/* * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1991,1990,1989,1988 Carnegie Mellon University * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon * the rights to redistribute these changes. */ #ifndef _FILE_IO_H_ #define _FILE_IO_H_ /* * Read-only file IO. */ #include <mach.h> #include <cthreads.h> #include <device/device_types.h> #include <defs.h> #include "minix_fs.h" #include "ext2_fs.h" #include "disk_inode.h" #define BSD_FFS 0 #define EXT2_FS 1 #define MINIX_FS 2 #define EXT2_NIADDR (EXT2_N_BLOCKS - EXT2_NDIR_BLOCKS) /* * In-core open file. */ struct file { struct mutex f_lock; /* lock */ mach_port_t f_dev; /* port to device */ vm_offset_t f_buf; /* buffer for data block */ vm_size_t f_buf_size; /* size of data block */ daddr_t f_buf_blkno; /* block number of data block */ vm_size_t f_size; /* size in bytes of the file */ int f_fstype; /* contains fs-id */ union { struct { struct fs * ffs_fs; /* pointer to super-block */ struct icommon ffs_ic; /* copy of on-disk inode */ /* number of blocks mapped by indirect block at level i */ int ffs_nindir[FFS_NIADDR+1]; /* buffer for indirect block at level i */ vm_offset_t ffs_blk[FFS_NIADDR]; /* size of buffer */ vm_size_t ffs_blksize[FFS_NIADDR]; /* disk address of block in buffer */ daddr_t ffs_blkno[FFS_NIADDR]; } ffs; struct { /* pointer to super-block */ struct ext2_super_block*ext2_fs; /* pointer to group descriptors */ struct ext2_group_desc* ext2_gd; /* size of group descriptors */ vm_size_t ext2_gd_size; /* copy of on-disk inode */ struct ext2_inode ext2_ic; /* number of blocks mapped by indirect block at level i */ int ext2_nindir[EXT2_NIADDR+1]; /* buffer for indirect block at level i */ vm_offset_t ext2_blk[EXT2_NIADDR]; /* size of buffer */ vm_size_t ext2_blksize[EXT2_NIADDR]; /* disk address of block in buffer */ daddr_t ext2_blkno[EXT2_NIADDR]; } ext2; struct { /* pointer to super-block */ struct minix_super_block* minix_fs; /* copy of on-disk inode */ struct minix_inode minix_ic; /* number of blocks mapped by indirect block at level i */ int minix_nindir[MINIX_NIADDR+1]; /* buffer for indirect block at level i */ vm_offset_t minix_blk[MINIX_NIADDR]; /* size of buffer */ vm_size_t minix_blksize[MINIX_NIADDR]; /* disk address of block in buffer */ minix_daddr_t minix_blkno[MINIX_NIADDR]; } minix; } u; }; /* * In-core open file, with in-core block map. */ struct file_direct { int f_fstype; /* XXX was: true if ext2, false if ffs */ mach_port_t fd_dev; /* port to device */ daddr_t * fd_blocks; /* array of disk block addresses */ long fd_size; /* number of blocks in the array */ long fd_bsize; /* disk block size */ long fd_bshift; /* log2(fd_bsize) */ long fd_fsbtodb; /* log2(fd_bsize / disk sector size) */ }; #define file_is_device(_fd_) ((_fd_)->fd_blocks == 0) /* * Exported routines. */ extern int open_file(); extern void close_file(); extern int read_file(); extern int open_file_direct(); extern int add_file_direct(); extern int remove_file_direct(); extern int file_wire_direct(); extern int page_read_file_direct(); extern int page_write_file_direct(); /* * Error codes for file system errors. */ #define FS_NOT_DIRECTORY 5000 /* not a directory */ #define FS_NO_ENTRY 5001 /* name not found */ #define FS_NAME_TOO_LONG 5002 /* name too long */ #define FS_SYMLINK_LOOP 5003 /* symbolic link loop */ #define FS_INVALID_FS 5004 /* bad file system */ #define FS_NOT_IN_FILE 5005 /* offset not in file */ #define FS_INVALID_PARAMETER 5006 /* bad parameter to a routine */ #endif /* _FILE_IO_H_ */