path: root/TWiki
diff options
authorMikeMannix <MikeMannix>2001-09-18 03:44:10 +0000
committerMikeMannix <MikeMannix>2001-09-18 03:44:10 +0000
commit5e57739235e28c1937ea58d7733eba08efed05b2 (patch)
tree0191ecc9ded13553bdf8cfb409d2e1e75fb91352 /TWiki
parent36d1153b9bf2359172d05123f1f32fdb927e4474 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'TWiki')
1 files changed, 14 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/TWiki/TWikiUpgradeGuide.mdwn b/TWiki/TWikiUpgradeGuide.mdwn
index 2621827a..de513f51 100644
--- a/TWiki/TWikiUpgradeGuide.mdwn
+++ b/TWiki/TWikiUpgradeGuide.mdwn
@@ -20,20 +20,20 @@ The latest version of TWiki (01-Sep-2001) involves several major new features an
The 01-Sep-2001 release includes the following new features and enhancements:
-* **[[TWikiPlugins]]** - Easily install program enhancements using external plug-in modules. Developers can create plug-ins in Perl, with the [[TWikiPlugins]].
- * [[InterwikiPlugin]] (preinstalled) - Link to external sites with text aliases, `SiteAlias:Page`; rules are defined in [[InterWikis]]. (Get more Plugins from the TWiki:Plugins web.)
-* **[[TWikiTemplates]]** - New, more flexible template system.
-* **[[TWikiSkins]]** - Overwrite template headers and footers; page content is unaffected.
-* **[[TWikiMetaData]]** - New data format
-* **[[TWikiForms]]** - Create multiple input forms per web; data is rendered in HTML tables.
-* **[[ManagingTopics]]** Individual topics can be renamed, moved and deleted through the browser. Deleted topics are stored in a common Trash web.
-* **[[ChangingPasswords]]** Change and reset passwords using forms.
-* **[[TWikiVariables]]** - <code>%TOC%</code> variable generates a hierarchical table of contents from topic headings: &lt;hI&gt;...&lt;h6&gt;. Set depth.
-* **[[TWikiVariables]]** - Text formatting rules to generate automatic links from any combination of words and spaces.
-* **[[FileAttachment]]** Changes made to files attached to topics are now saved under revision control (RCS).
-* **Convert to XHTML** - Templates and HTML page rendering are in XHTML 1.0 as far as possible without breaking HTML 3.2 compliance.
-* **HierarchicalNavigation** uses new Meta Data variables to link hierarchically.
-* **SuperAdministrator Group** allows you to give one user group - by default, TWikiAdminGroup - superpowers: the ability to overwrite locked topics from the browser interface. (This gets around a potential problem where mistyping topic access definition could result in locking everyone out.)
+* **[[TWIKIWEBTWikiPlugins]]** - Easily install program enhancements using external plug-in modules. Developers can create plug-ins in Perl, with the [[TWIKIWEBTWikiPlugins]].
+ * %TWIKIWEB%.InterwikiPlugin (preinstalled) - Link to external sites with text aliases, `SiteAlias:Page`; rules are defined in [[InterWikis]]. (Get more Plugins from the TWiki:Plugins web.)
+* **[[TWIKIWEBTWikiTemplates]]** - New, more flexible template system.
+* **[[TWIKIWEBTWikiSkins]]** - Overwrite template headers and footers; page content is unaffected.
+* **[[TWIKIWEBTWikiMetaData]]** - New data format
+* **[[TWIKIWEBTWikiForms]]** - Create multiple input forms per web; data is rendered in HTML tables.
+* **[[TWIKIWEBManagingTopics]]** - Individual topics can be renamed, moved and deleted through the browser. Deleted topics are stored in a common Trash web.
+* **[[TWIKIWEBTWikiUserAuthentication]]** - Change and reset passwords using forms.
+* **[[TWIKIWEBTWikiVariables]]** - <code>%TOC%</code> variable generates a hierarchical table of contents from topic headings: &lt;h1&gt;...&lt;h6&gt;.
+* **[[TWIKIWEBTWikiVariables]]** - Text formatting rules to generate automatic links from any combination of words and spaces.
+* **[[TWIKIWEBFileAttachment]]** - Changes made to files attached to topics are now saved under revision control (RCS).
+* **[[TWIKIWEBTWikiAccessControl]]** - Lets you to make the members of one user group - by default, TWikiAdminGroup - into TWiki superusers, with the ability to overwrite locked topics from the browser interface. (This gets around the problem of topic lockouts, caused by typos in access privilege definitions.)
+* **HierarchicalNavigation** uses new [[TWIKIWEBTWikiMetaData]] variables to link hierarchically.
+* **Convert to XHTML** - Pages are rendered for display in XHTML 1.0, as far as possible without breaking HTML 3.2 compliance.
## <a name="TWiki_Directory_Structure_and_Fi"> TWiki Directory Structure and File Names </a>