Syncronizing External Sources ----------------------------- Some source files are pristinely copied from several Xorg repositories and they must be syncronized with each Xorg release to get new features. The following list details the syncronization procedure of every foreign resource. Additionally, the version the resource was last syncronized to is located next to the file name. * xproto-7.0.18 (keysymdef.h): copied from source tree. $ git clone git:// $ cd x11proto $ git checkout [latest-tag] $ cp keysymdef.h $TARGET/keysymdef.h * libX11- (ks_tables.h): generated by build process. $ git clone git:// $ git clone git:// $ cd macros $ ./ && ./configure && make $ cd ../libX11 $ ACLOCAL="aclocal -I ../macros" ./ && ./configure $ make -C src ks_tables.h $ cp src/ks_tables.h $TARGET/ks_tables.h Other sources must be modified before the driver can use them. Thus, the update procedure cannot be fully automated. * libX11- (symname.c): based on src/StrKeysym.c (kstoucs.c): based on src/xlibi18n/imKStoUCS.c