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diff --git a/open_issues/virtual_square_view-os.mdwn b/open_issues/virtual_square_view-os.mdwn
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+[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc."]]
+[[!meta license="""[[!toggle id="license" text="GFDL 1.2+"]][[!toggleable
+id="license" text="Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
+document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or
+any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant
+Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license
+is included in the section entitled [[GNU Free Documentation
+All the following is based only on a first, and quick glance only.
+We may want to have a look at Virtual Square / View-OS, and evaluate in which
+ways this is related / implemented / implementable / usable / useful in a Hurd
+environment, and even ;-) strive to collaborate with them.
+[[I|tschwinge]] found this project very much by chance: on LinkedIn, they
+posted a proposal for [DevRoom on Virtualization
+for [[community/meetings/FOSDEM_2011]]. LinkedIn sends out such posts in very
+opaque emails from time to time (probably they'd look less opaque with a HTML
+mail user agent), and I even bothered to have a look at it, and follow the link
+to the web page, and not delete it straightway.
+So, I had a quick look at the project:
+This seems to be an amalgamation / combination of various virtualization
+mechanisms / projects / ideas. Virtualization is here meant in a broad sense,
+including file system namespaces: our `chroot` / `settrans --chroot`;
+networking configurations: our pfinet override stuff; system configuration:
+subhurds?; current time, devices: likewise?; executable interpreter: our exec
+server override stuff; "stat" virtualization: fakeroot; etc. -- They seem to
+do a lot of stuff that we also try to do / could do / can do.
+In fact, this looks a bit like they're trying to bring some more of the Hurd's
+[[hurd/concepts]] over to Unix / Linux, more than only the *usual VFS stuff*
+(translators / FUSE).
+Perhaps start reading with the *slides* linked below.
+ * <>
+ * <>
+ * Renzo Davoli, Michael Goldweber, [*View-OS: Change your View on
+ Virtualization*](,
+ Proc. of Linux Kongress, 2009
+ * [slides](