   Copyright (C) 1994, 1995 Free Software Foundation

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at
   your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */

#ifndef __TRIVFS_H__
#define __TRIVFS_H__

#include <errno.h>
#include <cthreads.h>		/* for mutexes &c */
#include <sys/types.h>		/* for uid_t &c */
#include <mach/mach.h>
#include <hurd/ports.h>

struct trivfs_protid
  struct port_info pi;
  uid_t *uids, *gids;
  int nuids, ngids;
  int isroot;
  /* REALNODE will be null if this protid wasn't fully created (currently
     only in the case where trivfs_protid_create_hook returns an error).  */
  mach_port_t realnode;		/* restricted permissions */
  void *hook;			/* for user use */
  struct trivfs_peropen *po;

/* These can be used as `intran' and `destructor' functions for
   a MiG port type, to have the stubs called with the protid pointer.  */
struct trivfs_protid *trivfs_begin_using_protid (mach_port_t);
void trivfs_end_using_protid (struct trivfs_protid *);

struct trivfs_peropen
  void *hook;			/* for user use */
  int openmodes;
  int refcnt;
  struct trivfs_control *cntl;

struct trivfs_control
  struct port_info pi;
  struct mutex lock;
  struct port_class *protid_class;
  struct port_bucket *protid_bucket;
  mach_port_t underlying;
  void *hook;			/* for user use */

/* These can be used as `intran' and `destructor' functions for
   a MiG port type, to have the stubs called with the control pointer.  */
struct trivfs_control *trivfs_begin_using_control (mach_port_t);
void trivfs_end_using_control (struct trivfs_control *);

/* The user must define these variables. */
extern int trivfs_fstype;
extern int trivfs_fsid;

/* Set these if trivfs should allow read, write, 
   or execute of file.    */
extern int trivfs_support_read;
extern int trivfs_support_write;
extern int trivfs_support_exec;

/* Set this some combination of O_READ, O_WRITE, and O_EXEC;
   trivfs will only allow opens of the specified modes.
   (trivfs_support_* is not used to validate opens, only actual
   operations.)  */
extern int trivfs_allow_open;

extern struct port_class *trivfs_protid_portclasses[];
extern int trivfs_protid_nportclasses;
extern struct port_class *trivfs_cntl_portclasses[];
extern int trivfs_cntl_nportclasses;

/* The user must define this function.  This should modify a struct 
   stat (as returned from the underlying node) for presentation to
   callers of io_stat.  It is permissable for this function to do
   nothing.  */
void trivfs_modify_stat (struct trivfs_protid *cred, struct stat *);

/* If this variable is set, it is called every time an open happens.
   UIDS, GIDS, and FLAGS are from the open; CNTL identifies the
   node being opened.  This call need not check permissions on the underlying
   node.  This call can block as necessary, unless O_NONBLOCK is set
   in FLAGS.  Any desired error can be returned, which will be reflected
   to the user and prevent the open from succeeding.  */
error_t (*trivfs_check_open_hook) (struct trivfs_control *cntl,
				   uid_t *uids, u_int nuids,
				   gid_t *gids, u_int ngids,
				   int flags);

/* If this variable is set, it is called every time a new protid
   structure is created and initialized. */
error_t (*trivfs_protid_create_hook) (struct trivfs_protid *);

/* If this variable is set, it is called every time a new peropen
   structure is created and initialized. */
error_t (*trivfs_peropen_create_hook) (struct trivfs_peropen *);

/* If this variable is set, it is called every time a protid structure
   is about to be destroyed. */
void (*trivfs_protid_destroy_hook) (struct trivfs_protid *);

/* If this variable is set, it is called every time a peropen structure
   is about to be destroyed. */
void (*trivfs_peropen_destroy_hook) (struct trivfs_peropen *);

/* Creates a control port for this filesystem and sends it to BOOTSTRAP with
   fsys_startup.  CONTROL_CLASS & CONTROL_BUCKET are passed to the ports
   library to create the control port, and PROTID_CLASS & PROTID_BUCKET are
   used when creating ports representing opens of this node.  If CONTROL
   isn't NULL, the trivfs control port is return in it.  If any error occurs
   sending fsys_startup, it is returned, otherwise 0.  FLAGS specifies how to
   open the underlying node (O_*).  */
error_t trivfs_startup (mach_port_t bootstrap, int flags,
			struct port_class *control_class,
			struct port_bucket *control_bucket,
			struct port_class *protid_class,
			struct port_bucket *protid_bucket,
			struct trivfs_control **control);

/* Create a new trivfs control port, with underlying node UNDERLYING, and
   return it in CONTROL.  CONTROL_CLASS & CONTROL_BUCKET are passed to
   the ports library to create the control port, and PROTID_CLASS &
   PROTID_BUCKET are used when creating ports representing opens of this
   node.  */
trivfs_create_control (mach_port_t underlying,
		       struct port_class *control_class,
		       struct port_bucket *control_bucket,
		       struct port_class *protid_class,
		       struct port_bucket *protid_bucket,
		       struct trivfs_control **control);

/* Backwards compatibility.  Use trivfs_create_control.  */
mach_port_t trivfs_handle_port (mach_port_t underlying, 
				struct port_class *control_class,
				struct port_bucket *control_bucket,
				struct port_class *protid_class,
				struct port_bucket *protid_bucket);

/* Install these as libports cleanroutines for trivfs_protid_class
   and trivfs_cntl_class respectively. */
void trivfs_clean_protid (void *);
void trivfs_clean_cntl (void *);

/* This demultiplees messages for trivfs ports. */
int trivfs_demuxer (mach_msg_header_t *, mach_msg_header_t *);

/* Return a new protid pointing to a new peropen in CRED, with REALNODE as
   the underlying node reference, with the given identity, and open flags in
   FLAGS.  CNTL is the trivfs control object.  */
error_t trivfs_open (struct trivfs_control *fsys,
		     uid_t *uids, unsigned num_uids,
		     gid_t *gids, unsigned num_gids,
		     unsigned flags,
		     mach_port_t realnode,
		     struct trivfs_protid **cred);

/* Return a duplicate of CRED in DUP, sharing the same peropen and hook.  A
   non-null hook may be used to detect that this is a duplicate by
   trivfs_peropen_create_hook.  */
error_t trivfs_protid_dup (struct trivfs_protid *cred,
			   struct trivfs_protid **dup);

/* The user must define this function.  Someone wants the filesystem
   CNTL to go away.  FLAGS are from the set FSYS_GOAWAY_*. */
error_t trivfs_goaway (struct trivfs_control *cntl, int flags);

/* Call this to set atime for the node to the current time.  */
error_t trivfs_set_atime (struct trivfs_control *cntl);

/* Call this to set mtime for the node to the current time. */
error_t trivfs_set_mtime (struct trivfs_control *cntl);

#endif /* __TRIVFS_H__ */