hurd (20110319-1) unstable; urgency=low To harmonize with Debian security conventions, the Debian GNU/Hurd login prompt is now a standard login/password prompt, and not a login shell any more. To revert to a standard login, set the shell of the login user to /bin/bash. -- Samuel Thibault <> Tue, 15 Mar 2011 00:15:55 +0100 hurd (20050513-4) unstable; urgency=low The Hurd console may now be started automatically on bootup. The file `/etc/default/hurd-console' controls whether the Hurd console will be started, and if so, which options are used. To get the Hurd console on bootup, change ENABLE to `true' and adjust the other options to your liking. -- Michael Banck <> Sun, 28 Aug 2005 14:43:31 +0200 hurd (20050119-1) unstable; urgency=low The command line syntax for the console client has slightly changed. It is no longer necessary or even allowed to specify the consnode path to the short `-c' option (e.g. `-c /dev/cons'), /dev/cons is implied as default (but can be changed using the long option, `--consnode=FOO'). When using the mouse or keyboard repeater, the console client command line should now be as follows: console -d vga -d pc_kbd --repeat=kbd -d pc_mouse --repeat=mouse \ -d generic_speaker -c /dev/vcs -- Michael Banck <> Fri, 21 Jan 2005 02:33:36 +0100