 * include/linux/serial.h
 * Copyright (C) 1992 by Theodore Ts'o.
 * Redistribution of this file is permitted under the terms of the GNU 
 * Public License (GPL)


struct serial_struct {
	int	type;
	int	line;
	int	port;
	int	irq;
	int	flags;
	int	xmit_fifo_size;
	int	custom_divisor;
	int	baud_base;
	unsigned short	close_delay;
	char	reserved_char[2];
	int	hub6;
	unsigned short	closing_wait; /* time to wait before closing */
	unsigned short	closing_wait2; /* no longer used... */
	int	reserved[4];

 * For the close wait times, 0 means wait forever for serial port to
 * flush its output.  65535 means don't wait at all.

 * These are the supported serial types.
#define PORT_UNKNOWN	0
#define PORT_8250	1
#define PORT_16450	2
#define PORT_16550	3
#define PORT_16550A	4
#define PORT_CIRRUS     5	/* usurped by cyclades.c */
#define PORT_16650	6
#define PORT_16650V2	7
#define PORT_16750	8
#define PORT_STARTECH	9	/* usurped by cyclades.c */
#define PORT_MAX	9

struct serial_uart_config {
	char	*name;
	int	dfl_xmit_fifo_size;
	int	flags;

#define UART_CLEAR_FIFO		0x01
#define UART_USE_FIFO		0x02
#define UART_STARTECH		0x04

 * Definitions for async_struct (and serial_struct) flags field
#define ASYNC_HUP_NOTIFY 0x0001 /* Notify getty on hangups and closes 
				   on the callout port */
#define ASYNC_FOURPORT  0x0002	/* Set OU1, OUT2 per AST Fourport settings */
#define ASYNC_SAK	0x0004	/* Secure Attention Key (Orange book) */
#define ASYNC_SPLIT_TERMIOS 0x0008 /* Separate termios for dialin/callout */

#define ASYNC_SPD_MASK	0x1030
#define ASYNC_SPD_HI	0x0010	/* Use 56000 instead of 38400 bps */

#define ASYNC_SPD_VHI	0x0020  /* Use 115200 instead of 38400 bps */
#define ASYNC_SPD_CUST	0x0030  /* Use user-specified divisor */

#define ASYNC_SKIP_TEST	0x0040 /* Skip UART test during autoconfiguration */
#define ASYNC_AUTO_IRQ  0x0080 /* Do automatic IRQ during autoconfiguration */
#define ASYNC_SESSION_LOCKOUT 0x0100 /* Lock out cua opens based on session */
#define ASYNC_PGRP_LOCKOUT    0x0200 /* Lock out cua opens based on pgrp */
#define ASYNC_CALLOUT_NOHUP   0x0400 /* Don't do hangups for cua device */

#define ASYNC_HARDPPS_CD	0x0800	/* Call hardpps when CD goes high  */

#define ASYNC_SPD_SHI	0x1000	/* Use 230400 instead of 38400 bps */
#define ASYNC_SPD_WARP	0x1010	/* Use 460800 instead of 38400 bps */

#define ASYNC_LOW_LATENCY 0x2000 /* Request low latency behaviour */

#define ASYNC_FLAGS	0x3FFF	/* Possible legal async flags */
#define ASYNC_USR_MASK	0x3430	/* Legal flags that non-privileged
				 * users can set or reset */

/* Internal flags used only by kernel/chr_drv/serial.c */
#define ASYNC_INITIALIZED	0x80000000 /* Serial port was initialized */
#define ASYNC_CALLOUT_ACTIVE	0x40000000 /* Call out device is active */
#define ASYNC_NORMAL_ACTIVE	0x20000000 /* Normal device is active */
#define ASYNC_BOOT_AUTOCONF	0x10000000 /* Autoconfigure port on bootup */
#define ASYNC_CLOSING		0x08000000 /* Serial port is closing */
#define ASYNC_CTS_FLOW		0x04000000 /* Do CTS flow control */
#define ASYNC_CHECK_CD		0x02000000 /* i.e., CLOCAL */
#define ASYNC_SHARE_IRQ		0x01000000 /* for multifunction cards */

#define ASYNC_INTERNAL_FLAGS	0xFF000000 /* Internal flags */

 * Multiport serial configuration structure --- external structure
struct serial_multiport_struct {
	int		irq;
	int		port1;
	unsigned char	mask1, match1;
	int		port2;
	unsigned char	mask2, match2;
	int		port3;
	unsigned char	mask3, match3;
	int		port4;
	unsigned char	mask4, match4;
	int		port_monitor;
	int	reserved[32];

 * Serial input interrupt line counters -- external structure
 * Four lines can interrupt: CTS, DSR, RI, DCD
struct serial_icounter_struct {
	int cts, dsr, rng, dcd;
	int rx, tx;
	int frame, overrun, parity, brk;
	int buf_overrun;
	int reserved[9];

#ifdef __KERNEL__
/* Export to allow PCMCIA to use this - Dave Hinds */
extern int register_serial(struct serial_struct *req);
extern void unregister_serial(int line);

#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
#endif /* _LINUX_SERIAL_H */