# Internet (IP) protocols
#	$Id: protocols,v 1.2 1996/06/17 19:16:28 mib Exp $
# Updated for GNU from RFC 1700, October 1994.
ip	0	IP		# internet protocol, pseudo protocol number
icmp	1	ICMP		# internet control message protocol
igmp	2	IGMP		# Internet Group Management
ggp	3	GGP		# gateway-gateway protocol
ipencap	4	IP-ENCAP ip-encap	# IP encapsulated in IP (officially ``IP'')
st	5	ST		# ST datagram mode
tcp	6	TCP		# transmission control protocol
ucl	7	UCL		# "University College, London" (who knows?)
egp	8	EGP		# exterior gateway protocol
igp	9	IGP		# Any private interior gateway
bbn-rcc-mon	10	BBN-RCC-MON	# BBN RCC Monitoring
nvp-ii	11	NVP-II		# Network Voice Protocol
pup	12	PUP		# PARC universal packet protocol
argus	13	ARGUS		# ARGUS
emcon	14	EMCON		# EMCON
xnet	15	XNET		# Cross Net Debugger
chaos	16	CHAOS		# Chaosnet
udp	17	UDP		# user datagram protocol
mux	18	MUX		# multiplexing
dcn-meas	19	DCN-MEAS	# DCN Measurement Subsystems
hmp	20	HMP		# host monitoring protocol
prm	21	PRM		# packet radio measurement
xns-idp	22	XNS-IDP		# Xerox NS IDP
trunk-1	23	TRUNK-1		# Trunk 1
trunk-2	24	TRUNK-2		# Trunk 2
leaf-1	25	LEAF-1		# Leaf 1
leaf-2	26	LEAF-2		# Leaf 2
rdp	27	RDP		# "reliable datagram" protocol
irtp	28	IRTP		# Internet Reliable Transaction Protocol
iso-tp4	29	ISO-TP4		# ISO Transport Protocol class 4
netblt	30	NETBLT		# Net Bulk Data Transfer
mfe-nsp	31	MFE-NSP		# MFE Network Services Protocol
merit-inp	32	MERIT-INP	# MERIT Internodal Protocol
sep	33	SEP		# Sequential Exchange Protocol
3pc	34	3PC		# Third Party Connect Protocol
idpr	35	IDPR		# Inter-Domain Policy Routing Protocol
xtp	36	XTP		# Xpress Tranfer Protocol
ddp	37	DDP		# Datagram Delivery Protocol
idpr-cmtp	38	IDPR-CMTP	# IDPR Control Message Transport
tp++	39	TP++		# TP++ Transport Protocol
il	40	IL		# IL Transport Protocol
sip	41	SIP		# Simple Internet Protocol
sdrp	42	SDRP		# Source Demand Routing Protocol
sip-sr	43	SIP-SL		# SIP Source Route
sip-frag	44	SIP-FRAG	# SIP Fragment
idrp	45	IDRP		# Inter-Domain Routing Protocol
rsvp	46	RSVP		# Reservation Protocol
gre	47	GRE		# General Routing Encapsulation
mhrp	48	MHRP		# Mobile Host Routing Protocol
bna	49	BNA		# BNA
sipp-esp	50	SIPP-ESP	# SIPP Encap Security Payload
sipp-ah	51	SIPP-AH		# SIPP Authentication Header
i-nlsp	52	I-NLSP		# Integrated Net Layer Security  TUBA
swipe	53	SWIPE		# IP with Encryption
nhrp	54	NHRP		# NBMA Next Hop Resolution

internal	61		# any host internal protocol
cftp	62	CFTP		# CFTP                      
lan	53	LAN		# any local network protocol
sat-expak	64	SAT-EXPAK	# SATNET and Backroom EXPAK
kryptolan	65	KRYPTOLAN	# Kryptolan
rvd	66	RVD		# MIT Remote Virtual Disk Protocol
ippc	67	IPPC		# Internet Pluribus Packet Core
dfs	68	DFS		# any distributed file system
sat-mon	69	SAT-MON		# SATNET Monitoring
visa	70	VISA		# VISA Protocol
ipcv	71	IPCV		# Internet Packet Core Utility
cpnx	72	CPNX		# Computer Protocol Network Executive
cphb	73	CPHB		# Computer Protocol Heart Beat
wsn	74	WSN		# Wang Span Network
pvp	75	PVP		# Packet Video Protocol
br-sat-mon	76	BR-SAT-MON	# Backroom SATNET Monitoring
sun-nd	77	SUN-ND		# SUN ND PROTOCOL-Temporary
wb-mon	78	WB-MON		# WIDEBAND Monitoring
iso-ip	80	ISO-IP		# ISO Internet Protocol
vmtp	81	VMTP		# Versatile Message Transport
secure-vmtp	82	SECURE-VMTP	# SECURE-VMTP
vines	83	VINES		# VINES
ttp	84	TTP		# TTP
nsfnet-igp	85	NSFNET-IGP	# NSFNET-IGP
dgp	86	DGP		# Dissimilar Gateway Protocol
tcf	87	TCF		# TCF
igrp	88	IGRP		# IGRP
ospf	89	OSPFIGP		# Open Shortest Path First IGP
sprite-rpc	90	SPRITE-RPC sprite # Sprite RPC Protocol
larp	91	LARP		# Locus Address Resolution Protocol
mtp	92	MTP		# Multicast Transport Protocol
ax.25	93	AX.25		#  AX.25 Frames
ipip	94	IPIP		# Yet Another IP encapsulation
micp	95	MICP		# Mobile Internetworking Control Pro
scc-sp	96	SCC-SP		# Semaphore Communications Sec. Pro
etherip	97	ETHERIP		# Ethernet-within-IP Encapsulation
encap	98	ENCAP		# Yet Another IP encapsulation
encrypt	99	                # any private encryption scheme
gmtp	100	GMTP		# GMTP