path: root/open_issues/performance/io_system/clustered_page_faults.mdwn
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author <diana@web>2015-02-16 20:08:03 +0100
committerGNU Hurd web pages engine <>2015-02-16 20:08:03 +0100
commit95878586ec7611791f4001a4ee17abf943fae3c1 (patch)
tree847cf658ab3c3208a296202194b16a6550b243cf /open_issues/performance/io_system/clustered_page_faults.mdwn
parent8063426bf7848411b0ef3626d57be8cb4826715e (diff)
rename open_issues.mdwn to service_solahart_jakarta_selatan__082122541663.mdwn
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-# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2011-02-16
- <braunr> exceptfor the kernel, everything in an address space is
- represented with a VM object
- <braunr> those objects can represent anonymous memory (from malloc() or
- because of a copy-on-write)
- <braunr> or files
- <braunr> on classic Unix systems, these are files
- <braunr> on the Hurd, these are memory objects, backed by external pagers
- (like ext2fs)
- <braunr> so when you read a file
- <braunr> the kernel maps it from ext2fs in your address space
- <braunr> and when you access the memory, a fault occurs
- <braunr> the kernel determines it's a region backed by ext2fs
- <braunr> so it asks ext2fs to provide the data
- <braunr> when the fault is resolved, your process goes on
- <etenil> does the faul occur because Mach doesn't know how to access the
- memory?
- <braunr> it occurs because Mach intentionnaly didn't back the region with
- physical memory
- <braunr> the MMU is programmed not to know what is present in the memory
- region
- <braunr> or because it's read only
- <braunr> (which is the case for COW faults)
- <etenil> so that means this bit of memory is a buffer that ext2fs loads the
- file into and then it is remapped to the application that asked for it
- <braunr> more or less, yes
- <braunr> ideally, it's directly written into the right pages
- <braunr> there is no intermediate buffer
- <etenil> I see
- <etenil> and as you told me before, currently the page faults are handled
- one at a time
- <etenil> which wastes a lot of time
- <braunr> a certain amount of time
- <etenil> enough to bother the user :)
- <etenil> I've seen pages have a fixed size
- <braunr> yes
- <braunr> use the PAGE_SIZE macro
- <etenil> and when allocating memory, the size that's asked for is rounded
- up to the page size
- <etenil> so if I have this correctly, it means that a file ext2fs provides
- could be split into a lot of pages
- <braunr> yes
- <braunr> once in memory, it is managed by the page cache
- <braunr> so that pages more actively used are kept longer than others
- <braunr> in order to minimize I/O
- <etenil> ok
- <braunr> so a better page cache code would also improve overall performance
- <braunr> and more RAM would help a lot, since we are strongly limited by
- the 768 MiB limit
- <braunr> which reduces the page cache size a lot
- <etenil> but the problem is that reading a whole file in means trigerring
- many page faults just for one file
- <braunr> if you want to stick to the page clustering thing, yes
- <braunr> you want less page faults, so that there are less IPC between the
- kernel and the pager
- <etenil> so either I make pages bigger
- <etenil> or I modify Mach so it can check up on a range of pages for faults
- before actually processing
- <braunr> you *don't* change the page size
- <etenil> ah
- <etenil> that's hardware isn't it?
- <braunr> in Mach, yes
- <etenil> ok
- <braunr> and usually, you want the page size to be the CPU page size
- <etenil> I see
- <braunr> current CPU can support multiple page sizes, but it becomes quite
- hard to correctly handle
- <braunr> and bigger page sizes mean more fragmentation, so it only suits
- machines with large amounts of RAM, which isn't the case for us
- <etenil> ok
- <etenil> so I'll try the second approach then
- <braunr> that's what i'd recommand
- <braunr> recommend*
- <etenil> ok
-# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2011-02-16
- <antrik> etenil: OSF Mach does have clustered paging BTW; so that's one
- place to start looking...
- <antrik> (KAM ported the OSF code to gnumach IIRC)
- <antrik> there is also an existing patch for clustered paging in libpager,
- which needs some adaptation
- <antrik> the biggest part of the task is probably modifying the Hurd
- servers to use the new interface
- <antrik> but as I said, KAM's code should be available through google, and
- can serve as a starting point
-# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2011-07-22
- <braunr> but concerning clustered pagins/outs, i'm not sure it's a mach
- interface limitation
- <braunr> the external memory pager interface does allow multiple pages to
- be transfered
- <braunr> isn't it an internal Mach VM problem ?
- <braunr> isn't it simply the page fault handler ?
- <antrik> braunr: are you sure? I was under the impression that changing the
- pager interface was among the requirements...
- <antrik> hm... I wonder whether for pageins, it could actually be handled
- in the pages instead of Mach... though this wouldn't work for pageouts,
- so probably not very helpful
- <antrik> err... in the pagers
- <braunr> antrik: i'm almost sure
- <braunr> but i've be proven wrong many times, so ..
- <braunr> there are two main facts that lead me to think this
- <braunr> 1/
- says lengths are provided and doesn't mention the limitation
- <braunr> 2/ when reading about UVM, one of the major improvements (between
- 10 and 30% of global performance depending on the benchmarks) was
- implementing the madvise semantics
- <braunr> and this didn't involve a new pager interface, but rather a new
- page fault handler
- <antrik> braunr: hm... the interface indeed looks like it can handle
- multiple pages in both directions... perhaps it was at the Hurd level
- where the pager interface needs to be modified, not the Mach one?...
- <braunr> antrik: would be nice wouldn't it ? :)
- <braunr> antrik: more probably the page fault handler
-# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2011-09-28
- <slpz> antrik: I've just recovered part of my old multipage I/O work
- <slpz> antrik: I intend to clean and submit it after finishing the changes
- to the pageout system.
- <antrik> slpz: oh, great!
- <antrik> didn't know you worked on multipage I/O
- <antrik> slpz: BTW, have you checked whether any of the work done for GSoC
- last year is any good?...
- <antrik> (apart from missing copyright assignments, which would be a
- serious problem for the Hurd parts...)
- <slpz> antrik: It was seven years ago, but I did:
- :-)
- <slpz> antrik: Sincerely, I don't think the quality of that code is good
- enough to be considered... but I think it was my fault as his mentor for
- not correcting him soon enough...
- <antrik> slpz: I see
- <antrik> TBH, I feel guilty myself, for not asking about the situation
- immediately when he stopped attending meetings...
- <antrik> slpz: oh, you even already looked into vm_pageout_scan() back then
- :-)
-# [[Read-Ahead]]