/* * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1991,1990 Carnegie Mellon University * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon * the rights to redistribute these changes. */ #include <stdarg.h> #include "write.h" #include "utils.h" #include "global.h" void WriteImport(FILE *file, const_string_t filename) { fprintf(file, "#include %s\n", filename); } void WriteRCSDecl(FILE *file, identifier_t name, const_string_t rcs) { fprintf(file, "#ifndef\tlint\n"); fprintf(file, "#if\tUseExternRCSId\n"); fprintf(file, "char %s_rcsid[] = %s;\n", name, rcs); fprintf(file, "#else\t/* UseExternRCSId */\n"); fprintf(file, "static char rcsid[] = %s;\n", rcs); fprintf(file, "#endif\t/* UseExternRCSId */\n"); fprintf(file, "#endif\t/* lint */\n"); fprintf(file, "\n"); } void WriteBogusDefines(FILE *file) { fprintf(file, "#ifndef\tmig_internal\n"); fprintf(file, "#define\tmig_internal\tstatic\n"); fprintf(file, "#endif\n"); fprintf(file, "\n"); fprintf(file, "#ifndef\tmig_external\n"); fprintf(file, "#define mig_external\n"); fprintf(file, "#endif\n"); fprintf(file, "\n"); fprintf(file, "#ifndef\tTypeCheck\n"); fprintf(file, "#define\tTypeCheck 1\n"); fprintf(file, "#endif\n"); fprintf(file, "\n"); fprintf(file, "#ifndef\tUseExternRCSId\n"); fprintf(file, "#define\tUseExternRCSId\t\t1\n"); fprintf(file, "#endif\n"); fprintf(file, "\n"); } void WriteList(FILE *file, const argument_t *args, write_list_fn_t *func, u_int mask, const char *between, const char *after) { register const argument_t *arg; register boolean_t sawone = FALSE; for (arg = args; arg != argNULL; arg = arg->argNext) if (akCheckAll(arg->argKind, mask)) { if (sawone) fprintf(file, "%s", between); sawone = TRUE; (*func)(file, arg); } if (sawone) fprintf(file, "%s", after); } static boolean_t WriteReverseListPrim(FILE *file, register const argument_t *arg, write_list_fn_t *func, u_int mask, const char *between) { boolean_t sawone = FALSE; if (arg != argNULL) { sawone = WriteReverseListPrim(file, arg->argNext, func, mask, between); if (akCheckAll(arg->argKind, mask)) { if (sawone) fprintf(file, "%s", between); sawone = TRUE; (*func)(file, arg); } } return sawone; } void WriteReverseList(FILE *file, const argument_t *args, write_list_fn_t *func, u_int mask, const char *between, const char *after) { boolean_t sawone; sawone = WriteReverseListPrim(file, args, func, mask, between); if (sawone) fprintf(file, "%s", after); } void WriteNameDecl(FILE *file, const argument_t *arg) { fprintf(file, "%s", arg->argVarName); } void WriteUserVarDecl(FILE *file, const argument_t *arg) { const char *ref = arg->argByReferenceUser ? "*" : ""; fprintf(file, "\t%s %s%s", arg->argType->itUserType, ref, arg->argVarName); } void WriteServerVarDecl(FILE *file, const argument_t *arg) { const char *ref = arg->argByReferenceServer ? "*" : ""; fprintf(file, "\t%s %s%s", arg->argType->itTransType, ref, arg->argVarName); } void WriteTypeDeclIn(FILE *file, register const argument_t *arg) { WriteStaticDecl(file, arg->argType, arg->argType->itIndefinite ? d_NO : arg->argDeallocate, arg->argLongForm, TRUE, arg->argTTName); } void WriteTypeDeclOut(FILE *file, register const argument_t *arg) { WriteStaticDecl(file, arg->argType, arg->argType->itIndefinite ? d_NO : arg->argDeallocate, arg->argLongForm, FALSE, arg->argTTName); } void WriteCheckDecl(FILE *file, register const argument_t *arg) { register const ipc_type_t *it = arg->argType; /* We'll only be called for short-form types. Note we use itOutNameStr instead of itInNameStr, because this declaration will be used to check received types. */ fprintf(file, "\tstatic const mach_msg_type_t %sCheck = {\n", arg->argVarName); fprintf(file, "\t\t/* msgt_name = */\t\t%s,\n", it->itOutNameStr); fprintf(file, "\t\t/* msgt_size = */\t\t%d,\n", it->itSize); fprintf(file, "\t\t/* msgt_number = */\t\t%d,\n", it->itNumber); fprintf(file, "\t\t/* msgt_inline = */\t\t%s,\n", strbool(it->itInLine)); fprintf(file, "\t\t/* msgt_longform = */\t\tFALSE,\n"); fprintf(file, "\t\t/* msgt_deallocate = */\t\t%s,\n", strbool(!it->itInLine)); fprintf(file, "\t\t/* msgt_unused = */\t\t0\n"); fprintf(file, "\t};\n"); } const char * ReturnTypeStr(const routine_t *rt) { if (rt->rtReturn == argNULL) return "void"; else return rt->rtReturn->argType->itUserType; } const char * FetchUserType(const ipc_type_t *it) { return it->itUserType; } const char * FetchServerType(const ipc_type_t *it) { return it->itServerType; } void WriteFieldDeclPrim(FILE *file, const argument_t *arg, const char *(*tfunc)(const ipc_type_t *)) { register const ipc_type_t *it = arg->argType; fprintf(file, "\t\tmach_msg_type_%st %s;\n", arg->argLongForm ? "long_" : "", arg->argTTName); if (it->itInLine && it->itVarArray) { register ipc_type_t *btype = it->itElement; /* * Build our own declaration for a varying array: * use the element type and maximum size specified. * Note arg->argCount->argMultiplier == btype->itNumber. */ fprintf(file, "\t\t%s %s[%d];", (*tfunc)(btype), arg->argMsgField, it->itNumber/btype->itNumber); } else fprintf(file, "\t\t%s %s;", (*tfunc)(it), arg->argMsgField); if (it->itPadSize != 0) fprintf(file, "\n\t\tchar %s[%d];", arg->argPadName, it->itPadSize); } void WriteStructDecl(FILE *file, const argument_t *args, write_list_fn_t *func, u_int mask, const char *name) { fprintf(file, "\ttypedef struct {\n"); fprintf(file, "\t\tmach_msg_header_t Head;\n"); WriteList(file, args, func, mask, "\n", "\n"); fprintf(file, "\t} %s;\n", name); fprintf(file, "\n"); } static void WriteStaticLongDecl(FILE *file, register const ipc_type_t *it, dealloc_t dealloc, boolean_t inname, identifier_t name) { fprintf(file, "\tstatic const mach_msg_type_long_t %s = {\n", name); fprintf(file, "\t{\n"); fprintf(file, "\t\t/* msgt_name = */\t\t0,\n"); fprintf(file, "\t\t/* msgt_size = */\t\t0,\n"); fprintf(file, "\t\t/* msgt_number = */\t\t0,\n"); fprintf(file, "\t\t/* msgt_inline = */\t\t%s,\n", strbool(it->itInLine)); fprintf(file, "\t\t/* msgt_longform = */\t\tTRUE,\n"); fprintf(file, "\t\t/* msgt_deallocate = */\t\t%s,\n", strdealloc(dealloc)); fprintf(file, "\t\t/* msgt_unused = */\t\t0\n"); fprintf(file, "\t},\n"); fprintf(file, "\t\t/* msgtl_name = */\t%s,\n", inname ? it->itInNameStr : it->itOutNameStr); fprintf(file, "\t\t/* msgtl_size = */\t%d,\n", it->itSize); fprintf(file, "\t\t/* msgtl_number = */\t%d,\n", it->itNumber); fprintf(file, "\t};\n"); } static void WriteStaticShortDecl(FILE *file, register const ipc_type_t *it, dealloc_t dealloc, boolean_t inname, identifier_t name) { fprintf(file, "\tstatic const mach_msg_type_t %s = {\n", name); fprintf(file, "\t\t/* msgt_name = */\t\t%s,\n", inname ? it->itInNameStr : it->itOutNameStr); fprintf(file, "\t\t/* msgt_size = */\t\t%d,\n", it->itSize); fprintf(file, "\t\t/* msgt_number = */\t\t%d,\n", it->itNumber); fprintf(file, "\t\t/* msgt_inline = */\t\t%s,\n", strbool(it->itInLine)); fprintf(file, "\t\t/* msgt_longform = */\t\tFALSE,\n"); fprintf(file, "\t\t/* msgt_deallocate = */\t\t%s,\n", strdealloc(dealloc)); fprintf(file, "\t\t/* msgt_unused = */\t\t0\n"); fprintf(file, "\t};\n"); } void WriteStaticDecl(FILE *file, const ipc_type_t *it, dealloc_t dealloc, boolean_t longform, boolean_t inname, identifier_t name) { if (longform) WriteStaticLongDecl(file, it, dealloc, inname, name); else WriteStaticShortDecl(file, it, dealloc, inname, name); } /* * Like vfprintf, but omits a leading comment in the format string * and skips the items that would be printed by it. Only %s, %d, * and %f are recognized. */ static void SkipVFPrintf(FILE *file, register const char *fmt, va_list pvar) { if (*fmt == 0) return; /* degenerate case */ if (fmt[0] == '/' && fmt[1] == '*') { /* Format string begins with C comment. Scan format string until end-comment delimiter, skipping the items in pvar that the enclosed format items would print. */ register int c; fmt += 2; for (;;) { c = *fmt++; if (c == 0) return; /* nothing to format */ if (c == '*') { if (*fmt == '/') { break; } } else if (c == '%') { /* Field to skip */ c = *fmt++; switch (c) { case 's': (void) va_arg(pvar, char *); break; case 'd': (void) va_arg(pvar, int); break; case 'f': (void) va_arg(pvar, double); break; case '\0': return; /* error - fmt ends with '%' */ default: break; } } } /* End of comment. To be pretty, skip the space that follows. */ fmt++; if (*fmt == ' ') fmt++; } /* Now format the string. */ (void) vfprintf(file, fmt, pvar); } void WriteCopyType(FILE *file, const ipc_type_t *it, const char *left, const char *right, ...) { va_list pvar; va_start(pvar, right); if (it->itStruct) { fprintf(file, "\t"); SkipVFPrintf(file, left, pvar); fprintf(file, " = "); SkipVFPrintf(file, right, pvar); fprintf(file, ";\n"); } else if (it->itString) { fprintf(file, "\t(void) %smig_strncpy(", SubrPrefix); SkipVFPrintf(file, left, pvar); fprintf(file, ", "); SkipVFPrintf(file, right, pvar); fprintf(file, ", %d);\n", it->itTypeSize); } else { fprintf(file, "\t{ typedef struct { char data[%d]; } *sp; * (sp) ", it->itTypeSize); SkipVFPrintf(file, left, pvar); fprintf(file, " = * (sp) "); SkipVFPrintf(file, right, pvar); fprintf(file, "; }\n"); } va_end(pvar); } void WritePackMsgType(FILE *file, const ipc_type_t *it, dealloc_t dealloc, boolean_t longform, boolean_t inname, const char *left, const char *right, ...) { va_list pvar; va_start(pvar, right); fprintf(file, "\t"); SkipVFPrintf(file, left, pvar); fprintf(file, " = "); SkipVFPrintf(file, right, pvar); fprintf(file, ";\n"); va_end(pvar); }