/* Definitions for the filesystem control interface
   Copyright (C) 1992,93,94,95,96,97, 2002,13 Free Software Foundation

This file is part of the GNU Hurd.

The GNU Hurd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.

The GNU Hurd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with the GNU Hurd; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.  */

subsystem fsys 22000;

#include <hurd/hurd_types.defs>

/* When modifying this file in any way, please remember to keep
   fsys_reply.defs up to date.  */

/* Note that libdiskfs/start-translator-long.c depends silently on the 
   definition of fsys_startup below. */



/* Sent by filesystem on its bootstrap port upon startup.
   REALNODE is the node this filesystem is the translator for,
   opened with flags FLAGS (O_NOTRANS is assumed even if not
   provided). */
routine fsys_startup (
	bootstrap: mach_port_t;
	openflags: int;
	control_port: mach_port_send_t;
	out realnode: mach_port_send_t);

/* Filesystem should go away.  Bye.  */
routine fsys_goaway (
	fsys: fsys_t;
	flags: int);

/* Return a file to the root of the filesystem.
   FLAGS are as for dir_lookup (but O_CREAT and O_EXCL are not
   meaningful).  DO_RETRY, RETRY_NAME, and RESULT are as
   for dir_lookup.  The port should be authenticated with GEN_UIDS
   and GEN_GIDS (except, of course, for FS_RETRY_REAUTH and 
   FS_RETRY_MAGICAL).  DOTDOT_NODE is an unauthenticated port for the
   directory in which this root is located.  */ 
routine fsys_getroot(
	fsys: fsys_t;
	ureplyport ureply: mig_reply_port_t;
	dotdot_node: mach_port_send_t;
	gen_uids: idarray_t;
	gen_gids: idarray_t;
	flags: int;
	out do_retry: retry_type;
	out retry_name: string_t;
	out file: mach_port_send_t);

/* Get a file given a file handle (see file_getfh).  */
routine fsys_getfile (
	fsys: fsys_t;
	gen_uids: idarray_t;
	gen_gids: idarray_t;
	filehandle: data_t;
	out file: mach_port_send_t);

/* Sync a filesystem.  Args are the same as for file_syncfs in fs.defs. */
routine fsys_syncfs (
	fsys: fsys_t;
	wait: int;
	do_children: int);

/* Pass a server-specific options string.  This usually includes flags
   similar to command line options, e.g., --readonly, or --sync=30.  */ 
routine fsys_set_options (
	fsys: fsys_t;
        options: data_t;
	do_children: int);

/* The following two calls are only implemented by bootstrap filesystems. */

routine fsys_getpriv (
	fsys: fsys_t;
	out host_priv: mach_port_send_t;
	out device_master: mach_port_send_t;
	out fstask: mach_port_send_t);

routine fsys_init (
	fsys: fsys_t;
	sreplyport reply_port: sreply_port_t;
	proc_server: mach_port_send_t;
	auth_handle: auth_t);

/* Ask SERVER to provide fsys translation service for us.  REQUESTOR is
   the bootstrap port supplied to the original translator, and ARGV are
   the command line arguments.  If the recipient accepts the request, he
   (or some delegate) should send fsys_startup to REQUESTOR to start the
   filesystem up.  */
routine fsys_forward (
	server: mach_port_t;
	requestor: mach_port_send_t;
	argv: data_t);

/* Return the options describing the operation of the receiving
   filesystem (sutiable for fsys_set_options).  */
routine fsys_get_options (
	server: fsys_t;
	out options: data_t, dealloc);

/* Return any active translators bound to nodes of the receiving
   filesystem.  CHILDREN is an argz vector containing file names
   relative to the root of the receiving translator.  */
routine fsys_get_children (
	server: fsys_t;
	out children: data_t);

/* Return information about the source of the receiving filesystem.
   If the concept of a source is applicable, SOURCE should refer to
   the source of the receiving translator and should be a description
   considered appropriate in the context of the translator.  For
   example for the case of block device based filesystems, SOURCE
   should be the file name of the underlying block device.  */
routine fsys_get_source (
	server: fsys_t;
	out source: string_t);