path: root/community/gsoc/project_ideas
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authorThomas Schwinge <>2012-05-13 21:21:59 +0800
committerThomas Schwinge <>2012-05-13 21:21:59 +0800
commit066e7157468c3dc616ecbd34f2a2be9fde01cb7b (patch)
treee94bd6d0e3b794f65723f3c4a2079aa1657839c0 /community/gsoc/project_ideas
parent85af96d6372927375f60167ba86f907b788e25b4 (diff)
parent6f9c0342f33f52a2bda98d3709fbefd678bd46d9 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'fp/master'
Diffstat (limited to 'community/gsoc/project_ideas')
1 files changed, 64 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/community/gsoc/project_ideas/namespace-based_translator_selection/discussion.mdwn b/community/gsoc/project_ideas/namespace-based_translator_selection/discussion.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..befd680a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/community/gsoc/project_ideas/namespace-based_translator_selection/discussion.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
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+# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2012-04-22
+ <youpi> btw, I was wondering, when working on namespace mangling, did they
+ think about automatitioning ?
+ <youpi> autopartitioning, I meant
+ <youpi> i.e. with a foo.img file, open foo.img,,part1
+ <braunr> what are you referring to with namespace mangling
+ <youpi> and voila
+ <youpi> I don't remember the exact term they used
+ <braunr> you mean there is a hurd library that parses names and can direct
+ to different services depending on part of the name ?
+ <youpi> namespace-based_translator_selection
+ <youpi> yes
+ <braunr> i thought it only handled directories
+ <braunr> well, the classical path representation
+ * civodul finds it ugly
+ <youpi> civodul: because of potential conflict, and the not-too-nice ",,"
+ part?
+ <youpi> actually I wonder whether using directory access would be nicer
+ <youpi> i.e. you have a foo.gz, just open foo.gz/gunzip to get the unzipped
+ content
+ <youpi> and for foo.img.gz, open foo.img.gz/gunzip/part/1
+ <civodul> youpi: because of the interpretation of special chars in file
+ names
+ <civodul> users should be free to use any character they like in file names
+ <civodul> foo.gz/gunzip looks nicer to me
+ <youpi> ok, so we agree
+ <youpi> that said, the user could choose the separator
+ <youpi> the namespace can be not run by root for everybody, but just for
+ your shell, run by yourself
+ <antrik> civodul: the user can't use any character anyways... '/' and '\0'
+ are reserved :-P
+ <civodul> antrik: '/' isn't quite reserved on the Hurd :-)
+ <civodul> you could implement dir_lookup such that it does something
+ special about it
+ <civodul> (server-side)
+ <antrik> civodul: as for overloading '/', although I haven't thought it
+ through entirely, I guess that would work for nodes that present as files
+ normally. however, it would *not* work for directory nodes
+ <antrik> which would be quite a serious limitation IMHO
+ <antrik> I can think of various kinds of useful directory translators
+ <antrik> what's more, one of the main use cases I originally had in mind is
+ a policy filter
+ <antrik> you could pass a directory name with a appropriate filter applied
+ to tar for example, so it wouldn't try to follow any translators
+ <antrik> I don't see why taking an obscure prefix like ,, would be much of
+ a problem in practice anyways
+ <antrik> (also, it doesn't strictly prevent the user from having such file
+ names... you just need to escape it if accessing such files through the
+ namespace multiplexer. though admittedly that would need some special
+ handling in *some* programs to work properly)