/* generic-speaker.c - The simple speaker bell driver.
   Copyright (C) 2002, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
   Written by Marcus Brinkmann.

   This file is part of the GNU Hurd.

   The GNU Hurd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at
   your option) any later version.

   The GNU Hurd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111, USA. */

#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/io.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <argp.h>

#include "driver.h"
#include "timer.h"

/* This driver should work on IA32, IA64, Alpha, PowerPC, MIPS and ARM
   architectures.  It requires a Programmable Interrupt Timer (PIT) at
   I/O ports 0x40 - 0x43 and a speaker that can be connected to timer
   2 at I/O port 0x61.  */
/* The beep timer.  */
static struct timer_list generic_speaker_timer;

/* Forward declaration.  */
static struct bell_ops generic_speaker_ops;

/* The speaker port.  */
#define SPEAKER			0x61

/* If 0, follow state of SPEAKER_DATA bit, otherwise enable output
   from timer 2.  */
#define SPEAKER_TMR2		0x01

/* If SPEAKER_TMR2 is not set, this provides direct input into the
   speaker.  Otherwise, this enables or disables the output from the
   timer.  */
#define SPEAKER_DATA		0x02

/* The PIT channel value ports.  You can write to and read from them.
   Do not mess with timer 0 or 1.  */
#define PIT_COUNTER_0		0x40
#define PIT_COUNTER_1		0x41
#define PIT_COUNTER_2		0x42

/* The frequency of the PIT clock.  */
#define PIT_FREQUENCY		0x1234dd

/* The PIT control port.  You can only write to it.  Do not mess with
   timer 0 or 1.  */
#define PIT_CTRL		0x43
#define PIT_CTRL_SELECT_0	0x00
#define PIT_CTRL_SELECT_1	0x40
#define PIT_CTRL_SELECT_2	0x80

/* Read and load control.  */
#define PIT_CTRL_COUNTER_LATCH	0x00	/* Hold timer value until read.  */
#define PIT_CTRL_READLOAD_LSB	0x10	/* Read/load the LSB.  */
#define PIT_CTRL_READLOAD_MSB	0x20	/* Read/load the MSB.  */
#define PIT_CTRL_READLOAD_WORD	0x30	/* Read/load the LSB then the MSB.  */

/* Mode control.  */
#define PIT_CTRL_MODE_MASK	0x0e

/* Interrupt on terminal count.  Setting the mode sets output to low.
   When counter is set and terminated, output is set to high.  */
#define PIT_CTRL_INTR_ON_TERM	0x00

/* Programmable one-shot.  When loading counter, output is set to
   high.  When counter terminated, output is set to low.  Can be
   triggered again from that point on by setting the gate pin to
   high.  */

/* Rate generator.  Output is low for one period of the counter, and
   high for the other.  */
#define PIT_CTRL_RATE_GEN	0x04

/* Square wave generator.  Output is low for one half of the period,
   and high for the other half.  */

/* Software triggered strobe.  Setting the mode sets output to high.
   When counter is set and terminated, output is set to low.  */

/* Hardware triggered strobe.  Like software triggered strobe, but
   only starts the counter when the gate pin is set to high.  */

/* Count mode.  */
#define PIT_CTRL_COUNT_MASK	0x01
#define PIT_CTRL_COUNT_BINARY	0x00	/* 16-bit binary counter.  */
#define PIT_CTRL_COUNT_BCD	0x01	/* 4-decade BCD counter.  */

/* Let's be loud!  */

/* The 12th root of 2.  Sort of.  */
#define T_TEMP_SCALE		1.0594630943592952645
#define T_DOWN_ONE_HALF(x)	((short) (x / T_TEMP_SCALE))
#define T_UP_ONE_HALF(x)	((short) (x * T_TEMP_SCALE))
#define T_DOWN_ONE_OCTAVE(x)	((short) (x / 2))
#define T_UP_ONE_OCTAVE(x)	((short) (x * 2))
#define T_REST			((short) 0)
#define T_FINE			((short) (-1))

#define T_b_3	T_UP_ONE_OCTAVE (T_b_2)
#define T_b_F_3	T_UP_ONE_OCTAVE (T_b_F_2)
#define T_a_S_3	T_b_F_3
#define T_a_3	T_UP_ONE_OCTAVE (T_a_2)
#define T_a_F_3	T_UP_ONE_OCTAVE (T_a_F_2)
#define T_g_S_3	T_a_F_3
#define T_g_3	T_UP_ONE_OCTAVE (T_g_2)
#define T_g_F_3	T_f_S_3
#define T_f_S_3	T_UP_ONE_OCTAVE (T_f_S_2)
#define T_f_3	T_UP_ONE_OCTAVE (T_f_2)
#define T_e_3	T_UP_ONE_OCTAVE (T_e_2)
#define T_e_F_3	T_UP_ONE_OCTAVE (T_e_F_2)
#define T_d_S_3	T_e_F_3
#define T_d_3	T_UP_ONE_OCTAVE (T_d_2)
#define T_d_F_3	T_c_S_3
#define T_c_S_3	T_UP_ONE_OCTAVE (T_c_S_2)
#define T_c_3	T_UP_ONE_OCTAVE (T_c_2)

#define T_b_2	T_UP_ONE_OCTAVE (T_b_1)
#define T_b_F_2	T_UP_ONE_OCTAVE (T_b_F_1)
#define T_a_S_2	T_b_F_2
#define T_a_2	T_UP_ONE_OCTAVE (T_a_1)
#define T_a_F_2	T_UP_ONE_OCTAVE (T_a_F_1)
#define T_g_S_2	T_a_F_2
#define T_g_2	T_UP_ONE_OCTAVE (T_g_1)
#define T_g_F_2	T_f_S_2
#define T_f_S_2	T_UP_ONE_OCTAVE (T_f_S_1)
#define T_f_2	T_UP_ONE_OCTAVE (T_f_1)
#define T_e_2	T_UP_ONE_OCTAVE (T_e_1)
#define T_e_F_2	T_UP_ONE_OCTAVE (T_e_F_1)
#define T_d_S_2	T_e_F_2
#define T_d_2	T_UP_ONE_OCTAVE (T_d_1)
#define T_d_F_2	T_c_S_2
#define T_c_S_2	T_UP_ONE_OCTAVE (T_c_S_1)
#define T_c_2	T_UP_ONE_OCTAVE (T_c_1)

#define T_b_1	T_UP_ONE_HALF (T_b_F_1)
#define T_b_F_1	T_UP_ONE_HALF (T_a_1)
#define T_a_S_1	T_b_F_1
#define T_a_1	((short) (440))
#define T_a_F_1	T_DOWN_ONE_HALF (T_a_1)
#define T_g_S_1	T_a_F_1
#define T_g_1	T_DOWN_ONE_HALF (T_a_F_1)
#define T_g_F_1	T_f_S_1
#define T_f_S_1	T_DOWN_ONE_HALF (T_g_1)
#define T_f_1	T_DOWN_ONE_HALF (T_f_S_1)
#define T_e_1	T_DOWN_ONE_HALF (T_f_1)
#define T_e_F_1	T_DOWN_ONE_HALF (T_e_1)
#define T_d_S_1	T_e_F_1
#define T_d_1	T_DOWN_ONE_HALF (T_e_F_1)
#define T_d_F_1	T_c_S_1
#define T_c_S_1	T_DOWN_ONE_HALF (T_d_1)
#define T_c_1	T_DOWN_ONE_HALF (T_c_S_1)

#define T_b	T_DOWN_ONE_OCTAVE (T_b_1)
#define T_b_F	T_DOWN_ONE_OCTAVE (T_b_F_1)
#define T_a_S	T_b_F
#define T_a	T_DOWN_ONE_OCTAVE (T_a_1)
#define T_a_F	T_DOWN_ONE_OCTAVE (T_a_F_1)
#define T_g_S	T_a_F
#define T_g	T_DOWN_ONE_OCTAVE (T_g_1)
#define T_g_F	T_f_S
#define T_f_S	T_DOWN_ONE_OCTAVE (T_f_S_1)
#define T_f	T_DOWN_ONE_OCTAVE (T_f_1)
#define T_e	T_DOWN_ONE_OCTAVE (T_e_1)
#define T_e_F	T_DOWN_ONE_OCTAVE (T_e_F_1)
#define T_d_S	T_e_F
#define T_d	T_DOWN_ONE_OCTAVE (T_d_1)
#define T_d_F	T_c_S
#define T_c_S	T_DOWN_ONE_OCTAVE (T_c_S_1)
#define T_c	T_DOWN_ONE_OCTAVE (T_c_1)

struct note
  short pitch;
  short duration;

struct melody
  char *name;
  int measure;
  struct note *next;
  struct note note[];

#define BELL_CLASSIC	"classic"
#define BELL_LINUX	"linux"
#define BELL_ALARM	"alarm"
#define BELL_CMAJOR	"cmajor"

static struct melody beep1 =
  { BELL_CLASSIC, 160, NULL, {
    /* The classical bell.  */
    { T_a_1, 4 }, { T_FINE, 0 }
  } };

static struct melody beep2 =
  { BELL_LINUX, 60, NULL, {
    /* The Linux bell.  */
    { 750, 1 }, { T_FINE, 0 }
  } };

static struct melody beep3 =
  { BELL_ALARM, 160, NULL, {
    /* The tritonus.  Quite alarming.  */
    { T_f_2, 2 }, { T_b_1, 4 }, { T_FINE, 0 }
  } };

static struct melody beep4 =
  { BELL_CMAJOR, 160, NULL, {
    /* C-Major chord.  A bit playful.  */
    { T_c_2, 2 }, { T_e_2, 2 }, { T_g_2, 2 },
    { T_FINE, 0 }
  } };

static struct melody *beep[] = { &beep1, &beep2, &beep3, &beep4 };
static int active_beep;

struct melody tune1 =
  { "FSF Song", 160, NULL, {
    /* The Free Software Song.  Measure: 7/4.  */
    { T_d_2, 16 }, { T_c_2,  8 }, { T_b_1, 16 }, { T_a_1, 16 },
    { T_b_1, 16 }, { T_c_2,  8 }, { T_b_1,  8 }, { T_a_1,  8 }, { T_g_1, 16 },
    { T_g_1, 24 }, { T_a_1, 24 }, { T_b_1,  8 },
    { T_c_2, 24 }, { T_b_1, 14 }, { T_REST, 2 }, { T_b_1,  8 }, { T_d_2, 8 },
    { T_a_1, 22 }, { T_REST, 2 }, { T_a_1, 32 },
    { T_c_2, 16 }, { T_d_2,  8 }, { T_c_2, 16 }, { T_b_1, 24 },
    { T_d_2, 16 }, { T_c_2,  8 }, { T_b_1, 16 }, { T_a_1, 16 },
    { T_b_1, 16 }, { T_c_2,  8 }, { T_b_1,  8 }, { T_a_1,  8 }, { T_g_1, 16 },
    { T_g_1, 24 }, { T_a_1, 24 }, { T_b_1,  8 },
    { T_c_2, 24 }, { T_b_1, 14 }, { T_REST, 2 }, { T_b_1,  8 }, { T_d_2, 8 },
    { T_a_1, 22 }, { T_REST, 2 }, { T_a_1, 30 }, { T_REST, 2 },
    { T_a_1, 56 }, { T_FINE, 0 }
  } };

struct melody tune2 =
  { "I Feel Pretty", 160, NULL, {
    /* I feel pretty.  Measure: 3/4.  By Leonard Bernstein.  */
    { T_c_1,  8 }, { T_e_1,  8 },
    { T_f_1,  4 }, { T_a_1, 20 },
    { T_REST, 8 }, { T_c_1,  8 }, { T_e_1,  8 },
    { T_f_1,  4 }, { T_a_1, 20 },
    { T_REST, 8 }, { T_c_1,  8 }, { T_e_1,  8 },
    { T_f_1,  4 }, { T_a_1, 12 }, { T_e_1,  8 },
    { T_f_1,  4 }, { T_a_1, 12 }, { T_f_1,  8 },
    { T_c_2, 32 },
    { T_b_F_1,8 }, { T_a_1,  8 },
    { T_g_1,  4 }, { T_f_1, 20 },
    { T_REST, 8 }, { T_g_1,  8 }, { T_a_1,  8 },
    { T_b_F_1,12}, { T_a_1,  4 }, { T_g_1,  4 }, { T_f_1, 4 },
    { T_e_1, 16 }, { T_d_1,  3 }, { T_e_1,  2 }, { T_d_1, 3 },
    { T_c_1, 56 }, { T_FINE, 0 }
  } };

struct melody tune3 =
  { "Summertime", 120, NULL, {
    /* Summertime.  Measure: 4/4.  By George & Ira Gershwin.  */
    { T_b_1,  8 }, { T_g_1,  8 },
    { T_b_1, 36 }, { T_REST, 4 }, { T_a_1,  6 }, { T_g_1,  2 },
    { T_a_1,  6 }, { T_b_1,  2 }, { T_g_1,  8 },
    { T_e_1, 16 }, { T_b,   24 }, { T_REST, 8 },
    { T_b_1,  8 }, { T_g_1,  8 },
    { T_a_1,  3 }, { T_REST, 1 }, { T_a_1, 28 },
    { T_REST, 8 }, { T_g_1,  6 }, { T_e_1,  2 },
    { T_g_1,  6 }, { T_e_1,  2 }, { T_g_1,  8 },
    { T_f_S_1,48}, { T_REST, 4 }, { T_b_1,  8 }, { T_g_1,  4 },
    { T_b_1,  3 }, { T_REST, 1 }, { T_b_1,  7 }, { T_REST, 1 }, { T_b_1, 20 },
    { T_REST, 8 }, { T_a_1,  6 }, { T_g_1,  2 },
    { T_a_1,  6 }, { T_b_1,  2 }, { T_g_1,  8 },
    { T_e_1, 16 }, { T_b,   32 }, { T_REST, 8 },
    { T_b,    8 }, { T_d_1,  8 }, { T_b,    4 },
    { T_d_1,  4 }, { T_e_1,  8 }, { T_g_1,  8 },
    /* Keen attempt at a glissando.  */
    { T_b_1,  2 }, { T_b_1 + (T_b_1 - T_a_1) / 3, 1 },
    { T_b_1 + 2 * (T_b_1 - T_a_1) / 3, 1 },
    { T_a_1, 12 }, { T_g_1, 15 }, { T_REST,  1 },
    { T_g_1,  4 }, { T_e_1, 68 },
    { T_FINE, 0 }
  } };

struct melody tune4 =
  { "Indiana Jones Theme", 250, NULL, {
    /* Indiana Jones Theme.  Measure: 4/4.  By John Williams.  */
    { T_e_1, 4 }, { T_REST, 8 }, { T_f_1, 4 },
    { T_g_1, 4 }, { T_REST, 4 }, { T_c_2, 24 },
    { T_REST, 16 }, { T_d_1, 4 }, { T_REST, 8 }, { T_e_1, 4 },
    { T_f_1, 32 },
    { T_REST, 16 }, { T_g_1, 4 }, { T_REST, 8 }, { T_a_1, 4 },
    { T_b_1, 4 }, { T_REST, 4 }, { T_f_2, 24 },
    { T_REST, 16 }, { T_a_1, 4 }, { T_REST, 8 }, { T_b_1, 4 },
    { T_c_2, 8 }, { T_REST, 8 }, { T_d_2, 12 }, { T_REST, 4 },
    { T_e_2, 8 }, { T_REST, 8 },
    { T_e_1, 4 }, { T_REST, 8 }, { T_f_1, 4 },
    { T_g_1, 4 }, { T_REST, 4 }, { T_c_2, 24 },
    { T_REST, 16 }, { T_d_2, 4 }, { T_REST, 8 }, { T_e_2, 4 },
    { T_f_2, 32 },
    { T_REST, 16 }, { T_g_1, 4 }, { T_REST, 8 }, { T_g_1, 4 },
    { T_e_2, 16 }, { T_d_2, 4 }, { T_REST, 8 }, { T_g_1, 4 },
    { T_e_2, 16 }, { T_d_2, 4 }, { T_REST, 8 }, { T_g_1, 4 },
    { T_f_2, 16 }, { T_e_2, 4 }, { T_REST, 8 }, { T_d_2, 4 },
    { T_c_2, 32 }, { T_FINE, 0 }
  } };

struct melody *tune[] = { &tune1, &tune2, &tune3, &tune4 };

static void
beep_off (void)
  unsigned char status;

  status = inb (SPEAKER) & ~(SPEAKER_TMR2 | SPEAKER_DATA);
  outb (status, SPEAKER);

static void
beep_on (short pitch)
  unsigned char status;
  unsigned int counter;

  if (pitch < 20)
    pitch = 20;
  else if (pitch > 20000)
    pitch = 20000;

  counter = PIT_FREQUENCY / pitch;

  /* Program timer 2.  */
  outb (counter & 0xff, PIT_COUNTER_2);		/* LSB */
  outb ((counter >> 8) & 0xff, PIT_COUNTER_2);	/* MSB */

  /* Start speaker.  */
  outb (status, SPEAKER);

static int
next_note (void *handle)
  struct melody *melody = handle;

  switch (melody->next->pitch)
    case T_FINE:
      beep_off ();
      return 0;

    case T_REST:
      beep_off ();

      beep_on (melody->next->pitch);

    += (60 * HZ * melody->next->duration / (8 * melody->measure));
  return 1;

static const char doc[] = "Generic speaker driver";

static const struct argp_option options[] =
    {"bell-style", 'b', "BELL", 0, "Use one of the bells: "
                                   BELL_CLASSIC ", " BELL_LINUX ", " BELL_ALARM
                                   " or " BELL_CMAJOR},
    { 0 }

static error_t
parse_opt (int key, char *arg, struct argp_state *state)
  int *pos = (int *) state->input;

  switch (key)
    case 'b':
	unsigned int i;
	int found = 0;

	for (i = 0; i < sizeof (*beep); i++)
	    if (! strcasecmp (beep[i]->name, arg))
		found = 1;

	if (! found)
	  argp_usage (state);

	active_beep = i;
      return ARGP_ERR_UNKNOWN;

  /* Save which option comes after the last accepted option.  */
  *pos = state->next;
  return 0;

static struct argp argp = {options, parse_opt, 0, doc};

/* Initialization of the generic speaker driver.  */
static error_t
generic_speaker_init (void **handle, int no_exit,
		      int argc, char *argv[], int *next)
  error_t err;
  int pos = 1;

  /* Parse the arguments.  */
  err = argp_parse (&argp, argc, argv, ARGP_IN_ORDER | ARGP_NO_EXIT
		    | ARGP_SILENT, 0 , &pos);
  *next += pos - 1;

  if (err && err != EINVAL)
    return err;

  timer_clear (&generic_speaker_timer);
  generic_speaker_timer.fnc = &next_note;

  return 0;

/* Start the driver.  */
static error_t
generic_speaker_start (void *handle)
  error_t err;

  if (ioperm (SPEAKER, 1, 1) < 0)
    return errno;
  if (ioperm (PIT_COUNTER_2, PIT_CTRL - PIT_COUNTER_2 + 1, 1) < 0)
    return errno;

  beep_off ();

  err = driver_add_bell (&generic_speaker_ops, NULL);
  /* XXX We can not disable the I/O ports on error as there might be
     concurrent users of it.  */
  return err;

/* Deinitialization of the generic speaker driver.  */
static error_t
generic_speaker_fini (void *handle, int force)
  driver_remove_bell (&generic_speaker_ops, NULL);
  /* XXX We can not disable the I/O ports as there might be concurrent
     users of it.  */
  if (timer_remove (&generic_speaker_timer))
    beep_off ();
  return 0;

/* Beep!  */
static error_t
generic_speaker_beep (void *handle)
  if (timer_remove (&generic_speaker_timer))
    beep_off ();
  generic_speaker_timer.fnc_data = beep[active_beep];
  beep[active_beep]->next = &beep[active_beep]->note[1];
  beep_on (beep[active_beep]->note[0].pitch);
  generic_speaker_timer.expires = fetch_jiffies ()
    + (60 * HZ * beep[active_beep]->note[0].duration
       / (8 * beep[active_beep]->measure));
  timer_add (&generic_speaker_timer);
  return 0;

static void
generic_speaker_play_melody (void *handle, unsigned int key)
  if (key < 0 || key >= sizeof (tune) / sizeof (tune[0]))

  if (timer_remove (&generic_speaker_timer))
    beep_off ();
  generic_speaker_timer.fnc_data = tune[key];
  tune[key]->next = &tune[key]->note[1];
  beep_on (tune[key]->note[0].pitch);
  generic_speaker_timer.expires = fetch_jiffies ()
    + (60 * HZ * tune[key]->note[0].duration / (8 * tune[key]->measure));
  timer_add (&generic_speaker_timer);

struct driver_ops driver_generic_speaker_ops =

static struct bell_ops generic_speaker_ops =