#!/bin/sh # Update the default configuration with default.xkb # As input the file "default.xkb" is used. # You can generate this file with "xkbcomp": # "xkbcomp :0 -o default.xkb" # This extract the configuration out of the ":0" X server. # After that add the Hurd features to switch VCs, scroll, etc!!!! # # Hurd feature checklist: # Alt + F1...F12: Switch VC. # Alt + Left, Right: Switch to the console left or right of the current # console. # Alt + Up, Down: Scroll the console by one line up or down. # Ctrl + PgUp, PgDown: Scroll the console up or down with 1/2 screen. # Alt + Home: Scroll the console to the 0% of the scrollback buffer. # Ctrl + Home: Scroll the console to the 25% of the scrollback buffer. # Alt + End: Scroll the console to the 100% of the scrollback buffer. # Alt + End: Scroll the console to the 75% of the scrollback buffer. # Really ugly code, but it works :) echo "char *default_xkb_keymap = \"\\" > xkbdefaults.c # Escape " and \ sed "s/\([\\\"]\)/\\\\\1/g" < default.xkb|awk ' { print $0 "\\n\\" } ' >> xkbdefaults.c echo "\\0\";" >> xkbdefaults.c