#! /bin/sh
# postinst.skeleton
# Skeleton maintainer script showing all the possible cases.
# Written by Charles Briscoe-Smith, March-June 1998.  Public Domain.

# Abort if any command returns an error value
set -e

# This script is called as the last step of the installation of the
# package.  All the package's files are in place, dpkg has already done
# its automatic conffile handling, and all the packages we depend of
# are already fully installed and configured.

# The following idempotent stuff doesn't generally need protecting
# against being run in the abort-* cases.

# Install info files into the dir file.

install-info --quiet --section "Hurd" "The Hurd" /usr/share/info/hurd.info.gz

# Manage alternatives.

update-alternatives --quiet \
  --install /libexec/runsystem runsystem /libexec/runsystem.gnu 20

# Take care that a "login" user exists. Useful for our login shell.

if ! grep --quiet '^login:' /etc/passwd ; then
	adduser --quiet --system --home /etc/login --gecos "Not logged in" --no-create-home login
	chsh -s /bin/bash login  

case "$1" in
    # Configure this package.  If the package must prompt the user for
    # information, do it here.
    # There are three sub-cases:
    if test "${2+set}" != set; then
      # We're being installed by an ancient dpkg which doesn't remember
      # which version was most recently configured, or even whether
      # there is a most recently configured version.

    elif test -z "$2" -o "$2" = "<unknown>"; then
      # The package has not ever been configured on this system, or was
      # purged since it was last configured.

      # Version $2 is the most recently configured version of this
      # package.

    fi ;;
    # Back out of an attempt to upgrade this package FROM THIS VERSION
    # to version $2.  Undo the effects of "prerm upgrade $2".

    if test "$2" != in-favour; then
      echo "$0: undocumented call to \`postinst $*'" 1>&2
      exit 0
    # Back out of an attempt to remove this package, which was due to
    # a conflict with package $3 (version $4).  Undo the effects of
    # "prerm remove in-favour $3 $4".

    if test "$2" != in-favour -o "$5" != removing; then
      echo "$0: undocumented call to \`postinst $*'" 1>&2
      exit 0
    # Back out of an attempt to deconfigure this package, which was
    # due to package $6 (version $7) which we depend on being removed
    # to make way for package $3 (version $4).  Undo the effects of
    # "prerm deconfigure in-favour $3 $4 removing $6 $7".

  *) echo "$0: didn't understand being called with \`$1'" 1>&2
     exit 0;;

exit 0