path: root/puzzle.hs
diff options
authorJustus Winter <>2014-10-06 16:32:36 +0200
committerJustus Winter <>2014-10-06 16:32:36 +0200
commit61233a0c7f9f80905d24bbbeb73ce8abbcc08461 (patch)
tree05c22f16ba322d432933ce6818c5a5326d82120b /puzzle.hs
parent4508e3c3721f28608da8f197de1f993dfb118db3 (diff)
some refactoring
Diffstat (limited to 'puzzle.hs')
1 files changed, 31 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/puzzle.hs b/puzzle.hs
index 0401dc3..5da1ff0 100644
--- a/puzzle.hs
+++ b/puzzle.hs
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ module Main where
import Data.Array (Array, array, bounds, (!), (//))
import Data.Functor ((<$>))
import Data.Maybe
-import Data.List (sortBy)
-import Data.Ord (comparing)
+import Data.List (sort)
+import Data.Ord (compare)
import Data.Char (toUpper)
import System.Random (RandomGen, getStdGen, split, randomR, randomRs)
import System.Random.Shuffle
@@ -30,6 +30,12 @@ data Pose = Pose { position::Vec, orientation::Vec } deriving (Show, Eq)
advance :: Pose -> Pose
advance p = p {position = add (position p) (orientation p)}
+-- Move is a pose combined with a cost.
+data Move = Move { pose::Pose, cost::Int } deriving (Show, Eq)
+instance Ord Move where
+ (Move _ a) `compare` (Move _ b) = a `compare` b
-- We just use Char for each field.
empty = '.'
@@ -55,20 +61,31 @@ charAt b p =
where ((sX, sY), (eX, eY)) = bounds b
+allPoses :: Board -> [Pose]
+allPoses b =
+ [Pose (Vec x y) o | x <- [sX..eX], y <- [sY..eY], o <- [right, down]]
+ where
+ ((sX, sY), (eX, eY)) = bounds b
-- Test whether it's possible to insert a string at the given pose.
-- Return the associated cost or Nothing, if the string didn't fit.
-tryInsert :: String -> Pose -> Board -> Maybe Int
-tryInsert [] _ _ = Just 0
-tryInsert (w:ws) p b =
+computeCost :: String -> Pose -> Board -> Maybe Int
+computeCost [] _ _ = Just 0
+computeCost (w:ws) p b =
case charAt b (position p) of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just c ->
if c /= empty && c /= w then
else do
- t <- tryInsert ws (advance p) b
+ t <- computeCost ws (advance p) b
return ((if c == w then 0 else 1) + t)
+tryInsert :: String -> Pose -> Board -> Maybe Move
+tryInsert w p b = do
+ cost <- computeCost w p b
+ return $ Move p cost
-- Given a string and a pose, return a list of updates for a board to
-- insert the string.
mkPatch :: String -> Pose -> [((Int, Int), Char)]
@@ -79,24 +96,24 @@ mkPatch (w:ws) p = (index $ position p, w) : mkPatch ws (advance p)
insert :: String -> Pose -> Board -> Maybe Board
insert [] _ b = Just b
insert w p b =
- if isNothing (tryInsert w p b) then
+ if isNothing (computeCost w p b) then
Just (b // mkPatch w p)
+-- Insert all given words into the board.
insertAll :: RandomGen gen => gen -> [String] -> Board -> Maybe Board
insertAll _ [] b = Just b
insertAll rnd (w:ws) b = do
- b' <- insert w pose b
+ b' <- insert w (pose $ sort moves !! nth) b
insertAll rnd' ws b'
- pose = fst (sortBy (comparing snd) (map (\t -> (fst t, fromJust $ snd t)) weightedMoves) !! nth)
- (nth, rnd') = randomR (0, min 10 (length weightedMoves)) rnd
- weightedMoves = filter (\x -> case snd x of Just x' -> x' > 0; Nothing -> False) [(po, tryInsert w po b) | po <- posOrientation']
- posOrientation' = shuffle' posOrientation (length posOrientation) rnd
- posOrientation = [Pose (Vec x y) o | x <- [sX..eX], y <- [sY..eY], o <- [right, down]]
- ((sX, sY), (eX, eY)) = bounds b
+ (nth, rnd') = randomR (0, min 10 (length moves)) rnd
+ moves = mapMaybe (\x -> tryInsert w x b) shuffled
+ shuffled = shuffle' all (length all) rnd
+ all = allPoses b
+-- Fill all empty fields with a random character.
fill :: RandomGen gen => gen -> Board -> Board
fill rnd b = b // zip [(x, y) | x <- [sX..eX], y <- [sY..eY], (b ! (x, y)) == empty] (randomRs ('A', 'Z') rnd)