#ifndef _LINUX_SHM_H_
#define _LINUX_SHM_H_

#include <linux/ipc.h>

#include <asm/shmparam.h>

struct shmid_ds {
	struct ipc_perm		shm_perm;	/* operation perms */
	int			shm_segsz;	/* size of segment (bytes) */
	__kernel_time_t		shm_atime;	/* last attach time */
	__kernel_time_t		shm_dtime;	/* last detach time */
	__kernel_time_t		shm_ctime;	/* last change time */
	__kernel_ipc_pid_t	shm_cpid;	/* pid of creator */
	__kernel_ipc_pid_t	shm_lpid;	/* pid of last operator */
	unsigned short		shm_nattch;	/* no. of current attaches */
	unsigned short 		shm_unused;	/* compatibility */
	void 			*shm_unused2;	/* ditto - used by DIPC */
	void			*shm_unused3;	/* unused */

struct shmid_kernel
	struct shmid_ds		u;
	/* the following are private */
	unsigned long		shm_npages;	/* size of segment (pages) */
	unsigned long		*shm_pages;	/* array of ptrs to frames -> SHMMAX */ 
	struct vm_area_struct	*attaches;	/* descriptors for attaches */

/* permission flag for shmget */
#define SHM_R		0400	/* or S_IRUGO from <linux/stat.h> */
#define SHM_W		0200	/* or S_IWUGO from <linux/stat.h> */

/* mode for attach */
#define	SHM_RDONLY	010000	/* read-only access */
#define	SHM_RND		020000	/* round attach address to SHMLBA boundary */
#define	SHM_REMAP	040000	/* take-over region on attach */

/* super user shmctl commands */
#define SHM_LOCK 	11
#define SHM_UNLOCK 	12

/* ipcs ctl commands */
#define SHM_STAT 	13
#define SHM_INFO 	14

struct	shminfo {
	int shmmax;
	int shmmin;
	int shmmni;
	int shmseg;
	int shmall;

struct shm_info {
	int used_ids;
	unsigned long shm_tot;	/* total allocated shm */
	unsigned long shm_rss;	/* total resident shm */
	unsigned long shm_swp;	/* total swapped shm */
	unsigned long swap_attempts;
	unsigned long swap_successes;

#ifdef __KERNEL__

/* shm_mode upper byte flags */
#define	SHM_DEST	01000	/* segment will be destroyed on last detach */
#define SHM_LOCKED      02000   /* segment will not be swapped */

asmlinkage int sys_shmget (key_t key, int size, int flag);
asmlinkage int sys_shmat (int shmid, char *shmaddr, int shmflg, unsigned long *addr);
asmlinkage int sys_shmdt (char *shmaddr);
asmlinkage int sys_shmctl (int shmid, int cmd, struct shmid_ds *buf);
extern void shm_unuse(unsigned long entry, unsigned long page);

#endif /* __KERNEL__ */

#endif /* _LINUX_SHM_H_ */