path: root/community/gsoc
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authorSamuel Thibault <>2013-09-21 17:18:07 +0200
committerSamuel Thibault <>2013-09-21 17:18:07 +0200
commit910de984f80742bdafa21d35538e4c3f4ee82842 (patch)
tree10cf2062d1b963bbdafbfb26e2cc101ec7ba71ac /community/gsoc
parent67c3ee6db50e51738c01b0b88b40288fdf08ead3 (diff)
parent8316560e3c9dd8b89e1140cd07649aa5f311d955 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of
Diffstat (limited to 'community/gsoc')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 162 deletions
diff --git a/community/gsoc/project_ideas.mdwn b/community/gsoc/project_ideas.mdwn
index 8d4c609b..df0baee2 100644
--- a/community/gsoc/project_ideas.mdwn
+++ b/community/gsoc/project_ideas.mdwn
@@ -93,7 +93,6 @@ other: language_bindings, gnat, gccgo, perl_python. -->
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-[[!inline pages="community/gsoc/project_ideas/mtab" show=0 feeds=no actions=yes]]
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diff --git a/community/gsoc/project_ideas/mtab.mdwn b/community/gsoc/project_ideas/mtab.mdwn
deleted file mode 100644
index 694effca..00000000
--- a/community/gsoc/project_ideas/mtab.mdwn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-[[!meta copyright="Copyright © 2008, 2009, 2013 Free Software Foundation,
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-[[!meta title="mtab"]]
-In traditional monolithic system, the kernel keeps track of all mounts; the
-information is available through `/proc/mounts` (on Linux at least), and in a
-very similar form in `/etc/mtab`.
-The Hurd on the other hand has a totally
-[[decentralized_file_system|hurd/virtual_file_system]]. There is no single
-entity involved in all mounts. Rather, only the parent file system to which a
-mountpoint ([[hurd/translator]]) is attached is involved. As a result, there
-is no central place keeping track of mounts.
-As a consequence, there is currently no easy way to obtain a listing of all
-mounted file systems. This also means that commands like `df` can only work on
-explicitly specified mountpoints, instead of displaying the usual listing.
-One possible solution to this would be for the translator startup mechanism to
-update the `mtab` on any `mount`/`unmount`, like in traditional systems.
-However, there are some problems with this approach. Most notably: what to do
-with passive translators, i.e., translators that are not presently running, but
-set up to be started automatically whenever the node is accessed? Probably
-these should be counted among the mounted filesystems; but how to handle the
-`mtab` updates for a translator that is not started yet? Generally, being
-centralized and event-based, this is a pretty inelegant, non-hurdish solution.
-A more promising approach is to have `mtab` exported by a special translator,
-which gathers the necessary information on demand. This could work by
-traversing the tree of translators, asking each one for mount points attached
-to it. (Theoretically, it could also be done by just traversing *all* nodes,
-checking each one for attached translators. That would be very inefficient,
-though. Thus a special interface is probably required, that allows asking a
-translator to list mount points only.)
-There are also some other issues to keep in mind. Traversing arbitrary
-translators set by other users can be quite dangerous -- and it's probably not
-very interesting anyways what private filesystems some other user has mounted.
-But what about the global `/etc/mtab`? Should it list only root-owned
-filesystems? Or should it create different listings depending on what user
-contacts it?...
-That leads to a more generic question: which translators should be actually
-listed? There are different kinds of translators: ranging from traditional
-filesystems ([[disks|hurd/libdiskfs]] and other actual
-[[stores|hurd/translator/storeio]]), but also purely virtual filesystems like
-[[hurd/translator/ftpfs]] or [[hurd/translator/unionfs]], and even things that
-have very little to do with a traditional filesystem, like a
-[[xml_translator|hurd/translator/xmlfs]], or various device file translators...
-Listing all of these in `/etc/mtab` would be pretty pointless, so some kind of
-classification mechanism is necessary. By default it probably should list only
-translators that claim to be real filesystems, though alternative views with
-other filtering rules might be desirable.
-After taking decisions on the outstanding design questions, the student will
-implement both the actual [[mtab_translator|hurd/translator/mtabfs]], and the
-necessary interface(s) for gathering the data. It requires getting a good
-understanding of the translator mechanism and Hurd interfaces in general.
-Possible mentors: Olaf Buddenhagen (antrik), Carl Fredrik Hammar (cfhammar)
-Exercise: Make some improvement to any of the existing Hurd translators.
-Especially those in [hurdextras]( are often
-quite rudimentary, and it shouldn't be hard to find something to improve.
-# Related Discussion
-## IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-04-17
- <kuldeepdhaka> thinking how to get the listing. traversing would be
- ineffecient, trying to come up with something better
- <braunr> what listing ?
- <braunr> and traversing what ?
- <kuldeepdhaka> mtab
- <braunr> well i assumed so
- <braunr> be more precise please
- <kuldeepdhaka> when the translator is done initalized <translation
- info> are written to /etc/mtab <translation info> will be provided
- by the translator, and when some one want to read the info just read it
- this way if their is some credentials like ftp sites pass username can be
- masked by the translator
- <kuldeepdhaka> if some trans dont want to list them, no need to write to
- file | while unmounting (sorry i couldnt find the right word) , it
- will pass the mount node address | <translation info> will have special
- structure to remove/add mounts example "a /mount-to /mount-from" = add
- , "r /mount-to" = remove here "/mount-to" will be unique for every
- mount
- <kuldeepdhaka> this have a draw back , we would have to trust trans for the
- listed data | also "/mount-to" + "/mount-from" could be used a
- combination for making sure that other trans unable remove others trans
- mount data
- <kuldeepdhaka> sorry but "also "/mount-to" + "/mount-from" could be used a
- combination for making sure that other trans unable remove others trans
- mount data" this is a bad idea if we had to print the whole thing
- <kuldeepdhaka> braunr, whats ur opinion?
- <pinotree> you don't need a mtab to "unmount" things on hurd
- <braunr> kuldeepdhaka: hum, have you read the project idea ?
- <braunr>
- <braunr> A more promising approach is to have mtab exported by a special
- translator, which gathers the necessary information on demand. This could
- work by traversing the tree of translators, asking each one for mount
- points attached to it.
- <kuldeepdhaka> pinotree, not to unmount, i mean is to remove the
- <translation data>
- <braunr> for a first implementation, i'd suggest a recursive traversal of
- root-owned translators
- <kuldeepdhaka> braunr, hum, but it did stated it as inefficient
- <braunr> where ?
- <kuldeepdhaka> para 5 , line 3
- <kuldeepdhaka> and line 6
- <braunr> no
- <braunr> traversing "all" nodes would be inefficient
- <braunr> translators which host the nodes of other translators could
- maintain a simple list of active translators
- <braunr> ext2fs, e.g. (if that's not already the case) could keep the list
- of the translators it started
- <braunr> we can already see that list with pstree for example
- <braunr> but this new list would only retain those relevant for mtab
- <braunr> i.e. root-owned ones
- <pinotree> i would not limit to those though
- <braunr> and then filter on their type (e.g. file system ones)
- <braunr> pinotree: why ?
- <pinotree> this way you could have proper per-user /proc/$pid/mounts info
- <braunr> we could also very easily have a denial of service
- <kuldeepdhaka> but how will the mount point and source point will be
- listed?
- <braunr> they're returned by the translator
- <kuldeepdhaka> k
- <braunr> you ask /, it returns its store and its options, and asks its
- children recursively
- <braunr> a /home translator would return its store and its options
- <braunr> etc..
- <braunr> each translator would build the complete path before returning it
- <braunr> sort of, it's very basic
- <braunr> but that would be a very hurdish way to do it
- <kuldeepdhaka> shall /etc/mtab should be made seek-able and what should be
- the filesize? content are generated on demand so, it could arise problem
- (fsize:0 , seek-able:no), ur opinions?
- <braunr> kuldeepdhaka: it should have all the properties of a regular file
- <braunr> the filesize would be determined after it's generated
- <braunr> being empty doesn't imply it's not seekable
- <kuldeepdhaka> content is generated on demand so, could cause problem while
- seeking and filesize, shall i still program as regular file?
- <kuldeepdhaka> in two different read, it could generate different content,
- though same seek pos is used...
- <braunr> what ?
- <braunr> the content is generated on open
- <kuldeepdhaka> ooh, ok