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+# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-04-17
+ <kuldeepdhaka> thinking how to get the listing. traversing would be
+ ineffecient, trying to come up with something better
+ <braunr> what listing ?
+ <braunr> and traversing what ?
+ <kuldeepdhaka> mtab
+ <braunr> well i assumed so
+ <braunr> be more precise please
+ <kuldeepdhaka> when the translator is done initalized <translation
+ info> are written to /etc/mtab <translation info> will be provided
+ by the translator, and when some one want to read the info just read it
+ this way if their is some credentials like ftp sites pass username can be
+ masked by the translator
+ <kuldeepdhaka> if some trans dont want to list them, no need to write to
+ file | while unmounting (sorry i couldnt find the right word) , it
+ will pass the mount node address | <translation info> will have special
+ structure to remove/add mounts example "a /mount-to /mount-from" = add
+ , "r /mount-to" = remove here "/mount-to" will be unique for every
+ mount
+ <kuldeepdhaka> this have a draw back , we would have to trust trans for the
+ listed data | also "/mount-to" + "/mount-from" could be used a
+ combination for making sure that other trans unable remove others trans
+ mount data
+ <kuldeepdhaka> sorry but "also "/mount-to" + "/mount-from" could be used a
+ combination for making sure that other trans unable remove others trans
+ mount data" this is a bad idea if we had to print the whole thing
+ <kuldeepdhaka> braunr, whats ur opinion?
+ <pinotree> you don't need a mtab to "unmount" things on hurd
+ <braunr> kuldeepdhaka: hum, have you read the project idea ?
+ <braunr>
+ <braunr> A more promising approach is to have mtab exported by a special
+ translator, which gathers the necessary information on demand. This could
+ work by traversing the tree of translators, asking each one for mount
+ points attached to it.
+ <kuldeepdhaka> pinotree, not to unmount, i mean is to remove the
+ <translation data>
+ <braunr> for a first implementation, i'd suggest a recursive traversal of
+ root-owned translators
+ <kuldeepdhaka> braunr, hum, but it did stated it as inefficient
+ <braunr> where ?
+ <kuldeepdhaka> para 5 , line 3
+ <kuldeepdhaka> and line 6
+ <braunr> no
+ <braunr> traversing "all" nodes would be inefficient
+ <braunr> translators which host the nodes of other translators could
+ maintain a simple list of active translators
+ <braunr> ext2fs, e.g. (if that's not already the case) could keep the list
+ of the translators it started
+ <braunr> we can already see that list with pstree for example
+ <braunr> but this new list would only retain those relevant for mtab
+ <braunr> i.e. root-owned ones
+ <pinotree> i would not limit to those though
+ <braunr> and then filter on their type (e.g. file system ones)
+ <braunr> pinotree: why ?
+ <pinotree> this way you could have proper per-user /proc/$pid/mounts info
+ <braunr> we could also very easily have a denial of service
+ <kuldeepdhaka> but how will the mount point and source point will be
+ listed?
+ <braunr> they're returned by the translator
+ <kuldeepdhaka> k
+ <braunr> you ask /, it returns its store and its options, and asks its
+ children recursively
+ <braunr> a /home translator would return its store and its options
+ <braunr> etc..
+ <braunr> each translator would build the complete path before returning it
+ <braunr> sort of, it's very basic
+ <braunr> but that would be a very hurdish way to do it
+ <kuldeepdhaka> shall /etc/mtab should be made seek-able and what should be
+ the filesize? content are generated on demand so, it could arise problem
+ (fsize:0 , seek-able:no), ur opinions?
+ <braunr> kuldeepdhaka: it should have all the properties of a regular file
+ <braunr> the filesize would be determined after it's generated
+ <braunr> being empty doesn't imply it's not seekable
+ <kuldeepdhaka> content is generated on demand so, could cause problem while
+ seeking and filesize, shall i still program as regular file?
+ <kuldeepdhaka> in two different read, it could generate different content,
+ though same seek pos is used...
+ <braunr> what ?
+ <braunr> the content is generated on open
+ <kuldeepdhaka> ooh, ok
+# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-06-04
+ <safinaskar> how to see list of all connected translators?
+ <braunr> you can't directly
+ <braunr> you can use ps to list processes and guess which are translators
+ <braunr> (e.g. everything starting with /hurd/)
+ <braunr> a recursive call to obtain such a list would be useful
+ <braunr> similar to what's needed to implement /proc/mounts
+# IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-06-25
+In context of [[microkernel/mach/mig/documentation/structured_data]].
+ <teythoon> should I go for an iterator like interface instead?
+ <teythoon> btw, what's the expected roundtrip time?
+ <braunr> don't think that way
+ <braunr> consider the round trip delay as varying
+ <teythoon> y, is it that bad?
+ <braunr> no
+ <braunr> but the less there is the better
+ <braunr> we think the same with system calls even if they're faster
+ <braunr> the delay itself isn't the real issue
+ <braunr> look at how proc provides information
+ <braunr> (in procfs for example)
+## IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-06-26
+ <teythoon> so tell me about the more hurdish way of dealing with that issue
+ <teythoon> creating a specialized translator for this?
+ <braunr> 11:45 < pinotree> there's also
+ about that topic
+ <braunr> you need to avoid thinking with centralization in mind
+ <braunr> the hurd is a distributed system in practice
+ <braunr> i think proc is the only centralized component in there
+ <teythoon> braunr: would having an mtab translator and having fs
+ translators register to thae be acceptable?
+ <teythoon> that*
+ <braunr> teythoon: why do you want to centralize it ?
+ <braunr> translators already register themselves when they get attached to
+ a node
+ <braunr> we don't want an additional registration
+ <braunr> have you read the link we gave you ?
+ <teythoon> I did and I got the message, but isn't the concept of
+ /proc/mounts or a mtab file already a centralized one?
+ <braunr> that doesn't mean the implementation has to be
+ <braunr> and no, i don't think it's centralized actually
+ <braunr> it's just a file
+ <braunr> you can build a file from many sources
+ <teythoon> or if we do it your way recursing on fs translators *but*
+ restricting this to root owned translators also suffering from
+ centralization wrt to the root user? I mean the concept of all mounted
+ filesystems does not apply cleanly to the hurd
+ <braunr> i don't understand
+ <braunr> restricting to the root user doesn't mean it's centralized
+ <braunr> trust has nothing to do with being centralized
+ <teythoon> I guess I'm not used to thinking this way
+ <braunr> teythoon: i guess that's the main reason why so few developers
+ work on the hurd
+ <teythoon> also the way fs notification is done is also centralized, that
+ could also be done recursively
+ <braunr> what doyou call fs notification ?
+ <teythoon> and the information I need could just be stuffed into the same
+ mechanism
+ <teythoon> fs translators being notified of system shutdown
+ <braunr> right
+ <braunr> that gets a bit complicated because the kernel is also a
+ centralized component
+ <braunr> it knows every memory object and their pagers
+ <braunr> it manages all virtual memory
+ <braunr> there are two different issues here
+ <braunr> syncing memory and shutting down file systems
+ <braunr> the latter could be done recursively, yes
+ <braunr> i wonder if the former could be delegated to external pagers as
+ well
+ <braunr> teythoon: but that's not the focus of your work aiui, it would
+ take much time
+ <teythoon> sure, but missing an mtab file or better yet /proc/mounts could
+ be an issue for me, at least a cosmetic one, if not a functional one
+ <braunr> i understand
+ <teythoon> and hacking up a quick solution for that seemed like a good
+ exercise
+ <braunr> i suggest you discuss it with your mentors
+ <braunr> they might agree to a temporary centralized solution
+ <braunr> although i don't think it's much simpler than the recursive one
+ <teythoon> braunr: would that be implemented in libdiskfs and friends?
+ <braunr> teythoon: i'm not sure, it might be a generic fs operation
+ <braunr> libnetfs etc.. are also mount points
+ <teythoon> so where would it go if it was generic?
+ <braunr> libfshelp perhaps
+ <teythoon> translator startup is handled in start-translator-long.c, so in
+ case a startup is successful, I'd add it to a list?
+ <braunr> i'd say so, yes
+ <teythoon> would that cover all cases, passive and active translators?
+ <braunr> that's another question
+ <braunr> do we consider passive translators as mounted ?
+ <teythoon> ah, that was not what i meant
+ <braunr> i know
+ <braunr> but it's related
+ <teythoon> start b/c of accessing a passive one vs. starting an active one
+ using settrans
+ <braunr> start_translator_xxx only spawn active translators
+ <braunr> it's the same
+ <teythoon> ok
+ <braunr> the definition of a passive translator is that it starts the
+ active translator on access
+ <teythoon> yeah I can see how that wouldn't be hard to implement
+ <braunr> i think we want to include passive translators in the mount table
+ <braunr> so registration must happen before starting the active one
+ <teythoon> so it's a) keeping a list of active translators and b) add an
+ interface to query fs translators for this list and c) an interface to
+ query mtab style information?
+ <braunr> keeping a list of all translators attached
+ <braunr> and yes
+ <braunr> well
+ <braunr> a is easy
+ <braunr> b is the real work
+ <braunr> c would be procfs using b
+ <teythoon> oh? I thought recursing on the translators and querying info
+ would be separate operations?
+ <braunr> why so ?
+ <braunr> the point is querying recursively :)
+ <braunr> and when i say recursively, it's only a logical view
+ <teythoon> ok, yes, it can be implemented this way, so we construct the
+ list while recursing on the translators
+ <braunr> i think it would be better to implement it the way looking up a
+ node is done
+ <teythoon> in a loop, using a stack?
+ <braunr> iteratively
+ <braunr> a translator would provide information about itself (if
+ supported), and referrences to translators locally registered to it
+ <teythoon> could you point me to the node lookup?
+ <teythoon> ah, yes
+ <braunr> eg., you ask /, it tells you it's on /dev/hd0, read-write, with
+ options, and send rights to /home, /proc, etc..
+ <braunr> well rights, references
+ <braunr> it could be the path itself
+ <teythoon> rights as in a port to the translators?
+ <braunr> i think the path would be better but i'm not sure
+ <braunr> it would also allow you to check the permissions of the node
+ before querying
+ <teythoon> path would be nicer in the presence of stacked translators
+ <braunr> and obviously you'd have the path right away, no need to provide
+ it in the reply
+ <teythoon> true
+ <teythoon> braunr: if we want to list passive translators (and I agree, we
+ should), it isn't sufficient to touch libfshelp, as setting a passive
+ translator is not handled there, only the startup
+ <braunr> teythoon: doesn't mean you can't add something there that other
+ libraries will use
+ <braunr> so yes, not sufficient
+## IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-06-29
+ <teythoon> braunr: diskfs_S_fsys_set_options uses diskfs_node_iterate to
+ recurse on active translators if do_children is given
+ <teythoon> braunr: I wonder how fast that is in practice
+ <teythoon> braunr: if it's fast enough, there might not even be a need for
+ a new function in fsys.defs
+ <teythoon> and no need to keep a list of translators for that reason
+ <teythoon> braunr: if it's not fast enough, then diskfs_S_fsys_set_options
+ could use the list to speed this up
+ <braunr> teythoon: on all nodes ?
+ <teythoon> braunr: i believe so, yes, see libdiskfs/fsys-options.c
+ <braunr> teythoon: well, if it really is all node, you clearly don't want
+ that
+## IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-07-01
+ <teythoon> I've ment to ask, the shiny new fsys_get_translators interface,
+ should it return the options for the queried translator or not?
+ <braunr> i don't think it should
+ <teythoon> ok
+ <braunr> let's walk through why it shouldn't
+ <teythoon> may I assume that the last argument returned by fsys_get_options
+ is the "source"?
+ <braunr> how would you know these options ?
+ <braunr> the source ?
+ <teythoon> I wouldn't actually
+ <braunr> yes, you wouldn't
+ <braunr> you'd have to ask the translators for that
+ <braunr> so the only thing you can do is point to them
+ <teythoon> well, the device to include in the mtab file
+ <braunr> and the client asks
+ <braunr> i don't know fsys_get_options tbh
+ <teythoon> well, both tmpfs and ext2fs print an appropriate value for
+ "device" as last argument
+ <braunr> looks like a bad interface to me
+ <braunr> options should be options
+ <braunr> there should be a specific call for the device
+ <braunr> but if everyone agrees with the options order, you can do it that
+ way for now i guess
+ <teythoon> one that could be used to recreate the "mount" using either
+ mount or settrans
+ <braunr> just comment it where appropriate
+ <teythoon> I thought that'd be the point?
+ <braunr> ?
+ <teythoon> % fsysopts tmp
+ <teythoon> /hurd/tmpfs --writable --no-inherit-dir-group --no-sync 48K
+ <braunr> where is the device ?
+ <teythoon> % settrans -ca tmp $(fsysopts tmp)
+ <braunr> 15:56 < teythoon> well, both tmpfs and ext2fs print an appropriate
+ value for "device" as last argument
+ <teythoon> 48K
+ <braunr> i don't see it
+ <braunr> really ?
+ <teythoon> yes
+ <braunr> what about ext2fs ?
+ <braunr> hm ok i see
+ <teythoon> % fsysopts /
+ <teythoon> ext2fs --writable --no-inherit-dir-group --sync=10
+ --store-type=typed device:hd0s1
+ <braunr> i don't think you should consider that as devices
+ <braunr> but really translator specific options
+ <pinotree> agree
+ <teythoon> I don't ;)
+ <teythoon> b/c the translator calling convention is hardcoded in the mount
+ utility
+ <braunr> ?
+ <teythoon> I think it's reasonable to assume that this mapping can be
+ reversed
+ <pinotree> theorically you can write a translator that takes no arguments,
+ but just options
+ <braunr> the 48K string for tmpfs is completely meaningless
+ <braunr> in fstab, it should be none
+ <pinotree> "tmpfs"
+ <braunr> the linux equivalent is the size option
+ <braunr> no, none
+ <braunr> it's totally ignored
+ <braunr> and it's recommended to set none rather than the type to avoid
+ confusion
+ <teythoon> u sure?
+ <teythoon> % settrans -cga tmp /hurd/tmpfs --mode=666 6M
+ <teythoon> % settrans -cga tmp /hurd/tmpfs --mode=666 6M
+ <teythoon> % fsysopts tmp
+ <teythoon> /hurd/tmpfs --writable --no-inherit-dir-group --no-sync 6M
+ <braunr> i've not explained myself clearly
+ <braunr> it's not ignored by the translator
+ <braunr> but in fstab, it should be in the options field
+ <braunr> it's not the source
+ <braunr> clearly not
+ <teythoon> ah
+ <braunr> now i'm talking about fstab, but iirc the format is similar in
+ mtab/mounts
+ <pinotree> close, but not the same
+ <braunr> yes, close
+ <teythoon> ok, so I'll put a method into libfshelp so that translators can
+ explicitly set a device and patch all existing translators to do so?
+ <braunr> teythoon: what i meant is that, for virtual vile systems (actually
+ file systems with no underlying devices), the device field is normally
+ ignored
+ <braunr> teythoon: why do you need that for exactly
+ <teythoon> right
+ <pinotree> do they even have a "device" field?
+ <braunr> (i can see why but i'd like more visibility)
+ <braunr> pinotree: not yet
+ <braunr> pinotree: that's what he wants to add
+ <braunr> but i'd like to see if there is another way to get the information
+ <braunr> 16:05 < braunr> teythoon: why do you need that for exactly
+ <teythoon> well if I'm constructing a mtab entry I need a value for the
+ device field
+ <braunr> do we actually need it to be valid ?
+ <teythoon> not necessarily I guess
+ <braunr> discuss it with your mentors then
+ <youpi> it has to be valid for e2fsck checks etc.
+ <braunr> doesn't e2fsck check fstab actually ?
+ <youpi> i.e. actually for the cases where it's trivial
+ <youpi> fstab doesn't tell it whether it's mounted
+ <youpi> I mean fsck checking whether it's mounted
+ <youpi> not fsck -a
+ <braunr> oh
+ <braunr> couldn't we ask the device instead ?
+ <braunr> looks twisted too
+ <youpi> that'd mean patching a lot of applications which do similar checks
+ <braunr> yes
+ <braunr> teythoon: propose an interface for that with your mentors then
+ <teythoon> yeah, but couldn't you lay it out a little, I mean would it be
+ one procedure or like three?
+ <braunr> 16:04 < teythoon> ok, so I'll put a method into libfshelp so that
+ translators can explicitly set a device and patch all existing
+ translators to do so?
+ <teythoon> ok
+ <braunr> why three ?
+ <teythoon> no, I mean when adding stuff to fsys.defs
+ <braunr> i understood that
+ <braunr> but why three ? :)
+ <teythoon> it'd be more generic
+ <braunr> really ?
+ <braunr> please show a quick example of what you have in mind
+ <teythoon> i honestly don't know, thus I'm asking ;)
+ <braunr> well first, this device thing bothers me
+ <braunr> when you look at how we set up our ext2fs translators, you can see
+ they use device:xxx
+ <braunr> and not /dev/xxx
+ <braunr> but ok, let's assume it's harmless
+ <teythoon> ok, but isn't the first way actually better?
+ <braunr> i think it ends up being the same
+ <braunr> ideally, that's what we want to use as device path
+ <teythoon> but you can recreate a storeio translator using the device:xxx
+ info, the node is useless for that
+ <braunr> so that we don't need to explicitely set it
+ <braunr> ?
+ <braunr> what do you mean ?
+ <teythoon> well, fsysopts / tells currently tells me device:hd0s1
+ <braunr> for /, there isn't much choice
+ <braunr> /dev isn't there yet
+ <teythoon> ah, got it
+ <teythoon> that's why it differs...
+ <braunr> differs ?
+ <braunr> from what ?
+ <braunr> other ext2fs translators are set the same way by the debian
+ installer for example
+ <teythoon> % fsysopts /media/scratch
+ <teythoon> /hurd/ext2fs --writable --no-inherit-dir-group /dev/hd1s1
+ <teythoon> here it uses the path to the node
+ <braunr> that's weird
+ <braunr> was that done by the debian installer ?
+ <teythoon> ah no, that was me
+ <braunr> :p
+ <braunr> $ fsysopts /home
+ <braunr> /hurd/ext2fs --writable --no-inherit-dir-group --store-type=device
+ hd0s6
+ <braunr> so as you can see, it's not that simple to infer the device path
+ <teythoon> oho, yet another way ;)
+ <teythoon> right then
+ <pinotree> isn't device:hd0s1 as shortcut for specifying the store type, as
+ done with --store-type=device hd0s1?
+ <braunr> but perhaps we don't need to
+ <braunr> yes it is
+ <pinotree> iirc it's something libstore does, per-store prefixes
+ <braunr> ah that sucks
+ <braunr> teythoon: you may need to normalize those strings
+ <braunr> so that they match what's in fstab
+ <braunr> i.e. unix /dev paths
+ <braunr> otherwise e2fsck still won't be able to find the translators
+ mounting the device
+ <braunr> well, if it's mounted actually
+ <braunr> it just needs to find the matching line in mtab aiui
+ <braunr> so perhaps a libfshelp function for that, yes
+ <teythoon> braunr: so you suggest adding a normalizing function to
+ libfshelp that creates a /dev/path?
+ <braunr> yes
+ <braunr> used by the call you intend to add, which returns that device
+ string as found in fstab
+ <teythoon> found in fstab? so this would only work for translators managed
+ by fstab?
+ <braunr> no
+ <teythoon> ah
+ <teythoon> a string like the ones found in fstab?
+ <braunr> yes
+ <braunr> so that fsck and friends are able to know whether a device is
+ mounted or not
+ <braunr> i don't see any other purpose for that string in mtab
+ <braunr> you'd take regular paths as they are, convert device:xxx to
+ /dev/xxx, and return "none" for the rest i suppose
+ <teythoon> ok
+ <braunr> i'm not even sure it's right
+ <braunr> youpi: are you sure it's required ?
+ <teythoon> well it's a start and I think it's not too much work
+ <braunr> aiui, e2fsck may simply find the mount point in fstab, and ask the
+ translator if it's mounted
+ <teythoon> we can refine this later on maybe?
+ <braunr> or rather, init scripts, using mountpoint, before starting e2fsck
+ <braunr> teythoon: sure
+ <teythoon> there's this mountpoint issue... I need to run fsysopts /
+ --update early in the boot process
+ <teythoon> otherwise the device ids returned by stat(2)ing / are wrong and
+ mountpoint misbehaves
+ <teythoon> i guess b/c it's the rootfs
+ <braunr> device ids ?
+ <teythoon> % stat / | grep Device
+ <teythoon> Device: 3h/3d Inode: 2 Links: 22
+ <braunr> do you mean the major/minor identifiers ?
+ <teythoon> I do. if I don't do the --update i get seemingly random values
+ <braunr> i guess that's expected
+ <braunr> we don't have major/minor values
+ <braunr> well, they're emulated
+ <teythoon> well, if that's fixable, that'd be really nice ;)
+ <braunr> we'll never have major/minor values
+ <teythoon> yeah, I understand that
+ <braunr> but they could be fixed by MAKEDEV when creating device nodes
+ <teythoon> but not having to call fsys_set_options on the rootfs to get the
+ emulation up to speed
+ <braunr> try doing it from grub
+ <braunr> not sure it's possible
+ <braunr> but worth checking
+ <teythoon> by means of an ext2fs flag?
+ <braunr> yes
+ <braunr> if there is one
+ <braunr> i don't know the --update flag, is it new from your work ?
+ <teythoon> braunr: no, it's been there before. -oremount gets mapped to
+ that
+ <braunr> it's documented by fsysopts, but not by the ext2fs translators
+ <teythoon> libdiskfs source says something about flushing buffers iirc
+ <braunr> -s
+ <braunr> what does it do ?
+ <braunr> teythoon: ok
+ <teythoon> braunr: so the plan is to automatically generate a device path
+ from the translators argz vector but to provide the functionality so
+ translators can set a more appropriate value? did I get the last part of
+ the discussion right?
+ <braunr> not set, return
+ <teythoon> yeah return from the procedure but settable using libfshelp?
+ <braunr> why settable ?
+ <braunr> you'd have a fsys call to obtain the dev string, and the server
+ side would call libfshelp on the fly to obtain a normalized value and
+ return it
+ <teythoon> ah, make a function overrideable that returns an appropriate
+ response?
+ <braunr> overrideable ?
+ <teythoon> like netfs_append_args
+ <braunr> you wouldn't change the command line, no
+ <teythoon> isn't that done using weak references or something?
+ <teythoon> no I know
+ <braunr> sorry i'm lost then
+ <teythoon> never mind, I'll propose a patch early to get your feedback
+ <youpi> braunr: am I sure that _what_ is required?
+ <youpi> the device?
+ <youpi> e2fsck surely needs it, yes
+ <braunr> a valid device path, yes
+ <youpi> it can't rely only on fstab
+ <braunr> yes
+ <youpi> since users may mount things by hand
+ <braunr> i've used strace on it and it does perform lookups there
+ <braunr> (although i also saw uuid magic that i guess wouldn't work yet on
+ the hurd)
+## IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-07-03
+ <teythoon> I added a procedure to fsys.defs, added a server stub to my
+ tmpfs translator and wrote a simple client, but something hasn't picked
+ up the new message yet
+ <teythoon> % ./mtab tmp
+ <teythoon> ./mtab: get_translator_info: (ipc/mig) bad request message ID
+ <teythoon> I guess it's from glibc, not sure though...
+ <braunr> glibc would only have the client calls
+ <braunr> what is "% ./mtab tmp" ?
+ <teythoon> mtab is my mtab tool/soon to be a translator testing thing, tmp
+ is an active tmpfs with the appropriate server stub
+ <braunr> so mtab has the client call, right ?
+ <teythoon> yes
+ <braunr> then tmpfs doesn't
+ <teythoon> so what to do about it?
+ <teythoon> i set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to my hurd builds lib dir, is that
+ preserved by settrans -a?
+ <pinotree> not really
+ <braunr> not at all
+ <braunr> there is a wiki entry about that iirc
+ <pinotree>
+ <teythoon> yeah, I read it too once
+ <teythoon> ah
+ <braunr> on the other hand, using export to set the environment should do
+ the work
+ <teythoon> yes, that did the trick, thanks :)
+ * teythoon got his EOPNOPSUPP... *nomnomnom
+ <braunr> ?
+ <braunr> same error ?
+ <teythoon> well I stubbed it out
+ <braunr> oh
+ <teythoon> no, that's what I've been expecting ;)
+ <pinotree> great
+ <braunr> :)
+ <braunr> yes that's better than "mig can't find it"
+ <teythoon> braunr: in that list of active and passive translators that will
+ have to be maintained, do you expect it should carry more information
+ other than the relative path to that translator?
+ <braunr> like what ?
+ <teythoon> dunno, maybe like a port to any active translator there
+ <teythoon> should we care if any active translator dies and remove the
+ entry if there's no passive translator that could restart it again?
+ <braunr> don't add anything until you see it's necessary or really useful
+ <braunr> yes
+ <braunr> think of something like sshfs
+ <braunr> when you kill it, it's not reported by mount any more
+ <teythoon> well, for a dynamically allocated list of strings I could use
+ the argz stuff, but if we'd ever add anything else, we'd need a linked
+ list or something, maybe a hash table
+ <teythoon> yes, I thought that'd be useful
+ <braunr> use libihash for no
+ <braunr> now
+ <teythoon> braunr: but what would I use as keys? the relative path should
+ be unique (unless translators are stacked... hmmm), but that's the value
+ I'd like to store and ihash keys are pointers
+ <teythoon> stacked translators are an kinda interesting case for mtab
+ anyways...
+ <braunr> why not store the string address ?
+ <braunr> i suppose that, for stacked translators, the code querying
+ information would only return the topmost translator
+ <braunr> since this is the one which matters for regular clients (if i'm
+ right)
+ <teythoon> wouldn't that map strings that are equal but stored at different
+ locations to different values?
+ <teythoon> that'd defeat the point
+ <teythoon> I suppose so, yes
+ <braunr> then add a layer that looks for existing strings before adding
+ <braunr> the list should normally be small so a linear lookup is fine
+ <teythoon> yeah sure, but then there's little advantage of using ihash in
+ the first place, isn't it?
+ <braunr> over what ?
+ <teythoon> over not using it at all
+ <braunr> how would you store the list then ?
+ <teythoon> it's either ll or ll+ihash
+ <braunr> uh no
+ <braunr> let me check
+ <braunr> there is ihash_iterate
+ <braunr> so you don't need a linked list
+ <teythoon> so how do I store my list of strings to deduplicate the keys?
+ <braunr> you store pointers
+ <braunr> and on addition, you iterate over all entries, making sure none
+ matches the new one
+ <braunr> and if it does, you replace it i guess
+ <braunr> depending on how you design the rest
+ <teythoon> in an dynamically allocated region of memory?
+ <braunr> i don't understand
+ <braunr> your strings should be dynmaically allocate, yes
+ <teythoon> no the array of char *
+ <braunr> your data structure being managed by libihash, you don't care
+ about allocation
+ <braunr> what array ?
+ <teythoon> ah, got it...
+ <teythoon> right.
+ <braunr> there is only one structure here, an ihash of char *
+ <teythoon> yes, I got the picture ;)
+ <braunr> goo
+ <braunr> d
+ <braunr> actually, the lookup wouldn't be linear since usually, hash tables
+ have stale entries
+ <teythoon> heh... what forest?!?
+ <braunr> but that's ok
+ <braunr> teythoon: ?
+ <teythoon> the one I couldn't make out b/c of all the trees...
+ <braunr> ?
+ <teythoon> ah, it's not important. there is this saying over here, not sure
+ if there's an english equivalent
+ <braunr> ok got it
+ <braunr> we have the same in french
+ <teythoon> I ran into a problem with my prototype
+ <teythoon> if an translator is set in e. g. diskfs_S_file_set_translator,
+ how do I get the path to that node?
+ <teythoon> I believe there cannot be a way to do that, b/c the mapping is
+ not bijective
+ <braunr> it doesn't have to be
+ <teythoon> ok, so how do I get *a* path for this node?
+ <braunr> that's another question
+ <braunr> do you see how the node is obtained ?
+ <braunr> np = cred->po->np;
+ <teythoon> yes
+ <braunr> the translation occurred earlier
+ <braunr> you need to find where
+ <braunr> then perhaps, you'll need to carry the path along
+ <braunr> or if you're lucky, it will still be there somewhere
+ <teythoon> the translation from path to node?
+ <braunr> yes
+ <teythoon> doesn't that happen in the client? and the client hands a file_t
+ to the file_set_translator routine?
+ <braunr> the relative lookup can't happen in the client
+ <braunr> the server can (and often does) retain information between two
+ RPCs
+ <teythoon> uh, I can access information from a previous rpc? is that
+ considered safe?
+ <braunr> think of open() then read()
+ <braunr> a simple int doesn't carry enough information
+ <braunr> that's why it's a descriptor
+ <teythoon> ah, the server retains some state, sure
+ <braunr> what it refers to is the state retained between several calls
+ <braunr> the object being invoked by clients
+ <braunr> teythoon: what is the "passive" parameter passed to
+ diskfs_S_file_set_translator ?
+ <teythoon> braunr: argz vector of the passive translator
+ <braunr> so it is a name
+ <braunr> but we also want active translators
+ <braunr> and what is active ?
+ <teythoon> not the name of the node though
+ <teythoon> active is the port (?) to the active translator
+ <teythoon> I guess
+ <braunr> fsys_t, looks that way yes
+ <braunr> i suppose you could add the path to the peropen structure
+ <teythoon> ok
+ <braunr> see diskfs_make_peropen
+ <teythoon> braunr: but translation happens in dir_lookup
+ <teythoon> in all places I've seen diskfs_make_peropen used, the path is
+ not available
+ <teythoon> why did you point me to diskfs_make_peropen?
+ <teythoon> s/dir_lookup/diskfs_lookup/
+ <teythoon> diskfs_lookup operates on struct node, so the path would have to
+ be stored there, right?
+ <braunr> teythoon: dir_lookup should call diskfs_make_peropen
+ <braunr> at least diskfs_S_dir_lookup does
+ <braunr> and the path is present there
+ <teythoon> braunr: right
+ <teythoon> hrm... I added a path field to struct peropen and initialize it
+ properly in diskfs_make_peropen, but some bogus values keep creeping in
+ :/
+ <braunr> first of all, make it a dynamically allocated string
+ <teythoon> it is
+ <braunr> not a fixed sized embedded array
+ <braunr> good
+ <teythoon> yes
+ <braunr> if you really need help debugging what's happening, feel free to
+ post your current changes somewhere
+ <teythoon> there is a struct literal in fsys-getroot.c, but i fixed that as
+ well
+ <teythoon> % ./mtab tmp
+ <teythoon> none tmp ../tmpfs/tmpfs writable,no-inherit-dir-group,no-sync 0
+ 0
+ <teythoon> none tmp/bar ../tmpfs/tmpfs
+ writable,no-inherit-dir-group,no-sync 0 0
+ <teythoon> none tmp/foo ../tmpfs/tmpfs
+ writable,no-inherit-dir-group,no-sync 0 0
+ <teythoon> none tmp/foo/bar ../tmpfs/tmpfs
+ writable,no-inherit-dir-group,no-sync 0 0
+ <teythoon> :)
+## IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-07-10
+ <teythoon> btw, I read getcwd.c and got the idea
+ <teythoon> however this situation is different afaict
+ <teythoon> getcwd has a port to the current working directory, right?
+ <teythoon> so they can do open_dir with .. as relative path
+ <teythoon> but all I've got is a port referencing the node the translator
+ is being attached to
+ <teythoon> s/open_dir/dir_lookup/
+ <teythoon> and that is not necessarily a directory, so dir_lookup fails
+ with not a directory
+ <teythoon> as far as I can see it is not possible to get the directory a
+ node is in from a port referencing that node
+ <teythoon> dir_lookup has to be handled by all nodes, not just directories
+ <teythoon> but file nodes only support "looking up" the empty string
+ <teythoon> not empty, but null:
+ <teythoon> This call is required to be supported by all files (even
+ non-directories) if the filename is null, and should function in that
+ case as a re-open of the file. */
+ <braunr> why do you want the directory ?
+ <braunr> 10:40 < teythoon> as far as I can see it is not possible to get
+ the directory a node is in from a port referencing that node
+ <teythoon> to readdir(3) it and figure out the name of the node the
+ translator is bound to
+ <teythoon> similar to what getcwd does
+ <braunr> that's out of the question
+ <teythoon> wasn't that was youpi was suggesting?
+ <braunr> you may have a lot of nodes in there, such a lookup shouldn't be
+ done
+ <braunr> i didn't see that detail
+ <teythoon> "│ Concerning storing the path, it's a bit sad to have to do
+ that, and
+ <teythoon> │ it'll become wrong if one moves the mount points. Another
+ way would
+ <teythoon> │ be to make the client figure it out by itself from a port to
+ the mount
+ <teythoon> │ point, much like glibc/sysdeps/mach/hurd/getcwd.c. It'll be
+ slower, but
+ <teythoon> │ should be safer. The RPC would thus return an array of
+ ports to the
+ <teythoon> │ mount points instead of an array of strings.
+ <braunr> yes i remember that
+ <braunr> but i didn't understand well how getcwd work
+ <braunr> s
+ <braunr> another scalability issue
+ <braunr> not a big one though, we rarely have translators in directories
+ with thousands of nodes
+ <braunr> so why not
+ <braunr> teythoon: do it as youpi suggested
+ <braunr> well if you can
+ <braunr> eh
+ <braunr> if not, i don't know
+ <braunr> 10:47 < teythoon> │ it'll become wrong if one moves the mount
+ points. Another way would
+ <teythoon> yes, I know... :/
+ <teythoon> well, I'm not even sure it is possible to get the directory a
+ node is in from the port referencing the node
+ <teythoon> as in, I'm not sure if the information is even there
+ <teythoon> b/c a filesystem is a tree, directories are nodes and files are
+ leafs
+ <teythoon> all non-leaf nodes reference their parent to allow traversing
+ the tree starting from any directory
+ <teythoon> but why would a leaf reference its parent(s - in case of
+ hardlinks)?
+ <braunr> uh, for the same reason ?
+ <teythoon> sure, it would be nice to do that, but I dont think this is
+ possible on unixy systems
+ <braunr> ?
+ <teythoon> you cannot say fchdir(2) to a fd that references a file
+ <braunr> do you mean /path/to/file/../ ?
+ <teythoon> yes
+ <teythoon> only that /path/to/file is given as fd or port
+ <braunr> when i pasted
+ <braunr> 10:49 < braunr> 10:47 < teythoon> │ it'll become wrong if one
+ moves the mount points. Another way would
+ <braunr> i was actually wondering if it was true
+ <teythoon> ah
+ <braunr> why can't the path be updated at the same time ?
+ <braunr> it's a relative path anyway
+ <braunr> completely managed by the parent translator
+ <teythoon> ah
+ <teythoon> right
+ <teythoon> it's still kind of hacky, but I cannot see how to do this
+ properly
+ <braunr> hacky ?
+ <teythoon> but yes, updating the path should work I guess
+ <teythoon> or sad
+ <braunr> what i find hacky is to set translators in two passes
+ <braunr> otherwise we'd only keep the translator paths
+ <braunr> not all paths
+ <teythoon> true
+ <braunr> but then, it only concerns open nodes
+ <braunr> and again, there shouldn't be too many of them
+ <braunr> so actually it's ok
+ <teythoon> braunr: I understand the struct nodes are cached in libdiskfs,
+ so wouldn't it be easier to attach the path to that struct instead of
+ struct peropen so that all peropen objects reference the same node
+ object?
+ <teythoon> so that the path can be updated if anyone dir_renames it
+ <teythoon> *all peropen objects derived from the same file name that is
+ <braunr> teythoon: i'm not sure
+ <braunr> nodes could be real nodes (i.e. inodes)
+ <braunr> there can be several paths for the same inode
+ <teythoon> braunr: I'm aware of that, but didn't we agree the other day
+ that any path would do?
+ <braunr> i don't remember we did
+ <braunr> i don't know the details well, but i don't think setting a
+ translator on a hard link should set the translator at the inode level
+ <braunr> on the other hand, if a new inode is created to replace the
+ previous one (or stack over it), then storing the path there should be
+ fine
+ <teythoon> braunr: I don't think I can update the paths if they're stored
+ in the peropen struct
+ <teythoon> how would I get a reference to all those peropen objects?
+ <braunr> ?
+ <braunr> first, what's the context when you talkb about updating paths ?
+ <teythoon> well, youpi was concerned about renaming a mount point
+ <teythoon> and you implied that this could be managed
+ <braunr> can we actually do that btw ?
+ <teythoon> what?
+ <braunr> renaming a mount point
+ <teythoon> yep, just tried
+ <braunr> i mean, on a regular unix system like linux
+ <braunr> $ mv test blah
+ <braunr> mv: cannot move `test' to `blah': Device or resource busy
+ <braunr> (using sshfs so YMMV)
+ <pinotree> do you have anything (shells, open files, etc) inside it?
+ <braunr> no
+ <braunr> i'll try with an empty loop-mounted ext4
+ <teythoon> I was testing on the Hurd, worked fine there even with a shell
+ inside
+ <braunr> same thing
+ <braunr> i consider it a bug
+ <braunr> we may want to check what posix says about it
+ <teythoon> o_O
+ <braunr> and decide not to support renaming
+ <teythoon> why?
+ <pinotree> start a discussion in ml, maybe roland can chime in
+ <braunr> it complicates things
+ <braunr> ah yes
+ <teythoon> sure, but I can move or rename a directory, why should it be
+ different with a mount point?
+ <braunr> because it's two of them
+ <braunr> they're stacked
+ <braunr> if we do want to support that, we must be very careful about
+ atomically updating all the stack
+ <teythoon> ok
+ <teythoon> braunr: I'm trying to detect dying translators to remove them
+ from the list of translators
+ <teythoon> what port can I use for that purpose?
+ <teythoon> if I use the bootstrap port, can I then use the same method as
+ init/init.c uses? just defining a do_mach_notify_dead_name function and
+ the multiplexer will call this?
+ <braunr> teythoon: possibly
+ <teythoon> braunr: we'll see shortly...
+ <teythoon> I get KERN_INVALID_CAPABILITY indicating that my bootstrap port
+ is invalid
+ <teythoon> when calling mach_port_request_notification to get the dead name
+ notification I mean
+ <braunr> is the translator already started when you do that ?
+ <teythoon> yes, at least I think so, I'm hooking into
+ diskfs_S_file_set_translator and that gets an active translators port
+ <teythoon> also the mach docs suggests that the notification port is
+ invalid, not the name port referencing the translator
+ <braunr> i guess it shouldn't
+ <braunr> oh
+ <braunr> please show the code
+ <braunr> but beware, if the translator is started, assume it could die
+ immediately
+ <teythoon> braunr: line 87
+ <braunr> teythoon: notify can't be bootstrap
+ <braunr> what do you have in mind when writing this ?
+ <braunr> i'm not sure i follow
+ <teythoon> I want to be notified if an active translator goes away to
+ remove it from the list of translators
+ <braunr> ok but then
+ <braunr> create a send-once right
+ <braunr> and wait on it
+ <braunr> also, why do you want to be notified ?
+ <braunr> isn't this already done ?
+ <braunr> or can't do it lazily on access attempt ?
+ <braunr> +you
+ <teythoon> in the client?
+ <braunr> in the parent server
+ <braunr> what happens currently when a translator dies
+ <braunr> is the parent notified ?
+ <braunr> or does it give an invalid right ?
+ <teythoon> ah, i think so
+ <braunr> then you don't need to do it again
+ <teythoon> right, I overlooked that