/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */


#include <linux/config.h>


#define IPPP_VERSION    "2.2.0"

struct pppcallinfo
  int calltype;
  unsigned char local_num[64];
  unsigned char remote_num[64];
  int charge_units;

#define PPPIOCGCALLINFO _IOWR('t',128,struct pppcallinfo)
#define PPPIOCBUNDLE   _IOW('t',129,int)
#define PPPIOCGMPFLAGS _IOR('t',130,int)
#define PPPIOCSMPFLAGS _IOW('t',131,int)
#define PPPIOCSMPMTU   _IOW('t',132,int)
#define PPPIOCSMPMRU   _IOW('t',133,int)
#define PPPIOCGCOMPRESSORS _IOR('t',134,unsigned long [8])
#define PPPIOCSCOMPRESSOR _IOW('t',135,int)
#define PPPIOCGIFNAME      _IOR('t',136, char [IFNAMSIZ] )

#define PPP_MP          0x003d
#define PPP_LINK_COMP   0x00fb
#define PPP_LINK_CCP    0x80fb

#define SC_MP_PROT       0x00000200
#define SC_REJ_MP_PROT   0x00000400
#define SC_OUT_SHORT_SEQ 0x00000800
#define SC_IN_SHORT_SEQ  0x00004000

#define SC_DECOMP_ON		0x01
#define SC_COMP_ON		0x02
#define SC_DECOMP_DISCARD	0x04
#define SC_COMP_DISCARD		0x08
#define SC_LINK_DECOMP_ON	0x10
#define SC_LINK_COMP_ON		0x20

#define DECOMP_ERR_NOMEM	(-10)

#define MP_END_FRAG    0x40
#define MP_BEGIN_FRAG  0x80



struct isdn_ppp_comp_data {
  int num;
  unsigned char options[ISDN_PPP_COMP_MAX_OPTIONS];
  int optlen;
  int flags;

#ifdef __KERNEL__

 * We need a way for the decompressor to influence the generation of CCP
 * Reset-Requests in a variety of ways. The decompressor is already returning
 * a lot of information (generated skb length, error conditions) so we use
 * another parameter. This parameter is a pointer to a structure which is
 * to be marked valid by the decompressor and only in this case is ever used.
 * Furthermore, the only case where this data is used is when the decom-
 * pressor returns DECOMP_ERROR.
 * We use this same struct for the reset entry of the compressor to commu-
 * nicate to its caller how to deal with sending of a Reset Ack. In this
 * case, expra is not used, but other options still apply (suppressing
 * sending with rsend, appending arbitrary data, etc).


struct isdn_ppp_resetparams {
  unsigned char valid:1;	/* rw Is this structure filled at all ? */
  unsigned char rsend:1;	/* rw Should we send one at all ? */
  unsigned char idval:1;	/* rw Is the id field valid ? */
  unsigned char dtval:1;	/* rw Is the data field valid ? */
  unsigned char expra:1;	/* rw Is an Ack expected for this Req ? */
  unsigned char id;		/* wo Send CCP ResetReq with this id */
  unsigned short maxdlen;	/* ro Max bytes to be stored in data field */
  unsigned short dlen;		/* rw Bytes stored in data field */
  unsigned char *data;		/* wo Data for ResetReq info field */

 * this is an 'old friend' from ppp-comp.h under a new name 
 * check the original include for more information
struct isdn_ppp_compressor {
  struct isdn_ppp_compressor *next, *prev;
  int num; /* CCP compression protocol number */
  void *(*alloc) (struct isdn_ppp_comp_data *);
  void (*free) (void *state);
  int  (*init) (void *state, struct isdn_ppp_comp_data *,
		int unit,int debug);
  /* The reset entry needs to get more exact information about the
     ResetReq or ResetAck it was called with. The parameters are
     obvious. If reset is called without a Req or Ack frame which
     could be handed into it, code MUST be set to 0. Using rsparm,
     the reset entry can control if and how a ResetAck is returned. */
  void (*reset) (void *state, unsigned char code, unsigned char id,
		 unsigned char *data, unsigned len,
		 struct isdn_ppp_resetparams *rsparm);
  int  (*compress) (void *state, struct sk_buff *in,
		    struct sk_buff *skb_out, int proto);
	int  (*decompress) (void *state,struct sk_buff *in,
			    struct sk_buff *skb_out,
			    struct isdn_ppp_resetparams *rsparm);
  void (*incomp) (void *state, struct sk_buff *in,int proto);
  void (*stat) (void *state, struct compstat *stats);

extern int isdn_ppp_register_compressor(struct isdn_ppp_compressor *);
extern int isdn_ppp_unregister_compressor(struct isdn_ppp_compressor *);
extern int isdn_ppp_dial_slave(char *);
extern int isdn_ppp_hangup_slave(char *);

struct ippp_bundle {
  int mp_mrru;                        /* unused                             */
  struct mpqueue *last;               /* currently defined in isdn_net_dev  */
  int min;                            /* currently calculated 'on the fly'  */
  long next_num;                      /* we wanna see this seq.-number next */
  struct sqqueue *sq;
  int modify:1;                       /* set to 1 while modifying sqqueue   */
  int bundled:1;                      /* bundle active ?                    */

#define NUM_RCV_BUFFS     64

struct sqqueue {
  struct sqqueue *next;
  long sqno_start;
  long sqno_end;
  struct sk_buff *skb;
  long timer;

struct mpqueue {
  struct mpqueue *next;
  struct mpqueue *last;
  long sqno;
  struct sk_buff *skb;
  int BEbyte;
  unsigned long time;

struct ippp_buf_queue {
  struct ippp_buf_queue *next;
  struct ippp_buf_queue *last;
  char *buf;                 /* NULL here indicates end of queue */
  int len;

/* The data structure for one CCP reset transaction */
enum ippp_ccp_reset_states {

struct ippp_ccp_reset_state {
  enum ippp_ccp_reset_states state;	/* State of this transaction */
  struct ippp_struct *is;		/* Backlink to device stuff */
  unsigned char id;			/* Backlink id index */
  unsigned char ta:1;			/* The timer is active (flag) */
  unsigned char expra:1;		/* We expect a ResetAck at all */
  int dlen;				/* Databytes stored in data */
  struct timer_list timer;		/* For timeouts/retries */
  /* This is a hack but seems sufficient for the moment. We do not want
     to have this be yet another allocation for some bytes, it is more
     memory management overhead than the whole mess is worth. */
  unsigned char data[IPPP_RESET_MAXDATABYTES];

/* The data structure keeping track of the currently outstanding CCP Reset
   transactions. */
struct ippp_ccp_reset {
  struct ippp_ccp_reset_state *rs[256];	/* One per possible id */
  unsigned char lastid;			/* Last id allocated by the engine */

struct ippp_struct {
  struct ippp_struct *next_link;
  int state;
  struct ippp_buf_queue rq[NUM_RCV_BUFFS]; /* packet queue for isdn_ppp_read() */
  struct ippp_buf_queue *first;  /* pointer to (current) first packet */
  struct ippp_buf_queue *last;   /* pointer to (current) last used packet in queue */
  struct wait_queue *wq;
  struct task_struct *tk;
  unsigned int mpppcfg;
  unsigned int pppcfg;
  unsigned int mru;
  unsigned int mpmru;
  unsigned int mpmtu;
  unsigned int maxcid;
  struct isdn_net_local_s *lp;
  int unit;
  int minor;
  long last_link_seqno;
  long mp_seqno;
  long range;
  unsigned char *cbuf;
  struct slcompress *slcomp;
  unsigned long debug;
  struct isdn_ppp_compressor *compressor,*decompressor;
  struct isdn_ppp_compressor *link_compressor,*link_decompressor;
  void *decomp_stat,*comp_stat,*link_decomp_stat,*link_comp_stat;
  struct ippp_ccp_reset *reset;	/* Allocated on demand, may never be needed */
  unsigned long compflags;

#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
#endif /* _LINUX_ISDN_PPP_H */