefs_owerflow.mdwn
+++ b/open_issues/fork_mach_port_mod_refs_ekern_urefs_owerflow.mdwn
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc."]]
+[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2010, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc."]]
[[!meta license="""[[!toggle id="license" text="GFDL 1.2+"]][[!toggleable
id="license" text="Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
@@ -10,6 +10,11 @@ License|/fdl]]."]]"""]]
[[!meta title="fork: mach_port_mod_refs: EKERN_UREFS_OWERFLOW"]]
+# Original Report
In the [[GCC testsuite|gcc]], at this point:
Running /home/tschwinge/tmp/gcc/hurd/gcc/testsuite/gcc.c-torture/unsorted/unsorted.exp ...
@@ -171,3 +176,10 @@ ones.
* <>
* <>
+This is likely *simply* a programming error in glibc's fork implementation.
+# Bounty
+There is a [[!FF_project 273]][[!tag bounty]] on this task.
diff --git a/open_issues/formal_verification.mdwn b/open_issues/formal_verification.mdwn
index 168d59a4..b7db76ee 100644
--- a/open_issues/formal_verification.mdwn
+++ b/open_issues/formal_verification.mdwn
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc."]]
+[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2010, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc."]]
[[!meta license="""[[!toggle id="license" text="GFDL 1.2+"]][[!toggleable
id="license" text="Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
@@ -14,3 +14,17 @@ article"]]) deals with formally reasoning about a program's correctness.
Especially in the field of [[DSL]]s, this is used for asserting program codes'
correctness, as explained in {{$microkernel/barrelfish#fof_plos09}}, for
+# Issues
+ * [[locking_issues]]
+ * [[term_blocking]]
+# Bounty
+There is a [[!FF_project 276]][[!tag bounty]] on some of these tasks.
diff --git a/open_issues/gcc.mdwn b/open_issues/gcc.mdwn
index b33291e5..245bf305 100644
--- a/open_issues/gcc.mdwn
+++ b/open_issues/gcc.mdwn
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation,
+[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Free Software
+Foundation, Inc."]]
[[!meta license="""[[!toggle id="license" text="GFDL 1.2+"]][[!toggleable
id="license" text="Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
@@ -313,3 +313,10 @@ Blocked on [[fork_mach_port_mod_refs_ekern_urefs_owerflow]].
## Analysis
+# Specific Languages
+ * [[GNAT]]
+ * [[gccgo]]
diff --git a/open_issues/gccgo.mdwn b/open_issues/gccgo.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0ecc1228
--- /dev/null
+++ b/open_issues/gccgo.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc."]]
+[[!meta license="""[[!toggle id="license" text="GFDL 1.2+"]][[!toggleable
+id="license" text="Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
+document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or
+any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant
+Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license
+is included in the section entitled [[GNU Free Documentation
+[[!meta title="Enable Google Go programming (GCC: gccgo)"]]
+[[!tag open_issue_gcc]]
+Make the [Google Go programming language]( available on
+GNU/Hurd in its [[GCC]] *gccgo* implementation, and enable Hurd-specific
+There is a [[!FF_project 263]][[!tag bounty]] on this task.
+# Part I
+First, make the language functional, have its test suite pass without errors.
+## Original [[community/GSoC]] Task Description
+[[!inline pages=community/gsoc/project_ideas/gccgo feeds=no]]
+# Part II
+Next, Hurd-specific features can be added. Add an interface to the
+language/environment for being able to do [[RPC]] calls, in order to program
+[[hurd/translator]]s natively in the Google Go programming language.
+## Original [[community/GSoC]] Task Description
+[[!inline pages=community/gsoc/project_ideas/language_bindings feeds=no]]
diff --git a/open_issues/gnat.mdwn b/open_issues/gnat.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..30e38317
--- /dev/null
+++ b/open_issues/gnat.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc."]]
+[[!meta license="""[[!toggle id="license" text="GFDL 1.2+"]][[!toggleable
+id="license" text="Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
+document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or
+any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant
+Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license
+is included in the section entitled [[GNU Free Documentation
+[[!meta title="Enable Ada programming (GCC: GNAT)"]]
+[[!tag open_issue_gcc]]
+Make the Ada programming language available on GNU/Hurd in its [[GCC]] GNAT
+implementation, and enable Hurd-specific features.
+There is a [[!FF_project 259]][[!tag bounty]] on this task.
+# Part I
+First, make the language functional, have its test suite pass without errors.
+## Original [[community/GSoC]] Task Description
+[[!inline pages=community/gsoc/project_ideas/gnat feeds=no]]
+# Part II
+Next, Hurd-specific features can be added. Add an interface to the
+language/environment for being able to do [[RPC]] calls, in order to program
+[[hurd/translator]]s natively in Ada.
+## Original [[community/GSoC]] Task Description
+[[!inline pages=community/gsoc/project_ideas/language_bindings feeds=no]]
diff --git a/open_issues/gnumach_console_timestamp.mdwn b/open_issues/gnumach_console_timestamp.mdwn
index b36b47b9..52b574d5 100644
--- a/open_issues/gnumach_console_timestamp.mdwn
+++ b/open_issues/gnumach_console_timestamp.mdwn
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ License|/fdl]]."]]"""]]
[[!tag open_issue_gnumach]]
+There is a [[!FF_project 267]][[!tag bounty]] on this task.
IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2011-02-17
<azeem> task 39011c10 deallocating an invalid port 349, most probably a
diff --git a/open_issues/gnumach_memory_management.mdwn b/open_issues/gnumach_memory_management.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1b897454
--- /dev/null
+++ b/open_issues/gnumach_memory_management.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,774 @@
+[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc."]]
+[[!meta license="""[[!toggle id="license" text="GFDL 1.2+"]][[!toggleable
+id="license" text="Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
+document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or
+any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant
+Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license
+is included in the section entitled [[GNU Free Documentation
+[[!tag open_issue_gnumach]]
+There is a [[!FF_project 266]][[!tag bounty]] on this task.
+IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2011-04-12:
+ <antrik> braunr: do you think the allocator you wrote for x15 could be used
+ for gnumach? and would you be willing to mentor this? :-)
+ <braunr> antrik: to be willing to isn't my current problem
+ <braunr> antrik: and yes, I think my allocator can be used
+ <braunr> it's a slab allocator after all, it only requires reap() and
+ grow()
+ <braunr> or mmap()/munmap() whatever you want to call it
+ <braunr> a backend
+ <braunr> antrik: although i've been having other ideas recently
+ <braunr> that would have more impact on our usage patterns I think
+ <antrik> mcsim: have you investigated how the zone allocator works and how
+ it's hooked into the system yet?
+ <braunr> mcsim: now let me give you a link
+ <braunr> mcsim:
+ <braunr> mcsim: this is an implementation of the slab allocator i've been
+ working on recently
+ <braunr> mcsim: i haven't made it public because i reworked the per
+ processor layer, and this part isn't complete yet
+ <braunr> mcsim: you could use it as a reference for your project
+ <mcsim> braunr: ok
+ <braunr> it used to be close to the 2001 vmem paper
+ <braunr> but after many tests, fragmentation and accounting issues have
+ been found
+ <braunr> so i rewrote it to be closer to the linux implementation (cache
+ filling/draining in bukl transfers)
+ <braunr> bulk*
+ <braunr> they actually use the word draining in linux too :)
+ <mcsim> antrik: not complete yet.
+ <antrik> braunr: oh, it's unfinished? that's unfortunate...
+ <braunr> antrik: only the per processor part
+ <braunr> antrik: so it doesn't matter much for gnumach
+ <braunr> and it's not difficult to set up
+ <antrik> mcsim: hm, OK... but do you think you will have a fairly good
+ understanding in the next couple of days?...
+ <antrik> I'm asking because I'd really like to see a proposal a bit more
+ specific than "I'll look into things..."
+ <antrik> i.e. you should have an idea which things you will actually have
+ to change to hook up a new allocator etc.
+ <antrik> braunr: OK. will the interface remain unchanged, so it could be
+ easily replaced with an improved implementation later?
+ <braunr> the zone allocator in gnumach is a badly written bare object
+ allocator actually, there aren't many things to understand about it
+ <braunr> antrik: yes
+ <antrik> great :-)
+ <braunr> and the per processor part should be very close to the phys
+ allocator sitting next to it
+ <braunr> (with the slight difference that, as per cpu caches have variable
+ sizes, they are allocated on the free path rather than on the allocation
+ path)
+ <braunr> this is a nice trick in the vmem paper i've kept in mind
+ <braunr> and the interface also allows to set a "source" for caches
+ <antrik> ah, good point... do you think we should replace the physmem
+ allocator too? and if so, do it in one step, or one piece at a time?...
+ <braunr> no
+ <braunr> too many drivers currently depend on the physical allocator and
+ the pmap module as they are
+ <braunr> remember linux 2.0 drivers need a direct virtual to physical
+ mapping
+ <braunr> (especially true for dma mappings)
+ <antrik> OK
+ <braunr> the nice thing about having a configurable memory source is that
+ <antrik> whot do you mean by "allocated on the free path"?
+ <braunr> even if most caches will use the standard vm_kmem module as their
+ backend
+ <braunr> there is one exception in the vm_map module, allowing us to get
+ rid of either a static limit, or specific allocation code
+ <braunr> antrik: well, when you allocate a page, the allocator will lookup
+ one in a per cpu cache
+ <braunr> if it's empty, it fills the cache
+ <braunr> (called pools in my implementations)
+ <braunr> it then retries
+ <braunr> the problem in the slab allocator is that per cpu caches have
+ variable sizes
+ <braunr> so per cpu pools are allocated from their own pools
+ <braunr> (remember the magazine_xx caches in the output i showed you, this
+ is the same thing)
+ <braunr> but if you allocate them at allocation time, you could end up in
+ an infinite loop
+ <braunr> so, in the slab allocator, when a per cpu cache is empty, you just
+ fall back to the slab layer
+ <braunr> on the free path, when a per cpu cache doesn't exist, you allocate
+ it from its own cache
+ <braunr> this way you can't have an infinite loop
+ <mcsim> antrik: I'll try, but I have exams now.
+ <mcsim> As I understand amount of elements which could be allocated we
+ determine by zone initialization. And at this time memory for zone is
+ reserved. I'm going to change this. And make something similar to kmalloc
+ and vmalloc (support for pages consecutive physically and virtually). And
+ pages in zones consecutive always physically.
+ <mcsim> Am I right?
+ <braunr> mcsim: don't try to do that
+ <mcsim> why?
+ <braunr> mcsim: we just need a slab allocator with an interface close to
+ the zone allocator
+ <antrik> mcsim: IIRC the size of the complete zalloc map is fixed; but not
+ the number of elements per zone
+ <braunr> we don't need two allocators like kmalloc and vmalloc
+ <braunr> actually we just need vmalloc
+ <braunr> IIRC the limits are only present because the original developers
+ wanted to track leaks
+ <braunr> they assumed zones would be large enough, which isn't true any
+ more today
+ <braunr> but i didn't see any true reservation
+ <braunr> antrik: i'm not sure i was clear enough about the "allocation of
+ cpu caches on the free path"
+ <braunr> antrik: for a better explanation, read the vmem paper ;)
+ <antrik> braunr: you mean there is no fundamental reason why the zone map
+ has a limited maximal size; and it was only put in to catch cases where
+ something eats up all memory with kernel object creation?...
+ <antrik> braunr: I think I got it now :-)
+ <braunr> antrik: i'm pretty certin of it yes
+ <antrik> I don't see though how it is related to what we were talking
+ about...
+ <braunr> 10:55 < braunr> and the per processor part should be very close to
+ the phys allocator sitting next to it
+ <braunr> the phys allocator doesn't have to use this trick
+ <braunr> because pages have a fixed size, so per cpu caches all have the
+ same size too
+ <braunr> and the number of "caches", that is, physical segments, is limited
+ and known at compile time
+ <braunr> so having them statically allocated is possible
+ <antrik> I see
+ <braunr> it would actually be very difficult to have a phys allocator
+ requiring dynamic allocation when the dynamic allocator isn't yet ready
+ <antrik> hehe :-)
+ <mcsim> total size of all zone allocations is limited to 12 MB. And is "was
+ only put in to catch cases where something eats up all memory with kernel
+ object creation?"
+ <braunr> mcsim: ah right, there could be a kernel submap backing all the
+ zones
+ <braunr> but this can be increased too
+ <braunr> submaps are kind of evil :/
+ <antrik> mcsim: I think it's actually 32 MiB or something like that in the
+ Debian version...
+ <antrik> braunr: I'm not sure I ever fully understood what the zalloc map
+ is... I looked through the code once, and I think I got a rough
+ understading, but I was still pretty uncertain about some bits. and I
+ don't remember the details anyways :-)
+ <braunr> antrik: IIRC, it's a kernel submap
+ <braunr> it's named kmem_map in x15
+ <antrik> don't know what a submap is
+ <braunr> submaps are vm_map objects
+ <braunr> in a top vm_map, there are vm_map_entries
+ <braunr> these entries usually point to vm_objects
+ <braunr> (for the page cache)
+ <braunr> but they can point to other maps too
+ <braunr> the goal is to reduce fragmentation by isolating allocations
+ <braunr> this also helps reducing contention
+ <braunr> for exemple, on BSD, there is a submap for mbufs, so that the
+ network code doesn't interfere too much with other kernel allocations
+ <braunr> antrik: they are similar to spans in vmem, but vmem has an elegant
+ importing mechanism which eliminates the static limit problem
+ <antrik> so memory is not directly allocated from the physical allocator,
+ but instead from another map which in turn contains physical memory, or
+ something like that?...
+ <braunr> no, this is entirely virtual
+ <braunr> submaps are almost exclusively used for the kernel_map
+ <antrik> you are using a lot of identifies here, but I don't remember (or
+ never knew) what most of them mean :-(
+ <braunr> sorry :)
+ <braunr> the kernel map is the vm_map used to represent the ~1 GiB of
+ virtual memory the kernel has (on i386)
+ <braunr> vm_map objects are simple virtual space maps
+ <braunr> they contain what you see in linux when doing /proc/self/maps
+ <braunr> cat /proc/self/maps
+ <braunr> (linux uses entirely different names but it's roughly the same
+ structure)
+ <braunr> each line is a vm_map_entry
+ <braunr> (well, there aren't submaps in linux though)
+ <braunr> the pmap tool on netbsd is able to show the kernel map with its
+ submaps, but i don't have any image around
+ <mcsim> braunr: is limit for zones is feature and shouldn't be changed?
+ <braunr> mcsim: i think we shouldn't have fixed limits for zones
+ <braunr> mcsim: this should be part of the debugging facilities in the slab
+ allocator
+ <braunr> is this fixed limit really a major problem ?
+ <braunr> i mean, don't focus on that too much, there are other issues
+ requiring more attention
+ <antrik> braunr: at 12 MiB, it used to be, causing a lot of zalloc
+ panics. after increasing, I don't think it's much of a problem anymore...
+ <antrik> but as memory sizes grow, it might become one again
+ <antrik> that's the problem with a fixed size...
+ <braunr> yes, that's the issue with submaps
+ <braunr> but gnumach is full of those, so let's fix them by order of
+ priority
+ <antrik> well, I'm still trying to digest what you wrote about submaps :-)
+ <braunr> i'm downloading netbsd, so you can have a good view of all this
+ <antrik> so, when the kernel allocates virtual address space regions
+ (mostly for itself), instead of grabbing chunks of the address space
+ directly, it takes parts out of a pre-reserved region?
+ <braunr> not exactly
+ <braunr> both statements are true
+ <mcsim> antrik: only virtual addresses are reserved
+ <braunr> it grabs chunks of the address space directly, but does so in a
+ reserved region of the address space
+ <braunr> a submap is like a normal map, it has a start address, a size, and
+ is empty, then it's populated with vm_map_entries
+ <braunr> so instead of allocating from 3-4 GiB, you allocate from, say,
+ 3.1-3.2 GiB
+ <antrik> yeah, that's more or less what I meant...
+ <mcsim> braunr: I see two problems: limited zones and absence of caching.
+ <mcsim> with caching absence of readahead paging will be not so significant
+ <braunr> please avoid readahead
+ <mcsim> ok
+ <braunr> and it's not about paging, it's about kernel memory, which is
+ wired
+ <braunr> (well most of it)
+ <braunr> what about limited zones ?
+ <braunr> the whole kernel space is limited, there has to be limits
+ <braunr> the problem is how to handle them
+ <antrik> braunr: almost all. I looked through all zones once, and IIRC I
+ found exactly one that actually allows paging...
+ <braunr> currently, when you reach the limit, you have an OOM error
+ <braunr> antrik: yes, there are
+ <braunr> i don't remember which implementation does that but, when
+ processes haven't been active for a minute or so, they are "swapedout"
+ <braunr> completely
+ <braunr> even the kernel stack
+ <braunr> and the page tables
+ <braunr> (most of the pmap structures are destroyed, some are retained)
+ <antrik> that might very well be true... at least inactive processes often
+ show up with 0 memory use in top on Hurd
+ <braunr> this is done by having a pageable kernel map, with wired entries
+ <braunr> when the swapper thread swaps tasks out, it unwires them
+ <braunr> but i think modern implementations don't do that any more
+ <antrik> well, I was talking about zalloc only :-)
+ <braunr> oh
+ <braunr> so the zalloc_map must be pageable
+ <braunr> or there are two submaps ?
+ <antrik> not sure whether "morden implementations" includes Linux ;-)
+ <braunr> no, i'm talking about the bsd family only
+ <antrik> but it's certainly true that on Linux even inactive processes
+ retain some memory
+ <braunr> linux doesn't make any difference between processor-bound and
+ I/O-bound processes
+ <antrik> braunr: I have no idea how it works. I just remember that when
+ creating zones, one of the optional flags decides whether the zone is
+ pagable. but as I said, IIRC there is exactly one that actually is...
+ <braunr> zone_map = kmem_suballoc(kernel_map, &zone_min, &zone_max,
+ zone_map_size, FALSE);
+ <braunr> kmem_suballoc(parent, min, max, size, pageable)
+ <braunr> so the zone_map isn't
+ <antrik> IIRC my conclusion was that pagable zones do not count in the
+ fixed zone map limit... but I'm not sure anymore
+ <braunr> zinit() has a memtype parameter
+ <braunr> with ZONE_PAGEABLE as a possible flag
+ <braunr> this is wierd :)
+ <mcsim> There is no any zones which use ZONE_PAGEABLE flag
+ <antrik> mcsim: are you sure? I think I found one...
+ <braunr> if (zone->type & ZONE_PAGEABLE) {
+ <antrik> admittedly, it is several years ago that I looked into this, so my
+ memory is rather dim...
+ <braunr> if (kmem_alloc_pageable(zone_map, &addr, ...
+ <braunr> calling kmem_alloc_pageable() on an unpageable submap seems wrong
+ <mcsim> I've greped gnumach code and there is no any zinit procedure call
+ with ZONE_PAGEABLE flag
+ <braunr> good
+ <antrik> hm... perhaps it was in some code that has been removed
+ alltogether since ;-)
+ <antrik> actually I think it would be pretty neat to have pageable kernel
+ objects... but I guess it would require considerable effort to implement
+ this right
+ <braunr> mcsim: you also mentioned absence of caching
+ <braunr> mcsim: the zone allocator actually is a bare caching object
+ allocator
+ <braunr> antrik: no, it's easy
+ <braunr> antrik: i already had that in x15 0.1
+ <braunr> antrik: the problem is being sure the objects you allocate from a
+ pageable backing store are never used when resolving a page fault
+ <braunr> that's all
+ <antrik> I wouldn't expect that to be easy... but surely you know better
+ :-)
+ <mcsim> braunr: indeed. I was wrong.
+ <antrik> braunr: what is a caching object allocator?...
+ <braunr> antrik: ok, it's not easy
+ <braunr> antrik: but once you have vm_objects implemented, having pageable
+ kernel object is just a matter of using the right options, really
+ <braunr> antrik: an allocator that caches its buffers
+ <braunr> some years ago, the term "object" would also apply to
+ preconstructed buffers
+ <antrik> I have no idea what you mean by "caches its buffers" here :-)
+ <braunr> well, a memory allocator which doesn't immediately free its
+ buffers caches them
+ <mcsim> braunr: but can it return objects to system?
+ <braunr> mcsim: which one ?
+ <antrik> yeah, obviously the *implementation* of pageable kernel objects is
+ not hard. the tricky part is deciding which objects can be pageable, and
+ which need to be wired...
+ <mcsim> Can zone allocator return cached objects to system as in slab?
+ <mcsim> I mean reap()
+ <braunr> well yes, it does so, and it does that too often
+ <braunr> the caching in the zone allocator is actually limited to the
+ pagesize
+ <braunr> once page is completely free, it is returned to the vm
+ <mcsim> this is bad caching
+ <braunr> yes
+ <mcsim> if object takes all page than there is now caching at all
+ <braunr> caching by side effect
+ <braunr> true
+ <braunr> but the linux slab allocator does the same thing :p
+ <braunr> hm
+ <braunr> no, the solaris slab allocator does so
+ <mcsim> linux's slab returns objects only when system ask
+ <antrik> without preconstructed objects, is there actually any point in
+ caching empty slabs?...
+ <mcsim> Once I've changed my allocator to slab and it cached more than 1GB
+ of my memory)
+ <braunr> ok wait, need to fix a few mistakes first
+ <mcsim> s/ask/asks
+ <braunr> the zone allocator (in gnumach) actually has a garbage collector
+ <antrik> braunr: well, the Solaris allocator follows the slab/magazine
+ paper, right? so there is caching at the magazine layer... in that case
+ caching empty slabs too would be rather redundant I'd say...
+ <braunr> which is called when running low on memory, similar to the slab
+ allocaotr
+ <braunr> antrik: yes
+ <antrik> (or rather the paper follows the Solaris allocator ;-) )
+ <braunr> mcsim: the zone allocator reap() is zone_gc()
+ <antrik> braunr: hm, right, there is a "collectable" flag for zones... but
+ I never understood what it means
+ <antrik> braunr: BTW, I heard Linux has yet another allocator now called
+ "slob"... do you happen to know what that is?
+ <braunr> slob is a very simple allocator for embedded devices
+ <mcsim> AFAIR this is just heap allocator
+ <braunr> useful when you have a very low amount of memory
+ <braunr> like 1 MiB
+ <braunr> yes
+ <antrik> just googled it :-)
+ <braunr> zone and slab are very similar
+ <antrik> sounds like a simple heap allocator
+ <mcsim> there is another allocator that calls slub, and it better than slab
+ in many cases
+ <braunr> the main difference is the data structures used to store slabs
+ <braunr> mcsim: i disagree
+ <antrik> mcsim: ah, you already said that :-)
+ <braunr> mcsim: slub is better for systems with very large amounts of
+ memory and processors
+ <braunr> otherwise, slab is better
+ <braunr> in addition, there are accounting issues with slub
+ <braunr> because of cache merging
+ <mcsim> ok. This strange that slub is default allocator
+ <braunr> well both are very good
+ <braunr> iirc, linus stated that he really doesn't care as long as its
+ works fine
+ <braunr> he refused slqb because of that
+ <braunr> slub is nice because it requires less memory than slab, while
+ still being as fast for most cases
+ <braunr> it gets slower on the free path, when the cpu performing the free
+ is different from the one which allocated the object
+ <braunr> that's a reasonable cost
+ <mcsim> slub uses heap for large object. Are there any tests that compare
+ what is better for large objects?
+ <antrik> well, if slub requires less memory, why do you think slab is
+ better for smaller systems? :-)
+ <braunr> antrik: smaller is relative
+ <antrik> mcsim: for large objects slab allocation is rather pointless, as
+ you don't have multiple objects in a page anyways...
+ <braunr> antrik: when lameter wrote slub, it was intended for systems with
+ several hundreds processors
+ <antrik> BTW, was slqb really refused only because the other ones are "good
+ enough"?...
+ <braunr> yes
+ <antrik> wow, that's a strange argument...
+ <braunr> linus is already unhappy of having "so many" allocators
+ <antrik> well, if the new one is better, it could replace one of the others
+ :-)
+ <antrik> or is it useful only in certain cases?
+ <braunr> that's the problem
+ <braunr> nobody really knows
+ <antrik> hm, OK... I guess that should be tested *before* merging ;-)
+ <antrik> is anyone still working on it, or was it abandonned?
+ <antrik> mcsim: back to caching...
+ <antrik> what does caching in the kernel object allocator got to do with
+ readahead (i.e. clustered paging)?...
+ <mcsim> if we cached some physical pages we don't need to find new ones for
+ allocating new object. And that's why there will not be a page fault.
+ <mcsim> antrik: Regarding kam. Hasn't he finished his project?
+ <antrik> err... what?
+ <antrik> one of us must be seriously confused
+ <antrik> I totally fail to see what caching of physical pages (which isn't
+ even really a correct description of what slab does) has to do with page
+ faults
+ <antrik> right, KAM didn't finish his project
+ <mcsim> If we free the physical page and return it to system we need
+ another one for next allocation. But if we keep it, we don't need to find
+ new physical page.
+ <mcsim> And physical page is allocated only then when page fault
+ occurs. Probably, I'm wrong
+ <antrik> what does "return to system" mean? we are talking about the
+ kernel...
+ <antrik> zalloc/slab are about allocating kernel objects. this doesn't have
+ *anything* to do with paging of userspace processes
+ <antrik> only thing the have in common is that they need to get pages from
+ the physical page allocator. but that's yet another topic
+ <mcsim> Under "return to system" I mean ability to use this page for other
+ needs.
+ <braunr> mcsim: consider kernel memory to be wired
+ <braunr> here, return to system means releasing a page back to the vm
+ system
+ <braunr> the vm_kmem module then unmaps the physical page and free its
+ virtual address in the kernel map
+ <mcsim> ok
+ <braunr> antrik: the problem with new allocators like slqb is that it's
+ very difficult to really know if they're better, even with extensive
+ testing
+ <braunr> antrik: there are papers (like wilson95) about the difficulties in
+ making valuable results in this field
+ <braunr> see
+ <mcsim> how can be allocated physically continuous object now?
+ <braunr> mcsim: rephrase please
+ <mcsim> what is similar to kmalloc in Linux to gnumach?
+ <braunr> i know memory is reserved for dma in a direct virtual to physical
+ mapping
+ <braunr> so even if the allocation is done similarly to vmalloc()
+ <braunr> the selected region of virtual space maps physical memory, so
+ memory is physically contiguous too
+ <braunr> for other allocation types, a block large enough is allocated, so
+ it's contiguous too
+ <mcsim> I don't clearly understand. If we have fragmentation in physical
+ ram, so there aren't 2 free pages in a row, but there are able apart, we
+ can't to allocate these 2 pages along?
+ <braunr> no
+ <braunr> but every system has this problem
+ <mcsim> But since we have only 12 or 32 MB of memory the problem becomes
+ more significant
+ <braunr> you're confusing virtual and physical memory
+ <braunr> those 32 MiB are virtual
+ <braunr> the physical pages backing them don't have to be contiguous
+ <mcsim> Oh, indeed
+ <mcsim> So the only problem are limits?
+ <braunr> and performance
+ <braunr> and correctness
+ <braunr> i find the zone allocator badly written
+ <braunr> antrik: mcsim: here is the content of the kernel pmap on NetBSD
+ (which uses a virtual memory system close to the Mach VM)
+ <braunr> antrik: mcsim:
+ <braunr> you can see the kmem_map (which is used for most general kernel
+ allocations) is 128 MiB large
+ <braunr> actually it's not the kernel pmap, it's the kernel_map
+ <antrik> braunr: why is it called pmap.out then? ;-)
+ <braunr> antrik: because the tool is named pmap
+ <braunr> for process map
+ <braunr> it also exists under Linux, although direct access to
+ /proc/xx/maps gives more info
+ <mcsim> braunr: I've said that this is kernel_map. Can I see kernel_map for
+ Linux?
+ <braunr> mcsim: I don't know how to do that
+ <mcsim> s/I've/You've
+ <braunr> but Linux doesn't have submaps, and uses a direct virtual to
+ physical mapping, so it's used differently
+ <antrik> how are things (such as zalloc zones) entered into kernel_map?
+ <braunr> in zone_init() you have
+ <braunr> zone_map = kmem_suballoc(kernel_map, &zone_min, &zone_max,
+ zone_map_size, FALSE);
+ <braunr> so here, kmem_map is named zone_map
+ <braunr> then, in zalloc()
+ <braunr> kmem_alloc_wired(zone_map, &addr, zone->alloc_size)
+ <antrik> so, kmem_alloc just deals out chunks of memory referenced directly
+ by the address, and without knowing anything about the use?
+ <braunr> kmem_alloc() gives virtual pages
+ <braunr> zalloc() carves them into buffers, as in the slab allocator
+ <braunr> the difference is essentially the lack of formal "slab" object
+ <braunr> which makes the zone code look like a mess
+ <antrik> so kmem_suballoc() essentially just takes a bunch of pages from
+ the main kernel_map, and uses these to back another map which then in
+ turn deals out pages just like the main kernel_map?
+ <braunr> no
+ <braunr> kmem_suballoc creates a vm_map_entry object, and sets its start
+ and end address
+ <braunr> and creates a vm_map object, which is then inserted in the new
+ entry
+ <braunr> maybe that's what you meant with "essentially just takes a bunch
+ of pages from the main kernel_map"
+ <braunr> but there really is no allocation at this point
+ <braunr> except the map entry and the new map objects
+ <antrik> well, I'm trying to understand how kmem_alloc() manages things. so
+ it has map_entry structures like the maps of userspace processes? do
+ these also reference actual memory objects?
+ <braunr> kmem_alloc just allocates virtual pages from a vm_map, and backs
+ those with physical pages (unless the user requested pageable memory)
+ <braunr> it's not "like the maps of userspace processes"
+ <braunr> these are actually the same structures
+ <braunr> a vm_map_entry can reference a memory object or a kernel submap
+ <braunr> in netbsd, it can also referernce nothing (for pure wired kernel
+ memory like the vm_page array)
+ <braunr> maybe it's the same in mach, i don't remember exactly
+ <braunr> antrik: this is actually very clear in vm/vm_kern.c
+ <braunr> kmem_alloc() creates a new kernel object for the allocation
+ <braunr> allocates a new entry (or uses a previous existing one if it can
+ be extended) through vm_map_find_entry()
+ <braunr> then calls kmem_alloc_pages() to back it with wired memory
+ <antrik> "creates a new kernel object" -- what kind of kernel object?
+ <braunr> kmem_alloc_wired() does roughly the same thing, except it doesn't
+ need a new kernel object because it knows the new area won't be pageable
+ <braunr> a simple vm_object
+ <braunr> used as a container for anonymous memory in case the pages are
+ swapped out
+ <antrik> vm_object is the same as memory object/pager? or yet something
+ different?
+ <braunr> antrik: almost
+ <braunr> antrik: a memory_object is the user view of a vm_object
+ <braunr> as in the kernel/user interfaces used by external pagers
+ <braunr> vm_object is a more internal name
+ <mcsim> Is fragmentation a big problem in slab allocator?
+ <mcsim> I've tested it on my computer in Linux and for some caches it
+ reached 30-40%
+ <antrik> well, fragmentation is a major problem for any allocator...
+ <antrik> the original slab allocator was design specifically with the goal
+ of reducing fragmentation
+ <antrik> the revised version with the addition of magazines takes a step
+ back on this though
+ <antrik> have you compared it to slub? would be pretty interesting...
+ <mcsim> I have an idea how can it be decreased, but it will hurt by
+ performance...
+ <mcsim> antrik: no I haven't, but there will be might the same, I think
+ <mcsim> if each cache will handle two types of object: with sizes that will
+ fit cache sizes (or I bit smaller) and with sizes which are much smaller
+ than maximal cache size. For first type of object will be used standard
+ slab allocator and for latter type will be used (within page) heap
+ allocator.
+ <mcsim> I think that than fragmentation will be decreased
+ <antrik> not at all. heap allocator has much worse fragmentation. that's
+ why slab allocator was invented
+ <antrik> the problem is that in a long-running program (such an the
+ kernel), objects tend to have vastly varying lifespans
+ <mcsim> but we use heap only for objects of specified sizes
+ <antrik> so often a few old objects will keep a whole page hostage
+ <mcsim> for example for 32 byte cache it could be 20-28 byte objects
+ <antrik> that's particularily visible in programs such as firefox, which
+ will grow the heap during use even though actual needs don't change
+ <antrik> the slab allocator groups objects in a fashion that makes it more
+ likely adjacent objects will be freed at similar times
+ <antrik> well, that's pretty oversimplyfied, but I hope you get the
+ idea... it's about locality
+ <mcsim> I agree, but I speak not about general heap allocation. We have
+ many heaps for objects with different sizes.
+ <mcsim> Could it be better?
+ <antrik> note that this has been a topic of considerable research. you
+ shouldn't seek to improve the actual algorithms -- you would have to read
+ up on the existing research at least before you can contribute anything
+ to the field :-)
+ <antrik> how would that be different from the slab allocator?
+ <mcsim> slab will allocate 32 byte for both 20 and 32 byte requests
+ <mcsim> And if there was request for 20 bytes we get 12 unused
+ <antrik> oh, you mean the implementation of the generic allocator on top of
+ slabs? well, that might not be optimal... but it's not an often used case
+ anyways. mostly the kernel uses constant-sized objects, which get their
+ own caches with custom tailored size
+ <antrik> I don't think the waste here matters at all
+ <mcsim> affirmative. So my idea is useless.
+ <antrik> does the statistic you refer to show the fragmentation in absolute
+ sizes too?
+ <mcsim> Can you explain what is absolute size?
+ <mcsim> I've counted what were requested (as parameter of kmalloc) and what
+ was really allocated (according to best fit cache size).
+ <antrik> how did you get that information?
+ <mcsim> I simply wrote a hook
+ <antrik> I mean total. i.e. how many KiB or MiB are wasted due to
+ fragmentation alltogether
+ <antrik> ah, interesting. how does it work?
+ <antrik> BTW, did you read the slab papers?
+ <mcsim> Do you mean articles from
+ <antrik> no
+ <antrik> I mean the papers from the Sun hackers who invented the slab
+ allocator(s)
+ <antrik> Bonwick mostly IIRC
+ <mcsim> Yes
+ <antrik> hm... then you really should know the rationale behind it...
+ <mcsim> There he says about 11% percent of memory waste
+ <antrik> you didn't answer my other questions BTW :-)
+ <mcsim> I've corrupted kernel tree with patch, and tomorrow I'm going to
+ read myself up for exam (I have it on Thursday). But than I'll send you a
+ module which I've used for testing.
+ <antrik> OK
+ <mcsim> I can send you module now, but it will not work without patch.
+ <mcsim> It would be better to rewrite it using debugfs, but when I was
+ writing this test I didn't know about trace_* macros
+ <mcsim> There is a hack in zone_gc when it allocates and frees two
+ vm_map_kentry_zone elements to make sure the gc will be able to allocate
+ two in vm_map_delete. Isn't it better to allocate memory for these
+ entries statically?
+ <youpi> mcsim: that's not the point of the hack
+ <youpi> mcsim: the point of the hack is to make sure vm_map_delete will be
+ able to allocate stuff
+ <youpi> allocating them statically will just work once
+ <youpi> it may happen several times that vm_map_delete needs to allocate it
+ while it's empty (and thus zget_space has to get called, leading to a
+ hang)
+ <youpi> funnily enough, the bug is also in macos X
+ <youpi> it's still in my TODO list to manage to find how to submit the
+ issue to them
+ <braunr> really ?
+ <braunr> eh
+ <braunr> is that because of map entry splitting ?
+ <youpi> it's git commit efc3d9c47cd744c316a8521c9a29fa274b507d26
+ <youpi> braunr: iirc something like this, yes
+ <braunr> netbsd has this issue too
+ <youpi> possibly
+ <braunr> i think it's a fundamental problem with the design
+ <braunr> people think of munmap() as something similar to free()
+ <braunr> whereas it's really unmap
+ <braunr> with a BSD-like VM, unmap can easily end up splitting one entry in
+ two
+ <braunr> but your issue is more about harmful recursion right ?
+ <youpi> I don't remember actually
+ <youpi> it's quite some time ago :)
+ <braunr> ok
+ <braunr> i think that's why i have "sources" in my slab allocator, the
+ default source (vm_kern) and a custom one for kernel map entries
+ <mcsim> braunr: you've said that once page is completely free, it is
+ returned to the vm.
+ <mcsim> who else, besides zone_gc, can return free pages to the vm?
+ <braunr> mcsim: i also said i was wrong about that
+ <braunr> zone_gc is the only one
+ <braunr> antrik: mcsim: i added back a new per-cpu layer as planned
+ <braunr>
+ <braunr> mcsim: btw, in mem_cache_reap(), you can clearly see there are two
+ loops, just as in zone_gc, to reduce contention and avoid deadlocks
+ <braunr> this is really common in memory allocators
+ <mcsim> I've looked through some allocators and all of them use different
+ per cpu cache policy. AFAIK gnuhurd doesn't support multiprocessing, but
+ still multiprocessing must be kept in mind. So, what do you think what
+ kind of cpu caches is better? As for me I like variant with only per-cpu
+ caches (like in slqb).
+ <antrik> mcsim: well, have you looked at the allocator braunr wrote
+ himself? :-)
+ <antrik> I'm not sure I suggested that explicitly to you; but probably it
+ makes most sense to use that in gnumach
+ <mcsim> antrik: Yes, I have. He uses both global and per cpu caches. But he
+ also suggested to look through slqb, where there are only per cpu
+ caches.\
+ <braunr> i don't remember slqb in detail
+ <braunr> what do you mean by "only per-cpu caches" ?
+ <braunr> a whole slab sytem for each cpu ?
+ <mcsim> I mean that there are no global queues in caches, but there are
+ special queues for each cpu.
+ <mcsim> I've just started investigating slqb's code, but I've read an
+ article on lwn about it. And I've read that it is used for zen kernel.
+ <braunr> zen ?
+ <mcsim> Here is this article
+ <mcsim> Yes, this is linux kernel with some patches which haven't been
+ approved to torvald's tree
+ <mcsim>
+ <braunr> i see
+ <braunr> well it looks nice
+ <braunr> but as for slub, the problem i can see is cross-CPU freeing
+ <braunr> and I think nick piggins mentions it
+ <braunr> piggin*
+ <braunr> this means that sometimes, objects are "burst-free" from one cpu
+ cache to another
+ <braunr> which has the same bad effects as in most other allocators, mainly
+ fragmentation
+ <mcsim> There is a special list for freeing object allocated for another
+ <mcsim> And garbage collector frees such object on his own
+ <braunr> so what's your question ?
+ <mcsim> It is described in the end of article.
+ <mcsim> What cpu-cache policy do you think is better to implement?
+ <braunr> at this point, any
+ <braunr> and even if we had a kernel that perfectly supports
+ multiprocessor, I wouldn't care much now
+ <braunr> it's very hard to evaluate such allocators
+ <braunr> slqb looks nice, but if you have the same amount of fragmentation
+ per slab as other allocators do (which is likely), you have tat amount of
+ fragmentation multiplied by the number of processors
+ <braunr> whereas having shared queues limit the problem somehow
+ <braunr> having shared queues mean you have a bit more contention
+ <braunr> so, as is the case most of the time, it's a tradeoff
+ <braunr> by the way, does pigging say why he "doesn't like" slub ? :)
+ <braunr> piggin*
+ <mcsim>
+ <mcsim> here he describes what slqb is better.
+ <braunr> well it doesn't describe why slub is worse
+ <mcsim> but not very particularly
+ <braunr> except for order-0 allocations
+ <braunr> and that's a form of fragmentation like i mentioned above
+ <braunr> in mach those problems have very different impacts
+ <braunr> the backend memory isn't physical, it's the kernel virtual space
+ <braunr> so the kernel allocator can request chunks of higher than order-0
+ pages
+ <braunr> physical pages are allocated one at a time, then mapped in the
+ kernel space
+ <mcsim> Doesn't order of page depend on buffer size?
+ <braunr> it does
+ <mcsim> And why does gnumach allocates higher than order-0 pages more?
+ <braunr> why more ?
+ <braunr> i didn't say more
+ <mcsim> And why in mach those problems have very different impact?
+ <braunr> ?
+ <braunr> i've just explained why :)
+ <braunr> 09:37 < braunr> physical pages are allocated one at a time, then
+ mapped in the kernel space
+ <braunr> "one at a time" means order-0 pages, even if you allocate higher
+ than order-0 chunks
+ <mcsim> And in Linux they allocated more than one at time because of
+ prefetching page reading?
+ <braunr> do you understand what virtual memory is ?
+ <braunr> linux allocators allocate "physical memory"
+ <braunr> mach kernel allocator allocates "virtual memory"
+ <braunr> so even if you allocate a big chunk of virtual memory, it's backed
+ by order-0 physical pages
+ <mcsim> yes, I understand this
+ <braunr> you don't seem to :/
+ <braunr> the problem of higher than order-0 page allocations is
+ fragmentation
+ <braunr> do you see why ?
+ <mcsim> yes
+ <braunr> so
+ <braunr> fragmentation in the kernel space is less likely to create issues
+ than it does in physical memory
+ <braunr> keep in mind physical memory is almost always full because of the
+ page cache
+ <braunr> and constantly under some pressure
+ <braunr> whereas the kernel space is mostly empty
+ <braunr> so allocating higher then order-0 pages in linux is more dangerous
+ than it is in Mach or BSD
+ <mcsim> ok
+ <braunr> on the other hand, linux focuses pure performance, and not having
+ to map memory means less operations, less tlb misses, quicker allocations
+ <braunr> the Mach VM must map pages "one at a time", which can be expensive
+ <braunr> it should be adapted to handle multiple page sizes (e.g. 2 MiB) so
+ that many allocations can be made with few mappings
+ <braunr> but that's not easy
+ <braunr> as always: tradeoffs
+ <mcsim> There are other benefits of physical allocating. In big DMA
+ transfers can be needed few continuous physical pages. How does mach
+ handles such cases?
+ <braunr> gnumach does that awfully
+ <braunr> it just reserves the whole DMA-able memory and uses special
+ allocation functions on it, IIRC
+ <braunr> but kernels which have a MAch VM like memory sytem such as BSDs
+ have cleaner methods
+ <braunr> NetBSD provides a function to allocate contiguous physical memory
+ <braunr> with many constraints
+ <braunr> FreeBSD uses a binary buddy system like Linux
+ <braunr> the fact that the kernel allocator uses virtual memory doesn't
+ mean the kernel has no mean to allocate contiguous physical memory ...
diff --git a/open_issues/gnumach_memory_management/pmap.out b/open_issues/gnumach_memory_management/pmap.out
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b1af1e66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/open_issues/gnumach_memory_management/pmap.out
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+Start End Size Offset rwxpc RWX I/W/A Dev Inode - File
+c0000000-c16c1fff 23304k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+c16c2000-c16c2fff 4k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+c16c3000-c16e2fff 128k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+c16e3000-c999cfff 133864k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ kmem_map ]
+ c16e3000-c16e3fff 4k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+ c16e4000-c1736fff 332k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+ c1737000-c1737fff 4k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+ c1738000-c1766fff 188k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+ c1767000-c1767fff 4k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+ c1768000-c182dfff 792k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+ c182e000-c182efff 4k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+ c182f000-c187bfff 308k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+ c187c000-c187cfff 4k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+ c187d000-c187dfff 4k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+ c1880000-c189ffff 128k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+c999d000-ca99cfff 16384k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ pager_map ]
+ca99d000-ca9b7fff 108k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+ca9b8000-ca9b9fff 8k 0a9b8000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ uvm_aobj ]
+ca9ba000-ca9bbfff 8k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+ca9bc000-ca9bffff 16k 0a9bc000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ uvm_aobj ]
+ca9c0000-ca9dffff 128k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+ca9e0000-cab0bfff 1200k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ phys_map ]
+cab0c000-cad16fff 2092k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ mb_map ]
+ cab0c000-cab0cfff 4k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+ cab0d000-cab3afff 184k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+cad17000-cad26fff 64k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+cad27000-cad2cfff 24k 0ad27000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ uvm_aobj ]
+cad2d000-cad2dfff 4k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+cad2e000-cad2ffff 8k 0ad2e000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ uvm_aobj ]
+cad30000-cae0ffff 896k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+cae10000-cae11fff 8k 0ae10000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ uvm_aobj ]
+cae12000-cae81fff 448k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+cae82000-cae83fff 8k 0ae82000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ uvm_aobj ]
+cae84000-caecbfff 288k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+caecc000-caecdfff 8k 0aecc000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ uvm_aobj ]
+caece000-caecefff 4k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+caecf000-caecffff 4k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+caed0000-caed1fff 8k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+caed2000-caed3fff 8k 0aed2000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ uvm_aobj ]
+caed4000-caee5fff 72k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+caee6000-caee9fff 16k 0aee6000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ uvm_aobj ]
+caeea000-caeeefff 20k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+caeef000-caef4fff 24k 0aeef000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ uvm_aobj ]
+caef5000-cb00cfff 1120k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+cb00d000-cb01cfff 64k 0b00d000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ uvm_aobj ]
+cb01d000-cb02afff 56k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+cb02b000-cb82afff 8192k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ ubc_pager ]
+cb82b000-cb838fff 56k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+cb839000-cb839fff 4k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+cb83a000-cb83bfff 8k 0b83a000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ uvm_aobj ]
+cb83c000-cb855fff 104k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+cb856000-cb857fff 8k 0b856000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ uvm_aobj ]
+cb858000-cb858fff 4k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+cb859000-cb85cfff 16k 0b859000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ uvm_aobj ]
+cb85d000-cb85dfff 4k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+cb85e000-cb85ffff 8k 0b85e000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ uvm_aobj ]
+cb860000-cb88ffff 192k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+cb890000-cb8cffff 256k 0b890000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ uvm_aobj ]
+cb8d0000-cb8f0fff 132k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+cb8f1000-cb8f4fff 16k 0b8f1000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ uvm_aobj ]
+cb8f5000-cba03fff 1084k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+cba04000-cba04fff 4k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+cba05000-cbaf1fff 948k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+cbaf2000-cbaf3fff 8k 0baf2000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ uvm_aobj ]
+cbaf4000-cbaf7fff 16k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+cbaf8000-cbafffff 32k 0baf8000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ uvm_aobj ]
+cbb00000-cbb70fff 452k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+cbb71000-cbb76fff 24k 0bb71000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ uvm_aobj ]
+cbb77000-cbb7bfff 20k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+cbb7c000-cbb7ffff 16k 0bb7c000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ uvm_aobj ]
+cbb80000-cbbc1fff 264k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+cbbc2000-cbbc2fff 4k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+cbbc3000-cbbc3fff 4k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+cbbc4000-cbbc5fff 8k 0bbc4000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ uvm_aobj ]
+cbbc6000-cbbc8fff 12k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+cbbc9000-cbbcafff 8k 0bbc9000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ uvm_aobj ]
+cbbcb000-cbbcdfff 12k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+cbbce000-cbbcffff 8k 0bbce000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ uvm_aobj ]
+cbbd0000-cbca1fff 840k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+cbca2000-cbcadfff 48k 0bca2000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ uvm_aobj ]
+cbcae000-cbcaefff 4k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+cbcaf000-cbcb2fff 16k 0bcaf000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ uvm_aobj ]
+cbcc0000-cbcdffff 128k 00000000 rwxs- (rwx) 2/0/1 00:00 0 - [ anon ]
+ total 193356k
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index 00000000..3299dfa0
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+[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc."]]
+[[!meta license="""[[!toggle id="license" text="GFDL 1.2+"]][[!toggleable
+id="license" text="Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
+document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or
+any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant
+Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license
+is included in the section entitled [[GNU Free Documentation
+[[!meta title="Lexical .. Resolution"]]
+[[!tag open_issue_glibc open_issue_hurd]]
+There is a [[!FF_project 279]][[!tag bounty]] on this task.
+# Original [[community/GSoC]] Task Description
+[[!inline pages=community/gsoc/project_ideas/lexical_dot-dot feeds=no]]
diff --git a/open_issues/libc_variant_selection.mdwn b/open_issues/libc_variant_selection.mdwn
index 10e709a5..f44f7068 100644
--- a/open_issues/libc_variant_selection.mdwn
+++ b/open_issues/libc_variant_selection.mdwn
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc."]]
+[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2010, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc."]]
[[!meta license="""[[!toggle id="license" text="GFDL 1.2+"]][[!toggleable
id="license" text="Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ License|/fdl]]."]]"""]]
[[!tag open_issue_glibc open_issue_porting]]
+There is a [[!FF_project 274]][[!tag bounty]] on this task.
There are now specialized variants of Debian's libc package, libc0.3-i686 and
diff --git a/open_issues/libpthread.mdwn b/open_issues/libpthread.mdwn
index 16b6d098..614f1271 100644
--- a/open_issues/libpthread.mdwn
+++ b/open_issues/libpthread.mdwn
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-[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc."]]
+[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2010, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc."]]
[[!meta license="""[[!toggle id="license" text="GFDL 1.2+"]][[!toggleable
id="license" text="Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
@@ -10,26 +10,48 @@ License|/fdl]]."]]"""]]
[[!tag open_issue_glibc open_issue_libpthread]]
-GSoC project idea: [[community/gsoc/project ideas/pthreads]]
-`#hurd`, 2010-01-24
+# cthreads -> pthreads
- <pinotree> youpi: hm, thought about the pthread/stubs issue w/ dlopen'ed libraries
- <pinotree> currently looks like libstdc++ on hurd links to pthread-stubs, we're the only one with such configuration
- <pinotree> i was looking at the gcc 4.4 patch hurd-pthread.diff, could it be it does not set THREADLIBS in the switch case?
+Get rid of cthreads; switch to pthreads.
+There is a [[!FF_project 275]][[!tag bounty]] on this task.
+## Original [[community/GSoC]] Task Description
+[[!inline pages=community/gsoc/project_ideas/pthreads feeds=no]]
+# pthread/stubs issue w/ dlopen'ed libraries
+IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2010-01-24
+ <pinotree> youpi: hm, thought about the pthread/stubs issue w/ dlopen'ed
+ libraries
+ <pinotree> currently looks like libstdc++ on hurd links to pthread-stubs,
+ we're the only one with such configuration
+ <pinotree> i was looking at the gcc 4.4 patch hurd-pthread.diff, could it
+ be it does not set THREADLIBS in the switch case?
<youpi> that's expected
- <youpi> on linux the libc provides hooks itself, on hurd-i386 it's pthread-stubs
+ <youpi> on linux the libc provides hooks itself, on hurd-i386 it's
+ pthread-stubs
<pinotree> why not explicitly link to pthread though?
- <youpi> because there is no strict need to, for applications that don't need libpthread
- <youpi> the dlopen case is a tricky case that pthread-stubs had not thought about
+ <youpi> because there is no strict need to, for applications that don't
+ need libpthread
+ <youpi> the dlopen case is a tricky case that pthread-stubs had not thought
+ about
<pinotree> hm
<pinotree> what if the pthread stubs would be moved in our glibc?
<youpi> that's what we should do yes
<youpi> (ideally)
- <youpi> but for this we need to build libpthread along glibc, to get it really working
- <youpi> and that's the tricky part (Makefile & such) which hasn't been done yet
+ <youpi> but for this we need to build libpthread along glibc, to get it
+ really working
+ <youpi> and that's the tricky part (Makefile & such) which hasn't been done
+ yet
<pinotree> why both (stubs + actual libpthread)?
<youpi> because you need the stubs to be able to call the actual libpthread
<youpi> as soon libpthread gets dlopened for instance
@@ -38,7 +60,8 @@ GSoC project idea: [[community/gsoc/project ideas/pthreads]]
<youpi> (remember that nptl does this if you want to see how)
<youpi> (it's the libc files in nptl/)
<youpi> (and forward.c)
- <guillem> also if libpthreads gets integrated with glibc don't we need to switch the hurd from cthreads then? Which has been the blocker all this time AFAIR?
+ <guillem> also if libpthreads gets integrated with glibc don't we need to
+ switch the hurd from cthreads then? Which has been the blocker all this
+ time AFAIR?
<youpi> we don't _need_ to
<guillem> ok
diff --git a/open_issues/locking_issues.mdwn b/open_issues/locking_issues.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e15562bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/open_issues/locking_issues.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc."]]
+[[!meta license="""[[!toggle id="license" text="GFDL 1.2+"]][[!toggleable
+id="license" text="Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
+document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or
+any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant
+Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license
+is included in the section entitled [[GNU Free Documentation
+[[!tag open_issue_hurd]]
+There are locking issues in the Hurd's libraries.
+# Original [[community/GSoC]] Task Description
+[[!inline pages=community/gsoc/project_ideas/libdiskfs_locking feeds=no]]
+# ext2fs Deadlock
+# Formal Verification
+Methods of [[formal_verification]] should be applied to get an understanding of
+the behavior of the locking logic. There are tools for formal
+verification/[[code_analysis]] that can likely help here.
+There is a [[!FF_project 278]][[!tag bounty]] on this task.
diff --git a/open_issues/perl.mdwn b/open_issues/perl.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e94a623b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/open_issues/perl.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc."]]
+[[!meta license="""[[!toggle id="license" text="GFDL 1.2+"]][[!toggleable
+id="license" text="Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
+document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or
+any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant
+Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license
+is included in the section entitled [[GNU Free Documentation
+[[!meta title="Foster Perl programming"]]
+Resolve issues uncovered by Perl's test suite, and enable Hurd-specific
+There is a [[!FF_project 264]][[!tag bounty]] on this task.
+# Part I
+First, make the language functional, have its test suite pass without errors.
+## Original [[community/GSoC]] Task Description
+[[!inline pages=community/gsoc/project_ideas/perl_python feeds=no]]
+# Part II
+Next, Hurd-specific features can be added. Add an interface to the
+language/environment for being able to do [[RPC]] calls, in order to program
+[[hurd/translator]]s natively in Perl.
+## Original [[community/GSoC]] Task Description
+[[!inline pages=community/gsoc/project_ideas/language_bindings feeds=no]]
diff --git a/open_issues/python.mdwn b/open_issues/python.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..34fa81f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/open_issues/python.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc."]]
+[[!meta license="""[[!toggle id="license" text="GFDL 1.2+"]][[!toggleable
+id="license" text="Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
+document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or
+any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant
+Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license
+is included in the section entitled [[GNU Free Documentation
+[[!meta title="Foster Python programming"]]
+Resolve issues uncovered by Python's test suite, and enable Hurd-specific
+There is a [[!FF_project 260]][[!tag bounty]] on this task.
+# Part I
+First, make the language functional, have its test suite pass without errors.
+## Original [[community/GSoC]] Task Description
+[[!inline pages=community/gsoc/project_ideas/perl_python feeds=no]]
+# Part II
+Next, Hurd-specific features can be added. Add an interface to the
+language/environment for being able to do [[RPC]] calls, in order to program
+[[hurd/translator]]s natively in Python.
+## Original [[community/GSoC]] Task Description
+[[!inline pages=community/gsoc/project_ideas/language_bindings feeds=no]]
diff --git a/open_issues/rework_gnumach_ipc_spaces.mdwn b/open_issues/rework_gnumach_ipc_spaces.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5bf0c530
--- /dev/null
+++ b/open_issues/rework_gnumach_ipc_spaces.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc."]]
+[[!meta license="""[[!toggle id="license" text="GFDL 1.2+"]][[!toggleable
+id="license" text="Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
+document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or
+any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant
+Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license
+is included in the section entitled [[GNU Free Documentation
+[[!tag open_issue_gnumach]]
+There is a [[!FF_project 268]][[!tag bounty]] on this task.
+IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2011-04-23
+ <braunr> youpi: is there any use of the port renaming facility ?
+ <youpi> I don't know
+ <braunr> at least, did you see such use ?
+ <braunr> i wonder why mach mach_port_insert_right() lets the caller specify
+ the port name
+ <youpi> ../hurd-debian/hurd/serverboot/default_pager.c: kr =
+ mach_port_rename( default_pager_self,
+ <braunr> mach_port_rename() is used only once, in the default pager
+ <braunr> so it's not that important
+ <braunr> but mach_port_insert_right() lets userspace task decide the port
+ name value
+ <youpi> just to repeat myself again, I don't know port stuff very much :)
+ <braunr> well you know that a port denotes a right, which denotes a port
+ <youpi> yes, but I don't have any real experience with it
+ <braunr> err
+ <braunr> port name
+ <braunr> the only reason I see is that the caller, say /hurd/exec running a
+ fork()
+ <braunr> hm
+ <braunr> no, i don't even see the reason here
+ <braunr> port names should be allocated by the kernel only, like file
+ descriptors
+ <youpi> you can choose file descriptor values too
+ <braunr> really ?
+ <youpi> with dup2, yes
+ <braunr> oh
+ <braunr> hm
+ <braunr> what's the data structure in current unices to store file
+ descriptors ?
+ <braunr> a hash table ?
+ <youpi> I don't know
+ <braunr> i'll have to look at that
+ <braunr> FYI, i'm asking these questions because i'm thinking of reworking
+ ipc spaces
+ <braunr> i believe the use of splay trees completely destroys performance
+ of tasks with many many port names such as the root file system
+ <youpi> that can be a problem yes
+ <youpi> since there are 3 ports per opened file, and like 3 per thread too
+ <braunr> + the page cache
+ <youpi> with a few thousand opened files and threads, that makes a lot
+ <youpi> by "opened file" I meant page cache actually
+ <braunr> i saw numbers up to 30k
+ <braunr> ok
+ <youpi> on buildds I easily see 100k ports
+ <braunr> for a single task ?
+ <braunr> wow
+ <youpi> yes
+ <youpi> the page cache is 4k files
+ <braunr> so that's definitely worth the try
+ <youpi> so that already makes 12k ports
+ <youpi> and 4k is not so big
+ <braunr> it's limited to 4K ?
+ <youpi> I haven't been able to check where the 100k come from yet
+ <youpi> braunr: yas
+ <braunr> could be leaks :/
+ <youpi> yes
+ <braunr> omg, a hard limit on the page cache ..
+ <youpi> vm/vm_object.c:int vm_object_cached_max = 4000; /* may
+ be patched*/
+ <braunr> mach is really old :(
+ <youpi> I've raised it
+ <youpi> before it was 200
+ <youpi> ...
+ <braunr> oO
+ <youpi> I tried to dro pthe limit, but then I was lacking memory
+ <youpi> which I believe have fixed the other day, but I have to test again
+ <braunr> that implementation doesn't know how to deal with memory pressure
+ <youpi> yes
+ <braunr> i saw your recent changes about adding warnings in such cases
+ <braunr> so, back to ipc spaces
+ <braunr> i think splay trees 1/ can get very unbalanced easily
+ <braunr> which isn't hard to imagine
+ <braunr> and 2/ make poor usage of the cpu caches because they're BST and
+ write a lot to memory
+ <youpi> maybe you could write a patch which would dump statistics on that?
+ <braunr> that's part of the job i'm assigning to myself
+ <youpi> ok
+ <braunr> i'd like to try replacing splay trees with radix trees
+ <youpi> I can run it on the buildds
+ <youpi> buildds are very good stress-tests :)
+ <braunr> :)
+ <youpi> 22h building -> 77k ports
+ <youpi> 26h building -> 97k ports
+ <youpi> the problem is that when I add leak debugging (backtraces), I'm
+ getting out of memory :)
+ <braunr> that will be a small summer of code outside the gsoc :p
+ <braunr> :/
+ <braunr> backtraces are very consuming
+ <youpi> but that's only because of hardcoded limits
+ <youpi> I'll have to test again with bigger limits
+ <braunr> again ..
+ <braunr> evil hard limits
+ <youpi> well, actually we could as well just drop them
+ <youpi> but we'd also need to easily get statistics on zone/vm_maps usage
+ <youpi> because else we don't see leaks
+ <youpi> (except that the machine eventually crashes)
+ <braunr> hm
+ <braunr> i haven't explained why i was asking my questions actually
+ <braunr> so, i want radix trees, because they're nice
+ <braunr> they reduce the paths lengths
+ <braunr> they don't get too unbalanced (they're invariant wrt the order of
+ operations)
+ <braunr> they don't need to write to memory on lookups
+ <braunr> the only drawback is that they can create much overhead if their
+ usage pattern isn't appropriate
+ <braunr> elements in such a structure should be close, so that they share
+ common nodes
+ <youpi> the common usage pattern in ext2fs is a big bunch of ever-open
+ ports :)
+ <braunr> if there is one entry per node, it's a big waste
+ <braunr> yes
+ <youpi> there are 3, actually
+ <braunr> but the port names have low values
+ <braunr> they're allocated sequentially, beginning at 0
+ <braunr> (or 1 actually)
+ <braunr> which is perfect for radix trees
+ <youpi> yes
+ <youpi> 97989: send
+ <braunr> but if anyone can rename
+ <braunr> this introduces a new potential weakness
+ <youpi> ah, if it's just a weakness it's probably not a problem
+ <youpi> I thought it was even a no-go
+ <braunr> i think so
+ <youpi> I guess port rename is very seldom
+ <braunr> but in a future version, it would be nice not to allow port
+ renaming
+ <braunr> unless there are similar issues in current unix kernels
+ <braunr> in which case i'd say it's acceptable
+ <youpi> there are
+ <braunr> of that order ?
+ <youpi> and it'd be useful for e.g. processing
+ tracing/debugging/tweaking/whatever
+ <youpi> it's also used to hide fds from a process
+ <braunr> port renaming you mean ?
+ <youpi> you allocate them very high
+ <youpi> yes
+ <braunr> ok
+ <youpi> choosing your port name, generally
+ <youpi> to match what the process expects for instance
+ <braunr> then it would be a matter of resource limiting (which we totally
+ lack afaik)
+ <braunr> along the number of maximum open files, you would have a number of
+ maximum rights
+ <braunr> does that seem fine to you ?
+ <youpi> if done throught rlimits, sure
+ <braunr> something similar yes
+ <youpi> (_no_ PORTS_MAX ;) )
+ <braunr> oh and, in addition, i remember gnumach has a special
+ configuration of the processor in which caching is limited
+ <braunr> like write-through only
+ <youpi> didn't I fix that recently ?
+ <braunr> i don't know :)
+ <braunr> CR0=e001003b
+ <braunr> i don't think it's fixed
+ <youpi> I mean, in the git
+ <braunr> ah
+ <youpi> not in the debian package
+ <braunr> didn't tried the git version yet
+ <braunr> last time i tried (which was a long time ago), it made the kernel
+ crash
+ <braunr> have you figured why ?
+ <youpi> I'm not aware of that
+ <braunr> anyway, splay trees write a lot, and most trees write a lot even
+ at insertion/removal to rebalance
+ <youpi> braunr: Mmm, there's no clearance of CD in the kernel actually
+ <braunr> with radix trees, even if caching can't be fully enabled, it would
+ make much better use of it
+ <braunr> so if port renaming isn't a true issue, i'll choose that data
+ structure
+ <youpi> that'd probably be better yes
+ <youpi> I'm surprised by the CD, I do remember fixing something like this
+ lately
+ <braunr> there are several levels where CD can be set
+ <braunr> the processors ORs all those if i'm right
+ <braunr> to determine if caching is enabled
+ <youpi> I know
+ <braunr> ok
+ <youpi> but in my memory that was at the CR* level, precisely
+ <braunr> maybe for xen only ?
+ <youpi> no
+ <braunr> well good luck if you hunt that one, i'm off, see you :)
+ <youpi> braunr: ah, no, it was the PGE flag that I had fixed
+ <antrik> braunr: explicit port naming is used for example to pass some
+ initial ports to a new task at well-known places IIRC
+ <antrik> braunr: but these tend to be low numbers, so I don't see a problem
+ there
+ <antrik> (I'm not familiar with radix trees... why would high numbers be a
+ problem?)
+ <youpi> braunr: iirc the ipc space is limited to ~192k ports
+ <braunr> antrik: in most cases i've seen, the insert_right() call is used
+ on task_self()
+ <braunr> and if there really are special ports (like the bootstrap or
+ device ports), they should have special names
+ <braunr> IIRC, these ports are given through command line expansion by the
+ kernel at boot time
+ <braunr> but it seems reasonable to think of port renaming as a potentially
+ useful feature
+ <braunr> antrik: the problem with radix trees isn't them being high, it's
+ them being sparse
+ <braunr> you get the most efficient trees when entries have keys that are
+ close to each other
+ <braunr> because radix trees are a type of tries (the path in the tree is
+ based on the elements composing the key)
+ <braunr> so the more common prefixes you have, the less external nodes you
+ need
+ <braunr> here, keys are port names, but they can be memory addresses or
+ offsets in memory objects (like in the page cache)
+ <braunr> the radix algorithm takes a few bits, say 4 or 6, at a time from a
+ key, and uses that as an index in a node
+ <braunr> if keys are sparse, there can be as little as one entry per node
+ <braunr> IIRC, the worst case (on entry per node with the maximum possible
+ number of nodes for a 32-bits key) is 2% entries
+ <braunr> the reste being null entries and almost-empty nodes containing
+ them
+ <braunr> so if you leave the ability to give port rights the names you
+ want, you can create such worst case trees
+ <braunr> which may consume several MiB of memory per tree
+ <braunr> tens of MiB i'd say
+ <braunr> on the other hand, in the current state, almost all hurd
+ applications use sequentially allocated port names, close to 0 (which
+ allows a nice optimization)
+ <braunr> so a radix ree would be the most efficient
+ <antrik> well, if some processes really feel they must use random numbers
+ for port names, they *ought* to be penalized ;-)
diff --git a/open_issues/term_blocking.mdwn b/open_issues/term_blocking.mdwn
index 8d3e3b9f..5eea1570 100644
--- a/open_issues/term_blocking.mdwn
+++ b/open_issues/term_blocking.mdwn
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc."]]
+[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2009, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc."]]
[[!meta license="""[[!toggle id="license" text="GFDL 1.2+"]][[!toggleable
id="license" text="Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
@@ -10,7 +10,12 @@ License|/fdl]]."]]"""]]
[[!tag open_issue_hurd]]
-There must be some blocking / dead-locking (?) problem in `term`:
+There must be some blocking / dead-locking (?) problem in `term`.
+# Original Findings
# w | grep [t]sch
tschwing p1 Tue 8PM 0:03 2172 /bin/bash
@@ -98,3 +103,23 @@ Have a freshly started shell blocking on such a `term` instance.
[New Thread 1766.6]
Reading symbols from /lib/ symbols from /usr/lib/debug/lib/
[System doesn't respond anymore, but no kernel crash.]
+The very same behavior is still observable as of 2011-03-24.
+Next: rebooted; on console started root shell, screen, a few spare windows; as
+user started GDB test suite, noticed the PTY it's using; in a root shell
+started GDB (the system one, for `.debug` stuff) on `/hurd/term`, `set
+noninvasive on`, attach to the *term* that GDB is using.
+# Formal Verification
+This issue may be a simple programming error, or it may be more complicated.
+Methods of [[formal_verification]] should be applied to confirm that there is
+no error in `/hurd/term`'s logic itself. There are tools for formal
+verification/[[code_analysis]] that can likely help here.
+There is a [[!FF_project 277]][[!tag bounty]] on this task.