#include <argp.h> #include <cthreads.h> #include <string.h> #include "console.h" #include "input.h" #include "focus.h" struct argp_option focus_argp_options[] = { { "focus-group", 'f', "NAME", OPTION_ARG_OPTIONAL, "Start a new focus group" }, { "input-device", 'i', "NAME", 0, "Add input device NAME to focus group" }, { "focus", 'F', "CONS[/VCONS]", 0, "Put focus on console CONS, and virtual console VCONS within if specified" }, { 0 } }; struct { focus_t focus; } focus_config; static error_t parse_opt (int opt, char *arg, struct argp_state *state) { switch (opt) { default: return ARGP_ERR_UNKNOWN; case ARGP_KEY_INIT: case ARGP_KEY_SUCCESS: case ARGP_KEY_ERROR: break; case 'f': /* Start a new focus group. */ focus_config.focus = 0; break; case 'i': { /* Start a new input device. */ int found = 0; int i = 0; while (input_driver[i]) { // if (state->child_inputs[i]) // { // input_driver->end_config if (! strcmp (input_driver[i]->name, arg)) { found = 1; state->child_inputs[i] = (void *) 1; } else state->child_inputs[i] = NULL; } if (!found) argp_error (state, "unknown input device %s", arg); } } return 0; } struct argp focus_argp = { focus_argp_options, parse_opt, 0, 0, 0 /* XXX input_argp_childs */}; typedef struct input *input_t; struct input { input_t next; }; struct focus { struct mutex lock; /* The virtual console receiving our input characters. */ vcons_t vcons; /* The list of input devices. */ input_t input_list; }; error_t focus_create (focus_t *r_focus) { focus_t focus = calloc (1, sizeof (*focus)); if (!focus) return ENOMEM; mutex_init (&focus->lock); return 0; } void focus_add (focus_t focus, input_t input) { mutex_lock (&focus->lock); input->next = focus->input_list; focus->input_list = input; mutex_unlock (&focus->lock); } void focus_switch_to (focus_t focus, vcons_t vcons) { mutex_lock (&focus->lock); vcons_activate (vcons, (int) focus); focus->vcons = vcons; mutex_unlock (&focus->lock); }