Sources for binaries in Hurd version 0.0.

The following packages were built from the sources of the indicated
version in according to the provided
instructions without modification:

autoconf (2.10)
automake (1.0)
bc  (1.03)
binutils (2.7)
bison (1.25)
cpio (2.4.2)
cvs (1.8.1, in cvs-1.8.tar.gz)
diffutils (2.7)
doschk (1.1)
ed  (0.2)
emacs lisp manual (19-2.4)
fileutils (3.13)
flex  (2.5.3)
gawk  (3.0.0)
gcal (1.01)
gcc  (2.7.2)
gdbm (1.7.3)
gettext (0.10)
gmp (2.0.2)
grep (2.0)
hello (1.3)
hurd (0.0)
indent (1.9.1)
inetutils (1.1)
less (320)
m4 (1.4)
miscfiles (1.0)
nvi (1.71)
ptx (0.4)
readline (2.0)
recode (3.4)
sed  (2.05)
sharutils (4.2)
termcap (1.3) [manual only]
termutils (2.0)
textutils (1.19)
time (1.7)
wdiff (0.5)

The following packages were built from the sources of the indicated
version in according to the provided
instructions, after making the indicated minor modifications:

emacs (19.31)
  [comment out definition of tparam in src/terminfo.c.]
  [add to src/s/gnu.h the following five lines]
   #define TERMINFO
   #define LIBS_TERMCAP -lncurses
   #define setpgrp(a,b) setpgrp()
findutils (4.1)  
  [Comment out decl of basename in defs.h and defn in util.c
   Add `#define ARG_MAX 20480' in xargs/xargs.c, right after the includes]
gperf (cperf 2.1a) 
  [hacked src/Makefile and src/stderr.c slightly]
gzip (1.2.4) 
  [commented out basename from gzip.h and util.c]
ncurses (1.9.9e) 
  [In read_entry.c, change second arg of call to open from `0' to O_RDONLY]
  [In lib_tparm.c:tparam, add the following before the call to tparam_internal]
	if (!buffer)
		buffer = malloc (256);
patch (2.1) 
  [comment out basename in backupfile.c.]
rcs (5.7) 
  [Put `#undef ED' before #define ED in conf.h.]
  [Add `#define SYMLOOP_MAX 8' to conf.h.]
tar (1.11.8) 
  [add `strerror' to AC_CHECK_FUNCS in]
texinfo (3.7) 
  [info/terminal.c -- add `#define B9600 9600']
nethack (3.2.1)
  [3.2.0 + nethack-3.2.0-3.2.1.patch
   define BSD & linux, frob paths in config.h & unixconf.h & root Makefile
   comment out declaration of random in system.h
   Use `-lncurses' for WINTTYLIB in src/Makefile
   declare `int status' in files.c:decompress_file, and pass &status
    as an arg to the call to `wait' in the same function. ]

The following were compiled from the sources found in

bash (1.14.4 patchlevel 10, with some additional local bugfixes)
e2fsprogs (e2fsprogs-0.5c-hurd1.tar.gz) [1.04 doesn't have hurd patches]
serverboot (serverboot.tar.gz)
  [ Unpack into the mach4 source directory, and rename it to be `bootstrap';
    you won't need the existing mach4 bootstrap.  Then build in the bootstrap
    subdir of the build directory, and install as /boot/serverboot. ]
  [ Requires changes for ELF: avoid generating 16-bit relocations.
    Requires other changes to deal with ELF; makefiles only work for
    mach3-a.out object file format. ]
sh-utils (1.12m from
  [ copy libc's time/strftime.c into lib/strftime.c to fix a date bug. ]
make (3.74.5 from; unmodified)
gdb (Modified from Cygnus snapshot of 960526) 
mach4 (UK22, slighly hacked) [already includes `serverboot' program.]
libc (1.93, with modifications)