/* * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1991,1990,1989,1988 Carnegie Mellon University * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon * the rights to redistribute these changes. */ /* * File: vm/vm_user.c * Author: Avadis Tevanian, Jr., Michael Wayne Young * * User-exported virtual memory functions. */ #include <mach/boolean.h> #include <mach/kern_return.h> #include <mach/mach_types.h> /* to get vm_address_t */ #include <mach/memory_object.h> #include <mach/std_types.h> /* to get pointer_t */ #include <mach/vm_attributes.h> #include <mach/vm_param.h> #include <mach/vm_statistics.h> #include <kern/host.h> #include <kern/task.h> #include <vm/vm_fault.h> #include <vm/vm_map.h> #include <vm/vm_object.h> #include <vm/vm_page.h> vm_statistics_data_t vm_stat; /* * vm_allocate allocates "zero fill" memory in the specfied * map. */ kern_return_t vm_allocate(map, addr, size, anywhere) register vm_map_t map; register vm_offset_t *addr; register vm_size_t size; boolean_t anywhere; { kern_return_t result; if (map == VM_MAP_NULL) return(KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); if (size == 0) { *addr = 0; return(KERN_SUCCESS); } if (anywhere) *addr = vm_map_min(map); else *addr = trunc_page(*addr); size = round_page(size); result = vm_map_enter( map, addr, size, (vm_offset_t)0, anywhere, VM_OBJECT_NULL, (vm_offset_t)0, FALSE, VM_PROT_DEFAULT, VM_PROT_ALL, VM_INHERIT_DEFAULT); return(result); } /* * vm_deallocate deallocates the specified range of addresses in the * specified address map. */ kern_return_t vm_deallocate(map, start, size) register vm_map_t map; vm_offset_t start; vm_size_t size; { if (map == VM_MAP_NULL) return(KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); if (size == (vm_offset_t) 0) return(KERN_SUCCESS); return(vm_map_remove(map, trunc_page(start), round_page(start+size))); } /* * vm_inherit sets the inheritance of the specified range in the * specified map. */ kern_return_t vm_inherit(map, start, size, new_inheritance) register vm_map_t map; vm_offset_t start; vm_size_t size; vm_inherit_t new_inheritance; { if (map == VM_MAP_NULL) return(KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); switch (new_inheritance) { case VM_INHERIT_NONE: case VM_INHERIT_COPY: case VM_INHERIT_SHARE: break; default: return(KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } /*Check if range includes projected buffer; user is not allowed direct manipulation in that case*/ if (projected_buffer_in_range(map, start, start+size)) return(KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); return(vm_map_inherit(map, trunc_page(start), round_page(start+size), new_inheritance)); } /* * vm_protect sets the protection of the specified range in the * specified map. */ kern_return_t vm_protect(map, start, size, set_maximum, new_protection) register vm_map_t map; vm_offset_t start; vm_size_t size; boolean_t set_maximum; vm_prot_t new_protection; { if ((map == VM_MAP_NULL) || (new_protection & ~(VM_PROT_ALL|VM_PROT_NOTIFY))) return(KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); /*Check if range includes projected buffer; user is not allowed direct manipulation in that case*/ if (projected_buffer_in_range(map, start, start+size)) return(KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); return(vm_map_protect(map, trunc_page(start), round_page(start+size), new_protection, set_maximum)); } kern_return_t vm_statistics(map, stat) vm_map_t map; vm_statistics_data_t *stat; { if (map == VM_MAP_NULL) return(KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); *stat = vm_stat; stat->pagesize = PAGE_SIZE; stat->free_count = vm_page_free_count; stat->active_count = vm_page_active_count; stat->inactive_count = vm_page_inactive_count; stat->wire_count = vm_page_wire_count; return(KERN_SUCCESS); } /* * Handle machine-specific attributes for a mapping, such * as cachability, migrability, etc. */ kern_return_t vm_machine_attribute(map, address, size, attribute, value) vm_map_t map; vm_address_t address; vm_size_t size; vm_machine_attribute_t attribute; vm_machine_attribute_val_t* value; /* IN/OUT */ { extern kern_return_t vm_map_machine_attribute(); if (map == VM_MAP_NULL) return(KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); /*Check if range includes projected buffer; user is not allowed direct manipulation in that case*/ if (projected_buffer_in_range(map, address, address+size)) return(KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); return vm_map_machine_attribute(map, address, size, attribute, value); } kern_return_t vm_read(map, address, size, data, data_size) vm_map_t map; vm_address_t address; vm_size_t size; pointer_t *data; vm_size_t *data_size; { kern_return_t error; vm_map_copy_t ipc_address; if (map == VM_MAP_NULL) return(KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); if ((error = vm_map_copyin(map, address, size, FALSE, /* src_destroy */ &ipc_address)) == KERN_SUCCESS) { *data = (pointer_t) ipc_address; *data_size = size; } return(error); } kern_return_t vm_write(map, address, data, size) vm_map_t map; vm_address_t address; pointer_t data; vm_size_t size; { if (map == VM_MAP_NULL) return KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; return vm_map_copy_overwrite(map, address, (vm_map_copy_t) data, FALSE /* interruptible XXX */); } kern_return_t vm_copy(map, source_address, size, dest_address) vm_map_t map; vm_address_t source_address; vm_size_t size; vm_address_t dest_address; { vm_map_copy_t copy; kern_return_t kr; if (map == VM_MAP_NULL) return KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; kr = vm_map_copyin(map, source_address, size, FALSE, ©); if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) return kr; kr = vm_map_copy_overwrite(map, dest_address, copy, FALSE /* interruptible XXX */); if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) { vm_map_copy_discard(copy); return kr; } return KERN_SUCCESS; } /* * Routine: vm_map */ kern_return_t vm_map( target_map, address, size, mask, anywhere, memory_object, offset, copy, cur_protection, max_protection, inheritance) vm_map_t target_map; vm_offset_t *address; vm_size_t size; vm_offset_t mask; boolean_t anywhere; ipc_port_t memory_object; vm_offset_t offset; boolean_t copy; vm_prot_t cur_protection; vm_prot_t max_protection; vm_inherit_t inheritance; { register vm_object_t object; register kern_return_t result; if ((target_map == VM_MAP_NULL) || (cur_protection & ~VM_PROT_ALL) || (max_protection & ~VM_PROT_ALL)) return(KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); switch (inheritance) { case VM_INHERIT_NONE: case VM_INHERIT_COPY: case VM_INHERIT_SHARE: break; default: return(KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } *address = trunc_page(*address); size = round_page(size); if (!IP_VALID(memory_object)) { object = VM_OBJECT_NULL; offset = 0; copy = FALSE; } else if ((object = vm_object_enter(memory_object, size, FALSE)) == VM_OBJECT_NULL) return(KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); /* * Perform the copy if requested */ if (copy) { vm_object_t new_object; vm_offset_t new_offset; result = vm_object_copy_strategically(object, offset, size, &new_object, &new_offset, ©); /* * Throw away the reference to the * original object, as it won't be mapped. */ vm_object_deallocate(object); if (result != KERN_SUCCESS) return (result); object = new_object; offset = new_offset; } if ((result = vm_map_enter(target_map, address, size, mask, anywhere, object, offset, copy, cur_protection, max_protection, inheritance )) != KERN_SUCCESS) vm_object_deallocate(object); return(result); } /* * Specify that the range of the virtual address space * of the target task must not cause page faults for * the indicated accesses. * * [ To unwire the pages, specify VM_PROT_NONE. ] */ kern_return_t vm_wire(host, map, start, size, access) host_t host; register vm_map_t map; vm_offset_t start; vm_size_t size; vm_prot_t access; { if (host == HOST_NULL) return KERN_INVALID_HOST; if (map == VM_MAP_NULL) return KERN_INVALID_TASK; if (access & ~VM_PROT_ALL) return KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; /*Check if range includes projected buffer; user is not allowed direct manipulation in that case*/ if (projected_buffer_in_range(map, start, start+size)) return(KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); return vm_map_pageable_user(map, trunc_page(start), round_page(start+size), access); }