#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "procfs.h" #include "procfs_dir.h" #include "process.h" #include "main.h" /* This module implements the process directories and the files they contain. A libps proc_stat structure is created for each process node, and is used by the individual file content generators as a source of information. Each possible file (cmdline, environ, ...) is decribed in a process_file_desc structure, which specifies which bits of information (ie. libps flags) it needs, and what function should be used to generate the file's contents. The content generators are defined first, followed by glue logic and entry table. */ /* Helper functions */ static char state_char (struct proc_stat *ps) { int i; for (i = 0; (1 << i) & (PSTAT_STATE_P_STATES | PSTAT_STATE_T_STATES); i++) if (proc_stat_state (ps) & (1 << i)) return proc_stat_state_tags[i]; return '?'; } static const char *state_string (struct proc_stat *ps) { static const char *const state_strings[] = { "T (stopped)", "Z (zombie)", "R (running)", "H (halted)", "D (disk sleep)", "S (sleeping)", "I (idle)", NULL }; int i; for (i = 0; state_strings[i]; i++) if (proc_stat_state (ps) & (1 << i)) return state_strings[i]; return "? (unknown)"; } static long long int timeval_jiffies (time_value_t tv) { double secs = tv.seconds * 1000000. + tv.microseconds; return secs * opt_clk_tck / 1000000.; } /* Actual content generators */ static ssize_t process_file_gc_cmdline (struct proc_stat *ps, char **contents) { *contents = proc_stat_args(ps); return proc_stat_args_len(ps); } static ssize_t process_file_gc_environ (struct proc_stat *ps, char **contents) { *contents = proc_stat_env(ps); return proc_stat_env_len(ps); } static ssize_t process_file_gc_stat (struct proc_stat *ps, char **contents) { struct procinfo *pi = proc_stat_proc_info (ps); task_basic_info_t tbi = proc_stat_task_basic_info (ps); thread_basic_info_t thbi = proc_stat_thread_basic_info (ps); /* See proc(5) for more information about the contents of each field for the Linux procfs. */ return asprintf (contents, "%d (%s) %c " /* pid, command, state */ "%d %d %d " /* ppid, pgid, session */ "%d %d " /* controling tty stuff */ "%u " /* flags, as defined by */ "%lu %lu %lu %lu " /* page fault counts */ "%lu %lu %ld %ld " /* user/sys times, in sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK) */ "%d %d " /* scheduler params (priority, nice) */ "%d %ld " /* number of threads, [obsolete] */ "%llu " /* start time since boot (jiffies) */ "%lu %ld %lu " /* virtual size (bytes), rss (pages), rss lim */ "%lu %lu %lu %lu %lu " /* some vm addresses (code, stack, sp, pc) */ "%lu %lu %lu %lu " /* pending, blocked, ignored and caught sigs */ "%lu " /* wait channel */ "%lu %lu " /* swap usage (not maintained in Linux) */ "%d " /* exit signal, to be sent to the parent */ "%d " /* last processor used */ "%u %u " /* RT priority and policy */ "%llu " /* aggregated block I/O delay */ "\n", proc_stat_pid (ps), proc_stat_args (ps), state_char (ps), pi->ppid, pi->pgrp, pi->session, 0, 0, /* no such thing as a major:minor for ctty */ 0, /* no such thing as CLONE_* flags on Hurd */ 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, /* TASK_EVENTS_INFO is unavailable on GNU Mach */ (long unsigned) timeval_jiffies (thbi->user_time), (long unsigned) timeval_jiffies (thbi->system_time), 0L, 0L, /* cumulative time for children */ MACH_PRIORITY_TO_NICE(thbi->base_priority) + 20, MACH_PRIORITY_TO_NICE(thbi->base_priority), pi->nthreads, 0L, timeval_jiffies (thbi->creation_time), /* FIXME: ... since boot */ (long unsigned) tbi->virtual_size, (long unsigned) tbi->resident_size / PAGE_SIZE, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, (long unsigned) proc_stat_thread_rpc (ps), /* close enough */ 0L, 0L, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0LL); } static ssize_t process_file_gc_statm (struct proc_stat *ps, char **contents) { task_basic_info_t tbi = proc_stat_task_basic_info (ps); return asprintf (contents, "%lu %lu 0 0 0 0 0\n", tbi->virtual_size / sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE), tbi->resident_size / sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE)); } static ssize_t process_file_gc_status (struct proc_stat *ps, char **contents) { task_basic_info_t tbi = proc_stat_task_basic_info (ps); return asprintf (contents, "Name:\t%s\n" "State:\t%s\n" "Tgid:\t%u\n" "Pid:\t%u\n" "PPid:\t%u\n" "Uid:\t%u\t%u\t%u\t%u\n" "VmSize:\t%8u kB\n" "VmPeak:\t%8u kB\n" "VmRSS:\t%8u kB\n" "VmHWM:\t%8u kB\n" /* ie. resident peak */ "Threads:\t%u\n", proc_stat_args (ps), state_string (ps), proc_stat_pid (ps), /* XXX will need more work for threads */ proc_stat_pid (ps), proc_stat_proc_info (ps)->ppid, proc_stat_owner_uid (ps), proc_stat_owner_uid (ps), proc_stat_owner_uid (ps), proc_stat_owner_uid (ps), tbi->virtual_size / 1024, tbi->virtual_size / 1024, tbi->resident_size / 1024, tbi->resident_size / 1024, proc_stat_num_threads (ps)); } /* Implementation of the file nodes. */ /* Describes a file in the process directories. This structure is filled in as an "entry hook" in our procfs_dir entry table and is passed to the process_file_make_node function defined below. */ struct process_file_desc { /* The proc_stat information required to get the contents of this file. */ ps_flags_t needs; /* Content generator to use for this file. Once we have acquired the necessary information, there can be only memory allocation errors, hence this simplified signature. */ ssize_t (*get_contents) (struct proc_stat *ps, char **contents); /* The cmdline and environ contents don't need any cleaning since they point directly into the proc_stat structure. */ int no_cleanup; /* If specified, the file mode to be set with procfs_node_chmod(). */ mode_t mode; }; struct process_file_node { const struct process_file_desc *desc; struct proc_stat *ps; }; /* FIXME: lock the parent! */ static error_t process_file_get_contents (void *hook, char **contents, ssize_t *contents_len) { struct process_file_node *file = hook; error_t err; /* Fetch the required information. */ err = proc_stat_set_flags (file->ps, file->desc->needs); if (err) return EIO; if ((proc_stat_flags (file->ps) & file->desc->needs) != file->desc->needs) return EIO; /* Call the actual content generator (see the definitions below). */ *contents_len = file->desc->get_contents (file->ps, contents); return 0; } static void process_file_cleanup_contents (void *hook, char *contents, ssize_t len) { struct process_file_node *file = hook; if (! file->desc->no_cleanup) free (contents); } static struct node * process_file_make_node (void *dir_hook, const void *entry_hook) { static const struct procfs_node_ops ops = { .get_contents = process_file_get_contents, .cleanup_contents = process_file_cleanup_contents, .cleanup = free, }; struct process_file_node *f; struct node *np; f = malloc (sizeof *f); if (! f) return NULL; f->desc = entry_hook; f->ps = dir_hook; np = procfs_make_node (&ops, f); if (! np) return NULL; procfs_node_chown (np, proc_stat_owner_uid (f->ps)); if (f->desc->mode) procfs_node_chmod (np, f->desc->mode); return np; } /* Stat needs its own constructor in oreder to set its mode according to the --stat-mode command-line option. */ static struct node * process_stat_make_node (void *dir_hook, const void *entry_hook) { struct node *np = process_file_make_node (dir_hook, entry_hook); if (np) procfs_node_chmod (np, opt_stat_mode); return np; } /* Implementation of the process directory per se. */ static struct procfs_dir_entry entries[] = { { .name = "cmdline", .hook = & (struct process_file_desc) { .get_contents = process_file_gc_cmdline, .needs = PSTAT_ARGS, .no_cleanup = 1, }, }, { .name = "environ", .hook = & (struct process_file_desc) { .get_contents = process_file_gc_environ, .needs = PSTAT_ENV, .no_cleanup = 1, .mode = 0400, }, }, { .name = "stat", .hook = & (struct process_file_desc) { .get_contents = process_file_gc_stat, .needs = PSTAT_PID | PSTAT_ARGS | PSTAT_STATE | PSTAT_PROC_INFO | PSTAT_TASK | PSTAT_TASK_BASIC | PSTAT_THREAD_BASIC | PSTAT_THREAD_WAIT, }, .ops = { .make_node = process_stat_make_node, } }, { .name = "statm", .hook = & (struct process_file_desc) { .get_contents = process_file_gc_statm, .needs = PSTAT_TASK_BASIC, }, }, { .name = "status", .hook = & (struct process_file_desc) { .get_contents = process_file_gc_status, .needs = PSTAT_PID | PSTAT_ARGS | PSTAT_STATE | PSTAT_PROC_INFO | PSTAT_TASK_BASIC | PSTAT_OWNER_UID | PSTAT_NUM_THREADS, }, }, {} }; error_t process_lookup_pid (struct ps_context *pc, pid_t pid, struct node **np) { static const struct procfs_dir_ops dir_ops = { .entries = entries, .cleanup = (void (*)(void *)) _proc_stat_free, .entry_ops = { .make_node = process_file_make_node, }, }; struct proc_stat *ps; int owner; error_t err; err = _proc_stat_create (pid, pc, &ps); if (err == ESRCH) return ENOENT; if (err) return EIO; err = proc_stat_set_flags (ps, PSTAT_OWNER_UID); if (err || ! (proc_stat_flags (ps) & PSTAT_OWNER_UID)) return EIO; /* FIXME: have a separate proc_desc structure for each file, so this can be accessed in a more robust and straightforward way. */ ((struct process_file_desc *) entries[2].hook)->mode = opt_stat_mode; /* FIXME: have a separate proc_desc structure for each file, so this can be accessed in a more robust and straightforward way. */ ((struct process_file_desc *) entries[2].hook)->mode = opt_stat_mode; *np = procfs_dir_make_node (&dir_ops, ps); if (! *np) return ENOMEM; owner = proc_stat_owner_uid (ps); procfs_node_chown (*np, owner >= 0 ? owner : opt_anon_owner); return 0; }