/* Hurdish w

   Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

   Written by Miles Bader <miles@gnu.ai.mit.edu>

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at
   your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */

#include <hurd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <paths.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <utmp.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <grp.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <version.h>

#include <sys/fcntl.h>

#include <argp.h>
#include <argz.h>
#include <envz.h>
#include <idvec.h>
#include <ps.h>
#include <timefmt.h>
#include <error.h>

#include "psout.h"

#define DEFAULT_FMT_STRING "%^%user %tty %from %login %idle %pid %what"

extern char *canon_host (char *host);
extern char *shared_domain (char *host1, char *host2);
extern char *localhost ();

const char *argp_program_version = STANDARD_HURD_VERSION (w);

static struct argp_option options[] =
  {"format",     'F',     "FMT",  0,  "Use the custom output-format FMT"},
  {"no-header",  'H',     0,      0,  "Don't print a descriptive header line"},
  {0,		 'h',     0,   OPTION_ALIAS | OPTION_HIDDEN}, /* BSD compat */
  {"reverse",    'r',     0,      0,  "Reverse the order of any sort"},
  {"sort",       's',     "FIELD",0,  "Sort the output with respect to FIELD,"
                                     " backwards if FIELD is prefixed by `-'"},
  {0,            'i',     0,	  0,  "Sort output by idle time"},
  {"tty",        't',     "TTY",  OA, "Only show entries for terminal TTY"},
  {"width",      'w',     "WIDTH",OA, "If WIDTH is given, try to format the"
                                      " output for WIDTH columns, otherwise,"
				      " remove the default limit"},
  {"uptime",     'u',     0,      0,  "Only show the uptime and load info"},
  {"no-uptime",  'U',     0,      0,  "Don't show the uptime and load info"},
  {"raw-hosts",  'n',     0,      0,  "Show network addresses as numbers"},
  {0, 0}
static char *args_doc = "[USER...]";
static char *doc = "Show logged in users and what they are doing";
/* The current time of day.  */
static struct timeval now;

/* True if we shouldn't attempt to show names for host addresses.  */
static int raw_hosts = 0;

struct w_hook
  struct utmp utmp;
  struct timeval idle;
  struct ps_user *user;
  char *host;			/* A malloced host name.  */


static ps_flags_t
w_deps (ps_flags_t flags)
  if (flags & W_PSTAT_IDLE)
    flags |= PSTAT_TTY;
  return flags;

static ps_flags_t
w_fetch (struct proc_stat *ps, ps_flags_t need, ps_flags_t have)
  struct w_hook *hook = ps->hook;

  if (! hook)
    return 0;			/* Can't do anything without w specific info.*/

  if (need & W_PSTAT_HOST)
      struct utmp *utmp = &hook->utmp;
      if (utmp->ut_host[0])
	  /* UTMP->ut_host might not be '\0' terminated; this copy is.  */
	  char ut_host[sizeof utmp->ut_host + 1];

	  strncpy (ut_host, utmp->ut_host, sizeof utmp->ut_host);
	  ut_host[sizeof utmp->ut_host] = '\0';

	  if (raw_hosts)
	    hook->host = strdup (ut_host);
	      char *sd;
	      hook->host = strdup (canon_host (ut_host) ?: ut_host);
	      sd = shared_domain (hook->host, localhost ());
	      if (sd)
		*sd = '\0';
      have |= W_PSTAT_HOST;

  if (need & W_PSTAT_IDLE)
      if (have & PSTAT_TTY)
	  struct stat stat;
	  struct ps_tty *tty = ps->tty;

	  hook->idle.tv_usec = 0;
	  if (! tty)
	      hook->idle.tv_sec = 0;
	      have |= W_PSTAT_IDLE;
	      if (io_stat (tty->port, &stat) == 0)
		  hook->idle.tv_sec = now.tv_sec - stat.st_atime;
		  have |= W_PSTAT_IDLE;
      else if (ps->inapp & PSTAT_TTY)
	ps->inapp |= W_PSTAT_IDLE;

  if (need & W_PSTAT_USER)
    if (ps_user_uname_create (hook->utmp.ut_name, &hook->user) == 0)
      have |= W_PSTAT_USER;

  /* We can always return these.  */
  have |= (need & W_PSTAT_LOGIN);

  return have;

static void
w_cleanup (struct proc_stat *ps)
  if (ps->hook)
      if (ps->flags & W_PSTAT_HOST)
	free (((struct w_hook *)ps->hook)->host);
      free (ps->hook);
static void
w_get_idle (struct proc_stat *ps, struct timeval *tv)
  struct w_hook *hook = ps->hook;
  *tv = hook->idle;
const struct ps_getter w_idle_getter =
{"idle_time", W_PSTAT_IDLE, w_get_idle};

static void
w_get_login (struct proc_stat *ps, struct timeval *tv)
  struct w_hook *hook = ps->hook;
  tv->tv_usec = 0;
  tv->tv_sec = hook ? hook->utmp.ut_time : 0;
const struct ps_getter w_login_getter =
{"login_time", 0, w_get_login};

static void
w_get_uname (struct proc_stat *ps, char **uname, unsigned *uname_len)
  struct w_hook *hook = ps->hook;
  *uname = hook->utmp.ut_name;
  *uname_len = ((char *)memchr (*uname, 0, UT_NAMESIZE) ?: *uname) - *uname;
const struct ps_getter w_uname_getter =
{"uname", 0, w_get_uname};

static struct ps_user *
w_get_user (struct proc_stat *ps)
  struct w_hook *hook = ps->hook;
  return hook->user;
const struct ps_getter w_user_getter =
{"user", W_PSTAT_USER, (void (*)())w_get_user};

static void
w_get_host (struct proc_stat *ps, char **host, unsigned *host_len)
  struct w_hook *hook = ps->hook;
  *host = hook->host;
  *host_len = *host ? strlen (*host) : 0;
const struct ps_getter w_host_getter =
{"host", W_PSTAT_HOST, w_get_host};

extern error_t ps_emit_past_time (), ps_emit_string (), ps_emit_minutes ();
extern error_t ps_emit_user_name ();
extern int ps_cmp_times (), ps_cmp_strings (), ps_cmp_unames ();
extern int ps_nominal_string ();
const struct ps_fmt_spec _w_specs[] =
  {"User", 0, 8,   -1,0, &w_uname_getter,ps_emit_string, ps_cmp_strings},
  {"Name", 0, 16,  -1,0, &w_user_getter, ps_emit_user_name,ps_cmp_unames,ps_nominal_string},
  {"Login","Login@", -7,  -1,0,&w_login_getter,ps_emit_past_time,ps_cmp_times},
  {"From", 0, 14,  -1,0, &w_host_getter, ps_emit_string, ps_cmp_strings, ps_nominal_string},
  {"Idle", 0, -5,  -1,PS_FMT_FIELD_COLON_MOD, &w_idle_getter, ps_emit_minutes,ps_cmp_times},
struct ps_fmt_specs w_specs = {_w_specs, &ps_std_fmt_specs};
/* Add to PROCS any processes in the foreground process group corresponding
   to U, attaching a struct w_hook to which ever process is deemed the most
   noteworthy.  */
static void
add_utmp_procs (struct proc_stat_list *procs, struct utmp *u)
  /* The tty name, with space for '\0' termination and an
     appropiate prefix.  */
  char tty[sizeof _PATH_DEV + sizeof u->ut_line];
  io_t tty_node;
  error_t err;
  pid_t pid;
  int pos;
  struct proc_stat *ps;

  if (u->ut_type == DEAD_PROCESS || !*u->ut_name)
    return;			/* Unused entry.  */

  strncpy (tty, u->ut_line, sizeof u->ut_line);
  tty[sizeof u->ut_line] = '\0'; /* Ensure it's '\0' terminated. */

  if (*tty != '/')
    /* Not an absolute path -- it must be in /dev, which insert. */
      bcopy (tty, tty + sizeof _PATH_DEV - 1, strlen (tty) + 1);
      bcopy (_PATH_DEV, tty, sizeof _PATH_DEV - 1);

  /* Now find which process group is the in foreground for TTY.  */
  tty_node = file_name_lookup (tty, 0, 0);
  if (tty_node == MACH_PORT_NULL)
      error (0, errno, "%s", tty);

  err = io_get_owner (tty_node, &pid);
  if (err)
      error (0, err, "%s", tty);

  /* The new process will get added at the end, so look for it there. */
  pos = proc_stat_list_num_procs (procs);
  if (pid >= 0)
    err = proc_stat_list_add_pid (procs, pid, &ps);
      struct proc_stat **pgrp_procs;
      unsigned num_procs;

      err = proc_stat_list_add_pgrp (procs, -pid, &pgrp_procs, &num_procs);
      if (! err)
	  if (num_procs > 0)
	    ps = pgrp_procs[0]; /* Use the first one.  */
	    ps = 0;
	  free (pgrp_procs);
  if (err)
      error (0, err, "%s (owner %s %d)",
	     tty, pid < 0 ? "pgrp" : "pid", pid < 0 ? -pid : pid);

  if (ps)
      ps->hook = malloc (sizeof (struct w_hook));
      if (ps->hook)
	bcopy (u, &((struct w_hook *)ps->hook)->utmp, sizeof *u);
    error (0, 0, "%s (owner %s %d): No processes",
	   tty, pid < 0 ? "pgrp" : "pid", pid < 0 ? -pid : pid);
static void
uptime (struct proc_stat_list *procs)
  struct stat st;
  char uptime_rep[20], tod_rep[20];
  struct host_load_info *load;
  unsigned nusers = 0;
  int maybe_add_user (struct proc_stat *ps) { if (ps->hook) nusers++; return 0; }

  proc_stat_list_for_each (procs, maybe_add_user);

  /* Until we get a better way of finding out how long the system's been
     up...  XXX */
  if (stat ("/var/run/uptime", &st) != 0)
    strcpy (uptime_rep, "chuck");
      struct timeval uptime = { now.tv_sec - st.st_ctime, 0 };
      fmt_named_interval (&uptime, 0, uptime_rep, sizeof (uptime_rep));

  strftime (tod_rep, sizeof (tod_rep), "%r",
	    localtime ((time_t *)&now.tv_sec));
  if (tod_rep[0] == '0')
    tod_rep[0] = ' ';		/* Get rid of bletcherous leading 0.  */

  errno = ps_host_load_info (&load);
  if (errno)
    error (0, errno, "ps_host_load_info");

  printf ("%s  up %s,  %u user%s,  load averages: %.2f, %.2f, %.2f\n",
	  tod_rep, uptime_rep, nusers, nusers == 1 ? "" : "s",
	  (double)load->avenrun[0] / (double)LOAD_SCALE,
	  (double)load->avenrun[1] / (double)LOAD_SCALE,
	  (double)load->avenrun[2] / (double)LOAD_SCALE);
main(int argc, char *argv[])
  error_t err;
  struct utmp *ut;
  struct ps_context *context;
  int output_width = -1;
  char *fmt_string = DEFAULT_FMT_STRING, *sort_key_name = NULL;
  int sort_reverse = 0, print_heading = 1, show_entries = 1, show_uptime = 1;
  int squash_bogus_fields = 1, squash_nominal_fields = 1;
  struct proc_stat_list *procs;
#if 0
  char *tty_names = 0;
  unsigned num_tty_names = 0;
  uid_t *users = 0;
  size_t num_users = 0;
  struct ps_user_hooks ps_hooks = { w_deps, w_fetch, w_cleanup };

  int has_hook (struct proc_stat *ps) { return ps->hook != 0; }

  int keep_users (struct proc_stat *ps)
      int i;
      struct w_hook *h = ps->hook;
      for (i = 0; i < num_users; i++)
	if (users[i] == h->user->uid)
	  return 1;
      return 0;

  /* Parse our options...  */
  error_t parse_opt (int key, char *arg, struct argp_state *state)
      switch (key)
	case 'H': case 'h': print_heading = 0; break;
	case 'i': sort_key_name = "idle"; break;
	case 's': sort_key_name = arg; break;
	case 'F': fmt_string = arg; break;
	case 'r': sort_reverse = 1; break;
	case 'u': show_entries = 0; break;
	case 'U': show_uptime = 0; break;
	case 'n': raw_hosts = 1; break;
	case 'w': output_width = arg ? atoi (arg) : 0; break;

	  users = realloc (users, num_users * sizeof (*users));
	  if (! users)
	    argp_failure (state, 5, ENOMEM, "%s", arg);
	  else if (isdigit (*arg))
	    users[num_users - 1] = atoi (arg);
	      struct passwd *pw = getpwnam (arg);
	      if (! pw)
		argp_failure (state, 6, 0, "%s: Unknown user", arg);
	      users[num_users - 1] = pw->pw_uid;

      return 0;
  struct argp argp = {options, parse_opt, args_doc, doc};

  if (gettimeofday (&now, 0) < 0)
    error (0, errno, "gettimeofday");

  err = ps_context_create (getproc (), &context);
  if (err)
    error (2, err, "ps_context_create");

  err = proc_stat_list_create (context, &procs);
  if (err)
    error (3, err, "proc_stat_list_create");
  context->user_hooks = &ps_hooks;

  /* Parse our options.  */
  argp_parse (&argp, argc, argv, 0, 0, 0);

  /* Read the utmp file.  */
  setutent ();
  while ((ut = getutent ()) != NULL)
    add_utmp_procs (procs, ut);
  endutent ();

  /* Keep only processes that have our hooks attached.  */
  proc_stat_list_filter1 (procs, has_hook, 0, 0);

  if (num_users > 0)
    proc_stat_list_filter1 (procs, keep_users, W_PSTAT_USER, 0);

  if (show_uptime)
    uptime (procs);

  if (show_entries)
    psout (procs, fmt_string, 0, &w_specs, sort_key_name, sort_reverse,
	   output_width, print_heading,
	   squash_bogus_fields, squash_nominal_fields, 0);

  return 0;