path: root/console-client/xkb/xkb.h
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1 files changed, 435 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/console-client/xkb/xkb.h b/console-client/xkb/xkb.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9792431f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/console-client/xkb/xkb.h
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+/* Keyboard plugin for the Hurd console using XKB keymaps.
+ Copyright (C) 2002,03 Marco Gerards
+ Written by Marco Gerards <>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details. */
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <argp.h>
+//#include "kbd_driver.h"
+typedef int keycode_t;
+typedef unsigned int scancode_t;
+typedef int symbol;
+typedef int group_t;
+typedef unsigned int boolctrls;
+//typedef int error_t;
+#define KEYCONSUMED 1
+#define RedirectIntoRange 1
+#define ClampIntoRange 2
+#define WrapIntoRange 0
+typedef enum mergemode
+ {
+ augment,
+ override,
+ replace,
+ alternate,
+ defaultmm
+ } mergemode;
+extern mergemode merge_mode;
+typedef unsigned long KeySym;
+/* Real modifiers. */
+#define RMOD_SHIFT 1 << 0
+#define RMOD_LOCK 1 << 1
+#define RMOD_CTRL 1 << 2
+#define RMOD_MOD1 1 << 3
+#define RMOD_MOD2 1 << 4
+#define RMOD_MOD3 1 << 5
+#define RMOD_MOD4 1 << 6
+#define RMOD_MOD5 1 << 7
+/* If set the key has action(s). */
+#define KEYHASACTION (1<<4)
+/* Normally the keytype will be calculated, but some keys like SYSRQ
+ can't be calculated. For these keys the name for the keytypes will
+ be given for every group fro whch the bit is set. */
+#define KEYHASTYPES 0xf
+#define KEYHASBEHAVIOUR (1<<5)
+/* Will the key be repeated when held down, or not. */
+#define KEYREPEAT (1<<6)
+#define KEYNOREPEAT (1<<7)
+/* The complete set of modifiers. */
+typedef struct modmap
+ /* Real modifiers. */
+ int rmods;
+ /* Virtual modifiers. */
+ int vmods;
+} modmap_t;
+/* Modifier counter. */
+typedef struct modcount
+ int rmods[8];
+ int vmods[16];
+} modcount_t;
+/* Map modifiers to a shift level. */
+typedef struct typemap
+ /* Shift level used when required modifiers match the active modifiers. */
+ int level;
+ modmap_t mods;
+ modmap_t preserve;
+ struct typemap *next;
+} typemap_t;
+/* The keypad symbol range. */
+#define KEYPAD_FIRST_KEY 0xFF80
+#define KEYPAD_MASK 0xFF80
+/* Convert a keypad symbol to a ASCII symbol. */
+#define keypad_to_ascii(c) c = (c & (~KEYPAD_MASK))
+/* The default keytypes. These can be calculated. */
+#define KT_ONE_LEVEL 0
+#define KT_TWO_LEVEL 1
+#define KT_ALPHA 2
+#define KT_KEYPAD 3
+typedef struct keytype
+ /* Mask that determines which modifiers should be checked. */
+ modmap_t modmask;
+ /* Amount of levels. */
+ int levels;
+ /* The required set of modifiers for one specific level. */
+ struct typemap *maps;
+ char *name;
+ struct keytype *hnext;
+ struct keytype **prevp;
+} keytype_t;
+extern struct keytype *keytypes;
+extern int keytype_count;
+/* All Actions as described in the protocol specification. */
+typedef enum actiontype
+ {
+ SA_NoAction,
+ SA_SetMods,
+ SA_LatchMods,
+ SA_LockMods,
+ SA_SetGroup,
+ SA_LatchGroup,
+ SA_LockGroup,
+ SA_MovePtr,
+ SA_PtrBtn,
+ SA_LockPtrBtn,
+ SA_SetPtrDflt,
+ SA_ISOLock,
+ SA_TerminateServer,
+ SA_SwitchScreen,
+ SA_SetControls,
+ SA_LockControls,
+ SA_ActionMessage,
+ SA_RedirectKey,
+ SA_DeviceBtn,
+ SA_LockDeviceBtn,
+ SA_DeviceValuator,
+ SA_ConsScroll
+ } actiontype_t;
+typedef struct xkb_action
+ actiontype_t type;
+ int data[15];
+} xkb_action_t;
+#define useModMap 4
+#define clearLocks 1
+#define latchToLock 2
+#define noLock 1
+#define noUnlock 2
+#define groupAbsolute 4
+#define NoAcceleration 1
+#define MoveAbsoluteX 2
+#define MoveAbsoluteY 4
+/* XXX: This flag is documentated and I've implemented it. Weird
+ stuff. */
+#define useDfltBtn 0
+#define DfltBtnAbsolute 2
+#define AffectDfltBtn 1
+#define switchApp 1
+#define screenAbs 4
+#define lineAbs 2
+#define usePercentage 8
+/* Defines how symbols and rmods are interpreted. This is used to
+ bound an action to a key that doesn't have an action bound to it,
+ only a modifier or action describing symbol. */
+typedef struct xkb_interpret
+ symbol symbol;
+ int rmods;
+ int match;
+ int vmod; /* XXX: Why does this field have a size of only 8 bits? */
+ int flags;
+ struct xkb_action action;
+ struct xkb_interpret *next;
+} xkb_interpret_t;
+extern xkb_interpret_t *interpretations;
+extern int interpret_count;
+/* These are the parameter names that are used by the actions that
+ control modifiers. (this is stored in the data field of
+ xkb_action)*/
+typedef struct action_setmods
+ actiontype_t type;
+ /* The flags configure the behaviour of the action. */
+ int flags;
+ /* XXX: The real modifiers that can be controlled by this action. */
+ int modmask;
+ /* The modifiers that are will be set/unset by this action. */
+ modmap_t modmap;
+} action_setmods_t;
+typedef struct action_setgroup
+ actiontype_t type;
+ int flags;
+ int group;
+} action_setgroup_t;
+typedef struct action_moveptr
+ actiontype_t type;
+ int flags;
+ int x;
+ int y;
+} action_moveptr_t;
+typedef struct action_ptrbtn
+ actiontype_t type;
+ int flags;
+ int count; /* Isn't used for LockPtrBtn. */
+ int button;
+} action_ptrbtn_t;
+typedef struct action_ptr_dflt
+ actiontype_t type;
+ int flags;
+ int affect;
+ int value;
+} action_ptr_dflt_t;
+typedef struct action_switchscrn
+ actiontype_t type;
+ int flags;
+ int screen;
+} action_switchscrn_t;
+typedef struct action_consscroll
+ actiontype_t type;
+ int flags;
+ double screen;
+ int line;
+ int percent;
+} action_consscroll_t;
+typedef struct action_redirkey
+ actiontype_t type;
+ int newkey;
+ int rmodsmask;
+ int rmods;
+ int vmodsmask;
+ int vmods;
+} action_redirkey_t;
+typedef struct action_setcontrols
+ actiontype_t type;
+ int controls;
+} action_setcontrols_t;
+/* Every key can have 4 groups, this is the information stored per
+ group. */
+struct keygroup
+ /* All symbols for every available shift level and group. */
+ symbol *symbols;
+ /* All actions for every available shift level and group. */
+ struct xkb_action **actions;
+ /* The keytype of this key. The keytype determines the available
+ shift levels and which modiers are used to set the shift level.
+ */
+ struct keytype *keytype;
+ /* Amount of symbols held in this group of this key. */
+ int width;
+ int actionwidth;
+/* A single key scancode stored in memory. */
+typedef struct key
+ /* The flags that can be set for this key (To change the behaviour
+ of this key). */
+ int flags;
+ /* Every key has a maximum of 4 groups. (XXX: According to Ivan
+ Pascal's documentation... I'm not really sure if that is true.) */
+ struct keygroup groups[4];
+ int numgroups;
+ struct modmap mods;
+} keyinf_t;
+extern struct key *keys;
+extern int min_keys;
+extern int max_keys;
+/* The current state of every key. */
+typedef struct keystate
+ /* Key is pressed. */
+ unsigned short keypressed:1;
+ unsigned short prevstate:1;
+ /* The key was disabled for bouncekeys. */
+ unsigned short disabled:1;
+ /* Information about locked modifiers at the time of the keypress,
+ this information is required for unlocking when the key is released. */
+ modmap_t lmods;
+ /* The modifiers and group that were active at keypress, make them
+ active again on keyrelease so the action will be undone. */
+ modmap_t prevmods;
+ boolctrls bool;
+ group_t prevgroup;
+ group_t oldgroup;
+} keystate_t;
+extern struct keystate keystate[255];
+typedef struct keypress
+ keycode_t keycode;
+ keycode_t prevkc;
+ // struct keystate *state;
+ unsigned short repeat:1; /* It this a real keypress?. */
+ unsigned short redir:1; /* This is not a real keypress. */
+ unsigned short rel; /* Key release. */
+} keypress_t;
+/* Flags for indicators. */
+#define IM_NoExplicit 0x80
+#define IM_NoAutomatic 0x40
+#define IM_LEDDrivesKB 0x20
+#define IM_UseCompat 0x10
+#define IM_UseEffective 0x08
+#define IM_UseLocked 0x04
+#define IM_UseLatched 0x02
+#define IM_UseBase 0x01
+typedef struct xkb_indicator
+ int flags;
+ int which_mods;
+ modmap_t modmap;
+ int which_groups;
+ int groups;
+ unsigned int ctrls;
+} xkb_indicator_t;
+extern xkb_indicator_t *indicators;
+extern int indicator_count;
+unsigned int KeySymToUcs4(int keysym);
+symbol compose_symbols (symbol symbol);
+error_t read_composefile (char *);
+KeySym XStringToKeysym(char *s);
+struct keytype *keytype_find (char *name);
+void key_set_action (struct key *key, group_t group, int level,
+ xkb_action_t *action);
+/* Interfaces for xkbdata.c: */
+extern struct xkb_interpret default_interpretation;
+/* Assign the name KEYNAME to the keycode KEYCODE. */
+error_t keyname_add (char *keyname, int keycode);
+/* Find the numberic representation of the keycode with the name
+int keyname_find (char *keyname);
+/* Search the keytype with the name NAME. */
+struct keytype *keytype_find (char *name);
+/* Remove the keytype KT. */
+void keytype_delete (struct keytype *kt);
+/* Create a new keytype with the name NAME. */
+error_t keytype_new (char *name, struct keytype **new_kt);
+/* Add a level (LEVEL) to modifiers (MODS) mapping to the current
+ keytype. */
+error_t keytype_mapadd (struct keytype *kt, modmap_t mods, int level);
+/* For the current keytype the modifiers PRESERVE should be preserved
+ when the modifiers MODS are pressed. */
+error_t keytype_preserve_add (struct keytype *kt, modmap_t mods,
+ modmap_t preserve);
+/* Add a new interpretation. */
+error_t interpret_new (xkb_interpret_t **new_interpret, symbol ks);
+/* Get the number assigned to the virtualmodifier with the name
+int vmod_find (char *vmodname);
+/* Give the virtualmodifier VMODNAME a number and add it to the
+ hashtable. */
+error_t vmod_add (char *vmodname);
+/* Initialize the list for keysyms to realmodifiers mappings. */
+void ksrm_init ();
+/* Add keysym to realmodifier mapping. */
+error_t ksrm_add (symbol ks, int rmod);
+/* Apply the rkms (realmods to keysyms) table to all keysyms. */
+void ksrm_apply (void);
+/* Set the current rmod for the key with keyname KEYNAME. */
+/* XXX: It shouldn't be applied immediatly because the key can be
+ replaced. */
+void set_rmod_keycode (char *keyname, int rmod);
+/* Initialize XKB data structures. */
+error_t xkb_data_init (void);
+error_t xkb_input_key (int key);
+error_t xkb_init_repeat (int delay, int repeat);
+void xkb_input (keypress_t key);
+int debug_printf (const char *f, ...);