/* * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1991,1990 Carnegie Mellon University * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon * the rights to redistribute these changes. */ /* * File: scsi.h * Author: Alessandro Forin, Carnegie Mellon University * Date: 9/90 * * Definitions of the SCSI-1 Standard */ #ifndef _SCSI_SCSI_H_ #define _SCSI_SCSI_H_ #include <nscsi.h> #include <scsi/scsi_endian.h> /* * Bus phases */ #define SCSI_IO 0x01 /* Input/Output */ #define SCSI_CD 0x02 /* Command/Data */ #define SCSI_MSG 0x04 /* Message */ #define SCSI_PHASE_MASK 0x07 #define SCSI_PHASE(x) ((x)&SCSI_PHASE_MASK) #define SCSI_PHASE_DATAO 0x00 /* 0 */ #define SCSI_PHASE_DATAI SCSI_IO /* 1 */ #define SCSI_PHASE_CMD SCSI_CD /* 2 */ #define SCSI_PHASE_STATUS (SCSI_CD|SCSI_IO) /* 3 */ /* 4..5 ANSI reserved */ #define SCSI_PHASE_MSG_OUT (SCSI_MSG|SCSI_CD) /* 6 */ #define SCSI_PHASE_MSG_IN (SCSI_MSG|SCSI_CD|SCSI_IO) /* 7 */ /* * Single byte messages * * originator: I-nitiator T-arget * T-support: M-andatory O-ptional */ #define SCSI_COMMAND_COMPLETE 0x00 /* M T */ #define SCSI_EXTENDED_MESSAGE 0x01 /* IT */ #define SCSI_SAVE_DATA_POINTER 0x02 /* O T */ #define SCSI_RESTORE_POINTERS 0x03 /* O T */ #define SCSI_DISCONNECT 0x04 /* O T */ #define SCSI_I_DETECTED_ERROR 0x05 /* M I */ #define SCSI_ABORT 0x06 /* M I */ #define SCSI_MESSAGE_REJECT 0x07 /* M IT */ #define SCSI_NOP 0x08 /* M I */ #define SCSI_MSG_PARITY_ERROR 0x09 /* M I */ #define SCSI_LNKD_CMD_COMPLETE 0x0a /* O T */ #define SCSI_LNKD_CMD_COMPLETE_F 0x0b /* O T */ #define SCSI_BUS_DEVICE_RESET 0x0c /* M I */ /* 0x0d..0x11 scsi2 */ /* 0x12..0x1f reserved */ #define SCSI_IDENTIFY 0x80 /* IT */ # define SCSI_IFY_ENABLE_DISCONNECT 0x40 /* I */ # define SCSI_IFY_LUNTAR 0x20 /* IT */ # define SCSI_IFY_LUN_MASK 0x07 /* IT */ /* Message codes 0x30..0x7f are reserved */ /* * Extended messages, codes and formats */ #define SCSI_MODIFY_DATA_PTR 0x00 /* T */ typedef struct { unsigned char xtn_msg_tag; /* const 0x01 */ unsigned char xtn_msg_len; /* const 0x05 */ unsigned char xtn_msg_code; /* const 0x00 */ unsigned char xtn_msg_arg_1000; /* MSB, signed 2cmpl */ unsigned char xtn_msg_arg_0200; unsigned char xtn_msg_arg_0030; unsigned char xtn_msg_arg_0004; /* LSB */ } scsi_mod_ptr_t; #define SCSI_SYNC_XFER_REQUEST 0x01 /* IT */ typedef struct { unsigned char xtn_msg_tag; /* const 0x01 */ unsigned char xtn_msg_len; /* const 0x03 */ unsigned char xtn_msg_code; /* const 0x01 */ unsigned char xtn_msg_xfer_period; /* times 4nsecs */ unsigned char xtn_msg_xfer_offset; /* pending ack window */ #define SCSI_SYNCH_XFER_OFFANY 0xff /* T unlimited */ } scsi_synch_xfer_req_t; #define SCSI_XTN_IDENTIFY 0x02 /* IT -2 */ typedef struct { unsigned char xtn_msg_tag; /* const 0x01 */ unsigned char xtn_msg_len; /* const 0x02 */ unsigned char xtn_msg_code; /* const 0x02 */ unsigned char xtn_msg_sublun; } scsi_xtn_identify_t; /* 0x03..0x7f reserved */ #define SCSI_XTN_VENDOR_UQE 0x80 /* vendor unique bit */ typedef struct { unsigned char xtn_msg_tag; /* const 0x01 */ unsigned char xtn_msg_len; /* args' len+1 (0-->256)*/ unsigned char xtn_msg_code; /* const 0x80..0xff */ unsigned char xtn_msg_args[1]; /* 0..255 bytes */ } scsi_xtn_vedor_unique_t; /* * Commands, generic structures */ /* SIX byte commands */ typedef struct { unsigned char scsi_cmd_code; /* group(7..5) and command(4..1) */ #define SCSI_CODE_GROUP 0xe0 #define SCSI_CODE_CMD 0x1f unsigned char scsi_cmd_lun_and_lba1; /* lun(7..5) and block# msb[20..16] */ #define SCSI_LUN_MASK 0xe0 #define SCSI_LBA_MASK 0x1f #define SCSI_LUN_SHIFT 5 unsigned char scsi_cmd_lba2; /* block#[15.. 8] */ unsigned char scsi_cmd_lba3; /* block#[ 7.. 0] */ unsigned char scsi_cmd_xfer_len; /* if required */ unsigned char scsi_cmd_ctrl_byte; /* contains: */ #define SCSI_CTRL_VUQ 0xc0 /* vendor unique bits */ #define SCSI_CTRL_RESVD 0x3c /* reserved, mbz */ #define SCSI_CTRL_FLAG 0x02 /* send a complete_with_flag at end */ #define SCSI_CTRL_LINK 0x01 /* link this command with next */ } scsi_command_group_0; /* TEN byte commands */ typedef struct { unsigned char scsi_cmd_code; /* group(7..5) and command(4..1) */ unsigned char scsi_cmd_lun_and_relbit;/* lun(7..5) and RelAdr(0) */ #define SCSI_RELADR 0x01 unsigned char scsi_cmd_lba1; /* block#[31..24] */ unsigned char scsi_cmd_lba2; /* block#[23..16] */ unsigned char scsi_cmd_lba3; /* block#[15.. 8] */ unsigned char scsi_cmd_lba4; /* block#[ 7.. 0] */ unsigned char scsi_cmd_xxx; /* reserved, mbz */ unsigned char scsi_cmd_xfer_len_1; /* if required */ unsigned char scsi_cmd_xfer_len_2; /* if required */ unsigned char scsi_cmd_ctrl_byte; /* see above */ } scsi_command_group_1, scsi_command_group_2; /* TWELVE byte commands */ typedef struct { unsigned char scsi_cmd_code; /* group(7..5) and command(4..1) */ unsigned char scsi_cmd_lun_and_relbit;/* lun(7..5) and RelAdr(0) */ unsigned char scsi_cmd_lba1; /* block#[31..24] */ unsigned char scsi_cmd_lba2; /* block#[23..16] */ unsigned char scsi_cmd_lba3; /* block#[15.. 8] */ unsigned char scsi_cmd_lba4; /* block#[ 7.. 0] */ unsigned char scsi_cmd_xfer_len_1; /* if required */ unsigned char scsi_cmd_xfer_len_2; /* if required */ unsigned char scsi_cmd_xfer_len_3; /* if required */ unsigned char scsi_cmd_xfer_len_4; /* if required */ unsigned char scsi_cmd_xxx1; /* reserved, mbz */ unsigned char scsi_cmd_ctrl_byte; /* see above */ } scsi_command_group_5; /* * Commands, codes and aliases */ /* GROUP 0 */ #define SCSI_CMD_TEST_UNIT_READY 0x00 /* O all 2M all */ #define scsi_cmd_test_unit_ready_t scsi_command_group_0 #define SCSI_CMD_REZERO_UNIT 0x01 /* O disk worm rom */ #define SCSI_CMD_REWIND 0x01 /* M tape */ #define scsi_cmd_rewind_t scsi_command_group_0 #define scsi_cmd_rezero_t scsi_command_group_0 # define SCSI_CMD_REW_IMMED 0x01 /* 0x02 vendor unique */ #define SCSI_CMD_REQUEST_SENSE 0x03 /* M all */ #define scsi_cmd_request_sense_t scsi_command_group_0 # define scsi_cmd_allocation_length scsi_cmd_xfer_len #define SCSI_CMD_FORMAT_UNIT 0x04 /* M disk O prin */ #define scsi_cmd_format_t scsi_command_group_0 # define SCSI_CMD_FMT_FMTDATA 0x10 # define SCSI_CMD_FMT_CMPLIST 0x08 # define SCSI_CMD_FMT_LIST_TYPE 0x07 # define scsi_cmd_intleave1 scsi_cmd_lba3 # define scsi_cmd_intleave2 scsi_cmd_xfer_len #define SCSI_CMD_READ_BLOCK_LIMITS 0x05 /* E tape */ #define scsi_cmd_block_limits_t scsi_command_group_0 /* 0x06 vendor unique */ #define SCSI_CMD_REASSIGN_BLOCKS 0x07 /* O disk worm */ #define scsi_cmd_reassign_blocks_t scsi_command_group_0 #define SCSI_CMD_READ 0x08 /* M disk tape O worm rom */ #define SCSI_CMD_RECEIVE 0x08 /* O proc */ #define SCSI_CMD_GET_MESSAGE 0x08 /* M comm */ #define scsi_cmd_read_t scsi_command_group_0 # define SCSI_CMD_TP_FIXED 0x01 /* tape */ # define scsi_cmd_tp_len1 scsi_cmd_lba2 # define scsi_cmd_tp_len2 scsi_cmd_lba3 # define scsi_cmd_tp_len3 scsi_cmd_xfer_len /* largest addressable blockno */ #define SCSI_CMD_READ_MAX_LBA ((1 << 21) - 1) /* 0x09 vendor unique */ #define SCSI_CMD_WRITE 0x0a /* M disk tape O worm */ #define SCSI_CMD_PRINT 0x0a /* M prin */ #define SCSI_CMD_SEND 0x0a /* M proc */ #define SCSI_CMD_SEND_MESSAGE 0x0a /* M comm */ #define scsi_cmd_write_t scsi_command_group_0 #define SCSI_CMD_SEEK 0x0b /* O disk worm rom */ #define SCSI_CMD_TRACK_SELECT 0x0b /* O tape */ #define SCSI_CMD_SLEW_AND_PRINT 0x0b /* O prin */ #define scsi_cmd_seek_t scsi_command_group_0 # define SCSI_CMD_SLW_CHANNEL 0x01 # define scsi_cmd_tp_trackno scsi_cmd_xfer_len # define scsi_cmd_slew_value scsi_cmd_lba2 /* 0x0c..0x0e vendor unique */ #define SCSI_CMD_READ_REVERSE 0x0f /* O tape */ #define scsi_cmd_rev_read_t scsi_command_group_0 #define SCSI_CMD_WRITE_FILEMARKS 0x10 /* M tape */ #define SCSI_CMD_FLUSH_BUFFER 0x10 /* M prin */ #define scsi_cmd_write_fil_t scsi_command_group_0 #define SCSI_CMD_SPACE 0x11 /* O tape */ #define scsi_cmd_space_t scsi_command_group_0 # define SCSI_CMD_SP_BLOCKS 0x00 # define SCSI_CMD_SP_FIL 0x01 # define SCSI_CMD_SP_SEQ_FIL 0x02 # define SCSI_CMD_SP_EOT 0x03 #define SCSI_CMD_INQUIRY 0x12 /* E all (2M all) */ #define scsi_cmd_inquiry_t scsi_command_group_0 # define SCSI_CMD_INQ_EVPD 0x01 /* 2 */ # define scsi_cmd_page_code scsi_cmd_lba2 /* 2 */ #define SCSI_CMD_VERIFY_0 0x13 /* O tape */ #define scsi_cmd_verify_t scsi_command_group_0 # define SCSI_CMD_VFY_BYTCMP 0x02 #define SCSI_CMD_RECOVER_BUFFERED_DATA 0x14 /* O tape prin */ #define scsi_cmd_recover_buffer_t scsi_command_group_0 #define SCSI_CMD_MODE_SELECT 0x15 /* O disk tape prin worm rom */ # define SCSI_CMD_MSL_PF 0x10 # define SCSI_CMD_MSL_SP 0x01 #define scsi_cmd_mode_select_t scsi_command_group_0 #define SCSI_CMD_RESERVE 0x16 /* O disk tape prin worm rom */ #define scsi_cmd_reserve_t scsi_command_group_0 # define SCSI_CMD_RES_3RDPTY 0x10 # define SCSI_CMD_RES_3RDPTY_DEV 0x0e # define SCSI_CMD_RES_EXTENT 0x01 # define scsi_cmd_reserve_id scsi_cmd_lba2 # define scsi_cmd_extent_llen1 scsi_cmd_lba3 # define scsi_cmd_extent_llen2 scsi_cmd_xfer_len #define SCSI_CMD_RELEASE 0x17 /* O disk tape prin worm rom */ #define scsi_cmd_release_t scsi_command_group_0 #define SCSI_CMD_COPY 0x18 /* O all */ #define scsi_cmd_copy_t scsi_command_group_0 # define SCSI_CMD_CPY_PAD 0x01 /* 2 */ # define scsi_cmd_paraml_len0 scsi_cmd_lba2 # define scsi_cmd_paraml_len1 scsi_cmd_lba3 # define scsi_cmd_paraml_len2 scsi_cmd_xfer_len #define SCSI_CMD_ERASE 0x19 /* O tape */ #define scsi_cmd_erase_t scsi_command_group_0 # define SCSI_CMD_ER_LONG 0x01 #define SCSI_CMD_MODE_SENSE 0x1a /* O disk tape prin worm rom */ #define scsi_cmd_mode_sense_t scsi_command_group_0 # define scsi_cmd_ms_pagecode scsi_cmd_lba2 #define SCSI_CMD_START_STOP_UNIT 0x1b /* O disk prin worm rom */ #define SCSI_CMD_LOAD_UNLOAD 0x1b /* O tape */ #define scsi_cmd_start_t scsi_command_group_0 # define SCSI_CMD_SS_IMMED 0x01 # define scsi_cmd_ss_flags scsi_cmd_xfer_len # define SCSI_CMD_SS_START 0x01 # define SCSI_CMD_SS_RETEN 0x02 # define SCSI_CMD_SS_RETAIN 0x01 # define SCSI_CMD_SS_EJECT 0x02 #define SCSI_CMD_RECEIVE_DIAG_RESULTS 0x1c /* O all */ #define scsi_cmd_receive_diag_t scsi_command_group_0 # define scsi_cmd_allocation_length1 scsi_cmd_lba3 # define scsi_cmd_allocation_length2 scsi_cmd_xfer_len #define SCSI_CMD_SEND_DIAGNOSTICS 0x1d /* O all */ #define scsi_cmd_send_diag_t scsi_command_group_0 # define SCSI_CMD_DIAG_SELFTEST 0x04 # define SCSI_CMD_DIAG_DEVOFFL 0x02 # define SCSI_CMD_DIAG_UNITOFFL 0x01 #define SCSI_CMD_PREVENT_ALLOW_REMOVAL 0x1e /* O disk tape worm rom */ #define scsi_cmd_medium_removal_t scsi_command_group_0 # define scsi_cmd_pa_prevent scsi_cmd_xfer_len /* 0x1 */ /* 0x1f reserved */ /* GROUP 1 */ /* 0x20..0x24 vendor unique */ #define SCSI_CMD_READ_CAPACITY 0x25 /* E disk worm rom */ #define scsi_cmd_read_capacity_t scsi_command_group_1 # define scsi_cmd_rcap_flags scsi_cmd_xfer_len_2 # define SCSI_CMD_RCAP_PMI 0x01 /* 0x26..0x27 vendor unique */ #define SCSI_CMD_LONG_READ 0x28 /* E disk M worm rom */ #define scsi_cmd_long_read_t scsi_command_group_1 /* 0x29 vendor unique */ #define SCSI_CMD_LONG_WRITE 0x2a /* E disk M worm */ #define scsi_cmd_long_write_t scsi_command_group_1 #define SCSI_CMD_LONG_SEEK 0x2b /* O disk worm rom */ #define scsi_cmd_long_seek_t scsi_command_group_1 /* 0x2c..0x2d vendor unique */ #define SCSI_CMD_WRITE_AND_VERIFY 0x2e /* O disk worm */ #define scsi_cmd_write_vfy_t scsi_command_group_1 # define SCSI_CMD_VFY_BYTCHK 0x02 #define SCSI_CMD_VERIFY_1 0x2f /* O disk worm rom */ #define scsi_cmd_verify_long_t scsi_command_group_1 # define SCSI_CMD_VFY_BLKVFY 0x04 #define SCSI_CMD_SEARCH_HIGH 0x30 /* O disk worm rom */ #define scsi_cmd_search_t scsi_command_group_1 # define SCSI_CMD_SRCH_INVERT 0x10 # define SCSI_CMD_SRCH_SPNDAT 0x02 #define SCSI_CMD_SEARCH_EQUAL 0x31 /* O disk worm rom */ #define SCSI_CMD_SEARCH_LOW 0x32 /* O disk worm rom */ #define SCSI_CMD_SET_LIMITS 0x33 /* O disk worm rom */ #define scsi_cmd_set_limits_t scsi_command_group_1 # define SCSI_CMD_SL_RDINH 0x02 # define SCSI_CMD_SL_WRINH 0x01 /* 0x34..0x38 reserved */ #define SCSI_CMD_COMPARE 0x39 /* O all */ #define scsi_cmd_compare_t scsi_command_group_1 # define scsi_cmd_1_paraml1 scsi_cmd_lba2 # define scsi_cmd_1_paraml2 scsi_cmd_lba3 # define scsi_cmd_1_paraml3 scsi_cmd_lba4 #define SCSI_CMD_COPY_AND_VERIFY 0x3a /* O all */ #define scsi_cmd_copy_vfy_t scsi_command_group_1 # define SCSI_CMD_CPY_BYTCHK 0x02 /* 0x3b..0x3f reserved */ /* GROUP 2 */ /* 0x40..0x5f reserved */ /* GROUP 3 */ /* 0x60..0x7f reserved */ /* GROUP 4 */ /* 0x80..0x9f reserved */ /* GROUP 5 */ /* 0xa0..0xaf vendor unique */ /* 0xb0..0xbf reserved */ /* GROUP 6 */ /* 0xc0..0xdf vendor unique */ /* GROUP 7 */ /* 0xe0..0xff vendor unique */ /* * Command-specific results and definitions */ /* inquiry data */ typedef struct { unsigned char periph_type; #define SCSI_DISK 0x00 #define SCSI_TAPE 0x01 #define SCSI_PRINTER 0x02 #define SCSI_CPU 0x03 #define SCSI_WORM 0x04 #define SCSI_CDROM 0x05 BITFIELD_2( unsigned char, device_type : 7, rmb : 1); BITFIELD_3( unsigned char, ansi : 3, ecma : 3, iso : 2); unsigned char reserved; unsigned char length; unsigned char param[1]; } scsi_inquiry_data_t; #define SCSI_INQ_STD_DATA -1 /* request sense data */ #define SCSI_SNS_NOSENSE 0x0 #define SCSI_SNS_RECOVERED 0x1 #define SCSI_SNS_NOTREADY 0x2 #define SCSI_SNS_MEDIUM_ERR 0x3 #define SCSI_SNS_HW_ERR 0x4 #define SCSI_SNS_ILLEGAL_REQ 0x5 #define SCSI_SNS_UNIT_ATN 0x6 #define SCSI_SNS_PROTECT 0x7 #define SCSI_SNS_BLANK_CHK 0x8 #define SCSI_SNS_VUQE 0x9 #define SCSI_SNS_COPY_ABRT 0xa #define SCSI_SNS_ABORTED 0xb #define SCSI_SNS_EQUAL 0xc #define SCSI_SNS_VOLUME_OVFL 0xd #define SCSI_SNS_MISCOMPARE 0xe #define SCSI_SNS_RESERVED 0xf typedef struct { BITFIELD_3( unsigned char, error_code : 4, error_class : 3, addr_valid : 1); # define SCSI_SNS_XTENDED_SENSE_DATA 0x7 /* e.g. error_class=7 */ union { struct { BITFIELD_2(unsigned char, lba_msb : 5, vuqe : 3); unsigned char lba; unsigned char lba_lsb; } non_xtnded; struct { unsigned char segment_number; BITFIELD_5(unsigned char, sense_key : 4, res : 1, ili : 1, eom : 1, fm : 1); unsigned char info0; unsigned char info1; unsigned char info2; unsigned char info3; unsigned char add_len; unsigned char add_bytes[1];/* VARSIZE */ } xtended; } u; } scsi_sense_data_t; /* mode select params */ typedef struct { unsigned char reserved1; unsigned char medium_type; BITFIELD_3(unsigned char, speed:4, /* special for tapes, reserved in SCSI-1 */ buffer_mode:3, reserved2:1); unsigned char desc_len; struct scsi_mode_parm_blockdesc { unsigned char density_code; unsigned char nblocks1; unsigned char nblocks2; unsigned char nblocks3; unsigned char reserved; unsigned char reclen1; unsigned char reclen2; unsigned char reclen3; } descs[1]; /* VARSIZE, really */ } scsi_mode_select_param_t; /* mode sense data (TAPE) */ typedef struct { unsigned char data_len; unsigned char medium_type; BITFIELD_3(unsigned char, speed : 4, buffered_mode : 3, wp : 1); unsigned char bdesc_len; struct { unsigned char density_code; unsigned char no_blks_msb; unsigned char no_blks; unsigned char no_blks_lsb; unsigned char reserved; unsigned char blen_msb; unsigned char blen; unsigned char blen_lsb; } bdesc[1]; /* VARSIZE */ /* vuqe data might follow */ } scsi_mode_sense_data_t; /* read capacity data */ typedef struct { unsigned char lba1; unsigned char lba2; unsigned char lba3; unsigned char lba4; unsigned char blen1; unsigned char blen2; unsigned char blen3; unsigned char blen4; } scsi_rcap_data_t; /* defect list(s) */ typedef struct { unsigned char res1; unsigned char res2; unsigned char list_len_msb; unsigned char list_len_lsb; struct { unsigned char blockno_msb; unsigned char blockno_sb1; unsigned char blockno_sb2; unsigned char blockno_lsb; } defects[1]; /* VARSIZE */ } scsi_Ldefect_data_t; /* block limits (tape) */ typedef struct { unsigned char res1; unsigned char maxlen_msb; unsigned char maxlen_sb; unsigned char maxlen_lsb; unsigned char minlen_msb; unsigned char minlen_lsb; } scsi_blimits_data_t; /* * Status byte (a-la scsi1) */ typedef union { struct { BITFIELD_4( unsigned char, scsi_status_vendor_uqe1:1, scsi_status_code:4, scsi_status_vendor_uqe:2, scsi_status_reserved:1); # define SCSI_ST_GOOD 0x00 /* scsi_status_code values */ # define SCSI_ST_CHECK_CONDITION 0x01 # define SCSI_ST_CONDITION_MET 0x02 # define SCSI_ST_BUSY 0x04 # define SCSI_ST_INT_GOOD 0x08 # define SCSI_ST_INT_MET 0x0a # define SCSI_ST_RES_CONFLICT 0x0c /* anything else is reserved */ } st; unsigned char bits; } scsi_status_byte_t; #endif _SCSI_SCSI_H_