#ifndef _LINUX_SYS_H
#define _LINUX_SYS_H

 * system call entry points ... but not all are defined
#define NR_syscalls 256

 * These are system calls that will be removed at some time
 * due to newer versions existing..
 * (please be careful - ibcs2 may need some of these).
#ifdef notdef
#define _sys_waitpid	_sys_old_syscall	/* _sys_wait4 */
#define _sys_olduname	_sys_old_syscall	/* _sys_newuname */
#define _sys_uname	_sys_old_syscall	/* _sys_newuname */
#define _sys_stat	_sys_old_syscall	/* _sys_newstat */
#define _sys_fstat	_sys_old_syscall	/* _sys_newfstat */
#define _sys_lstat	_sys_old_syscall	/* _sys_newlstat */
#define _sys_signal	_sys_old_syscall	/* _sys_sigaction */
#define _sys_sgetmask	_sys_old_syscall	/* _sys_sigprocmask */
#define _sys_ssetmask	_sys_old_syscall	/* _sys_sigprocmask */

 * These are system calls that haven't been implemented yet
 * but have an entry in the table for future expansion..