User visible: Change fsys_set_options interface to allow returning data & err+data. fsys: fsys_t; options: data_t; do_children: int; err: error_t; result: data_t Add error_t to hurd_types.defs. Add notification calls to process.defs (and create process_notify.defs). (not yet) Add file_exchange_contents (not yet) Change file_getfh and fsys_getfile to use more convenient interface. Remove hostid/hostname calls from process.defs. Add serverport arg to auth_user_authenticate; change auth to use it to abort auth_user_authenticate when it's dead. Add io_revoke. Add optional timeout arg to msg.defs. Add file_fetch_dir. Not user visible: Format of /var/login should be user:1 not user-1. [Or as subdirectories, if a server supplies directory ops anyway]