path: root/boot/boot.c
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2012-11-27Switch from cthreads to pthreadsRichard Braun
Makefiles, headers, types, macros and function calls are renamed where appropriate. Most of this work was done by Barry deFreese and Thomas DiModica. * auth/Makefile: Switch from cthreads to pthreads. * auth/auth.c: Likewise. * boot/Makefile: Likewise. * boot/boot.c: Likewise. * boot/ux.c: Likewise. * console-client/Makefile: Likewise. * console-client/console.c: Likewise. * console-client/driver.c: Likewise. * console-client/driver.h: Likewise. * console-client/generic-speaker.c: Likewise. * console-client/kbd-repeat.c: Likewise. * console-client/ncursesw.c: Likewise. * console-client/pc-kbd.c: Likewise. * console-client/pc-mouse.c: Likewise. * console-client/timer.c: Likewise. * console-client/trans.c: Likewise. * console-client/vga.c: Likewise. * console/Makefile: Likewise. * console/console.c: Likewise. * console/display.c: Likewise. * console/input.c: Likewise. * console/pager.c: Likewise. * defpager/backing.c: Likewise. * exec/Makefile: Likewise. * exec/exec.c: Likewise. * exec/hashexec.c: Likewise. * exec/priv.h: Likewise. * ext2fs/Makefile: Likewise. * ext2fs/balloc.c: Likewise. * ext2fs/dir.c: Likewise. * ext2fs/ext2fs.c: Likewise. * ext2fs/ext2fs.h: Likewise. * ext2fs/ialloc.c: Likewise. * ext2fs/inode.c: Likewise. * ext2fs/msg.c: Likewise. * ext2fs/pager.c: Likewise. * ext2fs/pokel.c: Likewise. * ext2fs/storeinfo.c: Likewise. * ext2fs/truncate.c: Likewise. * fatfs/Makefile: Likewise. * fatfs/dir.c: Likewise. * fatfs/fat.c: Likewise. * fatfs/fatfs.h: Likewise. * fatfs/inode.c: Likewise. * fatfs/main.c: Likewise. * fatfs/pager.c: Likewise. * fatfs/virt-inode.c: Likewise. * ftpfs/Makefile: Likewise. * ftpfs/ccache.c: Likewise. * ftpfs/ccache.h: Likewise. * ftpfs/conn.c: Likewise. * ftpfs/dir.c: Likewise. * ftpfs/fs.c: Likewise. * ftpfs/ftpfs.c: Likewise. * ftpfs/ftpfs.h: Likewise. * ftpfs/ncache.c: Likewise. * ftpfs/netfs.c: Likewise. * ftpfs/node.c: Likewise. * hostmux/Makefile: Likewise. * hostmux/hostmux.h: Likewise. * hostmux/mux.c: Likewise. * hostmux/node.c: Likewise. * hostmux/stubs.c: Likewise. * hurd/shared.h: Likewise. * isofs/Makefile: Likewise. * isofs/inode.c: Likewise. * isofs/lookup.c: Likewise. * isofs/main.c: Likewise. * isofs/pager.c: Likewise. * libcons/Makefile: Likewise. * libcons/cons-switch.c: Likewise. * libcons/cons.h: Likewise. * libcons/dir-changed.c: Likewise. * libcons/file-changed.c: Likewise. * libcons/init-init.c: Likewise. * libcons/vcons-close.c: Likewise. * libcons/vcons-input.c: Likewise. * libcons/vcons-move-mouse.c: Likewise. * libcons/vcons-open.c: Likewise. * libcons/vcons-scrollback.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/Makefile: Likewise. * libdiskfs/boot-start.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/dead-name.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/dir-chg.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/dir-link.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/dir-lookup.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/dir-mkdir.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/dir-mkfile.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/dir-readdir.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/dir-rename.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/dir-renamed.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/dir-rmdir.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/dir-unlink.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/disk-pager.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/diskfs-pager.h: Likewise. * libdiskfs/diskfs.h: Likewise. * libdiskfs/file-access.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/file-chg.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/file-exec.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/file-get-fs-opts.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/file-get-trans.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/file-get-transcntl.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/file-getcontrol.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/file-getfh.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/file-lock-stat.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/file-lock.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/file-reparent.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/file-set-trans.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/file-sync.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/file-syncfs.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/fsys-getroot.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/fsys-options.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/fsys-syncfs.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/ifsock.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/init-first.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/init-init.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/init-startup.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/io-duplicate.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/io-get-conch.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/io-identity.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/io-map-cntl.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/io-map.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/io-modes-get.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/io-modes-off.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/io-modes-on.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/io-modes-set.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/io-owner-get.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/io-owner-mod.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/io-prenotify.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/io-read.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/io-readable.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/io-reauthenticate.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/io-rel-conch.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/io-restrict-auth.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/io-revoke.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/io-seek.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/io-sigio.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/io-stat.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/io-write.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/lookup.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/name-cache.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/node-drop.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/node-make.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/node-nput.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/node-nputl.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/node-nref.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/node-nrefl.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/node-nrele.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/node-nrelel.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/peropen-rele.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/priv.h: Likewise. * libdiskfs/shutdown.c: Likewise. * libdiskfs/sync-interval.c: Likewise. * libfshelp/Makefile: Likewise. * libfshelp/fetch-root.c: Likewise. * libfshelp/fshelp.h: Likewise. * libfshelp/get-identity.c: Likewise. * libfshelp/lock-acquire.c: Likewise. * libfshelp/lock-init.c: Likewise. * libfshelp/locks.h: Likewise. * libfshelp/set-active.c: Likewise. * libfshelp/trans.h: Likewise. * libfshelp/transbox-init.c: Likewise. * libiohelp/Makefile: Likewise. * libiohelp/get_conch.c: Likewise. * libiohelp/handle_io_release_conch.c: Likewise. * libiohelp/initialize_conch.c: Likewise. * libiohelp/iohelp.h: Likewise. * libiohelp/verify_user_conch.c: Likewise. * libnetfs/Makefile: Likewise. * libnetfs/dir-lookup.c: Likewise. * libnetfs/dir-mkdir.c: Likewise. * libnetfs/dir-mkfile.c: Likewise. * libnetfs/dir-readdir.c: Likewise. * libnetfs/dir-rmdir.c: Likewise. * libnetfs/dir-unlink.c: Likewise. * libnetfs/drop-node.c: Likewise. * libnetfs/file-chauthor.c: Likewise. * libnetfs/file-check-access.c: Likewise. * libnetfs/file-chflags.c: Likewise. * libnetfs/file-chmod.c: Likewise. * libnetfs/file-chown.c: Likewise. * libnetfs/file-exec.c: Likewise. * libnetfs/file-get-storage-info.c: Likewise. * libnetfs/file-get-translator.c: Likewise. * libnetfs/file-lock-stat.c: Likewise. * libnetfs/file-lock.c: Likewise. * libnetfs/file-reparent.c: Likewise. * libnetfs/file-set-size.c: Likewise. * libnetfs/file-set-translator.c: Likewise. * libnetfs/file-statfs.c: Likewise. * libnetfs/file-sync.c: Likewise. * libnetfs/file-syncfs.c: Likewise. * libnetfs/file-utimes.c: Likewise. * libnetfs/fsys-getroot.c: Likewise. * libnetfs/fsys-set-options.c: Likewise. * libnetfs/init-init.c: Likewise. * libnetfs/io-clear-some-openmodes.c: Likewise. * libnetfs/io-duplicate.c: Likewise. * libnetfs/io-get-openmodes.c: Likewise. * libnetfs/io-get-owner.c: Likewise. * libnetfs/io-identity.c: Likewise. * libnetfs/io-mod-owner.c: Likewise. * libnetfs/io-read.c: Likewise. * libnetfs/io-readable.c: Likewise. * libnetfs/io-reauthenticate.c: Likewise. * libnetfs/io-restrict-auth.c: Likewise. * libnetfs/io-revoke.c: Likewise. * libnetfs/io-seek.c: Likewise. * libnetfs/io-set-all-openmodes.c: Likewise. * libnetfs/io-set-some-openmodes.c: Likewise. * libnetfs/io-stat.c: Likewise. * libnetfs/io-write.c: Likewise. * libnetfs/make-node.c: Likewise. * libnetfs/netfs.h: Likewise. * libnetfs/nput.c: Likewise. * libnetfs/nref.c: Likewise. * libnetfs/nrele.c: Likewise. * libnetfs/release-peropen.c: Likewise. * libnetfs/shutdown.c: Likewise. * libpager/Makefile: Likewise. * libpager/chg-compl.c: Likewise. * libpager/clean.c: Likewise. * libpager/data-request.c: Likewise. * libpager/data-return.c: Likewise. * libpager/data-unlock.c: Likewise. * libpager/inhibit-term.c: Likewise. * libpager/lock-completed.c: Likewise. * libpager/lock-object.c: Likewise. * libpager/mark-error.c: Likewise. * libpager/no-senders.c: Likewise. * libpager/object-init.c: Likewise. * libpager/object-terminate.c: Likewise. * libpager/offer-page.c: Likewise. * libpager/pager-attr.c: Likewise. * libpager/pager-create.c: Likewise. * libpager/pager-shutdown.c: Likewise. * libpager/priv.h: Likewise. * libpager/seqnos.c: Likewise. * libpipe/Makefile: Likewise. * libpipe/pipe.c: Likewise. * libpipe/pipe.h: Likewise. * libports/Makefile: Likewise. * libports/begin-rpc.c: Likewise. * libports/bucket-iterate.c: Likewise. * libports/claim-right.c: Likewise. * libports/class-iterate.c: Likewise. * libports/complete-deallocate.c: Likewise. * libports/count-bucket.c: Likewise. * libports/count-class.c: Likewise. * libports/create-bucket.c: Likewise. * libports/create-internal.c: Likewise. * libports/destroy-right.c: Likewise. * libports/enable-bucket.c: Likewise. * libports/enable-class.c: Likewise. * libports/end-rpc.c: Likewise. * libports/get-right.c: Likewise. * libports/import-port.c: Likewise. * libports/inhibit-all-rpcs.c: Likewise. * libports/inhibit-bucket-rpcs.c: Likewise. * libports/inhibit-class-rpcs.c: Likewise. * libports/inhibit-port-rpcs.c: Likewise. * libports/init.c: Likewise. * libports/interrupt-notified-rpcs.c: Likewise. * libports/interrupt-on-notify.c: Likewise. * libports/interrupt-operation.c: Likewise. * libports/interrupt-rpcs.c: Likewise. * libports/interrupted.c: Likewise. * libports/lookup-port.c: Likewise. * libports/manage-multithread.c: Likewise. * libports/no-senders.c: Likewise. * libports/port-deref-weak.c: Likewise. * libports/port-deref.c: Likewise. * libports/port-ref-weak.c: Likewise. * libports/port-ref.c: Likewise. * libports/ports.h: Likewise. * libports/reallocate-from-external.c: Likewise. * libports/reallocate-port.c: Likewise. * libports/resume-all-rpcs.c: Likewise. * libports/resume-bucket-rpcs.c: Likewise. * libports/resume-class-rpcs.c: Likewise. * libports/resume-port-rpcs.c: Likewise. * libports/stubs.c: Likewise. * libports/transfer-right.c: Likewise. * libstore/Makefile: Likewise. * libstore/gunzip.c: Likewise. * libstore/part.c: Likewise. * libstore/unzipstore.c: Likewise. * libthreads/Makefile: Likewise. * libtreefs/dir-lookup.c: Likewise. * libtreefs/fsys-getroot.c: Likewise. * libtreefs/fsys-hooks.c: Likewise. * libtreefs/fsys.c: Likewise. * libtreefs/trans-help.c: Likewise. * libtreefs/trans-start.c: Likewise. * libtreefs/treefs.h: Likewise. * libtrivfs/cntl-create.c: Likewise. * libtrivfs/dyn-classes.c: Likewise. * libtrivfs/io-reauthenticate.c: Likewise. * libtrivfs/io-restrict-auth.c: Likewise. * libtrivfs/protid-clean.c: Likewise. * libtrivfs/protid-dup.c: Likewise. * libtrivfs/trivfs.h: Likewise. * mach-defpager/Makefile: Likewise. * mach-defpager/default_pager.c: Likewise. * mach-defpager/kalloc.c: Likewise. * mach-defpager/main.c: Likewise. * nfs/Makefile: Likewise. * nfs/cache.c: Likewise. * nfs/main.c: Likewise. * nfs/mount.c: Likewise. * nfs/name-cache.c: Likewise. * nfs/nfs.h: Likewise. * nfs/ops.c: Likewise. * nfs/rpc.c: Likewise. * nfsd/Makefile: Likewise. * nfsd/cache.c: Likewise. * nfsd/loop.c: Likewise. * nfsd/main.c: Likewise. * nfsd/nfsd.h: Likewise. * pfinet/Makefile: Likewise. * pfinet/ethernet.c: Likewise. * pfinet/glue-include/asm/spinlock.h: Likewise. * pfinet/glue-include/linux/interrupt.h: Likewise. * pfinet/glue-include/linux/sched.h: Likewise. * pfinet/glue-include/linux/timer.h: Likewise. * pfinet/glue-include/linux/wait.h: Likewise. * pfinet/iioctl-ops.c: Likewise. * pfinet/io-ops.c: Likewise. * pfinet/kmem_cache.c: Likewise. * pfinet/main.c: Likewise. * pfinet/options.c: Likewise. * pfinet/pfinet-ops.c: Likewise. * pfinet/pfinet.h: Likewise. * pfinet/sched.c: Likewise. * pfinet/socket-ops.c: Likewise. * pfinet/socket.c: Likewise. * pfinet/timer-emul.c: Likewise. * pfinet/tunnel.c: Likewise. * pflocal/Makefile: Likewise. * pflocal/connq.c: Likewise. * pflocal/io.c: Likewise. * pflocal/sock.c: Likewise. * pflocal/sock.h: Likewise. * pflocal/socket.c: Likewise. * pflocal/sserver.c: Likewise. * proc/Makefile: Likewise. * proc/info.c: Likewise. * proc/main.c: Likewise. * proc/mgt.c: Likewise. * proc/msg.c: Likewise. * proc/proc.h: Likewise. * proc/stubs.c: Likewise. * proc/wait.c: Likewise. * storeio/Makefile: Likewise. * storeio/dev.c: Likewise. * storeio/dev.h: Likewise. * storeio/open.c: Likewise. * storeio/open.h: Likewise. * storeio/pager.c: Likewise. * storeio/storeio.c: Likewise. * term/Makefile: Likewise. * term/devio.c: Likewise. * term/hurdio.c: Likewise. * term/main.c: Likewise. * term/munge.c: Likewise. * term/ptyio.c: Likewise. * term/term.h: Likewise. * term/users.c: Likewise. * tmpfs/Makefile: Likewise. * tmpfs/dir.c: Likewise. * tmpfs/node.c: Likewise. * tmpfs/tmpfs.c: Likewise. * tmpfs/tmpfs.h: Likewise. * trans/Makefile: Likewise. * trans/fakeroot.c: Likewise. * trans/fifo.c: Likewise. * trans/hello-mt.c: Likewise. * trans/new-fifo.c: Likewise. * trans/streamio.c: Likewise. * ufs/Makefile: Likewise. * ufs/alloc.c: Likewise. * ufs/dir.c: Likewise. * ufs/hyper.c: Likewise. * ufs/inode.c: Likewise. * ufs/main.c: Likewise. * ufs/pager.c: Likewise. * ufs/pokeloc.c: Likewise. * ufs/sizes.c: Likewise. * ufs/ufs.h: Likewise. * usermux/Makefile: Likewise. * usermux/mux.c: Likewise. * usermux/node.c: Likewise. * usermux/usermux.h: Likewise. * utils/Makefile: Likewise. * utils/fakeauth.c: Likewise. * utils/rpctrace.c: Likewise.
2011-08-20fix common misspellingsJonathan Neuschäfer
* Fix spelling with codespell[1] and manually review it. [1]
2010-10-18Add \n to boot error messageSamuel Thibault
* boot/boot.c (main): Print \n after printing boot_script_error_string().
2010-09-20Add device virtualisation support to bootZheng Da
* boot/boot.c: Add '-f' option. (dev_map): New structure. (dev_map_head): New variable. (add_dev_map): New function. (lookup_dev): New function. (parse_opt): Handle the '-f' option: call 'add_dev_map'. (ds_device_open): Try to call 'lookup_dev', and open the device from the device file if it succeeds.
2006-03-142006-03-15 Thomas Schwinge <>Thomas Schwinge
* boot.c (boot_script_exec_cmd): Fix invalid lvalues.
2002-06-132002-06-13 Roland McGrath <>Roland McGrath
* boot.c (ds_device_write): int -> size_t in store_write call. (ds_device_write_inband): Likewise.
2002-06-112002-06-08 Roland McGrath <>Roland McGrath
* boot.c (S_io_identity): Use ino_t for FILENO.
2002-06-012002-05-31 Roland McGrath <>Roland McGrath
* boot.c: Don't include "exec_S.h". * boot.c (boot_script_exec_cmd): Fix typos: {I386,ALPHA}_THREAD_STATE -> {i386,ALPHA}_THREAD_STATE_COUNT
2002-05-292002-05-28 Roland McGrath <>Roland McGrath
* boot_script.c (boot_script_set_variable): Values int -> integer_t. (boot_script_define_function): Likewise. (boot_script_parse_line): Likewise. (struct sym, struct arg): Likewise. (boot_script_exec): Likewise. (builtin_symbols): Likewise. * boot.c (main): Likewise. * boot_script.h: Update decls. * boot.c (boot_script_exec_cmd) [I386_THREAD_STATE]: Conditionalize i386 thread setup code on this. [ALPHA_THREAD_STATE]: Add Alpha thread setup code. (set_mach_stack_args): Obsolete function removed. * boot.c (load_image): u_int -> vm_address_t (ds_xxx_device_get_status, ds_xxx_device_set_status): u_int -> size_t (S_io_restrict_auth, S_io_reauthenticate): Likewise. (ds_device_write, ds_device_read_inband): Likewise. (ds_device_get_status): Likewise. (ds_device_set_status): Likewise. (boot_script_exec_cmd): Likewise. (ds_device_read, ds_device_write_inband): Likewise. (ds_xxx_device_set_filter): Likewise. (ds_device_set_filter): Likewise.
2002-05-132002-05-13 Marcus Brinkmann <>Marcus Brinkmann
* boot.c: Include <version.h> (argp_program_version): New variable.
2002-03-262002-03-23 James A. Morrison <>Neal H. Walfield
* boot.c (main): Use error, not perror and exit.
2001-10-072001-10-07 Neal H Walfield <>Roland McGrath
* boot.c (main): Set the boot script variables based on the KERNEL_COMMAND_LINE value.
2001-08-242001-08-23 Roland McGrath <>Roland McGrath
* boot.c (kernel_command_line): New variable. (options): Add --kernel-command-line/-K. (parse_opt): Parse it, set kernel_command_line. (main): If unset, default it to "argv[0] bootstrap_args bootdevice". Set ${kernel-command-line} boot script variable to kernel_command_line.
2001-08-172001-08-16 Roland McGrath <>Roland McGrath
* boot_script.h (boot_script_malloc, boot_script_free): Declare new functions that callers must define. * boot_script.c: All uses of malloc/free changed to use those instead. * userland-boot.c: New file. Defines them using malloc/free. * Makefile (SRCS, OBJS): Add it. * boot.c (boot_script_malloc, boot_script_free): Old cruft functions removed. * boot_script.c (boot_script_parse_line): Take new first argument HOOK. Store it in CMD->hook. (main): Update caller. (boot_script_exec): Pass CMD->hook as 1st arg to boot_script_exec_cmd. (boot_script_exec_cmd): Take new first argument HOOK. * boot.c (boot_script_exec_cmd): Likewise. * boot_script.h (struct cmd): New member `void *hook'. Update decls for HOOK arguments added.
2001-01-072000-12-21 Marcus Brinkmann <>Marcus Brinkmann
* boot.c (main): If malloc or realloc fails, print diagnostic message and exit. (queue_read): Change return type from void to kern_return_t. If malloc fails, return D_NO_MEMORY, otherwise D_SUCCESS (to simplify code flow, malloc before acquiring the queuelock). (ds_device_read): New variable err (local to the block in which it is used). If queue_read fails, pass through error. (ds_device_read_inband): Likewise. (S_io_read): Likewise. Reported by Igor Khavkine <>.
2000-03-172000-03-17 Roland McGrath <>Roland McGrath
* boot.c (S_io_reauthenticate): Check mach_port_insert_right result with assert_perror.
2000-03-172000-03-17 Thomas Bushnell, BSG <>Thomas Bushnell
* boot.c (S_io_reauthenticate): Don't use MACH_MSG_TYPE_MAKE_SEND in Hurd RPC.
2000-03-032000-02-28 Roland McGrath <>Roland McGrath
* boot.c (ds_device_get_status): Accept *STATUSLEN greater than needed.
1999-09-13Reverted changes related to io_map_segment.Roland McGrath
1999-09-081999-09-07 Thomas Bushnell, BSG <>Thomas Bushnell
* boot.c (S_io_map_segment): New function.
1999-07-111999-07-11 Roland McGrath <>Roland McGrath
* boot.c (ds_device_read, S_io_read): Fix sloppy bugs in last change.
1999-07-111999-07-06 Thomas Bushnell, BSG <>Thomas Bushnell
* boot.c (load_image): Use mmap instead of vm_allocate, when allocating in mach_task_self (). (boot_script_exec_cmd): Likewise. (set_mach_stack_args): Likewise. (read_reply): Likewise. (S_io_read): Likewise.
1999-07-111999-07-10 Roland McGrath <>Roland McGrath
* boot.c: Add #include <sys/mman.h> for munmap decl.
1999-07-06Mon Jul 5 20:04:06 1999 Thomas Bushnell, BSG <>Thomas Bushnell
* boot.c (load_image): Fix typo in cast. Reported by Yamashita TAKAO <>.
1999-07-031999-07-03 Thomas Bushnell, BSG <>Thomas Bushnell
* boot.c (load_image): Use munmap instead of vm_deallocate when it's from our own task. (boot_script_read_file): Likewise. (boot_script_exec_cmd): Likewise. (set_mach_stack_args): Likewise. (ds_device_read_inband): Likewise.
1999-03-201999-03-20 Roland McGrath <>Roland McGrath
* boot.c (S_term_get_peername): New function.
1999-03-151999-03-14 Roland McGrath <>Roland McGrath
* boot.c: Fix typo in last change.
1999-03-101999-03-10 Roland McGrath <>Roland McGrath
* boot.c (main): Only use real device name if root_store is for an enforced single run starting at the beginning of the device.
1999-03-091999-03-09 Roland McGrath <>Roland McGrath
* boot.c (main): Add newline to error msg. Patch by Marcus Brinkmann <>.
1999-02-171999-02-16 Roland McGrath <>Roland McGrath
* boot.c (S_io_revoke): Add reply, replyPoly args.
1999-02-16Tue Feb 16 05:06:12 1999 Thomas Bushnell, BSG <>Thomas Bushnell
* boot.c (S_io_revoke): New (unsupported) routine.
1998-12-271998-12-26 Roland McGrath <>Roland McGrath
* boot.c (isig): New variable. (init_termstate): If it's set, set ISIG flag in c_lflag. (options): New option -I/--isig. (parse_opt): Make -I set `isig'. (boot_script_exec_cmd): Print out args as well as file name.
1997-07-09Mon Jul 7 16:25:49 1997 Thomas Bushnell, n/BSG <>Thomas Bushnell
* boot.c: Include <fcntl.h> instead of <fcntlbits.h>. Suggested by Marcus G. Daniels (
1997-06-21(parse_opt):Miles Bader
New function. (pseudo_root, root_store): New variables. (bootscript_args): Now an array. (ds_device_open, ds_device_close, ds_device_write, ds_device_write_inband, ds_device_read, ds_device_read_inband, ds_device_get_status, ds_device_set_status, ds_device_map, ds_xxx_device_set_filter, ds_xxx_device_get_status, ds_xxx_device_set_status, ds_device_set_filter): Handle "pseudo-root" device. (main): Use argp to parse args, and implement the pseudo-root device. Include <argp.h> & <hurd/store.h> (options, doc, args_doc): New variables. (bootscript): Made global.
1997-04-10Thu Apr 10 11:53:57 1997 Thomas Bushnell, n/BSG <>Thomas Bushnell
* boot.c: Don't include varargs.h. (set_mach_stack_args): Use stdarg instead of vararg.
1996-08-01*** empty log message ***Thomas Bushnell
1996-07-08(S_io_reauthenticate): Don't use unsafe MOVE_SEND inMichael I. Bushnell
1996-05-10(S_io_identity): Typo.Miles Bader
1996-05-10(S_io_identity): New function.Michael I. Bushnell
1996-05-09(S_io_select): No longer has TAG parm.Michael I. Bushnell
(S_io_reauthenticate): Use new interface.
1996-04-29(main): Use select instead of SIGIO.Miles Bader
1996-03-27[notanymore]Miles Bader
(S_tioctl_tiocgeta, S_tioctl_tiocseta, S_tioctl_tiocsetaf, term_modes, term_ccs, term_speeds): Functions & variables removed.
1996-02-14[!UX] (orig_tty_state): New variable.Miles Bader
[!UX] (init_termstate, restore_termstate): New hurd versions of these funcs.
1996-02-14(load_image, boot_script_read_file, main):Miles Bader
Use O_RDONLY, not 0 (kind of ironic, this...). (load_image): Give the filename with the error message (and a newline).
1996-02-14Move all the ux-specific grot into ux.c & ux.h.Miles Bader
If UX is defined, include "ux.h", else define hurdish stuff. (main): Use get_privileged_ports instead of task_by_pid. (load_image, boot_script_read_file, main, do_mach_notify_no_senders, do_mach_notify_dead_name): Use host_exit instead of uxexit. (boot_script_read_file): Use host_stat instead of uxstat. (init_termstate, S_tioctl_tiocseta): Use sg_flags field in struct sgttyb.
1995-12-11(should_read): New variable.Miles Bader
(read_reply): Set SHOULD_READ before attempting lock. Use spin_try_lock() instead of spin_lock(), and abort if we can't get it. Clear SHOULD_READ after getting the lock. (ds_device_read, ds_device_read_inband, S_io_read): Call unlock_readlock instead of directly unlocking READLOCK. Don't block SIGIO. (unlock_readlock): New function. (main): Don't trap SIGMSG & SIGEMSG. (SIGMSG, SIGEMSG): Macros deleted.
1995-12-05(main): Request no-senders notification on pseudo_master_device_port.Roland McGrath
Deallocate our send right to it when we no longer need it. (ds_device_read_inband): Unlock readlock properly. (do_mach_notify_no_senders): Exit only when both pseudo_console and pseudo_master_device_port have no senders.
1995-12-05*** empty log message ***Michael I. Bushnell
1995-11-30(readlock): New variable.Michael I. Bushnell
(read_reply): Check FIONREAD before dequeueing QR so that we don't abandon requests. Lock READLOCK around FIONREAD/read pair. (ds_device_read): Lock READLOCK around FIONREAD/read pair. (ds_device_read_inband): Likewise. (S_io_read): Likewise.
1995-11-22(request_server): Don't call exec_server.Roland McGrath
(S_exec_*): Functions removed. (boot_script_task_port): Variable removed. (boot_script_task_*, boot_script_port_*): Functions removed.