/* * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1991,1990 Carnegie Mellon University * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon * the rights to redistribute these changes. */ /* * File: scsi_alldevs.c * Author: Alessandro Forin, Carnegie Mellon University * Date: 10/90 * * Middle layer of the SCSI driver: SCSI protocol implementation * This file contains code for SCSI commands defined for all device types. */ #include <mach/std_types.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <scsi/compat_30.h> #include <scsi/scsi.h> #include <scsi/scsi2.h> #include <scsi/scsi_defs.h> #if (NSCSI > 0) void scsi_print_add_sense_keys(); /* forward */ /* * Utilities */ void scsi_go_and_wait(tgt, insize, outsize, ior) target_info_t *tgt; int insize, outsize; io_req_t ior; { register scsi_softc_t *sc = scsi_softc[(unsigned char)tgt->masterno]; tgt->ior = ior; (*sc->go)(tgt, insize, outsize, ior==0); if (ior) iowait(ior); else while (tgt->done == SCSI_RET_IN_PROGRESS); } void scsi_go(tgt, insize, outsize, cmd_only) target_info_t *tgt; int insize, outsize, cmd_only; { register scsi_softc_t *sc = scsi_softc[(unsigned char)tgt->masterno]; (*sc->go)(tgt, insize, outsize, cmd_only); } int sizeof_scsi_command( unsigned char cmd) { switch ((cmd & SCSI_CODE_GROUP) >> 5) { case 0: return sizeof(scsi_command_group_0); case 1: return sizeof(scsi_command_group_1); case 2: return sizeof(scsi_command_group_2); /* 3,4 reserved */ case 5: return sizeof(scsi_command_group_5); /* 6,7 vendor specific (!!) */ case 6: return sizeof(scsi_command_group_2); } } /* * INQUIRY (Almost mandatory) */ int scsi_inquiry( tgt, pagecode) register target_info_t *tgt; int pagecode; { scsi_cmd_inquiry_t *cmd; boolean_t no_ify = TRUE; retry: cmd = (scsi_cmd_inquiry_t*) (tgt->cmd_ptr); cmd->scsi_cmd_code = SCSI_CMD_INQUIRY; cmd->scsi_cmd_lun_and_lba1 = 0; cmd->scsi_cmd_lba3 = 0; cmd->scsi_cmd_xfer_len = 0xff; /* max len always */ cmd->scsi_cmd_ctrl_byte = 0; /* not linked */ /*#ifdef SCSI2*/ if (pagecode != SCSI_INQ_STD_DATA) { cmd->scsi_cmd_lun_and_lba1 |= SCSI_CMD_INQ_EVPD; cmd->scsi_cmd_page_code = pagecode; } else /*#endif SCSI2*/ cmd->scsi_cmd_page_code = 0; tgt->cur_cmd = SCSI_CMD_INQUIRY; /* * Note: this is sent when we do not know much about the * target, so we might not put an identify message upfront */ scsi_go(tgt, sizeof(*cmd), 0xff, no_ify); /* * This spin loop is because we are called at autoconf * time where we cannot thread_block(). Sigh. */ while (tgt->done == SCSI_RET_IN_PROGRESS) ; if (tgt->done == SCSI_RET_RETRY) /* sync negotiation ? */ goto retry; if ((tgt->done != SCSI_RET_SUCCESS) && no_ify) { no_ify = FALSE; goto retry; } return tgt->done; } void scsi_print_inquiry( inq, pagecode, result) scsi2_inquiry_data_t *inq; int pagecode; char *result; { static char *periph_names[10] = { "disk", "tape", "printer", "processor", "WORM-disk", "CD-ROM", "scanner", "memory", "jukebox", "communication" }; static char *periph_state[4] = { "online", "offline", "?", "absent" }; char dev[SCSI_TARGET_NAME_LEN], *devname; register int i, j = 0; if (pagecode != SCSI_INQ_STD_DATA) return; devname = result ? result : dev; if (!result) { printf("\n\t%s%s %s (%s %x)", (inq->rmb) ? "" : "non-", "removable SCSI", (inq->periph_type > 10) ? "?device?" : periph_names[inq->periph_type], periph_state[inq->periph_qual & 0x3], inq->device_type); printf("\n\t%s%s%s", inq->iso ? "ISO-compliant, " : "", inq->ecma ? "ECMA-compliant, " : "", inq->ansi ? "ANSI-compliant, " : ""); if (inq->ansi) printf("%s%d, ", "SCSI-", inq->ansi); if (inq->response_fmt == 2) printf("%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", "Supports: ", inq->aenc ? "AENC, " : "", inq->trmIOP ? "TrmIOP, " : "", inq->RelAdr ? "RelAdr, " : "", inq->Wbus32 ? "32 bit xfers, " : "", inq->Wbus16 ? "16 bis xfers, " : "", inq->Sync ? "Sync xfers, " : "", inq->Linked ? "Linked cmds, " : "", inq->CmdQue ? "Tagged cmd queues, " : "", inq->SftRe ? "Soft" : "Hard", " RESET, "); } for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) if (inq->vendor_id[i] != ' ') devname[j++] = inq->vendor_id[i]; devname[j++] = ' '; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) if (inq->product_id[i] != ' ') devname[j++] = inq->product_id[i]; devname[j++] = ' '; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) if (inq->product_rev[i] != ' ') devname[j++] = inq->product_rev[i]; #if unsafe devname[j++] = ' '; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) if (inq->vendor_uqe[i] != ' ') devname[j++] = inq->vendor_uqe[i]; #endif devname[j] = 0; if (!result) printf("(%s, %s%s)\n", devname, "SCSI ", (inq->periph_type > 10) ? "?device?" : periph_names[inq->periph_type]); } /* * REQUESTE SENSE (Mandatory, All) */ int scsi_request_sense(tgt, ior, data) register target_info_t *tgt; io_req_t ior; char **data; { scsi_cmd_request_sense_t *cmd; cmd = (scsi_cmd_request_sense_t *) (tgt->cmd_ptr); cmd->scsi_cmd_code = SCSI_CMD_REQUEST_SENSE; cmd->scsi_cmd_lun_and_lba1 = 0; cmd->scsi_cmd_lba2 = 0; cmd->scsi_cmd_lba3 = 0; cmd->scsi_cmd_allocation_length = 0xff; /* max len always */ cmd->scsi_cmd_ctrl_byte = 0; /* not linked */ tgt->cur_cmd = SCSI_CMD_REQUEST_SENSE; if (ior==0) scsi_go_and_wait (tgt, sizeof(*cmd), 0xff, ior); else { scsi_go(tgt, sizeof(*cmd), 0xff, FALSE); return tgt->done; } if (data) *data = tgt->cmd_ptr; (void) scsi_check_sense_data(tgt, tgt->cmd_ptr); return tgt->done; } boolean_t scsi_check_sense_data(tgt, sns) register target_info_t *tgt; scsi_sense_data_t *sns; { unsigned char code; if (sns->error_class != SCSI_SNS_XTENDED_SENSE_DATA) { printf("Bad sense data, vuqe class x%x code x%x\n", sns->error_class, sns->error_code); return FALSE; /* and good luck */ } else { code = sns->u.xtended.sense_key; switch (code) { case SCSI_SNS_NOSENSE: case SCSI_SNS_EQUAL: return TRUE; break; case SCSI_SNS_RECOVERED: scsi_error(tgt, SCSI_ERR_BAD | SCSI_ERR_SENSE, code, sns->u.xtended.add_bytes); return TRUE; break; case SCSI_SNS_UNIT_ATN: scsi_error(tgt, SCSI_ERR_SENSE, code, sns->u.xtended.add_bytes); return TRUE; break; case SCSI_SNS_NOTREADY: tgt->done = SCSI_RET_RETRY; return TRUE; case SCSI_SNS_ILLEGAL_REQ: if (tgt->flags & TGT_OPTIONAL_CMD) return TRUE; /* fall through */ default: /* e.g. case SCSI_SNS_MEDIUM_ERR: case SCSI_SNS_HW_ERR: case SCSI_SNS_PROTECT: case SCSI_SNS_BLANK_CHK: case SCSI_SNS_VUQE: case SCSI_SNS_COPY_ABRT: case SCSI_SNS_ABORTED: case SCSI_SNS_VOLUME_OVFL: case SCSI_SNS_MISCOMPARE: case SCSI_SNS_RESERVED: */ scsi_error(tgt, SCSI_ERR_GRAVE|SCSI_ERR_SENSE, code, sns->u.xtended.add_bytes); return FALSE; break; } } } /* * START STOP UNIT (Optional, disk prin work rom tape[load/unload]) */ int scsi_start_unit( tgt, ss, ior) register target_info_t *tgt; int ss; io_req_t ior; { scsi_cmd_start_t *cmd; cmd = (scsi_cmd_start_t*) (tgt->cmd_ptr); cmd->scsi_cmd_code = SCSI_CMD_START_STOP_UNIT; cmd->scsi_cmd_lun_and_lba1 = SCSI_CMD_SS_IMMED;/* 0 won't work ? */ cmd->scsi_cmd_lba2 = 0; cmd->scsi_cmd_lba3 = 0; cmd->scsi_cmd_ss_flags = ss; cmd->scsi_cmd_ctrl_byte = 0; /* not linked */ tgt->cur_cmd = SCSI_CMD_START_STOP_UNIT; scsi_go_and_wait(tgt, sizeof(*cmd), 0, ior); return tgt->done; } /* * TEST UNIT READY (Optional, All) * Note: this is where we do the synch negotiation at autoconf */ int scsi_test_unit_ready( tgt, ior) register target_info_t *tgt; io_req_t ior; { scsi_cmd_test_unit_ready_t *cmd; cmd = (scsi_cmd_test_unit_ready_t*) (tgt->cmd_ptr); cmd->scsi_cmd_code = SCSI_CMD_TEST_UNIT_READY; cmd->scsi_cmd_lun_and_lba1 = 0; cmd->scsi_cmd_lba2 = 0; cmd->scsi_cmd_lba3 = 0; cmd->scsi_cmd_ss_flags = 0; cmd->scsi_cmd_ctrl_byte = 0; /* not linked */ tgt->cur_cmd = SCSI_CMD_TEST_UNIT_READY; scsi_go_and_wait(tgt, sizeof(*cmd), 0, ior); return tgt->done; } /* * RECEIVE DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (Optional, All) */ int scsi_receive_diag( tgt, result, result_len, ior) register target_info_t *tgt; char *result; int result_len; io_req_t ior; { scsi_cmd_receive_diag_t *cmd; cmd = (scsi_cmd_receive_diag_t*) (tgt->cmd_ptr); cmd->scsi_cmd_code = SCSI_CMD_RECEIVE_DIAG_RESULTS; cmd->scsi_cmd_lun_and_lba1 = 0; cmd->scsi_cmd_lba2 = 0; cmd->scsi_cmd_lba3 = result_len >> 8 & 0xff; cmd->scsi_cmd_xfer_len = result_len & 0xff; cmd->scsi_cmd_ctrl_byte = 0; /* not linked */ tgt->cur_cmd = SCSI_CMD_RECEIVE_DIAG_RESULTS; scsi_go_and_wait(tgt, sizeof(*cmd), result_len, ior); bcopy(tgt->cmd_ptr, (char*)result, result_len); return tgt->done; } int scsi_mode_sense( tgt, pagecode, len, ior) register target_info_t *tgt; int pagecode; int len; io_req_t ior; { scsi_cmd_mode_sense_t *cmd; cmd = (scsi_cmd_mode_sense_t*) (tgt->cmd_ptr); cmd->scsi_cmd_code = SCSI_CMD_MODE_SENSE; cmd->scsi_cmd_lun_and_lba1 = 0; cmd->scsi_cmd_ms_pagecode = pagecode; cmd->scsi_cmd_lba3 = 0; cmd->scsi_cmd_xfer_len = len; cmd->scsi_cmd_ctrl_byte = 0; /* not linked */ tgt->cur_cmd = SCSI_CMD_MODE_SENSE; scsi_go_and_wait(tgt, sizeof(*cmd), len, ior); return tgt->done; } #if 0 /* unused */ /* * COPY (Optional, All) */ void scsi_copy( tgt, params, params_len, ior) register target_info_t *tgt; char *params; io_req_t ior; { scsi_cmd_copy_t *cmd; cmd = (scsi_cmd_copy_t*) (tgt->cmd_ptr; cmd->scsi_cmd_code = SCSI_CMD_COPY; cmd->scsi_cmd_lun_and_lba1 = 0; cmd->scsi_cmd_lba2 = params_len>>16 & 0xff; cmd->scsi_cmd_lba3 = params_len >> 8 & 0xff; cmd->scsi_cmd_xfer_len = params_len & 0xff; cmd->scsi_cmd_ctrl_byte = 0; /* not linked */ bcopy(params, cmd + 1, params_len); tgt->cur_cmd = SCSI_CMD_COPY; scsi_go_and_wait(tgt, sizeof(*cmd) + params_len, 0, ior); } /* * SEND DIAGNOSTIC (Optional, All) */ void scsi_send_diag( tgt, flags, params, params_len, ior) register target_info_t *tgt; char *params; io_req_t ior; { scsi_cmd_send_diag_t *cmd; cmd = (scsi_cmd_send_diag_t*) (tgt->cmd_ptr); cmd->scsi_cmd_code = SCSI_CMD_SEND_DIAGNOSTICS; cmd->scsi_cmd_lun_and_lba1 = flags & 0x7; cmd->scsi_cmd_lba2 = 0; cmd->scsi_cmd_lba3 = params_len >> 8 & 0xff; cmd->scsi_cmd_xfer_len = params_len & 0xff; cmd->scsi_cmd_ctrl_byte = 0; /* not linked */ bcopy(params, cmd + 1, params_len); tgt->cur_cmd = SCSI_CMD_SEND_DIAGNOSTICS; scsi_go_and_wait(tgt, sizeof(*cmd), 0, ior); } /* * COMPARE (Optional, All) */ void scsi_compare( tgt, params, params_len, ior) register target_info_t *tgt; char *params; io_req_t ior; { scsi_cmd_compare_t *cmd; cmd = (scsi_cmd_compare_t*) (tgt->cmd_ptr); cmd->scsi_cmd_code = SCSI_CMD_COMPARE; cmd->scsi_cmd_lun_and_relbit = 0; cmd->scsi_cmd_lba1 = 0; cmd->scsi_cmd_1_paraml1 = params_len >> 16 & 0xff; cmd->scsi_cmd_1_paraml2 = params_len >> 8 & 0xff; cmd->scsi_cmd_1_paraml3 = params_len & 0xff; cmd->scsi_cmd_xxx = 0; cmd->scsi_cmd_xfer_len_1 = 0; cmd->scsi_cmd_xfer_len_2 = 0; cmd->scsi_cmd_ctrl_byte = 0; /* not linked */ bcopy(params, cmd + 1, params_len); tgt->cur_cmd = SCSI_CMD_COMPARE; scsi_go_and_wait(tgt, sizeof(*cmd), 0, ior); } /* * COPY AND VERIFY (Optional, All) */ void scsi_copy_and_verify( tgt, params, params_len, bytchk, ior) register target_info_t *tgt; char *params; io_req_t ior; { scsi_cmd_compare_t *cmd; cmd = (scsi_cmd_compare_t*) (tgt->cmd_ptr); cmd->scsi_cmd_code = SCSI_CMD_COMPARE; cmd->scsi_cmd_lun_and_relbit = bytchk ? SCSI_CMD_CPY_BYTCHK : 0; cmd->scsi_cmd_lba1 = 0; cmd->scsi_cmd_1_paraml1 = params_len >> 16 & 0xff; cmd->scsi_cmd_1_paraml2 = params_len >> 8 & 0xff; cmd->scsi_cmd_1_paraml3 = params_len & 0xff; cmd->scsi_cmd_xxx = 0; cmd->scsi_cmd_xfer_len_1 = 0; cmd->scsi_cmd_xfer_len_2 = 0; cmd->scsi_cmd_ctrl_byte = 0; /* not linked */ bcopy(params, cmd + 1, params_len); tgt->cur_cmd = SCSI_CMD_COMPARE; scsi_go_and_wait(tgt, sizeof(*cmd), 0, ior); } #endif #ifdef SCSI2 scsi_change_definition scsi_log_select scsi_log_sense scsi_long_mode_select scsi_read_buffer scsi_write_buffer #endif SCSI2 /* * Warn user of some device error */ int scsi_debug = 0; static char *sns_msg[SCSI_SNS_RESERVED+1] = { "No Sense Data",/* shouldn't happen */ "Recovered", "Unit not ready", "Medium", "Hardware failure", "Illegal request", "Unit Attention Condition", "Protection", "Blank Check", "Vendor Unique", "Copy Operation Aborted", "Aborted Command", "Equal Comparison", "Volume Overflow", "Miscompare", "Reserved" }; void scsi_error( tgt, code, info, addtl) target_info_t *tgt; unsigned code; unsigned info; char *addtl; { char unit; char *msg, *cmd; scsi2_status_byte_t status; if (scsi_debug) code |= SCSI_ERR_GRAVE; if (tgt) unit = tgt->unit_no + '0'; else unit = '?'; switch (SCSI_ERR_CLASS(code)) { case SCSI_ERR_STATUS: cmd = "Bad status return"; status.bits = info; switch (status.st.scsi_status_code) { case SCSI_ST_GOOD: case SCSI_ST_CONDITION_MET: case SCSI_ST_INT_GOOD: case SCSI_ST_INT_MET: return; /* all is fine */ case SCSI_ST_CHECK_CONDITION: msg = "Check condition"; break; case SCSI_ST_RES_CONFLICT: msg = "Reservation conflict"; break; case SCSI_ST_BUSY: msg = "Target busy"; break; case SCSI_ST2_QUEUE_FULL: msg = "Queue full"; break; case SCSI_ST2_CMD_TERMINATED: msg = "Command terminated"; break; default: msg = "Strange"; break; } break; case SCSI_ERR_SENSE: cmd = "Sensed a"; msg = sns_msg[info & 0xf]; break; case SCSI_ERR_MSEL: cmd = "Mode select broken"; msg = ""; break; default: cmd = "Generic"; msg = ""; } if (SCSI_ERR_GRAVITY(code)) { printf("\n%s%c: %s %s %sx%x", "target ", unit, cmd, msg, "error, code ", info); if (addtl) { unsigned int add[3]; bcopy(addtl, (char*)add, 3*sizeof(int)); printf("%s x%x x%x x%x", ", additional info ", add[0], add[1], add[2]); } printf("\n"); } } void scsi_print_sense_data(sns) scsi_sense_data_t *sns; { printf("Sense data: %s%s, segment %d", sns_msg[sns->u.xtended.sense_key], " error", sns->u.xtended.segment_number); if (sns->u.xtended.ili) printf(", IncorrectLengthIndicator"); if (sns->u.xtended.eom) printf(", EndOfMedium"); if (sns->u.xtended.fm) printf(", FileMark"); if (sns->addr_valid) { unsigned int info; info = (sns->u.xtended.info0 << 24) | (sns->u.xtended.info1 << 16) | (sns->u.xtended.info2 << 8) | sns->u.xtended.info3; printf(", Info x%x", info); } if (sns->u.xtended.add_len > 6) scsi_print_add_sense_keys(sns->u.xtended.add_bytes[4], sns->u.xtended.add_bytes[5]); } /* * Table of the official SCSI-2 error messages * Last update: * X3T9.2/86-109, Revision 10c, March 9, 1990 */ static struct addtl_sns_keys_msg { unsigned char byte12; unsigned char byte13; char *means; } addtl_sns_msgs[] = { { 0x00, 0x00, "No additional sense information" }, { 0x00, 0x01, "Filemark detected" }, { 0x00, 0x02, "End-of-partition/medium detected" }, { 0x00, 0x03, "Setmark detected" }, { 0x00, 0x04, "Beginning of partition/medium detected" }, { 0x00, 0x05, "End-of-data detected" }, { 0x00, 0x06, "I/O process terminated" }, { 0x00, 0x11, "Audio play operation in progress" }, { 0x00, 0x12, "Audio play operation paused" }, { 0x00, 0x13, "Audio play operation successfully completed" }, { 0x00, 0x14, "Audio play operation stopped due to error" }, { 0x00, 0x15, "No current audio status to return" }, { 0x01, 0x00, "No index/sector signal" }, { 0x02, 0x00, "No seek complete" }, { 0x03, 0x00, "Peripheral device write fault" }, { 0x03, 0x01, "No write current" }, { 0x03, 0x02, "Excessive write errors" }, { 0x04, 0x00, "Logical unit not ready, cause not reportable" }, { 0x04, 0x01, "Logical unit is in process of becoming ready" }, { 0x04, 0x02, "Logical unit not ready, initializing command required" }, { 0x04, 0x03, "Logical unit not ready, manual intervention required" }, { 0x04, 0x04, "Logical unit not ready, format in progress" }, { 0x05, 0x00, "Logical unit does not respond to selection" }, { 0x06, 0x00, "No reference position found" }, { 0x07, 0x00, "Multiple peripheral devices selected" }, { 0x08, 0x00, "Logical unit communication failure" }, { 0x08, 0x01, "Logical unit communication time-out" }, { 0x08, 0x02, "Logical unit communication parity error" }, { 0x09, 0x00, "Track following error" }, { 0x09, 0x01, "Tracking servo failure" }, { 0x09, 0x02, "Focus servo failure" }, { 0x09, 0x03, "Spindle servo failure" }, { 0x0a, 0x00, "Error log overflow" }, { 0x0c, 0x00, "Write error" }, { 0x0c, 0x01, "Write error recovered with auto-reallocation" }, { 0x0c, 0x02, "Write error - auto-reallocation failed" }, { 0x10, 0x00, "Id CRC or ECC error" }, { 0x10, 0x04, "Recovered data with LEC" }, { 0x11, 0x00, "Unrecovered read error" }, { 0x11, 0x01, "Read retries exhausted" }, { 0x11, 0x02, "Error too long to correct" }, { 0x11, 0x03, "Multiple read errors" }, { 0x11, 0x04, "Unrecovered read error - auto-reallocate failed" }, { 0x11, 0x05, "L-EC uncorrectable error" }, { 0x11, 0x06, "CIRC unrecovered error" }, { 0x11, 0x07, "Data resynchronization error" }, { 0x11, 0x08, "Incomplete block read" }, { 0x11, 0x09, "No gap found" }, { 0x11, 0x0a, "Miscorrected error" }, { 0x11, 0x0b, "Unrecovered read error - recommend reassignment" }, { 0x11, 0x0c, "Unrecovered read error - recommend rewrite the data" }, { 0x12, 0x00, "Address mark not found for id field" }, { 0x13, 0x00, "Address mark not found for data field" }, { 0x14, 0x00, "Recorded entity not found" }, { 0x14, 0x01, "Record not found" }, { 0x14, 0x02, "Filemark or setmark not found" }, { 0x14, 0x03, "End-of-data not found" }, { 0x14, 0x04, "Block sequence error" }, { 0x15, 0x00, "Random positioning error" }, { 0x15, 0x01, "Mechanical positioning error" }, { 0x15, 0x02, "Positioning error detected by read of medium" }, { 0x16, 0x00, "Data synchronization mark error" }, { 0x17, 0x00, "Recovered data with no error correction applied" }, { 0x17, 0x01, "Recovered data with retries" }, { 0x17, 0x02, "Recovered data with positive head offset" }, { 0x17, 0x03, "Recovered data with negative head offset" }, { 0x17, 0x04, "Recovered data with retries and/or CIRC applied" }, { 0x17, 0x05, "Recovered data using previous sector id" }, { 0x17, 0x06, "Recovered data without ECC - data auto-reallocated" }, { 0x17, 0x07, "Recovered data without ECC - recommend reassignment" }, { 0x18, 0x00, "Recovered data with error correction applied" }, { 0x18, 0x01, "Recovered data with error correction and retries applied" }, { 0x18, 0x02, "Recovered data - data auto-reallocated" }, { 0x18, 0x03, "Recovered data with CIRC" }, { 0x18, 0x05, "Recovered data - recommended reassignment" }, { 0x19, 0x00, "Defect list error" }, { 0x19, 0x01, "Defect list not available" }, { 0x19, 0x02, "Defect list error in primary list" }, { 0x19, 0x03, "Defect list error in grown list" }, { 0x1a, 0x00, "Parameter list length error" }, { 0x1b, 0x00, "Synchronous data transfer error" }, { 0x1c, 0x00, "Defect list not found" }, { 0x1c, 0x01, "Primary defect list not found" }, { 0x1c, 0x02, "Grown defect list not found" }, { 0x1d, 0x00, "Miscompare during verify operation" }, { 0x1e, 0x00, "Recovered id with ECC correction" }, { 0x20, 0x00, "Invalid command operation code" }, { 0x21, 0x00, "Logical block address out of range" }, { 0x21, 0x01, "Invalid element address" }, { 0x22, 0x00, "Illegal function" }, { 0x24, 0x00, "Invalid field in CDB" }, { 0x24, 0x02, "Log parameters changed" }, { 0x25, 0x00, "Logical unit not supported" }, { 0x26, 0x00, "Invalid field in parameter list" }, { 0x26, 0x01, "Parameter not supported" }, { 0x26, 0x02, "Parameter value invalid" }, { 0x26, 0x03, "Threshold parameters not supported" }, { 0x27, 0x00, "Write protected" }, { 0x28, 0x00, "Not ready to ready transition (medium may have changed)" }, { 0x28, 0x01, "Import or export element accessed" }, { 0x29, 0x00, "Power on, reset, or bus device reset occurred" }, { 0x2a, 0x00, "Parameters changed" }, { 0x2a, 0x01, "Mode parameters changed" }, { 0x2b, 0x00, "Copy cannot execute since host cannot disconnect" }, { 0x2c, 0x00, "Command sequence error" }, { 0x2c, 0x01, "Too many windows specified" }, { 0x2c, 0x02, "Invalid combination of windows specified" }, { 0x2d, 0x00, "Overwrite error on update in place" }, { 0x2f, 0x00, "Commands cleared by another initiator" }, { 0x30, 0x00, "Incompatible medium installed" }, { 0x30, 0x01, "Cannot read medium - unknown format" }, { 0x30, 0x02, "Cannot read medium - incompatible format" }, { 0x30, 0x03, "Cleaning cartridge installed" }, { 0x31, 0x00, "Medium format corrupted" }, { 0x31, 0x01, "Format command failed" }, { 0x32, 0x00, "No defect spare location available" }, { 0x32, 0x01, "Defect list update failure" }, { 0x33, 0x00, "Tape length error" }, { 0x36, 0x00, "Ribbon, ink, or toner failure" }, { 0x37, 0x00, "Rounded parameter" }, { 0x39, 0x00, "Saving parameters not supported" }, { 0x3a, 0x00, "Medium not present" }, { 0x3b, 0x00, "Sequential positioning error" }, { 0x3b, 0x01, "Tape position error at beginning of medium" }, { 0x3b, 0x02, "Tape position error at end of medium" }, { 0x3b, 0x03, "Tape or electronic vertical forms unit not ready" }, { 0x3b, 0x04, "Slew failure" }, { 0x3b, 0x05, "Paper jam" }, { 0x3b, 0x06, "Failed to sense top-of-form" }, { 0x3b, 0x07, "Failed to sense bottom-of-form" }, { 0x3b, 0x08, "Reposition error" }, { 0x3b, 0x09, "Read past end of medium" }, { 0x3b, 0x0a, "Read past beginning of medium" }, { 0x3b, 0x0b, "Position past end of medium" }, { 0x3b, 0x0c, "Position past beginning of medium" }, { 0x3b, 0x0d, "Medium destination element full" }, { 0x3b, 0x0e, "Medium source element empty" }, { 0x3d, 0x00, "Invalid bits in identify message" }, { 0x3e, 0x00, "Logical unit has not self-configured yet" }, { 0x3f, 0x00, "Target operating conditions have changed" }, { 0x3f, 0x01, "Microcode has been changed" }, { 0x3f, 0x02, "Changed operating definition" }, { 0x3f, 0x03, "Inquiry data has changed" }, { 0x40, 0x00, "RAM failure" }, { 0x40, 0xff, "Diagnostic failure on component <NN>" }, { 0x41, 0x00, "Data path failure" }, { 0x42, 0x00, "Power on or self-test failure" }, { 0x43, 0x00, "Message error" }, { 0x44, 0x00, "Internal target failure" }, { 0x45, 0x00, "Select or reselect failure" }, { 0x46, 0x00, "Unsuccessful soft reset" }, { 0x47, 0x00, "SCSI parity error" }, { 0x48, 0x00, "Initiator detected message received" }, { 0x49, 0x00, "Invalid message error" }, { 0x4a, 0x00, "Command phase error" }, { 0x4b, 0x00, "Data phase error" }, { 0x4c, 0x00, "Logical unit failed self-configuration" }, { 0x4e, 0x00, "Overlapped commands attempted" }, { 0x50, 0x00, "Write append error" }, { 0x50, 0x01, "Write append position error" }, { 0x50, 0x02, "Position error related to timing" }, { 0x51, 0x00, "Erase failure" }, { 0x52, 0x00, "Cartridge fault" }, { 0x53, 0x00, "Media load or eject failed" }, { 0x53, 0x01, "Unload tape failure" }, { 0x53, 0x02, "Medium removal prevented" }, { 0x54, 0x00, "SCSI to host system interface failure" }, { 0x55, 0x00, "System resource failure" }, { 0x57, 0x00, "Unable to recover table-of-contents" }, { 0x58, 0x00, "Generation does not exist" }, { 0x59, 0x00, "Updated block read" }, { 0x5a, 0x00, "Operator request or state change input (unspecified)" }, { 0x5a, 0x01, "Operator medium removal request" }, { 0x5a, 0x02, "Operator selected write protect" }, { 0x5a, 0x03, "Operator selected write permit" }, { 0x5b, 0x00, "Log exception" }, { 0x5b, 0x01, "Threshold condition met" }, { 0x5b, 0x02, "Log counter at maximum" }, { 0x5b, 0x03, "Log list codes exhausted" }, { 0x5c, 0x00, "RPL status change" }, { 0x5c, 0x01, "Spindles synchronized" }, { 0x5c, 0x02, "Spindles not synchronized" }, { 0x60, 0x00, "Lamp failure" }, { 0x61, 0x00, "Video acquisition error" }, { 0x61, 0x01, "Unable to acquire video" }, { 0x61, 0x02, "Out of focus" }, { 0x62, 0x00, "Scan head positioning error" }, { 0x63, 0x00, "End of user area encountered on this track" }, { 0x64, 0x00, "Illegal mode for this track" }, { 0, 0, 0} }; void scsi_print_add_sense_keys(key, qualif) register unsigned key, qualif; { register struct addtl_sns_keys_msg *msg; for (msg = addtl_sns_msgs; msg->means; msg++) { if (msg->byte12 != key) continue; if ((msg->byte12 == 0x40) && qualif) { printf(", %s, NN=x%x", msg->means, qualif); return; } if (msg->byte13 == qualif) { printf(" %s", msg->means); return; } }; printf(", Unknown additional sense keys: 0x%x 0x%x\n", key, qualif); } #endif /* NSCSI > 0 */