path: root/TWiki
diff options
authorPeter Thoeny <>2001-07-14 11:08:20 +0000
committerPeter Thoeny <>2001-07-14 11:08:20 +0000
commit14cdbea7f7ddb04262ae75c87dbb296b979b3cbe (patch)
tree6201f093dfa457dc0486485e5196807a7a65aae2 /TWiki
parent12b5f1760b146a616053d85b3ba7b21359bc0cc0 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'TWiki')
1 files changed, 20 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/TWiki/TWikiPlugins.mdwn b/TWiki/TWikiPlugins.mdwn
index 73cbc000..816677be 100644
--- a/TWiki/TWikiPlugins.mdwn
+++ b/TWiki/TWikiPlugins.mdwn
@@ -12,4 +12,23 @@ under construction... ( check back at <
under construction... ( check back at <> )
--- [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 17 Feb 2001 <br />
+### <a name="Plugins_under_the_hood"> Plugins under the hood </a>
+* All plugin modules that exist in the `lib/TWiki/Plugins` directory are activated automatically unless disabled by the `DISABLEDPLUGINS` preferences variable in [[TWikiPreferences]]. You can optionally list the installed plugins in the `INSTALLEDPLUGINS` preferences variable. This is useful to define the sequence of plugin execution, or to specify other webs then the %WIKITOOLNAME% web for the plugin topics. Settings in [[TWiki/TWikiPreferences]]:
+ * <code>Set INSTALLEDPLUGINS = DefaultPlugin, ...</code>
+ * <code>Set DISABLEDPLUGINS = EmptyPlugin, ...</code>
+* The <code>%ACTIVATEDPLUGINS%</code> variable shows all currently activated plugins. This variable is shown in [[TWiki/TWikiPreferences]] for debug reasons.
+* Search order for plugin topics: Full `web.topicname` name is used if specified in `INSTALLEDPLUGINS`, then the %TWIKIWEB% web is searched, then the current web.
+* Plugin specific settings are done in individual plugin topics. Two settings are standard for each plugin:
+ * One line description, used to form the bullets describing the plugins in the [[TWiki/TextFormattingRules]] topic:
+ * `Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Blah blah.`
+ * Debug plugin, output can be seen in `data/debug.txt`: (Se to 0 or 1)
+ * `Set DEBUG = 0`
+ * The settings can be retrieved as preferences variables like `%<pluginname>_<var>%`, i.e. <code>%DEFAULTPLUGIN\_SHORTDESCRIPTION%</code> shows the description of the DefaultPlugin.
+* The <code>%PLUGINDESCRIPTIONS%</code> variable shows a bullet list with descriptions of all currently activated plugins. This variable is based on `%<plugin>_SHORTDESCRIPTION%` preferences variables of individual topics and is shown in [[TWiki/TextFormattingRules]].
+-- [[Main/PeterThoeny]] - 14 Jul 2001 <br />