/* Copyright (C) 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by Michael I. Bushnell. This file is part of the GNU Hurd. The GNU Hurd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. The GNU Hurd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "fsck.h" #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> static char sblockbuf[SBSIZE]; struct fs *sblock = (struct fs *)sblockbuf; char lfname[] = "lost+found"; mode_t lfmode = IFDIR | 0755; /* Get ready to run on device with pathname DEV. */ int setup (char *dev) { struct stat st; int changedsb; size_t bmapsize; if (stat (dev, &st) == -1) { perror (dev); return 0; } if (!S_ISCHR (st.st_mode)) { pfatal ("%s is not a character device", dev); if (!reply ("CONTINUE")) return 0; } if (preen == 0) printf ("** %s", dev); if (!nowrite) readfd = open (dev, O_RDWR); if (nowrite || readfd == -1) { readfd = open (dev, O_RDONLY); if (readfd == -1) { perror (dev); return 0; } writefd = -1; nowrite = 1; if (preen) pfatal ("NO WRITE ACCESS"); printf (" (NO WRITE)"); } else writefd = readfd; if (preen == 0) printf ("\n"); lfdir = 0; /* We don't do the alternate superblock stuff here (yet). */ readblock (SBLOCK, sblock, SBSIZE); changedsb = 0; if (sblock->fs_magic != FS_MAGIC) { pfatal ("BAD MAGIC NUMBER"); return 0; } if (sblock->fs_ncg < 1) { pfatal ("NCG OUT OF RANGE"); return 0; } if (sblock->fs_cpg < 1) { pfatal ("CPG OUT OF RANGE"); return 0; } if (sblock->fs_ncg * sblock->fs_cpg < sblock->fs_ncyl || (sblock->fs_ncg - 1) * sblock->fs_cpg >= sblock->fs_ncyl) { pfatal ("NCYL INCONSISTENT WITH NCG AND CPG"); return 0; } if (sblock->fs_sbsize > SBSIZE) { pfatal ("SBLOCK SIZE PREPONTEROUSLY LARGE"); return 0; } if (sblock->fs_optim != FS_OPTTIME && sblock->fs_optim != FS_OPTSPACE) { pfatal ("UNDEFINED OPTIMIZATION IN SUPERBLOCK"); if (reply ("SET TO DEFAULT")) { sblock->fs_optim = FS_OPTTIME; changedsb = 1; } } if (sblock->fs_minfree < 0 || sblock->fs_minfree > 99) { pfatal ("IMPOSSIBLE MINFREE=%ld IN SUPERBLOCK", sblock->fs_minfree); if (reply ("SET TO DEFAULT")) { sblock->fs_minfree = 10; changedsb = 1; } } if (sblock->fs_interleave < 1 || sblock->fs_interleave > sblock->fs_nsect) { pwarn ("IMPOSSIBLE INTERLEAVE=%ld IN SUPERBLOCK", sblock->fs_interleave); if (preen || reply ("SET TO DEFAULT")) { if (preen) printf (" (SET TO DEFAULT)"); sblock->fs_interleave = 1; changedsb = 1; } } if (sblock->fs_npsect < sblock->fs_nsect || sblock->fs_npsect > sblock->fs_nsect * 2) { pwarn ("IMPOSSIBLE NPSECT=%ld IN SUPERBLOCK", sblock->fs_npsect); if (preen || reply ("SET TO DEFAULT")) { if (preen) printf (" (SET TO DEFAULT)"); sblock->fs_npsect = sblock->fs_nsect; changedsb = 1; } } if (sblock->fs_inodefmt >= FS_44INODEFMT) newinofmt = 1; else { sblock->fs_qbmask = ~sblock->fs_bmask; sblock->fs_qfmask = ~sblock->fs_fmask; newinofmt = 0; } if (changedsb) writeblock (SBLOCK, sblock, SBSIZE); /* Constants */ maxfsblock = sblock->fs_size; maxino = sblock->fs_ncg * sblock->fs_ipg; direct_symlink_extension = sblock->fs_maxsymlinklen > 0; /* Allocate and initialize maps */ bmapsize = roundup (howmany (maxfsblock, NBBY), sizeof (short)); blockmap = calloc (bmapsize, sizeof (char)); inodestate = calloc (maxino + 1, sizeof (char)); typemap = calloc (maxino + 1, sizeof (char)); linkcount = calloc (maxino + 1, sizeof (nlink_t)); linkfound = calloc (maxino + 1, sizeof (nlink_t)); return 1; }