path: root/news/2011-q2.mdwn
diff options
authorThomas Schwinge <>2014-02-26 12:43:40 +0100
committerThomas Schwinge <>2014-02-26 12:43:40 +0100
commitca63bd2d33b3d28eabd50ad58577b52a1fc9eba0 (patch)
tree74bf46806011262f116d83ff5bec0a1cf8a79a4b /news/2011-q2.mdwn
parent5757d0c3b11dac706fbe72247e9d2dcf0ff44df9 (diff)
parent7ffc398e1c386925826c42a30ff10ae84e79378f (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'dirichlet.SCHWINGE/master'
Diffstat (limited to 'news/2011-q2.mdwn')
1 files changed, 44 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/news/2011-q2.mdwn b/news/2011-q2.mdwn
index f4dba68c..1c677670 100644
--- a/news/2011-q2.mdwn
+++ b/news/2011-q2.mdwn
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc."]]
+[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2011, 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc."]]
[[!meta license="""[[!toggle id="license" text="GFDL 1.2+"]][[!toggleable
id="license" text="Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
@@ -71,83 +71,87 @@ his Java/Hurd Google Summer of Code work.
- "Sebastian Grüner (golem): [Debian 7 kommt offiziell mit Hurd als
- Kernel \[de\]]("
+ "*[Debian 7 kommt offiziell mit Hurd als Kernel
+ \[de\]](*,, Sebastian Grüner,
+ 2011-07-14"
- "Dj Walker-Morgan (The H Open): [Hurd Progresses - Debian GNU/Hurd by end of
- 2012?]("
+ "*[Hurd Progresses - Debian GNU/Hurd by end of
+ 2012?](*,
+ The H Open, Dj Walker-Morgan, 2011-07-14"
- "Amit Khajuria (Innocent Hacker): [Debian 7 might come in a GNU Hurd
- version]("
+ "*[Debian 7 might come in a GNU Hurd
+ version](*,
+ Innocent Hacker, Amit Khajuria, 2011-07-17"
- "Joe 'Zonker' Brockmeier (LWN): [Signs of life from GNU
- Hurd]("
+ "*[Signs of life from GNU Hurd](*, LWN, Joe
+ 'Zonker' Brockmeier, 2011-07-20"
- "Markus Franz (netzwelt) [Debian 7.0 Wheezy: Erste Pläne für Hurd statt
- Linux-Kernel
- \[de\]]("
- "Jens Reil: [Hurd kommt zusammen mit Duke Nukem
- Forever. Fast. \[de\]]("
+ "*[Debian 7.0 Wheezy: Erste Pläne für Hurd statt Linux-Kernel
+ \[de\]](*,
+ Netzwelt, Markus Franz, 2011-07-15"
- "Thom Holwerda (OS News): [GNU Hurd Quarterly Status
- Report]("
+ "*[GNU Hurd Quarterly Status
+ Report](*,
+ OS News, Thom Holwerda, 2011-07-13"
- "Michael Larabel (Phoronix): [A Status Update On GNU Hurd: Java, Debian,
- Money]("
+ "*[A Status Update On GNU Hurd: Java, Debian,
+ Money](*, Phoronix,
+ Michael Larabel, 2011-07-13"
- "Michael Larabel (Phoronix): [Coming Up: Benchmarks Of GNU
- Hurd]("
+ "*[Coming Up: Benchmarks Of GNU
+ Hurd](*, Phoronix,
+ Michael Larabel, 2011-07-15"
- "Michael Larabel (Phoronix): [Test Driving GNU Hurd, With Benchmarks Against
- Linux]("
+ "*[Test Driving GNU Hurd, With Benchmarks Against
+ Linux](*,
+ Phoronix, Michael Larabel, 2011-07-18"
- "Hans-Joachim Baader (Pro Linux): [GNU Hurd will offiziell in nächste
- Debian-Version
- \[de\]]("
+ "*[GNU Hurd will offiziell in nächste Debian-Version
+ \[de\]](*,
+ Pro-Linux, Hans-Joachim Baader, 2011-07-13"
- "TheSilentNumber (reddit): [RMS may finally shout \"It's alive!\" at GNU+HURD
- thanks to
- Debian]("
+ "*[Debian now has concrete plans to bring GNU Hurd to the larger
+ community. It is expected to be released with the release of Debian 7.0
+ Wheezy towards the end of 2012 or beginning of
+ 2013](*,
+ reddit, mepper, 2011-07-14"
- "mepper (reddit): [Debian now has concrete plans to bring GNU Hurd to the
- larger community. It is expected to be released with the release of Debian
- 7.0 Wheezy towards the end of 2012 or beginning of
- 2013]("
+ "*[RMS may finally shout \"It's alive!\" at GNU+HURD thanks to
+ Debian](*,
+ reddit, TheSilentNumber, 2011-07-28"
- "Alexander \"Tolimar\" Reichle-Schmehl: [About Debian, The Hurd and Linux or
- in short: Yes, we will still have a Linux
- kernel]("
+ "*[About Debian, The Hurd and Linux or in short: Yes, we will still have a
+ Linux kernel](*, Alexander
+ \"Tolimar\" Reichle-Schmehl, 2011-07-15"
- "timothy (Slashdot): [Watch Out Linux, GNU Hurd
- Coming]("
+ "*[Watch Out Linux, GNU Hurd
+ Coming](*,
+ Slashdot, timothy, 2011-07-14"