Setting up translators - HowTo
Additional translators can be got from incubator, or hurd-extras.
cvs -z3 co <modulename>
- httpfs translator
$ settrans -a tmp/ /hurd/httpfs
$ settrans -a tmp/ /hurd/httpfs --proxy=<proxy> --port=<port>
$ cd tmp/
$ ls -l
- ftpfs translator
$ settrans -cgap ftp /hurd/hostmux /hurd/ftpfs /
$ cd ftp
ftp$ ls
ftp$ cd
ftp/ $ ls
- tarfs translator
You can use tarfs to mount (almost) any tar file (currently broken, 2010-08-25):
$ settrans -ca a /hurd/tarfs -z myfile.tar.gz
$ settrans -ca b /hurd/tarfs -y myfile.tar.bz2
$ settrans -ca c /hurd/tarfs myfile.tar
You can even use it to create new tar files:
$ settrans -ca new /hurd/tarfs -cz newfile.tar.gz
$ cp -r all my files new/
$ syncfs new
This is not as fast as tar czvf newfile.tar.gz all my files
, but at least it's more original.
- cvsfs translator
$ settrans -ac cvsfs_testing /hurd/cvsfs /sources/hurdextras
$ cd cvsfs_testing
- pfinet translator -- configuring your network interface
$ settrans -fgca /servers/socket/2 /hurd/pfinet -i <interface> -a <ip address> -m <subnet mask> -g <gateway ip>
- Console translator -- setting up virtual consoles
$ console -d vga -d pc_mouse -d pc_kbd -d generic_speaker /dev/vcs
- ?iso9660fs translator -- 'mounting' your cdrom
$ settrans -ac /cdrom /hurd/iso9660fs /dev/<cdrom device file>
- ext2fs translator -- 'mounting' an ext2fs partition
$ settrans -ac /linux /hurd/ext2fs /dev/<partition device file>
- unionfs translator
To join "foo/" "bar/" and "baz/" in the directory "quux/", just do:
$ settrans -capfg quux/ /hurd/unionfs foo/ bar/ baz/
If you want to join even quux/ contents in the union itself, add -u
as a translator argument.
You can add filesystems at run-time with the fsysopts command.