fsysopts, or FileSYStemOPTions, Gets or sets command line options for a running translator.
See translators.
A Simple Example
$ touch hello
$ cat hello
$ settrans hello /hurd/hello
$ cat hello
"Hello World!"
$ fsysopts hello
/hurd/hello --contents='Hello World!
$ fsysopts hello --contents='Hello GNU!
> '
$ cat hello
Hello GNU!
Open Issues
Not all translators support fsysopts:
IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-05-23
<braunr> work around this by using showtrans
<braunr> fsysopts asks the server itself how it's running, usually giving
its command name and options
<braunr> showtrans asks the parent how it starts a passive translator
attached to the node
<gnu_srs> Yes showtrans works :), thanks.