path: root/console-client/xkb/parser.y
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'console-client/xkb/parser.y')
1 files changed, 1529 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/console-client/xkb/parser.y b/console-client/xkb/parser.y
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9fe2a394
--- /dev/null
+++ b/console-client/xkb/parser.y
@@ -0,0 +1,1529 @@
+/* parser.y -- XKB parser.
+ Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Marco Gerards
+ Written by Marco Gerards <>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details. */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "xkb.h"
+void yyerror(char *);
+int yylex (void);
+static error_t include_section (char *incl, int sectionsymbol, char *dirname,
+ mergemode);
+static error_t include_sections (char *incl, int sectionsymbol, char *dirname,
+ mergemode);
+void close_include ();
+static void skipsection (void);
+static error_t set_default_action (struct xkb_action *, struct xkb_action **);
+static void key_set_keysym (struct key *key, group_t group, int level,
+ symbol ks);
+static void key_new (char *keyname);
+static void key_delete (char *keyname);
+void scanner_unput (int c);
+static void remove_symbols (struct key *key, group_t group);
+struct xkb_interpret *current_interpretation;
+struct xkb_action *current_action;
+struct xkb_indicator indi;
+struct xkb_indicator *current_indicator = &indi;
+struct key defkey;
+struct key *default_key = &defkey;
+/* The default settings for actions. */
+struct xkb_action default_setmods = { SA_SetMods };
+struct xkb_action default_lockmods = { SA_LockMods };
+struct xkb_action default_latchmods = { SA_LatchMods };
+struct xkb_action default_setgroup = { SA_SetGroup };
+struct xkb_action default_latchgroup = { SA_LatchGroup };
+struct xkb_action default_lockgroup = { SA_LockGroup };
+struct xkb_action default_moveptr = { SA_MovePtr };
+struct xkb_action default_ptrbtn = { SA_PtrBtn };
+struct xkb_action default_lockptrbtn = { SA_LockPtrBtn };
+struct xkb_action default_ptrdflt = { SA_SetPtrDflt };
+struct xkb_action default_setcontrols = { SA_SetControls };
+struct xkb_action default_lockcontrols = { SA_LockControls };
+struct xkb_action default_isolock = { SA_ISOLock };
+struct xkb_action default_switchscrn = { SA_SwitchScreen };
+struct xkb_action default_consscroll = { SA_ConsScroll };
+static struct key *current_key;
+/* The dummy gets used when the original may not be overwritten. */
+static struct key dummy_key;
+/* The current parsed group. */
+static int current_group;
+static int current_rmod = 0;
+/* The current symbol in the currently parsed key. */
+static int symbolcnt;
+static int actioncnt;
+mergemode merge_mode = override;
+//#define YYDEBUG 1
+static struct keytype *current_keytype;
+%union {
+ int val;
+ char *str;
+ modmap_t modmap;
+ struct xkb_action *action;
+ double dbl;
+ mergemode mergemode;
+%token XKBKEYMAP "xkb_keymap"
+%token XKBKEYCODES "xkb_keycodes"
+%token XKBCOMPAT "xkb_compatibility"
+%token XKBGEOMETRY "xkb_geometry"
+%token XKBTYPES "xkb_types"
+%token XKBSYMBOLS "xkb_symbols"
+%token STR
+%token HEX
+%token FLAGS
+%token KEYCODE
+%token NUM
+%token MINIMUM "minimum"
+%token MAXIMUM "maximum"
+%token VIRTUAL "virtual"
+%token INDICATOR "indicator"
+%token ALIAS "alias"
+%token VMODS "virtualmods"
+%token TYPE "type"
+%token DATA "data"
+%token MAP "map"
+%token LEVEL_NAME "level_name"
+%token PRESERVE "preserve"
+%token LEVEL
+%token USEMODMAP "usemodmap"
+%token REPEAT "repeat"
+%token LOCKING "locking"
+%token VIRTUALMODIFIER "virtualmod"
+%token BOOLEAN
+%token INTERPRET "interpret"
+%token CLEARLOCKS "clearlocks"
+%token MODS "mods"
+%token SETMODS "setmods"
+%token LATCHMODS "latchmods"
+%token LOCKMODS "lockmods"
+%token ACTION "action"
+%token LATCHTOLOCK "latchtolock"
+%token GROUP "group"
+%token GROUPS "groups"
+%token SETGROUP "setgroup"
+%token LATCHGROUP "latchgroup"
+%token LOCKGROUP "lockgroup"
+%token ACCEL "accel"
+%token MOVEPTR "moveptr"
+%token PRIVATE "private"
+%token BUTTON "button"
+%token DEFAULT "default"
+%token COUNT "count"
+%token PTRBTN "ptrbtn"
+%token DEFAULTBTN "defaultbutton"
+%token ALL "all"
+%token NONE "none"
+%token ANY "any"
+%token AFFECT "affect"
+%token PTRDFLT "setptrdflt"
+%token LOCKPTRBTN "lockptrbtn"
+%token SETCONTROLS "setcontrols"
+%token LOCKCONTROLS "lockcontrols"
+%token CONTROLS "controls"
+%token TERMINATE "terminate"
+%token WHICHMODSTATE "whichmodstate"
+%token WHICHGROUPSTATE "whichgroupstate"
+%token WHICHSTATE "whichstate"
+%token INDEX "index"
+%token ALLOWEXPLICIT "allowexplicit"
+%token DRIVESKBD "driveskbd"
+%token SYMBOLS "symbols"
+%token NAME "name"
+%token GROUPNUM
+%token ACTIONS "actions"
+%token KEY "key"
+%token MODMAP "modifier_map"
+%token SHIFT "shift"
+%token LOCK "lock"
+%token CONTROL "control"
+%token MOD1 "mod1"
+%token MOD2 "mod2"
+%token MOD3 "mod3"
+%token MOD4 "mod4"
+%token MOD5 "mod5"
+%token UNLOCK "unlock"
+%token BOTH "both"
+%token NEITHER "neither"
+%token INCLUDE "include"
+%token AUGMENT "augment"
+%token OVERRIDE "override"
+%token REPLACE "replace"
+%token ISOLOCK "isolock"
+%token POINTERS "pointers"
+%token NOACTION "noaction"
+%token GROUPSWRAP "groupswrap"
+%token GROUPSCLAMP "groupsclamp"
+%token GROUPSREDIRECT "groupsredirect"
+%token OVERLAY "overlay"
+%token SWITCHSCREEN "switchscreen"
+%token SAMESERVER "sameserver"
+%token SCREEN "screen"
+%token LINE "line"
+%token PERCENT "percent"
+%token CONSSCROLL "consscroll"
+%token FLOAT "float"
+%type <val> FLAGS NUM HEX vmod level LEVEL rmod BOOLEAN symbol INTERPMATCH
+%type <val> clearlocks usemodmap latchtolock noaccel button BUTTONNUM
+%type <val> ctrlflags allowexplicit driveskbd
+%type <val> DRIVESKBD GROUPNUM group symbolname groups whichstate WHICHSTATE
+/* Booleans */
+%type <val> locking repeat groupswrap groupsclamp sameserver
+%type <modmap> mods
+%type <action> action
+%type <action> ctrlparams
+%type <mergemode> include
+%type <dbl> FLOAT
+/* A XKB keymap. */
+ "xkb_keymap" '{' keymap '}' ';' { YYACCEPT }
+| "xkb_keymap" STR '{' keymap '}' ';' { YYACCEPT }
+| '{' keymap '}' { YYACCEPT } ';'
+/* A XKB configuration has many sections. */
+ /* empty */
+| keymap types
+| keymap keycodes
+| keymap compat
+| keymap symbols
+| keymap geometry
+ "include" { $$ = defaultmm }
+| "augment" { $$ = augment }
+| "replace" { $$ = replace }
+| "override" { $$= override }
+/* All flags assigned to a section. */
+ /* empty */
+| flags FLAGS
+/* The header of a keycode section. */
+ flags "xkb_keycodes" '{' keycodesect '}' ';'
+| flags "xkb_keycodes" STR '{' keycodesect '}' ';'
+/* Process the includes on the stack. */
+ '{' keycodesect '}' { close_include () }
+| keycodesinclude '{' keycodesect '}' { close_include () }
+/* The first lines of a keycode section. The amount of keycodes are
+ declared here. */
+/* empty */
+| "minimum" '=' NUM ';' keycodesect
+ {
+ min_keys = $3;
+ current_key = &keys[$3];
+ }
+| MAXIMUM '=' NUM ';' keycodesect
+ {
+ max_keys = $3;
+ keys = calloc ($3, sizeof (struct key));
+ }
+| KEYCODE '=' NUM ';'
+ { keyname_add ($1, $3); }
+ keycodesect
+| "replace" KEYCODE '=' NUM ';'
+ { keyname_add ($2, $4); }
+ keycodesect
+| "indicator" NUM '=' STR ';' keycodesect { }
+| "virtual" INDICATOR NUM '=' STR ';' keycodesect
+| "alias" KEYCODE '=' KEYCODE ';'
+ {
+ keycode_t key = keyname_find ($4);
+ if (key)
+ keyname_add ($2, key);
+ else
+ {
+ key = keyname_find ($2);
+ if (key)
+ keyname_add ($4, key);
+ }
+ }
+ keycodesect
+| include STR
+ { include_sections ($2, XKBKEYCODES, "keycodes", $1); }
+ keycodesinclude keycodesect
+/* The header of a keytypes section. */
+ flags "xkb_types" '{' typessect '}' ';'
+| flags "xkb_types" STR '{' typessect '}' ';'
+/* A list of virtual modifier declarations (see vmods_def), seperated
+ by commas. */
+ IDENTIFIER { vmod_add ($1); }
+| vmodslist ',' IDENTIFIER { vmod_add ($3) }
+/* Virtual modifiers must be declared before they can be used. */
+ "virtualmods" vmodslist ';'
+/* Return the number of the virtual modifier. */
+ IDENTIFIER { $$ = vmod_find ($1); }
+/* A single realmodifier. */
+ "shift" { $$ = RMOD_SHIFT }
+| "lock" { $$ = RMOD_LOCK }
+| "control" { $$ = RMOD_CTRL }
+| "mod1" { $$ = RMOD_MOD1 }
+| "mod2" { $$ = RMOD_MOD2 }
+| "mod3" { $$ = RMOD_MOD3 }
+| "mod4" { $$ = RMOD_MOD4 }
+| "mod5" { $$ = RMOD_MOD5 }
+/* One of more modifiers, seperated by '+'. A modmap_t will return all real
+ and virtual modifiers specified. */
+ mods '+' rmod { $$.rmods = $1.rmods | $3; }
+| mods '+' vmod { $$.vmods = $1.vmods | $3; }
+ /* Use a mid-rule action to start with no modifiers. */
+| { $$.rmods = 0; $$.vmods = 0 } rmod { $$.rmods = $2; }
+| { $$.rmods = 0; $$.vmods = 0 } vmod { $$.vmods = $2; }
+| "all" { $$.rmods = 0xFF; $$.vmods = 0xFFFF}
+| "none" { $$.rmods = 0; $$.vmods = 0 }
+/* The numeric level starts with 0. Level1-Level4 returns 0-3, also
+ numeric values can be used to describe a level. */
+ LEVEL { $$ = $1 - 1 }
+| "any" { $$ = 0 }
+| NUM { $$ = $1 - 1 }
+/* A single keytype. */
+ /* Empty */
+| type MODS '=' mods ';'
+ { current_keytype->modmask = $4 }
+| type MAP '[' mods ']' '=' level ';'
+ { keytype_mapadd (current_keytype, $4, $7) }
+| type "level_name" '[' level ']' '=' STR ';'
+| type "preserve" '[' mods ']' '=' mods ';'
+ { keytype_preserve_add (current_keytype, $4, $7) }
+/* Process the includes on the stack. */
+ '{' typessect '}' { close_include () }
+| typesinclude '{' typessect '}' { close_include () }
+/* A keytype section contains keytypes and virtual modifier declarations. */
+ /* Empty */
+| typessect vmods_def
+| typessect TYPE STR { keytype_new ($3, &current_keytype) }'{' type '}' ';' { }
+| typessect include STR
+ { include_sections ($3, XKBTYPES, "types", $2) }
+ typesinclude
+/* The header of a compatibility section. */
+ flags "xkb_compatibility" '{' compatsect '}' ';'
+| flags "xkb_compatibility" STR '{' compatsect '}' ';'
+/* XXX: A symbol can be more than just an identifier (hex). */
+ IDENTIFIER { $$ = (int) XStringToKeysym ( $1) ? : -1; }
+| ANY { $$ = 0 }
+| error { yyerror ("Invalid symbol.") }
+/* Which kinds of modifiers (like base, locked, etc.) can affect the
+ indicator. */
+ WHICHSTATE { $$ = $1 }
+| "none" { $$ = 0 }
+| "any" { $$ = 0xff } /* XXX */
+/* The groups that can affect a indicator. */
+ groups '+' group
+| groups '-' group
+| group {}
+| "all" { $$ = 0xff } /* XXX */
+/* empty */
+| indicators indicator
+/* An indicator desciption. */
+ "mods" '=' mods ';' { current_indicator->modmap = $3 }
+| "groups" '=' groups ';' { current_indicator->groups = $3 }
+| "controls" '=' ctrls ';'
+| "whichmodstate" '=' whichstate ';' { current_indicator->which_mods = $3 }
+| "whichgroupstate" '=' whichstate ';' { current_indicator->which_mods = $3 }
+| allowexplicit ';' {} /* Ignored for now. */
+| driveskbd ';' {}
+| "index" '=' NUM ';' {}
+/* Boolean for allowexplicit. */
+ '~' "allowexplicit" { $$ = 0 }
+| '!' "allowexplicit" { $$ = 0 }
+| "allowexplicit" { $$ = 1 }
+| "allowexplicit" '=' BOOLEAN { $$ = $3 }
+/* Boolean for driveskbd. */
+ '~' "driveskbd" { $$ = 0 }
+| '!' "driveskbd" { $$ = 0 }
+| "driveskbd" { $$ = 1 }
+| "driveskbd" '=' BOOLEAN { $$ = $3 }
+ /* Empty */
+| interprets interpret
+/* A single interpretation. */
+ "usemodmap" '=' level ';'
+ { current_interpretation->match &= 0x7F | ($3 << 7) } /* XXX */
+| repeat ';'
+ {
+ current_interpretation->flags &= ~(KEYREPEAT | KEYNOREPEAT);
+ current_interpretation->flags |= $1;
+ }
+| locking ';' {}
+| "virtualmod" '=' vmod ';' { current_interpretation->vmod = $3 }
+| "action" '=' action ';'
+ {
+ memcpy (&current_interpretation->action, $3, sizeof (xkb_action_t));
+ free ($3);
+ }
+/* Process the includes on the stack. */
+ '{' compatsect '}' { close_include () }
+| compatinclude '{' compatsect '}' { close_include () }
+/* The body of a compatibility section. */
+ /* Empty */
+| compatsect vmods_def
+| compatsect "interpret" '.'
+ { current_interpretation = &default_interpretation }
+ interpret
+| compatsect "interpret" symbol
+ {
+ if ($3 != -1)
+ {
+ interpret_new (&current_interpretation, $3);
+ current_interpretation->match |= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ '{' interprets '}' ';'
+| compatsect "interpret" symbol '+' rmod
+ {
+ if ($3 != -1)
+ {
+ interpret_new (&current_interpretation, $3);
+ current_interpretation->rmods = $5;
+ current_interpretation->match |= 4;
+ }
+ }
+ '{' interprets '}' ';'
+| compatsect "interpret" symbol '+' "any"
+ {
+ if ($3 != -1)
+ {
+ interpret_new (&current_interpretation, $3);
+ current_interpretation->rmods = 255;
+ current_interpretation->match |= 2;
+ }
+ }
+ '{' interprets '}' ';'
+| compatsect "interpret" symbol '+' INTERPMATCH '(' mods ')'
+ {
+ if ($3 != -1)
+ {
+ interpret_new (&current_interpretation, $3);
+ current_interpretation->rmods = $7.rmods;
+ current_interpretation->match |= $5;
+ }
+ }
+ '{' interprets '}' ';'
+| compatsect GROUP NUM '=' mods ';'
+| compatsect "indicator" STR '{' indicators '}' ';'
+| compatsect include STR
+ { include_sections ($3, XKBCOMPAT, "compat", $2) }
+ compatinclude
+| compatsect actiondef
+| compatsect "indicator" '.' indicator
+ /* Booleans */
+/* Boolean for clearlocks. */
+ '~' "clearlocks" { $$ = 0 }
+| '!' "clearlocks" { $$ = 0 }
+| "clearlocks" { $$ = 1 }
+| "clearlocks" '=' BOOLEAN { $$ = $3 }
+/* Boolean for latchtolock. */
+ '~' "latchtolock" { $$ = 0 }
+| '!' "latchtolock" { $$ = 0 }
+| "latchtolock" { $$ = 1 }
+| "latchtolock" '=' BOOLEAN { $$ = $3 }
+/* Boolean for useModMap. */
+ '~' "usemodmap" { $$ = 0 }
+| '!' "usemodmap" { $$ = 0 }
+| "usemodmap" { $$ = 1 }
+| "usemodmap" '=' BOOLEAN { $$ = $3 }
+/* Boolean for locking. */
+ '~' "locking" { $$ = 0 }
+| '!' "locking" { $$ = 0 }
+| "locking" { $$ = 1 }
+| "locking" '=' BOOLEAN { $$ = $3 }
+/* Boolean for repeat. */
+ '~' "repeat" { $$ = KEYNOREPEAT }
+| '!' "repeat" { $$ = KEYNOREPEAT }
+| "repeat" { $$ = KEYREPEAT }
+| "repeat" '=' BOOLEAN
+ {
+ if ($3)
+ else
+ }
+/* Boolean for groupswrap. */
+ '~' "groupswrap" { $$ = 0 }
+| '!' "groupswrap" { $$ = 0 }
+| "groupswrap" { $$ = 1 }
+| "groupswrap" '=' BOOLEAN { $$ = $3 }
+/* Boolean for groupsclamp. */
+ '~' "groupsclamp" { $$ = 0 }
+| '!' "groupsclamp" { $$ = 0 }
+| "groupsclamp" { $$ = 1 }
+| "groupsclamp" '=' BOOLEAN { $$ = $3 }
+/* Boolean for noaccel. */
+ '~' "accel" { $$ = 0 }
+| '!' "accel" { $$ = 0 }
+| "accel" { $$ = 1 }
+| "accel" '=' BOOLEAN { $$ = $3 }
+ '~' "sameserver" { $$ = 0 }
+| '!' "sameserver" { $$ = 0 }
+| "sameserver" { $$ = 1 }
+| "sameserver" '=' BOOLEAN { $$ = $3 }
+ /* empty */
+| setmodsparam
+| setmodsparams ',' setmodsparam
+/* Parameter for the (Set|Lock|Latch)Mods action. */
+ "mods" '=' mods
+ {
+ ((action_setmods_t *) current_action)->modmap = $3;
+ }
+| "mods" '=' "usemodmap"
+ { ((action_setmods_t *) current_action)->flags |= useModMap;
+ }
+| clearlocks
+ {
+ ((action_setmods_t *) current_action)->flags &= ~clearLocks;
+ ((action_setmods_t *) current_action)->flags |= $1;
+ }
+| usemodmap
+ {
+ ((action_setmods_t *) current_action)->flags &= ~useModMap;
+ ((action_setmods_t *) current_action)->flags |= $1;
+ }
+| latchtolock
+ {
+ ((action_setmods_t *) current_action)->flags &= ~latchToLock;
+ ((action_setmods_t *) current_action)->flags |= $1;
+ }
+/* empty */
+| setgroupparam
+| setgroupparams ',' setgroupparam
+/* Parameter for the (Set|Lock|Latch)Group action. */
+ "group" '=' NUM
+ {
+ ((action_setgroup_t *) current_action)->group = $3;
+ ((action_setgroup_t *) current_action)->flags |= groupAbsolute;
+ }
+| "group" '=' '+' NUM
+ {
+ ((action_setgroup_t *) current_action)->group = $4;
+ }
+| "group" '=' '-' NUM
+ {
+ ((action_setgroup_t *) current_action)->group = -$4;
+ }
+| clearlocks
+ {
+ ((action_setgroup_t *) current_action)->flags |= $1;
+ }
+| latchtolock
+ {
+ ((action_setgroup_t *) current_action)->flags |= $1;
+ }
+/* empty */
+| moveptrparam
+| moveptrparams ',' moveptrparam
+/* Parameters for the MovePtr action. */
+ {
+ ((action_moveptr_t *) current_action)->x = $3;
+ ((action_setgroup_t *) current_action)->flags |= MoveAbsoluteX;
+ }
+ {
+ ((action_moveptr_t *) current_action)->x = $4;
+ }
+ {
+ ((action_moveptr_t *) current_action)->x = -$4;
+ }
+| noaccel
+ {
+ ((action_moveptr_t *) current_action)->flags |= NoAcceleration;
+ }
+/* A mouse button. */
+ NUM { $$ = $1 }
+| BUTTONNUM { $$ = $1 }
+| "default" { $$ = 0 }
+ "lock"
+| "unlock"
+| "both"
+| "neither"
+ /* empty */
+| ptrbtnparam
+| ptrbtnparams ',' ptrbtnparam
+/* Parameters for the (Set|Lock|Latch)PtrBtn action. */
+ "button" '=' button
+ { ((action_ptrbtn_t *) current_action)->button = $3; }
+| "count" '=' NUM
+ { ((action_ptrbtn_t *) current_action)->count = $3; }
+| "affect" '=' affectbtnlock
+ {
+ // ((action_ptrbtn_t *) $$)->a = $3;
+ }
+/* XXX: This should be extended. */
+ "defaultbutton"
+| "button"
+| "all"
+/* empty */
+| ptrdfltparam
+| ptrdfltparams ',' ptrdfltparam
+/* Parameters for the SetPtrDflt action. */
+ "button" '=' button { }
+| "button" '=' '+' button { }
+| "button" '=' '-' button { }
+| "affect" '=' affectbtns { }
+/* A list of controlflags. */
+ ctrls '+' CONTROLFLAG// { $$ |= $3 }
+| CONTROLFLAG// { $$ = $1 }
+/* Modified controlflags. */
+ ctrls { /*$$ = $1*/ }
+| "all" { $$ = 0xFFFF }
+| "none" { $$ = 0 }
+/* The parameters of a (Set|Lock|Latch)Ctrls Action. */
+ "controls" '=' ctrlflags
+ { /* ((action_setcontrols_t *) $$)->controls = $3; */ }
+ "mods"
+| "groups"
+| "controls"
+| "pointers"
+| "all"
+| "none"
+/* empty */
+| isolockparam
+| isolockparams ',' isolockparam
+/* Parameters for the ISOLock action. */
+ "mods" '=' mods
+| "mods" '=' USEMODMAP
+| "group" '=' group
+| "controls" '=' ctrlflags
+| "affect" '=' isoaffect
+ switchscrnparam
+ | switchscrnparams ',' switchscrnparam
+/* Parameters for the SwitchScreen action. */
+ "screen" '=' NUM
+ {
+ ((action_switchscrn_t *) current_action)->screen = $3;
+ ((action_switchscrn_t *) current_action)->flags |= screenAbs;
+ }
+| "screen" '+' '=' NUM
+ {
+ ((action_switchscrn_t *) current_action)->screen = $4;
+ }
+| "screen" '-' '=' NUM
+ {
+ ((action_switchscrn_t *) current_action)->screen = -$4;
+ }
+| sameserver
+ {
+ /* XXX: Implement this. */
+/* ((action_switchscrn_t *) current_action)->flags &= ~0; */
+/* ((action_switchscrn_t *) current_action)->flags |= $1; */
+ }
+ consscrollparam
+ | consscrollparams ',' consscrollparam
+/* Parameters for the ConsScroll action. */
+ "screen" '+' '=' FLOAT
+ {
+ ((action_consscroll_t *) current_action)->screen = $4;
+ }
+| "screen" '-' '=' FLOAT
+ {
+ ((action_consscroll_t *) current_action)->screen = -$4;
+ }
+| "line" '=' NUM
+ {
+ ((action_consscroll_t *) current_action)->line = $3;
+ ((action_consscroll_t *) current_action)->flags |= lineAbs;
+ }
+| "line" '+' '=' NUM
+ {
+ ((action_consscroll_t *) current_action)->line = $4;
+ }
+| "line" '-' '=' NUM
+ {
+ ((action_consscroll_t *) current_action)->line = -$4;
+ }
+| "percent" '=' NUM
+ {
+ ((action_consscroll_t *) current_action)->percent = $3;
+ ((action_consscroll_t *) current_action)->flags |= usePercentage;
+ }
+ /* empty */
+ | privateparam
+ | privateparams ',' privateparam
+ "type" '=' HEX
+ {
+ }
+| "data" '=' STR
+ {
+ }
+/* An action definition. */
+ "setmods"
+ {
+ if (set_default_action (&default_setmods, &current_action))
+ }
+ '(' setmodsparams ')' { $$ = current_action }
+| "latchmods"
+ {
+ if (set_default_action (&default_latchmods, &current_action))
+ }
+ '(' setmodsparams ')' { $$ = current_action }
+| "lockmods"
+ {
+ if (set_default_action (&default_lockmods, &current_action))
+ }
+ '(' setmodsparams ')' { $$ = current_action }
+| "setgroup"
+ {
+ if (set_default_action (&default_setgroup, &current_action))
+ }
+ '(' setgroupparams ')' { $$ = current_action }
+| "latchgroup"
+ {
+ if (set_default_action (&default_latchgroup, &current_action))
+ }
+ '(' setgroupparams ')' { $$ = current_action }
+| "lockgroup"
+ {
+ if (set_default_action (&default_lockgroup, &current_action))
+ }
+ '(' setgroupparams ')' { $$ = current_action }
+| "moveptr"
+ {
+ if (set_default_action (&default_moveptr, &current_action))
+ }
+ '(' moveptrparams ')' { $$ = current_action }
+| "ptrbtn"
+ {
+ if (set_default_action (&default_ptrbtn, &current_action))
+ }
+ '(' ptrbtnparams ')' { $$ = current_action }
+| "lockptrbtn"
+ {
+ if (set_default_action (&default_lockptrbtn, &current_action))
+ }
+ '(' ptrbtnparams ')' { $$ = current_action }
+| "setptrdflt"
+ {
+ if (set_default_action (&default_ptrdflt, &current_action))
+ }
+ '(' ptrdfltparams ')' { $$ = current_action }
+| "setcontrols"
+ {
+ if (set_default_action (&default_setcontrols, &current_action))
+ }
+ '(' ctrlparams ')' { $$ = current_action }
+| "lockcontrols"
+ {
+ if (set_default_action (&default_lockcontrols, &current_action))
+ }
+ '(' ctrlparams ')' { $$ = current_action }
+| "terminate" '(' ')'
+ { $$ = calloc (1, sizeof (xkb_action_t)); $$->type = SA_TerminateServer }
+| "switchscreen"
+ {
+ if (set_default_action (&default_switchscrn, &current_action))
+ }
+'(' switchscrnparams ')' { $$ = current_action }
+| "consscroll"
+ {
+ if (set_default_action (&default_consscroll, &current_action))
+ }
+ '(' consscrollparams ')' { $$ = current_action }
+| "isolock"
+ {
+ if (set_default_action (&default_isolock, &current_action))
+ }
+ '(' isolockparams ')' { $$ = current_action }
+| "private" '(' privateparams ')'
+ { $$ = calloc (1, sizeof (xkb_action_t)); $$->type = SA_NoAction }
+| "noaction" '(' ')'
+ { $$ = calloc (1, sizeof (xkb_action_t)); $$->type = SA_NoAction }
+| error ')' { yyerror ("Invalid action\n") }
+/* Define values for default actions. */
+ "setmods" '.' { current_action = &default_setmods } setmodsparam ';'
+| "latchmods" '.' { current_action = &default_latchmods } setmodsparam ';'
+| "lockmods" '.' { current_action = &default_lockmods } setmodsparam ';'
+| "setgroup" '.' { current_action = &default_setgroup } setgroupparam ';'
+| "latchgroup" '.' { current_action = &default_latchgroup } setgroupparam ';'
+| "lockgroup" '.' { current_action = &default_lockgroup } setgroupparam ';'
+| "moveptr" '.' { current_action = &default_moveptr } moveptrparam ';'
+| "ptrbtn" '.' { current_action = &default_ptrbtn } ptrbtnparam ';'
+| "lockptrbtn" '.' { current_action = &default_lockptrbtn } ptrbtnparam ';'
+| "setptrdflt" '.' { current_action = &default_ptrdflt } ptrdfltparam ';'
+| "setcontrols" '.' { current_action = &default_setcontrols } ctrlparams ';'
+| "lockcontrols" '.' { current_action = &default_lockcontrols } ctrlparams ';'
+| "isolock" '.' { current_action = &default_isolock } isolockparam ';'
+| "switchscreen" '.' { current_action = &default_switchscrn } switchscrnparam ';'
+/* The header of a symbols section. */
+ flags "xkb_symbols" '{' symbolssect '}' ';'
+| flags "xkb_symbols" STR '{' symbolssect '}' ';'
+/* A group. */
+ GROUPNUM { $$ = $1 - 1 }
+| NUM { $$ = $1 - 1}
+| HEX { $$ = $1 - 1}
+/* A list of keysyms and keycodes bound to a realmodifier. */
+ key_list ',' KEYCODE { set_rmod_keycode ($3, current_rmod) }
+| key_list ',' symbolname { ksrm_add ($3, current_rmod) }
+| KEYCODE { set_rmod_keycode ($1, current_rmod) }
+| symbolname { ksrm_add ($1, current_rmod) }
+/* Process the includes on the stack. */
+ '{' symbolssect '}' { close_include () }
+| symbolinclude '{' symbolssect '}' { close_include () }
+/* A XKB symbol section. It is used to bind keysymbols, actions and
+ realmodifiers to keycodes. */
+ /* Empty */
+| symbolssect vmods_def
+| symbolssect NAME '[' group ']' '=' STR ';'
+| symbolssect "key" KEYCODE
+ {
+ key_new ($3);
+ current_group = 0;
+ } '{' keydescs '}' ';'
+| symbolssect "replace" "key" KEYCODE
+ {
+ key_delete ($4);
+ key_new ($4);
+ current_group = 0;
+ } '{' keydescs '}' ';'
+| symbolssect "override" "key" KEYCODE
+ {
+ key_delete ($4);
+ key_new ($4);
+ current_group = 0;
+ } '{' keydescs '}' ';'
+| symbolssect "modifier_map" rmod { current_rmod = $3 } '{' key_list '}' ';'
+| symbolssect include STR
+ { include_sections ($3, XKBSYMBOLS, "symbols", $2) }
+ symbolinclude
+| symbolssect actiondef
+| symbolssect "key" '.' {current_key = default_key } keydesc ';'
+| symbolssect error ';' { yyerror ("Error in symbol section\n") }
+/* Returns a keysymbols, the numberic representation. */
+ IDENTIFIER { $$ = XStringToKeysym ($1); }
+| NUM { $$ = $1 + '0' }
+/* None or more keysyms, assigned to a single group of the current
+ key. */
+ /* empty */
+| groupsyms ',' symbolname
+ { key_set_keysym (current_key, current_group, symbolcnt++, $3) }
+| { symbolcnt = 0 } symbolname
+ {
+ symbolcnt = 0;
+ key_set_keysym (current_key, current_group, symbolcnt++, $2);
+ }
+/* A list of actions. */
+ actions ',' action
+ { key_set_action (current_key, current_group, actioncnt++, $3) }
+| { actioncnt = 0 } action
+ { key_set_action ( current_key, current_group, actioncnt++, $2) }
+ keydesc
+| keydescs ',' keydesc
+/* A single key and everything assigned to it. */
+ "type" '[' group ']' '=' STR
+ {
+ current_key->groups[$3].keytype = keytype_find ($6);
+ }
+| "type" '[' error ']' { yyerror ("Invalid group.\n") }
+| "type" '=' STR
+ { current_key->groups[current_group].keytype = keytype_find ($3) }
+| { symbolcnt = 0 } "symbols" '[' group ']' { current_group = $4 } '=' '[' groupsyms ']'
+ {
+ current_key->numgroups = ($4 + 1) > current_key->numgroups ?
+ ($4 + 1) : current_key->numgroups;
+ }
+| {actioncnt = 0 } "actions" '[' group ']' { current_group = $4 } '=' '[' actions ']'
+ {
+ current_key->numgroups = ($4 + 1) > current_key->numgroups ?
+ ($4 + 1) : current_key->numgroups;
+ }
+| "virtualmods" '=' mods
+ { current_key->mods.vmods = $3.vmods }
+| '[' groupsyms ']'
+ {
+ current_group++;
+ current_key->numgroups = current_group > current_key->numgroups ?
+ current_group : current_key->numgroups;
+ }
+| '[' actions ']'
+ {
+ current_group++;
+ current_key->numgroups = current_group > current_key->numgroups ?
+ current_group : current_key->numgroups;
+ }
+| locking {}/* This is not implemented - YET. */
+/* XXX: There 3 features are described in Ivan Pascals docs about XKB,
+ but aren't used in the standard keymaps and cannot be used because it
+ cannot be stored in the XKM dataformat. */
+| groupswrap {}
+| groupsclamp {}
+| "groupsredirect" '=' NUM
+| "overlay" '=' KEYCODE /* If you _REALLY_ need overlays, mail me!!!! */
+| repeat
+ {
+ current_key->flags &= ~(KEYREPEAT | KEYNOREPEAT);
+ current_key->flags |= $1;
+ }
+/* The geometry map is ignored. */
+/* The header of a geometry section. */
+ flags "xkb_geometry" '{' { skipsection () } '}' ';'
+| flags "xkb_geometry" STR '{' { skipsection () } '}' ';'
+/* Skip all tokens until a section of the type SECTIONSYMBOL with the
+ name SECTIONNAME is found. */
+static void
+skip_to_sectionname (char *sectionname, int sectionsymbol)
+ int symbol;
+ do
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ symbol = yylex ();
+ } while (symbol != sectionsymbol);
+ symbol = yylex ();
+ if (symbol != STR)
+ continue;
+ } while (strcmp (yylval.str, sectionname));
+/* Skip all tokens until the default section is found. */
+static void
+skip_to_defaultsection (void)
+ int symbol;
+ /* Search the default section. */
+ do
+ {
+ symbol = yylex ();
+ } while (symbol != DEFAULT);
+ do
+ {
+ symbol = yylex ();
+ } while (symbol != '{');
+ scanner_unput ('{');
+/* Include a single file. INCL is the filename. SECTIONSYMBOL is the
+ token that marks the beginning of the section. DIRNAME is the name
+ of the directory from where the includefiles must be loaded. NEW_MM
+ is the mergemode that should be used. */
+static error_t
+include_section (char *incl, int sectionsymbol, char *dirname,
+ mergemode new_mm)
+ void include_file (FILE *, mergemode, char *);
+ char *filename;
+ char *sectionname = NULL;
+ FILE *includefile;
+ sectionname = strchr (incl, '(');
+ if (sectionname)
+ {
+ int snlen;
+ snlen = strlen (sectionname);
+ if (sectionname[snlen-1] != ')')
+ return 0;
+ sectionname[snlen-1] = '\0';
+ sectionname[0] = '\0';
+ sectionname++;
+ if (asprintf (&filename, "%s/%s", dirname, incl) < 0)
+ return ENOMEM;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (asprintf (&filename, "%s/%s", dirname, incl) < 0)
+ return ENOMEM;
+ }
+ includefile = fopen (strdup (filename), "r");
+ if (includefile == NULL)
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "Couldn't open include file \"%s\"\n", filename);
+ exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
+ }
+ include_file (includefile, new_mm, strdup (filename));
+ /* If there is a sectionname not the entire file should be included,
+ the scanner should be positioned at the required section. */
+ if (sectionname)
+ skip_to_sectionname (sectionname, sectionsymbol);
+ else
+ skip_to_defaultsection ();
+ return 0;
+/* Include multiple file sections, seperated by '+'. INCL is the
+ include string. SECTIONSYMBOL is the token that marks the beginning
+ of the section. DIRNAME is the name of the directory from where the
+ includefiles must be loaded. NEW_MM is the mergemode that should be
+ used. */
+static error_t
+include_sections (char *incl, int sectionsymbol, char *dirname,
+ mergemode new_mm)
+ char *curstr;
+ char *s;
+ if (new_mm == defaultmm)
+ new_mm = merge_mode;
+/* printf ("dir: %s - include: %s: %d\n", dirname, incl, new_mm); */
+ /* Cut of all includes, starting with the first. The includes are
+ pushed on the stack in reversed order. */
+ do {
+ curstr = strrchr (incl, '+');
+ if (curstr)
+ {
+ curstr[0] = '\0';
+ curstr++;
+ s = strdup (curstr);
+ if (s == NULL)
+ return ENOMEM;
+ include_section (s, sectionsymbol, dirname, new_mm);
+ free (s);
+ }
+ } while (curstr);
+ s = strdup (incl);
+ if (s == NULL)
+ return ENOMEM;
+ include_section (s, sectionsymbol, dirname, new_mm);
+ free (s);
+ return 0;
+/* Skip all tokens until the end of the section is reached. */
+static void
+skipsection (void)
+ /* Pathesensis counter. */
+ int p = 0;
+ while (p >= 0)
+ {
+ int symbol = yylex ();
+ if (symbol == '{')
+ p++;
+ if (symbol == '}')
+ p--;
+ }
+ scanner_unput ('}');
+/* Initialize the default action with the default DEF. */
+static error_t
+set_default_action (struct xkb_action *def,
+ struct xkb_action **newact)
+ struct xkb_action *newaction;
+ newaction = malloc (sizeof (struct xkb_action));
+ if (newaction == NULL)
+ return ENOMEM;
+ memcpy (newaction, def, sizeof (struct xkb_action));
+ *newact = newaction;
+ return 0;
+/* Remove all keysyms bound to the group GROUP or the key KEY. */
+static void
+remove_symbols (struct key *key, group_t group)
+ // printf ("rem: group: %d\n", group);
+ if (key->groups[group].symbols)
+ {
+ free (key->groups[group].symbols);
+ key->groups[group].symbols = NULL;
+ key->groups[group].width = 0;
+ }
+/* Set the keysym KS for key KEY on group GROUP and level LEVEL. */
+static void
+key_set_keysym (struct key *key, group_t group, int level, symbol ks)
+ symbol *keysyms = key->groups[group].symbols;
+ if ((level + 1) > key->groups[group].width)
+ {
+ keysyms = realloc (keysyms, level + 1);
+ if (!keys)
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "No mem\n");
+ exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
+ }
+ key->groups[group].symbols = keysyms;
+ key->groups[group].width++;
+ }
+ else
+ /* For NoSymbol leave the old symbol intact. */
+ if (!ks)
+ return;
+ keysyms[level++] = ks;
+/* Set the action ACTION for key KEY on group GROUP and level LEVEL. */
+key_set_action (struct key *key, group_t group, int level, xkb_action_t *action)
+ xkb_action_t **actions = key->groups[group].actions;
+ size_t width = key->groups[group].actionwidth;
+ if ((size_t) (level + 1) > width)
+ {
+ actions = realloc (actions, level + 1);
+ /* Previous levels have no actions defined. */
+ memset (&actions[level - 1], 0, level - width);
+ if (!keys)
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "No mem\n");
+ exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
+ }
+ key->groups[group].actions = actions;
+ key->groups[group].actionwidth += level - width + 1;
+ }
+ actions[level++] = action;
+/* Delete keycode to keysym mapping. */
+key_delete (char *keyname)
+ group_t group;
+ keycode_t kc = keyname_find (keyname);
+ current_key = &keys[kc];
+ for (group = 0; group < current_key->numgroups; group++)
+ remove_symbols (current_key, group);
+ memset (current_key, 0, sizeof (struct key));
+/* Create a new keycode to keysym mapping, check if the old one should
+ be removed or preserved. */
+static void
+key_new (char *keyname)
+ group_t group;
+ int isempty (char *mem, int size)
+ {
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
+ if (mem[i])
+ return 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ keycode_t kc = keyname_find (keyname);
+ if (merge_mode == augment)
+ {
+ if (!isempty ((char *) &keys[kc], sizeof (struct key)))
+ {
+ current_key = &dummy_key;
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ current_key = &keys[kc];
+ }
+ if (merge_mode == override)
+ current_key = &keys[kc];
+ if (merge_mode == replace)
+ {
+ key_delete (keyname);
+ current_key = &keys[kc];
+ }
+ if (current_key->numgroups == 0 || merge_mode == replace)
+ {
+ /* Clone the default key. */
+ memcpy (current_key, default_key, sizeof (struct key));
+ for (group = 0; group < 3; group++)
+ {
+ current_key->groups[group].symbols = NULL;
+ current_key->groups[group].actions = NULL;
+ current_key->groups[group].actionwidth = 0;
+ current_key->groups[group].width = 0;
+ }
+ }
+/* Load the XKB configuration from the section XKBKEYMAP in the
+ keymapfile XKBKEYMAPFILE. Use XKBDIR as root directory for relative
+ pathnames. */
+parse_xkbconfig (char *xkbdir, char *xkbkeymapfile, char *xkbkeymap)
+ error_t err;
+ char *cwd = getcwd (NULL, 0);
+ extern FILE *yyin;
+ extern char *filename;
+ // xkbkeymap = 0;
+ // xkbkeymapfile = 0;
+ // xkbdir = "/etc/X11/xkb";
+ // xkbdir ="/home/marco/xkb";
+ // xkbkeymapfile = "keymap/hurd";
+ // xkbkeymap = "hack";
+ debug_printf ("Dir: %s, file: %s sect: %s\n", xkbdir, xkbkeymapfile, xkbkeymap);
+ // xkbkeymapfile = "default.xkb";
+ //xkbkeymap = "us";
+ // yydebug = 1;
+ if (xkbkeymapfile)
+ {
+ filename = xkbkeymapfile;
+ if (chdir (xkbdir) == -1)
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "Could not set \"%s\" as the active directory\n",
+ xkbdir);
+ return errno;
+ }
+ yyin = fopen (xkbkeymapfile, "r");
+ if (yyin == NULL)
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "Couldn't open keymap file\n");
+ return errno;
+ }
+ if (xkbkeymap)
+ skip_to_sectionname (xkbkeymap, XKBKEYMAP);
+ }
+ else /* Use defaults. */
+ {
+ extern char *default_xkb_keymap;
+ filename = "<<INTERNAL>>";
+ yyin = tmpfile ();
+ //yyin = fopen ("TEST", "w+");
+ if (yyin == NULL)
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "Couldn't create tmp file.\n");
+ return errno;
+ }
+ /* XXX: error handling. */
+ fprintf (yyin, "%s\n", default_xkb_keymap);
+ rewind (yyin);
+ }
+ err = yyparse ();
+ fclose (yyin);
+ if (err || yynerrs > 0)
+ return EINVAL;
+ if (xkbkeymapfile)
+ {
+ if (chdir (cwd) == -1)
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr,
+ "Could not set \"%s\" as the active directory\n", cwd);
+ return errno;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Apply keysym to realmodifier mappings. */
+ ksrm_apply ();
+ free (cwd);
+ return 0;