/* * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1991,1990,1989 Carnegie Mellon University * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie the * rights to redistribute these changes. */ /* * File: scsi_53C700_hdw.c * Author: Alessandro Forin, Carnegie Mellon University * Date: 8/91 * * Bottom layer of the SCSI driver: chip-dependent functions * * This file contains the code that is specific to the NCR 53C700 * SCSI chip (Host Bus Adapter in SCSI parlance): probing, start * operation, and interrupt routine. */ #include <siop.h> #if NSIOP > 0 #include <platforms.h> #include <mach/std_types.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <chips/busses.h> #include <scsi/compat_30.h> #include <machine/machspl.h> #include <sys/syslog.h> #include <scsi/scsi.h> #include <scsi/scsi2.h> #include <scsi/scsi_defs.h> #include <scsi/adapters/scsi_53C700.h> #ifdef PAD typedef struct { volatile unsigned char siop_scntl0; /* rw: SCSI control reg 0 */ PAD(pad0); volatile unsigned char siop_scntl1; /* rw: SCSI control reg 1 */ PAD(pad1); volatile unsigned char siop_sdid; /* rw: SCSI Destination ID */ PAD(pad2); volatile unsigned char siop_sien; /* rw: SCSI Interrupt Enable */ PAD(pad3); volatile unsigned char siop_scid; /* rw: SCSI Chip ID reg */ PAD(pad4); volatile unsigned char siop_sxfer; /* rw: SCSI Transfer reg */ PAD(pad5); volatile unsigned char siop_sodl; /* rw: SCSI Output Data Latch */ PAD(pad6); volatile unsigned char siop_socl; /* rw: SCSI Output Control Latch */ PAD(pad7); volatile unsigned char siop_sfbr; /* ro: SCSI First Byte Received */ PAD(pad8); volatile unsigned char siop_sidl; /* ro: SCSI Input Data Latch */ PAD(pad9); volatile unsigned char siop_sbdl; /* ro: SCSI Bus Data Lines */ PAD(pad10); volatile unsigned char siop_sbcl; /* ro: SCSI Bus Control Lines */ PAD(pad11); volatile unsigned char siop_dstat; /* ro: DMA status */ PAD(pad12); volatile unsigned char siop_sstat0; /* ro: SCSI status reg 0 */ PAD(pad13); volatile unsigned char siop_sstat1; /* ro: SCSI status reg 1 */ PAD(pad14); volatile unsigned char siop_sstat2; /* ro: SCSI status reg 2 */ PAD(pad15); volatile unsigned char siop_res1; PAD(pad16); volatile unsigned char siop_res2; PAD(pad17); volatile unsigned char siop_res3; PAD(pad18); volatile unsigned char siop_res4; PAD(pad19); volatile unsigned char siop_ctest0; /* ro: Chip test register 0 */ PAD(pad20); volatile unsigned char siop_ctest1; /* ro: Chip test register 1 */ PAD(pad21); volatile unsigned char siop_ctest2; /* ro: Chip test register 2 */ PAD(pad22); volatile unsigned char siop_ctest3; /* ro: Chip test register 3 */ PAD(pad23); volatile unsigned char siop_ctest4; /* rw: Chip test register 4 */ PAD(pad24); volatile unsigned char siop_ctest5; /* rw: Chip test register 5 */ PAD(pad25); volatile unsigned char siop_ctest6; /* rw: Chip test register 6 */ PAD(pad26); volatile unsigned char siop_ctest7; /* rw: Chip test register 7 */ PAD(pad27); volatile unsigned char siop_temp0; /* rw: Temporary Stack reg */ PAD(pad28); volatile unsigned char siop_temp1; PAD(pad29); volatile unsigned char siop_temp2; PAD(pad30); volatile unsigned char siop_temp3; PAD(pad31); volatile unsigned char siop_dfifo; /* rw: DMA FIFO */ PAD(pad32); volatile unsigned char siop_istat; /* rw: Interrupt Status reg */ PAD(pad33); volatile unsigned char siop_res5; PAD(pad34); volatile unsigned char siop_res6; PAD(pad35); volatile unsigned char siop_dbc0; /* rw: DMA Byte Counter reg */ PAD(pad36); volatile unsigned char siop_dbc1; PAD(pad37); volatile unsigned char siop_dbc2; PAD(pad38); volatile unsigned char siop_dcmd; /* rw: DMA Command Register */ PAD(pad39); volatile unsigned char siop_dnad0; /* rw: DMA Next Address */ PAD(pad40); volatile unsigned char siop_dnad1; PAD(pad41); volatile unsigned char siop_dnad2; PAD(pad42); volatile unsigned char siop_dnad3; PAD(pad43); volatile unsigned char siop_dsp0; /* rw: DMA SCRIPTS Pointer reg */ PAD(pad44); volatile unsigned char siop_dsp1; PAD(pad45); volatile unsigned char siop_dsp2; PAD(pad46); volatile unsigned char siop_dsp3; PAD(pad47); volatile unsigned char siop_dsps0; /* rw: DMA SCRIPTS Pointer Save reg */ PAD(pad48); volatile unsigned char siop_dsps1; PAD(pad49); volatile unsigned char siop_dsps2; PAD(pad50); volatile unsigned char siop_dsps3; PAD(pad51); volatile unsigned char siop_dmode; /* rw: DMA Mode reg */ PAD(pad52); volatile unsigned char siop_res7; PAD(pad53); volatile unsigned char siop_res8; PAD(pad54); volatile unsigned char siop_res9; PAD(pad55); volatile unsigned char siop_res10; PAD(pad56); volatile unsigned char siop_dien; /* rw: DMA Interrupt Enable */ PAD(pad57); volatile unsigned char siop_dwt; /* rw: DMA Watchdog Timer */ PAD(pad58); volatile unsigned char siop_dcntl; /* rw: DMA Control reg */ PAD(pad59); volatile unsigned char siop_res11; PAD(pad60); volatile unsigned char siop_res12; PAD(pad61); volatile unsigned char siop_res13; PAD(pad62); volatile unsigned char siop_res14; PAD(pad63); } siop_padded_regmap_t; #else typedef siop_regmap_t siop_padded_regmap_t; #endif /* * Macros to make certain things a little more readable */ /* forward decls */ int siop_reset_scsibus(); boolean_t siop_probe_target(); /* * State descriptor for this layer. There is one such structure * per (enabled) 53C700 interface */ struct siop_softc { watchdog_t wd; siop_padded_regmap_t *regs; /* 53C700 registers */ scsi_dma_ops_t *dma_ops; /* DMA operations and state */ opaque_t dma_state; script_t script; int (*error_handler)(); int in_count; /* amnt we expect to receive */ int out_count; /* amnt we are going to ship */ volatile char state; #define SIOP_STATE_BUSY 0x01 /* selecting or currently connected */ #define SIOP_STATE_TARGET 0x04 /* currently selected as target */ #define SIOP_STATE_COLLISION 0x08 /* lost selection attempt */ #define SIOP_STATE_DMA_IN 0x10 /* tgt --> initiator xfer */ unsigned char ntargets; /* how many alive on this scsibus */ unsigned char done; scsi_softc_t *sc; target_info_t *active_target; target_info_t *next_target; /* trying to seize bus */ queue_head_t waiting_targets;/* other targets competing for bus */ } siop_softc_data[NSIOP]; typedef struct siop_softc *siop_softc_t; siop_softc_t siop_softc[NSIOP]; /* * Definition of the controller for the auto-configuration program. */ int siop_probe(), scsi_slave(), scsi_attach(), siop_go(), siop_intr(); caddr_t siop_std[NSIOP] = { 0 }; struct bus_device *siop_dinfo[NSIOP*8]; struct bus_ctlr *siop_minfo[NSIOP]; struct bus_driver siop_driver = { siop_probe, scsi_slave, scsi_attach, siop_go, siop_std, "rz", siop_dinfo, "siop", siop_minfo, BUS_INTR_B4_PROBE}; /* * Scripts */ struct script siop_script_data_in[] = { }, siop_script_data_out[] = { }, siop_script_cmd[] = { }, /* Synchronous transfer neg(oti)ation */ siop_script_try_synch[] = { }, /* Disconnect sequence */ siop_script_disconnect[] = { }; #define DEBUG #ifdef DEBUG siop_state(base) vm_offset_t base; { siop_padded_regmap_t *regs; .... return 0; } siop_target_state(tgt) target_info_t *tgt; { if (tgt == 0) tgt = siop_softc[0]->active_target; if (tgt == 0) return 0; db_printf("@x%x: fl %x dma %X+%x cmd %x@%X id %x per %x off %x ior %X ret %X\n", tgt, tgt->flags, tgt->dma_ptr, tgt->transient_state.dma_offset, tgt->cur_cmd, tgt->cmd_ptr, tgt->target_id, tgt->sync_period, tgt->sync_offset, tgt->ior, tgt->done); if (tgt->flags & TGT_DISCONNECTED){ script_t spt; spt = tgt->transient_state.script; db_printf("disconnected at "); db_printsym(spt,1); db_printf(": %x ", spt->condition); db_printsym(spt->action,1); db_printf(", "); db_printsym(tgt->transient_state.handler, 1); db_printf("\n"); } return 0; } siop_all_targets(unit) { int i; target_info_t *tgt; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { tgt = siop_softc[unit]->sc->target[i]; if (tgt) siop_target_state(tgt); } } siop_script_state(unit) { script_t spt = siop_softc[unit]->script; if (spt == 0) return 0; db_printsym(spt,1); db_printf(": %x ", spt->condition); db_printsym(spt->action,1); db_printf(", "); db_printsym(siop_softc[unit]->error_handler, 1); return 0; } #define PRINT(x) if (scsi_debug) printf x #define TRMAX 200 int tr[TRMAX+3]; int trpt, trpthi; #define TR(x) tr[trpt++] = x #define TRWRAP trpthi = trpt; trpt = 0; #define TRCHECK if (trpt > TRMAX) {TRWRAP} #define TRACE #ifdef TRACE #define LOGSIZE 256 int siop_logpt; char siop_log[LOGSIZE]; #define MAXLOG_VALUE 0x24 struct { char *name; unsigned int count; } logtbl[MAXLOG_VALUE]; static LOG(e,f) char *f; { siop_log[siop_logpt++] = (e); if (siop_logpt == LOGSIZE) siop_logpt = 0; if ((e) < MAXLOG_VALUE) { logtbl[(e)].name = (f); logtbl[(e)].count++; } } siop_print_log(skip) int skip; { register int i, j; register unsigned char c; for (i = 0, j = siop_logpt; i < LOGSIZE; i++) { c = siop_log[j]; if (++j == LOGSIZE) j = 0; if (skip-- > 0) continue; if (c < MAXLOG_VALUE) db_printf(" %s", logtbl[c].name); else db_printf("-%d", c & 0x7f); } db_printf("\n"); return 0; } siop_print_stat() { register int i; register char *p; for (i = 0; i < MAXLOG_VALUE; i++) { if (p = logtbl[i].name) printf("%d %s\n", logtbl[i].count, p); } } #else /* TRACE */ #define LOG(e,f) #endif /* TRACE */ #else /* DEBUG */ #define PRINT(x) #define LOG(e,f) #define TR(x) #define TRCHECK #define TRWRAP #endif /* DEBUG */ /* * Probe/Slave/Attach functions */ /* * Probe routine: * Should find out (a) if the controller is * present and (b) which/where slaves are present. * * Implementation: * Send an identify msg to each possible target on the bus * except of course ourselves. */ siop_probe(reg, ui) char *reg; struct bus_ctlr *ui; { int unit = ui->unit; siop_softc_t siop = &siop_softc_data[unit]; int target_id, i; scsi_softc_t *sc; register siop_padded_regmap_t *regs; int s; boolean_t did_banner = FALSE; char *cmd_ptr; static char *here = "siop_probe"; /* * We are only called if the chip is there, * but make sure anyways.. */ regs = (siop_padded_regmap_t *) (reg); if (check_memory(regs, 0)) return 0; #if notyet /* Mappable version side */ SIOP_probe(reg, ui); #endif /* * Initialize hw descriptor */ siop_softc[unit] = siop; siop->regs = regs; if ((siop->dma_ops = (scsi_dma_ops_t *)siop_std[unit]) == 0) /* use same as unit 0 if undefined */ siop->dma_ops = (scsi_dma_ops_t *)siop_std[0]; siop->dma_state = (*siop->dma_ops->init)(unit, reg); queue_init(&siop->waiting_targets); sc = scsi_master_alloc(unit, siop); siop->sc = sc; sc->go = siop_go; sc->probe = siop_probe_target; sc->watchdog = scsi_watchdog; siop->wd.reset = siop_reset_scsibus; #ifdef MACH_KERNEL sc->max_dma_data = -1; /* unlimited */ #else sc->max_dma_data = scsi_per_target_virtual; #endif /* * Reset chip */ s = splbio(); siop_reset(siop, TRUE); /* * Our SCSI id on the bus. */ sc->initiator_id = my_scsi_id(unit); printf("%s%d: my SCSI id is %d", ui->name, unit, sc->initiator_id); /* * For all possible targets, see if there is one and allocate * a descriptor for it if it is there. */ for (target_id = 0; target_id < 8; target_id++) { register unsigned csr, dsr; scsi_status_byte_t status; /* except of course ourselves */ if (target_id == sc->initiator_id) continue; ..... printf(",%s%d", did_banner++ ? " " : " target(s) at ", target_id); ..... /* * Found a target */ siop->ntargets++; { register target_info_t *tgt; tgt = scsi_slave_alloc(unit, target_id, siop); tgt->cmd_ptr = ... tgt->dma_ptr = ... #ifdef MACH_KERNEL #else /*MACH_KERNEL*/ fdma_init(&tgt->fdma, scsi_per_target_virtual); #endif /*MACH_KERNEL*/ } } printf(".\n"); splx(s); return 1; } boolean_t siop_probe_target(sc, tgt, ior) scsi_softc_t *sc; target_info_t *tgt; io_req_t ior; { siop_softc_t siop = siop_softc[sc->masterno]; boolean_t newlywed; newlywed = (tgt->cmd_ptr == 0); if (newlywed) { /* desc was allocated afresh */ tgt->cmd_ptr = ... tgt->dma_ptr = ... #ifdef MACH_KERNEL #else /*MACH_KERNEL*/ fdma_init(&tgt->fdma, scsi_per_target_virtual); #endif /*MACH_KERNEL*/ } if (scsi_inquiry(sc, tgt, SCSI_INQ_STD_DATA) == SCSI_RET_DEVICE_DOWN) return FALSE; tgt->flags = TGT_ALIVE; return TRUE; } static siop_wait(preg, until) volatile unsigned char *preg; { int timeo = 1000000; while ((*preg & until) != until) { delay(1); if (!timeo--) { printf("siop_wait TIMEO with x%x\n", *preg); break; } } return *preg; } siop_reset(siop, quickly) siop_softc_t siop; boolean_t quickly; { register siop_padded_regmap_t *regs = siop->regs; .... if (quickly) return; /* * reset the scsi bus, the interrupt routine does the rest * or you can call siop_bus_reset(). */ .... } /* * Operational functions */ /* * Start a SCSI command on a target */ siop_go(sc, tgt, cmd_count, in_count, cmd_only) scsi_softc_t *sc; target_info_t *tgt; boolean_t cmd_only; { siop_softc_t siop; register int s; boolean_t disconn; script_t scp; boolean_t (*handler)(); LOG(1,"go"); siop = (siop_softc_t)tgt->hw_state; .... } siop_attempt_selection(siop) siop_softc_t siop; { target_info_t *tgt; register int out_count; siop_padded_regmap_t *regs; register int cmd; boolean_t ok; scsi_ret_t ret; regs = siop->regs; tgt = siop->next_target; LOG(4,"select"); LOG(0x80+tgt->target_id,0); /* * Init bus state variables and set registers. */ siop->active_target = tgt; /* reselection pending ? */ ...... } /* * Interrupt routine * Take interrupts from the chip * * Implementation: * Move along the current command's script if * all is well, invoke error handler if not. */ siop_intr(unit) { register siop_softc_t siop; register script_t scp; register unsigned csr, bs, cmd; register siop_padded_regmap_t *regs; boolean_t try_match; #if notyet extern boolean_t rz_use_mapped_interface; if (rz_use_mapped_interface) return SIOP_intr(unit); #endif LOG(5,"\n\tintr"); siop = siop_softc[unit]; regs = siop->regs; /* ack interrupt */ .... } siop_target_intr(siop) register siop_softc_t siop; { panic("SIOP: TARGET MODE !!!\n"); } /* * All the many little things that the interrupt * routine might switch to */ #endif /*NSIOP > 0*/