/* File_t rpc stubs; see <hurd/fs.defs> for more info Copyright (C) 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by Miles Bader <miles@gnu.ai.mit.edu> Note that since the user overrides the builtin routines via hook vectors instead of declaring his own stubs, it doesn't make a lot of sense to put these routines in separate files (like diskfs). This way should compile faster, with dynamic libraries it won't matter in any case. This file is part of the GNU Hurd. The GNU Hurd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. The GNU Hurd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ error_t treefs_S_file_check_access (struct treefs_protid *cred, int *type) { if (!cred) return EOPNOTSUPP; return treefs_s_file_check_access (cred, type); } error_t treefs_S_file_chauthor (struct treefs_protid *cred, uid_t author) { if (!cred) return EOPNOTSUPP; return treefs_s_file_chauthor (cred, author); } error_t treefs_S_file_chflags (struct treefs_protid *cred, int flags) { if (!cred) return EOPNOTSUPP; return treefs_s_file_chflags (cred, flags); } error_t treefs_S_file_notice_changes (struct treefs_protid *cred, mach_port_t notify) { if (!cred) return EOPNOTSUPP; return treefs_s_file_notice_changes (cred, notify); } error_t treefs_S_file_chmod (struct treefs_protid *cred, mode_t mode) { if (!cred) return EOPNOTSUPP; mode &= ~(S_IFMT | S_ISPARE); return treefs_s_file_chmod (cred, mode); } error_t treefs_S_file_chown (struct treefs_protid *cred, uid_t uid, gid_t gid) { if (!cred) return EOPNOTSUPP; return treefs_s_file_chown (cred, uid, gid); } error_t treefs_S_file_exec (struct treefs_protid *cred, task_t task, int flags, char *argv, unsigned argv_len, char *envp, unsigned envp_len, mach_port_t *fds, unsigned fds_len, mach_port_t *ports, unsigned ports_len, int *ints, unsigned ints_len, mach_port_t *dealloc, unsigned dealloc_len, mach_port_t *destroy, unsigned destroy_len) { if (!cred) return EOPNOTSUPP; return treefs_s_file_exec (cred, task, flags, argv, argv_len, envp, envp_len, fds, fds_len, ports, ports_len, ints, ints_len, dealloc, dealloc_len, destroy, destroy_len); } error_t treefs_S_file_get_translator (struct treefs_protid *cred, char **trans, unsigned *trans_len) { if (!cred) return EOPNOTSUPP; return treefs_s_file_get_translator (cred, trans, trans_len); } error_t treefs_S_file_get_translator_cntl (struct treefs_protid *cred, mach_port_t *ctl, mach_msg_type_name_t *ctl_type) { if (!cred) return EOPNOTSUPP; return treefs_s_file_get_translator_cntl (cred, ctl, ctl_type); } error_t treefs_S_file_getcontrol (struct treefs_protid *cred, mach_port_t *control, mach_msg_type_name_t *control_type) { if (!cred) return EOPNOTSUPP; return treefs_s_file_getcontrol (cred, control, control_type); } error_t treefs_S_file_getfh (struct treefs_protid *cred, char **data, unsigned *data_len) { if (!cred) return EOPNOTSUPP; return treefs_s_file_getfh (cred, data, data_len); } error_t treefs_S_file_getlinknode (struct treefs_protid *cred, file_t *port, mach_msg_type_name_t *port_type) { if (!cred) return EOPNOTSUPP; return treefs_s_file_t (cred, port, port_type); } error_t treefs_S_file_invoke_translator (struct treefs_protid *cred, int flags, retry_type *retry, char *retry_name, mach_port_t *retry_port, mach_msg_type_name_t *retry_port_type) { if (!cred) return EOPNOTSUPP; return treefs_s_file_invoke_translator (cred, flags, retry, retry_name, retry_port, retry_port_type); } error_t treefs_S_file_lock_stat (struct treefs_protid *cred, int *self_status, int *other_status) { if (!cred) return EOPNOTSUPP; return treefs_s_file_lock_stat (cred, self_status, other_status); } error_t treefs_S_file_lock (struct treefs_protid *cred, int flags) { if (!cred) return EOPNOTSUPP; return treefs_s_file_lock (cred, flags); } error_t treefs_S_file_pathconf (struct treefs_protid *cred, int name, int *value) { if (!cred) return EOPNOTSUPP; return treefs_s_file_pathconf (cred, name, value); } error_t treefs_S_file_set_translator (struct treefs_protid *cred, int passive_flags, int active_flags, int killtrans_flags, char *passive, unsigned passive_len, fsys_t active) { if (!cred) return EOPNOTSUPP; return treefs_s_file_set_translator (cred, passive_flags, active_flags, killtrans_flags, passive, passive_len, active); } error_t treefs_S_file_statfs (struct treefs_protid *cred, fsys_statfsbuf_t *statbuf) { if (!cred) return EOPNOTSUPP; return treefs_s_file_statfs (cred, statbuf); } error_t treefs_S_file_sync (struct treefs_protid *cred, int wait) { if (!cred) return EOPNOTSUPP; return treefs_s_file_sync (cred, wait); } error_t treefs_S_file_syncfs (struct treefs_protid *cred, int wait, int recurse) { if (!cred) return EOPNOTSUPP; return treefs_s_file_syncfs (cred, wait, recurse); } error_t treefs_S_file_set_size (struct treefs_protid *cred, off_t size) { if (!cred) return EOPNOTSUPP; return treefs_s_file_set_size (cred, size); } error_t treefs_S_file_utimes (struct treefs_protid *cred, time_value_t atime, time_value_t mtime) { if (!cred) return EOPNOTSUPP; return treefs_s_file_utimes (cred, atime, mtime); }