/* Roughly Unix/Linux-compatible `mount' frontend for Hurd translators.

   Copyright (C) 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

   This file is part of the GNU Hurd.

   The GNU Hurd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at
   your option) any later version.

   The GNU Hurd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.  */

#include "../sutils/fstab.h"
#include <argp.h>
#include <argz.h>
#include <error.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <hurd/fsys.h>
#include <hurd/fshelp.h>
#include <hurd/paths.h>

#define SEARCH_FMTS	_HURD "%sfs\0" _HURD "%s"
#define DEFAULT_FSTYPE	"ext2"

static char *fstype = DEFAULT_FSTYPE;
static char *device, *mountpoint;
static int verbose;
static char *options;
static size_t options_len;
static mach_msg_timeout_t timeout;

static enum { mount, query } mode;
static enum { qf_standard, qf_fstab, qf_translator } query_format;
static struct fstab_argp_params fstab_params;

static const struct argp_option argp_opts[] =
  {"timeout",	'T',	"MILLISECONDS",	0, "Timeout for translator startup"},
  {"format",	'p',	"mount|fstab|translator", OPTION_ARG_OPTIONAL,
   "Output format for query (no filesystem arguments)"},
  {0, 0}

static error_t
parse_opt (int key, char *arg, struct argp_state *state)
  struct fstab_argp_params *params = state->input;
  error_t err;
  switch (key)
    case ARGP_KEY_INIT:
      state->child_inputs[0] = params; /* pass down to fstab_argp parser */

#define ARGZ(call)							      \
      err = argz_##call; 						      \
      if (err)								      \
	argp_failure (state, 100, ENOMEM, "%s", arg);			      \
    case 'r': ARGZ (add (&options, &options_len, "ro"));
    case 'w': ARGZ (add (&options, &options_len, "rw"));
    case 'u': ARGZ (add (&options, &options_len, "remount"));
    case 'o': ARGZ (add_sep (&options, &options_len, arg, ','));
    case 'v': ++verbose; break;
#undef ARGZ

    case 'T':
	char *end;
	unsigned long int ms = strtoul (arg, &end, 10);
	if (end && *end == '\0')
	  timeout = ms;
	    argp_error (state,
			"--timeout needs a numeric argument (milliseconds)");
	    return EINVAL;

    case 'p':
      if (arg == 0 || !strcasecmp (arg, "fstab"))
	query_format = qf_fstab;
      else if (!strcasecmp (arg, "mount"))
	query_format = qf_standard;
      else if (!strcasecmp (arg, "translator")
	       || !strcasecmp (arg, "showtrans"))
	query_format = qf_translator;
	  argp_error (state, "invalid argument to --format");
	  return EINVAL;

    case ARGP_KEY_ARG:
      if (mountpoint == 0)	/* One arg: mountpoint */
	mountpoint = arg;
      else if (device == 0)	/* Two args: device, mountpoint */
	  device = mountpoint;
	  mountpoint = arg;
      else			/* More than two args.  */
	  argp_error (state, "too many arguments");
	  return EINVAL;

    case ARGP_KEY_NO_ARGS:
      if (! params->do_all)
	  params->do_all = 1;
	  mode = query;

    case ARGP_KEY_END:
      if (params->do_all && mountpoint)
	  argp_error (state, "filesystem argument not allowed with --all");
	  return EINVAL;
      if (mode == query && options_len != 0)
	  argp_error (state,
		      "mount options not allowed without filesystem argument");
	  return EINVAL;
      if (mountpoint)
	switch (argz_count (params->types, params->types_len))
	    argp_error (state,
			"multiple types not allowed with filesystem argument");
	    return EINVAL;
	  case 1:
	    fstype = params->types;
	    params->types = 0;
	    params->types_len = 0;
	  case 0:

      return ARGP_ERR_UNKNOWN;
  return 0;

static const char doc[] = "Start active filesystem translators";
static const char args_doc[] = "\
DEVICE\t(in " _PATH_MNTTAB ")\n\
static const struct argp_child argp_kids[] =
{ { &fstab_argp, 0,
    "Filesystem selection (if no explicit filesystem arguments given):", 2 },
  { 0 } };
static struct argp argp = { argp_opts, parse_opt, args_doc, doc, argp_kids };
/* Mount one filesystem.  */
static error_t
do_mount (struct fs *fs, int remount)
  error_t err;
  char *fsopts, *o;
  size_t fsopts_len;
  char *mntopts;
  size_t mntopts_len;
  fsys_t mounted;

  inline void explain (const char *command)
      if (verbose)
	  const char *o;
	  printf ("%s %s", command, fs->mntent.mnt_dir);
	  for (o = fsopts; o; o = argz_next (fsopts, fsopts_len, o))
	    printf (" %s", o);
	  putchar ('\n');

  err = fs_fsys (fs, &mounted);
  if (err)
      error (0, err, "cannot determine if %s is already mounted",
      return err;

  /* Produce an argz of translator option arguments from the
     given FS's options and the command-line options.  */

#define ARGZ(call)							      \
  err = argz_##call;							      \
  if (err)								      \
    error (3, ENOMEM, "collecting mount options");			      \

  if (fs->mntent.mnt_opts)
      /* Append the fstab options to any specified on the command line.  */
      ARGZ (create_sep (fs->mntent.mnt_opts, ',', &mntopts, &mntopts_len));

      /* Remove the `noauto' option, since it's for us not the filesystem.  */
      for (o = mntopts; o; o = argz_next (mntopts, mntopts_len, o))
	if (!strcmp (o, MNTOPT_NOAUTO))
      if (o)
	argz_delete (&mntopts, &mntopts_len, o);

      ARGZ (append (&mntopts, &mntopts_len, options, options_len));
      mntopts = options;
      mntopts_len = options_len;

  /* Convert the list of options into a list of switch arguments.  */
  fsopts = 0;
  fsopts_len = 0;
  for (o = mntopts; o; o = argz_next (mntopts, mntopts_len, o))
    if (*o == '-')		/* Allow letter opts `-o -r,-E', BSD style.  */
	ARGZ (add (&fsopts, &fsopts_len, o));
	/* Prepend `--' to the option to make a long option switch,
	   e.g. `--ro' or `--rsize=1024'.  */
	char arg[2 + strlen (o) + 1];
	arg[0] = arg[1] = '-';
	memcpy (&arg[2], o, sizeof arg - 2);
	ARGZ (add (&fsopts, &fsopts_len, arg));

  if (mntopts != options)
    free (mntopts);
#undef ARGZ

  if (remount)
      if (mounted == MACH_PORT_NULL)
	  error (0, 0, "%s not already mounted", fs->mntent.mnt_fsname);
	  return EBUSY;

      /* Send an RPC to request the new options, including --update.  */
      explain ("fsysopts");
      err = fsys_set_options (mounted, fsopts, fsopts_len, 0);
      if (err)
	error (0, err, "cannot remount %s", fs->mntent.mnt_fsname);
      return err;
      /* Error during file lookup; we use this to avoid duplicating error
	 messages.  */
      error_t open_err = 0;
      /* The control port for any active translator we start up.  */
      fsys_t active_control;
      file_t node;		/* Port to the underlying node.  */
      struct fstype *type;

      /* The callback to start_translator opens NODE as a side effect.  */
      error_t open_node (int flags,
			 mach_port_t *underlying,
			 mach_msg_type_name_t *underlying_type)
	  node = file_name_lookup (fs->mntent.mnt_dir,
				   flags | O_NOTRANS, 0666);
	  if (node == MACH_PORT_NULL)
	      open_err = errno;
	      return open_err;

	  *underlying = node;
	  *underlying_type = MACH_MSG_TYPE_COPY_SEND;

	  return 0;

      if (mounted != MACH_PORT_NULL)
	  error (0, 0, "%s already mounted", fs->mntent.mnt_fsname);
	  return EBUSY;

      err = fs_type (fs, &type);
      if (err)
	  error (0, err, "%s: cannot determine filesystem type",
	  return err;
      if (type->program == 0)
	  error (0, 0, "%s: filesystem type `%s' unknown",
		 fs->mntent.mnt_fsname, type->name);
	  return EFTYPE;

      /* Stick the translator program name in front of the option switches.  */
      err = argz_insert (&fsopts, &fsopts_len, fsopts, type->program);
      /* Now stick the device name on the end as the last argument.  */
      if (!err)
	err = argz_add (&fsopts, &fsopts_len, fs->mntent.mnt_fsname);
      if (err)
	error (3, ENOMEM, "collecting mount options");

      /* Now we have a translator command line argz in FSOPTS.  */

      explain ("settrans -a");
      err = fshelp_start_translator (open_node, fsopts,
				     fsopts, fsopts_len, timeout,
      /* If ERR is due to a problem opening the translated node, we print
	 that name, otherwise, the name of the translator.  */
      if (open_err)
	error (0, open_err, "cannot mount on %s", fs->mntent.mnt_dir);
      else if (err)
	error (0, err, "cannot start translator %s", fsopts);
	  err = file_set_translator (node, 0, FS_TRANS_SET|FS_TRANS_EXCL, 0,
				     0, 0,
				     active_control, MACH_MSG_TYPE_COPY_SEND);
	  if (err == EBUSY)
	    error (0, 0, "%s already mounted on", fs->mntent.mnt_dir);
	  else if (err)
	    error (0, err, "cannot set translator on %s", fs->mntent.mnt_dir);
	  if (err)
	    fsys_goaway (active_control, FSYS_GOAWAY_FORCE);
	  mach_port_deallocate (mach_task_self (), active_control);

      return err;
/* Report the state of one filesystem to stdout.  */
static error_t
do_query (struct fs *fs)
  error_t err;
  fsys_t fsys;
  char _opts[200], *opts = _opts;
  size_t opts_len = sizeof opts;
  size_t nopts;

  err = fs_fsys (fs, &fsys);
  if (err)
    return err;

  if (fsys == MACH_PORT_NULL)
    /* This filesystem is not mounted.  Nothing to report.  */
    return 0;

  err = fsys_get_options (fsys, &opts, &opts_len);
  if (err)
      error (0, err, "%s: cannot get filesystem options",
      return err;

  nopts = argz_count (opts, opts_len);
  if (nopts == 0)
      error (0, 0, "%s: fsys_get_options returned empty string",
      return EGRATUITOUS;

  if (query_format == qf_translator)
      argz_stringify (opts, opts_len, ' ');
      printf ("%s: %s\n", fs->mntent.mnt_dir, opts);
      char *argv[nopts];
      const char *prog, *device;

      inline const char *fsopt_string (const char *opt) /* canonicalize */
	  if (opt[0] == '-' && opt[1] == '-')
	      opt += 2;
	      if (!strcmp (opt, "readonly"))
		return "ro";
	      if (!strcmp (opt, "writable"))
		return "rw";
	      if (!strcmp (opt, "-r"))
		return "ro";
	      if (!strcmp (opt, "-w"))
		return "rw";
	  return opt;
      inline void print_prog (const char *sfx)
	  if (!strncmp (_HURD, prog, sizeof _HURD - 1))
	      const char *type = &prog[sizeof _HURD - 1];
	      size_t len = strlen (type);
	      if (!strcmp (&type[len - 2], "fs"))
		printf ("%.*s%s", (int) (len - 2), type, sfx);
		printf ("%s%s", type, sfx);
	    printf ("%s%s", prog, sfx);
      inline int print_opts (char sep)
	  char *opt = argz_next (opts, opts_len, prog);
	  if (opt == 0)
	    return 0;
	  fputs (fsopt_string (opt), stdout);
	  while ((opt = argz_next (opts, opts_len, opt)) != 0)
	    printf ("%c%s", sep, fsopt_string (opt));
	  return 1;

      argz_extract (opts, opts_len, argv);
      prog = argv[0];

      if (nopts < 2)
	device = fs->mntent.mnt_fsname;
	  static const char type_opt[] = "--store-type=";
	  device = argv[--nopts];
	  opts_len -= strlen (device) + 1;
	  if (!strncmp (type_opt, argv[nopts - 1], sizeof type_opt - 1))
	      asprintf ((char **) &device, "%s:%s",
			&argv[nopts - 1][sizeof type_opt - 1], device);
	      opts_len -= strlen (argv[nopts - 1]) + 1;

      switch (query_format)
	case qf_standard:
	  printf ("%s on %s type ", device, fs->mntent.mnt_dir);
	  print_prog (" (");
	  if (print_opts (','))
	    puts (")");
	    puts ("defaults)");

	case qf_fstab:
	  printf ("%s\t%s\t", device, fs->mntent.mnt_dir);
	  print_prog ("\t");
	  printf ("%s\t%d %d\n",
		  print_opts (',') ? "" : "defaults",
		  fs->mntent.mnt_freq, fs->mntent.mnt_passno);

	case qf_translator:	/* impossible */

  return 0;
main (int argc, char **argv)
  unsigned int remount;
  struct fstab *fstab;
  struct fs *fs;
  error_t err;

  argp_parse (&argp, argc, argv, 0, 0, &fstab_params);

  if (!mountpoint && (fstab_params.types == 0

		      || !strncasecmp (fstab_params.types, "no", 2)))
      /* Always add the type "swap" to the list of types to exclude.  */
      err = argz_add (&fstab_params.types, &fstab_params.types_len,
      if (err)
	error (3, ENOMEM, "parsing arguments");

  fstab = fstab_argp_create (&fstab_params, SEARCH_FMTS, sizeof SEARCH_FMTS);

  if (device)			/* two-argument form */
      struct mntent m =
	mnt_fsname: device,
	mnt_dir: mountpoint,
	mnt_type: fstype,
	mnt_opts: 0,
	mnt_freq: 0, mnt_passno: 0
      struct fstype *fst;

      err = fstypes_get (fstab->types, fstype, &fst);
      if (err)
	error (106, err, "cannot initialize type %s", fstype);
      if (fst->program == 0)
	error (2, 0, "filesystem type %s not recognized", fstype);

      err = fstab_add_mntent (fstab, &m, &fs);
      if (err)
	error (2, err, "%s", mountpoint);
  else if (mountpoint)		/* one-argument form */
      fs = fstab_find (fstab, mountpoint);
      if (!fs)
	error (2, 0, "%s: Unknown device or filesystem", mountpoint);
    fs = 0;

  /* This is a convenient way of checking for any `remount' options.  */
  remount = 0;
  err = argz_replace (&options, &options_len, "remount", "update", &remount);
  if (err)
    error (3, ENOMEM, "collecting mount options");

  if (fs != 0)
    err = do_mount (fs, remount);
    switch (mode)
      case mount:
	for (fs = fstab->entries; fs; fs = fs->next)
	    if (fstab_params.do_all && hasmntopt (&fs->mntent, MNTOPT_NOAUTO))
	    err |= do_mount (fs, remount);

      case query:
	for (fs = fstab->entries; fs; fs = fs->next)
	  err |= do_query (fs);

  return err ? 1 : 0;