There is a FOSS Factory bounty (p269) on some glibc tasks.
- glibc
- microkernel
open issues
- alarm/setitimer
- bash
- binutils-gdb
- boehm gc
- clock_gettime
- console vs xorg
- fakeroot eagain
- fakeroot exit 0
- file locking
- fork deadlock
- fork: mach_port_mod_refs: EKERN_UREFS_OWERFLOW
- gdb signal handler
- glibc: __libc_alloca_cutoff should be lowered
- glibc ioctls
- glibc libpthread robust mutexes
- glibc: ptrace
- glibc tls segment tcbhead t dtv offset
- hurd_file_name_lookup_retry: FS_RETRY_MAGICAL
- ifunc
- Lexical .. Resolution
- libc variant selection
- libmachuser libhurduser rpc stubs
- libpthread
- libpthread: CLOCK_MONOTONIC
- libpthread as glibc addon
- libpthread glibc nptl testsuite
- libpthread set stack size
- libpthread weak symbols
- low memory
- ltrace
- mach-defpager malloc hook
- /hurd/magic machtype
- mmap crash etc
- mmap write-only
- netstat
- nfs trailing slash
- nptl
- osf mach
- packaging libpthread
- performance
- pflocal reauth
- secure file descriptor handling
- select
- select bogus fd
- select vs signals
- sendmsg scm creds
- sigpipe
- strict aliasing
- Problem with using tinyproxy for tunneling HTTPS
- translate fd or port to file name
- translators O NOTRANS O NOFOLLOW namespace-based selection
- usleep
- vdso
- versioning
- vm map kernel bug
- wait errors
- (ipc/mig) wrong reply message ID