path: root/community/weblogs/ArneBab/Hurd-showcase-qemu-image.mdwn
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diff --git a/community/weblogs/ArneBab/Hurd-showcase-qemu-image.mdwn b/community/weblogs/ArneBab/Hurd-showcase-qemu-image.mdwn
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+I’m currently preparing a qemu image for the Hurd which allows testing the capabilities of the Hurd with as little effort as possible.
+**Work in progress. These are my in-development notes.**
+For that I want to use:
+* An up to date debian image (no longer online, but I have a copy here).
+* My [Hurd Intro](,
+* Translators from [hurd-extras]( and the [incubator](, and naturally
+* a lot of apt-get update; apt-get upgrade and apt-get dist-upgrade :) (all worked flawlessly).
+## Working
+### Generally
+ # ssh with public key
+ apt-get install random-egd
+ ssh-keygen
+ # build tools
+ apt-get install build-essential
+### StoreIO
+ # mount an iso image
+ mount foo.iso bar -t iso9660fs
+ # see myfile as device
+ settrans foo /hurd/storeio myfile
+ # so that means I can pack a complete chroot (300MB) into a file with storeio and ext2fs — giselher
+ # nfs mount anywhere (TODO: check this with antrik)
+ mount server:/home /home -t nfs
+ settrans /home /hurd/nfs server:/home
+## In Progress
+### Hurdextras
+ hg clone <hurdextras repo>
+### httpfs
+ # pkg-config is needed to avoid “PKG_CHECK_MODULES syntax error near unexpected token `HTTPFS,'”
+ # pkg-config must be installed before you run autoreconf.
+ apt-get install autoconf autoconf-archive libxml2-dev pkg-config
+ autoreconf -i -f
+ ./configure
+ make
+ make install
+ settrans -ac gnu /usr/local/httpfs
+ # (breaks, because libxml2 needs pthreads → work to do.)
+ # (what we need: pthreads in translators. → see the [work of Barry](
+ # check: for i in `objdump -x /usr/local/bin/httpfs |grep NEEDED| sed s/.*NEEDED//`; do echo $i; objdump -x /usr/lib/$i | grep pthread; objdump -x /lib/$i | grep pthread; done
+### Tarfs
+ apt-get install zip libz-dev libbz2-dev
+ hg clone tarfs
+ cd tarfs
+ make
+ make install
+ # works, though with warnings.
+ settrans -ca new /hurd/tarfs -cz test/intro.tar.gz
+ cp repos/intro/README new/
+ settrans -g new
+ tar -tf test/intro.tar.gz
+ # works
+ tar -cf test/intro.tar repos/intro
+ settrans -ac t /hurd/tarfs test/intro.tar
+ # (settrans: /hurd/tarfs: Translator died :( ⇒ more work to do )
+### nsmux
+ git clone git:// nsmux
+ cd nsmux/
+ git checkout -b nsmux origin/nsmux
+ apt-get install autoconf autoconf-archive
+ autoreconf -i -f
+ ./configure
+ make
+ make install
+ cd ../..
+ mkdir test
+ settrans -c test2 /usr/local/bin/nsmux test
+ tar -cf test/intro.tar repos/hurd_intro
+ ls test2/intro.tar,,tarfs
+### clisp
+ git clone git:// clisp
+ cd clisp/
+ git checkout -b clisp origin/clisp
+ apt-get install texi2html
+ make
+ make install
+### debugging Translators
+ rpctrace