-*- Text -*- Instructions for bootstrapping the Hurd from binary images (i486). Last updated 8 July 1996 This directory contains i486 binaries for the Hurd and various programs built to run under it. All program binaries are stripped to save disk space; the installed libraries have the debugging information stripped to speed linking. See the file SOURCES to see where each package came from. For the GPL'd sources (most of them) you are not allowed to distribute this binary distribution to third parties without distributing the associated source. All these sources are found on prep.ai.mit.edu along with the Hurd binary distribution itself. STEP I: Unpack the binary distribution onto a fresh disk partition, which needs to be BSD FFS format. The boot loader we use (GRUB) does not yet understand how to boot from a Linux ext2fs filesystem, though this is expected to change very soon. Make the disk partition with newfs or mkfs on your favorite BSD system. Then unpack the binaries with tar onto that partition. [If you do not have a system running BSD, the NetBSD 2-floppy install set contains enough tools to make a new filesystem using newfs and copy to it from nfs.] STEP II: You probably need to change the device on which paging is done. This is done in a file in the Hurd partition called `XXX, on the line which looks like: /dev/sd0b $(add-paging-file) $(default-pager) `sd0b' is the paging device. Replace this with the correct device name (this is a mach partition name; see step III below for a bit about partition naming), or comment out the line if you don't want paging. Fsck and unmount the new partition before using it, to make sure it's clean. STEP IV: Install the grub bootloader. The instructions for installing grub are found in INSTALL-grub, which is a copy of the installation instructions at http://www.uruk.org/grub. We have included binaries for the various pieces of grub in /boot/grub on your Hurd partition. So you can follow the grub installation instructions without needing to build the actual grub pieces. You may want to switch to using grub entirely; it is able to most other kernels too. Full instructions are available on at http://www.uruk.org/grub, or in the grub source (which you should find wherever you picked up this binary release). STEP V: Boot the system with grub. You should get a grub boot menu with two entries, `hurd' and `hurd-single'. Select hurd-single. Mach should load, and then the Hurd should start, saying something like: Hurd server bootstrap: ufs exec init proc auth. Single-user bootstrap: term sh. bash# STEP VI: When GNU boots the first time, you might see some confusing messages, and you may notice that pipes don't work. Before you change anything, you may have to make the root filesystem writable -- if the clean bit wasn't set, it will have been made read-only automatically, printing obvious warning messages to that effect. Since things aren't set up enough at this point to fsck it, just make it writable using the command fsysopts / --writable In order to set up the translators for this to be a fully functional Hurd system, say /bin/sh /SETUP Now run `sync' and then `halt'. Boot the system again (still single-user), and it should come up more sanely. (CAVEAT: Hurd partitions, especially the root partition, may have filesystem extensions that BSD does not know about. Most of these are ignored by the BSD kernel and filesystem tools. One of them, `passive translators' (a/k/a non-transient mounts), is not understood by the BSD fsck. If you run the BSD fsck on a Hurd partition with such translators, things might fail *massively*. The Hurd version of fsck does not, of course, have any such problem. (The Hurd root partition needs to have such translators installed in order to work correctly. Other partitions don't; the filesystems support compat options to prevent the use of Hurd filesystem extensions.) STEP VII: Now you have a Hurd system. Some things you will want to do before you get going are: A: cd to /dev and make useful devices. At least pty's thus: ./MAKEDEV ptyp ptyq Also add any disk device you have; you must specify both unit number *and* partition. Something like `sd0a' or `rd1f' is called for. B: If you want to use the network, set it up thus: settrans /servers/socket/2 NN.NN.NN.NN eth0 MM.MM.MM.MM where NN.NN.NN.NN is your IP address (not hostname, IP address). MM.MM.MM.MM is the address of an IP gateway. If your host is isolated, then you can omit that arg. C: You can mount a partition (say hd0a) by saying: settrans /mnt /hurd/ufs /dev/rhd0a (This is equivalent to Unixy `mount /dev/hd0a /mnt'.) (Note that you are using the *RAW* device here. In theory, it's irrelevant [and this is really only being used to get a name in a clever but strange way], but there are minor bugs in the non-raw versions, so don't try and use them.) If it's a Linux ext2 format disk, just do settrans /mnt /hurd/ext2fs /dev/rhd0a You can make it readonly thus: settrans /mnt /hurd/ufs -r /dev/rhd0a In all these cases, note that all the args after `/mnt' are a command line being sent to the filesystem program when it starts. The syntax of settrans is: settrans [settrans-option-args] file command-line settrans itself also supports several args. (Use settrans --help for a summary.) To see the args supported by a ufs or ext2fs, say `/hurd/ufs --help' or `/hurd/ext2fs --help'. The mounts created this way are not transient--they will last across reboots, being recorded directly on disk. To get rid of one, say: `settrans /mnt' with no further args. The command `showtrans /mnt' will show you where it's at right now. You probably want to add all such mounts to fstab, so that the relevant disks are checked with fsck automatically on reboot, and so that programs like `df' know of them. A temporary mount (which lasts only until the filesystem program is killed or the system is rebooted) can be accomplished by giving the -a option to settrans thus: `settrans -a /mnt /hurd/ufs /dev/rsd0a'. (Note the placement of this option, as an arg to settrans, is different from the -r options you might give to the filesystem.) `showtrans' does not display these temporary mounts. NFS mounts, not surprisingly, are done thus: settrans /mnt /hurd/nfs /remote/file/system remote.host.org (You may also use the host:fs and fs@host notations if you prefer.) NFS supports many options; use `/hurd/nfs --help' to see them all. You should also examine the /etc/rc script we've written; it's pretty specific to our use right now and you might want to make sure it makes sense for you. Perhaps you will want to edit the password file too. MISCELLANEOUS NOTES: Fscking: XXX MILES -- Please insert arg summary here XXX GDB: XXX MILE -- Please verify The version of gdb included in this release has various features not used by most systems, in particular, the `thread' and `info thread' commands. The Hurd gdb can also debug running programs without halting them, which is useful to debug crucial system servers that can't be stopped without wedging the system. To do this, give the commands `set task pause off', `set exceptions off', and `set signals off', before attaching to the process. Of course, gdb may get confused because data structures are changing underneath it, but this generally works pretty well. The `portinfo' program is also very useful for debugging.